Longevity is Different, Caishikou Was Beheaded at the Beginning

Chapter 533: Myriad Tribulations, Immortals, Human Race

"God Toad?"

All the honored guests are well-informed, and they all know the meaning of the word toad, not only a powerful and extraterrestrial god, but also a rare **** in the abyss who is quite friendly to the human race.

And the source of the Dao veins of the Nine Toad Sect in the world is also Him.

It just so happened that among the guests there was also a member of the Nine Toad Sect, who was a highly respected elder, called [Jinchan Daoist], who was also a real person from the Bliss Realm.

His expression was the most excited, and he followed suit, but his attitude was more respectful than that of Tao Qian and his wife.

At the same time, Jin Chan's heart couldn't help but sour and secretly said: "In those days when the suzerain got married and married the princess of Dao Lv Yuechan's clan, Lord Chan Shen used the excuse of going to sleep and didn't want to come to watch the ceremony, but he didn't know how Master Tao got the name of Shen Shen. I like it so much that I am willing to watch the ceremony in person, not to mention that during the New Moon Incident, the Toad God also gave treasures to Tao Zhenren to successfully defeat [Yellow Clothes from Outside the Territory], which is completely inconsistent with the Toad God’s temperament.”

Just as Daoist Jinchan was slandering, more scenes that shocked the guests appeared one after another.

The sky was cracked again, and an incomparably huge, although not real, but five pure and shining stars appeared.

Although it is a star, it is also a god.

All the guests knew it.

"Shou Xing?"

Tao Qian also showed surprise.

He did have a relationship with Shou Xing, and now the source of the immortal peach forest on the immortal island is this mysterious foreign god.

I didn't expect that He would come too.

The two gods, the Toad God and Shouxing, came here because of their respect and old relationship. This is still in the past.

But soon, the sky will crack again.

The three paths are obviously human, but incomparably stalwart and unpredictable figures appear on the other side of the sky. The air they overflowed is completely integrated with the human race. They are far away and wild, extremely sacred, and their status and status are ready to be revealed, especially behind the three of them. There are also standing figures with strong human emperor qi.

"Three Holy Emperors and a group of ancient emperors?"

"how can that be?"

In front of Biyou Palace, all the guests who came to the banquet to observe the ceremony all had the same look at the moment.

Horrified and unbelievable, cognition collapsed.

I know Tao Zhenren has a big face, but how can he be so big?

There must be something extraordinary going on here.

Even Tao Qian himself reacted at this time.

"Tianzun, the sect master, a group of second-generation patriarchs, and the toad **** can come, which is quite reasonable. Even the birthday star, who came to see the younger generation who picked up his peach core and planted it, has nothing to say."

"But the Three Holy Emperors, together with the ancient emperors, have no reason to come."

This doubt has just been born, and subsequent changes have followed.

One after another, with different Qi and Qi, the silhouettes of the gods and gods of different origins flashed outside the realm.

Every deity Jie Xian or almighty stared at Tao Qian through the world barrier, as if they came specifically to take a look.

In the eyes, most of them are satisfied and encouraging.

Although no one including Tao Qian can see the true identity of the "gods", the general outline and Yuan Qi can be known, and they can be guessed to reveal their identities and names by comparison.

For a while, exclamations were heard incessantly.

Among the guests was a monk from Shen'erzong who had attained Taoism in the form of a spiritual rabbit, and immediately sighed:

"At that time, Zulong searched the world for resources, invited monks and warlocks, and obtained the permission of the three supreme gods, Taishang, Yuanshi, and Lingbao, and compiled a volume of "Map of the Immortals of Ten Thousand Tribulations", which contained one It is related to the human race, or it is simply the **** of the gods who has become a **** in the human race."

"There is a scrap book in my sect, which has been kept for many years. I thought that it would be impossible to see the immortals on the map when the lifespan of the poor road was exhausted."

"But I don't want to be in front of the Biyou Palace, at the big wedding banquet of Tao Zhenren, to be able to see one-third or even nearly half of the gods and gods on the map, the great power of the human race."

"Chaowen Daoxi can die!"

"Even if the poor road is sitting down today, it is worthwhile."

Just when this rabbit repair was overexcited and said some crazy things.

In front of Biyou Palace, including Tao Qian, many cultivators had the same thought in their hearts after listening to the rabbit repair: "Then "The Atlas of Myriad Tribulations and Immortals" shows nearly half, what about the remaining half?"

As if to give everyone an answer, a new big accident happened suddenly.

It's just that this time, it's not in the Penglai Sea of ​​Lingbaozong Mountain Gate, but in another realm.

Longevity Celestial Dynasty, Southland, an unprecedented gathering is going on.

Yu Yanshi, the president of the Salvation Nation, who was promoted by dozens of southern provinces as the leader, is the first true biography of Yuanshizong in the contemporary era, known as the Daozi of Yuanshi, the son of destiny, and the candidate of the emperor.

The country will be energized today, and the swearing-in meeting will be held. His subordinates have gathered more than a dozen provincial consuls, including the governor of Yunnan and Yunnan Province, Lu Qianjun, together with the large and small cultivation sects in the south, and all the avenues, the power displayed by them has leaped to surpass Zhang Jinluan, Si Xixin, Yin Yuehua three people.

After that, Yu Yanshi read out the decree of Tianzun, the content of which has more content than before, and there is no longer any cover.

It is claimed to fully promote the integration of the ordinary world and the cultivation world, and to create an unprecedented "Longevity Immortal Dynasty".

This move is for the fate of the human race. No matter who stops it, the evil spirits and evil spirits in the world will be swept away.

Zhang Jinluan, Si Xixin, and others should see the situation clearly, surrender quickly, and be unified.

These are nothing but ordinary means.

What really shocked people was the sky that split open after Yu Yanshi read out Tianzun's will, and the phantoms of the gods projected from the depths of the abyss.

And who is in the middle is self-evident.

Yuanshi Tianzun!

No one could have imagined the unfolding, when Lingbao Tianzun unexpectedly observed the wedding ceremony of his true disciple and grandson, Yuanshi Tianzun also condescended to be Yu Yanshi's platform.

At this moment, the Changsheng Celestial Dynasty, no, it should be said that it is the entire Changsheng Realm.

Every piece of sky, earth, every corner is shaking.


Anyone with a heart will know at a glance that the ghosts of the gods came from Tao Zhenren and Yu Yanshi.

Putting it all together, it is almost the complete version of the "Map of the Immortals of Myriad Tribulations".

However, the shock and joy after seeing the gods related to the human race appeared, only lasted for a few breaths.

Since the fifth breath, when the projections of the gods appeared one by one, the world of immortality began to distort, and various unimaginable natural disasters, terrifying and inexplicable phenomena could not be contained.

The rest of the monks and ordinary people only felt that there was a big movement, and it seemed that a catastrophe was imminent.

And Tao Qian, experience even more.

In his pair of lucid eyes, the world of longevity is being overturned in front of him, the phantom of the terrifying gods, the Origin Qi that they overflowed, even if it is only a wisp, is a terrifying disaster for the world of longevity, it is alienation The source is the root of depravity.

It gathers together like a colorful Tianhe that blends into hundreds of millions of filthy colors, pouring back from the great abyss outside the territory.

The two filthy rivers in the north and south will collide in an instant.

Tao Qian's eyes immediately felt a tingling pain, and he cried out in his heart:

"Something must have happened outside the realm, causing the gods to split up. My wedding, and Yu Yanshi's swearing-in meeting, became an opportunity for confrontation."

"Once a cultivator sets foot in the Taoist realm, the 'dao' he cultivates will pollute the surroundings. This is also the reason why the Taoist master cannot enter the longevity realm with his true self. The world instinctively rejects these powerful individuals, let alone Taoist. Above the Tribulation Immortal Realm, there are those who are equivalent to Tribulation Immortals, either innate or acquired."

"The gods are projected together, and the pollution carried, even if it is just a collision, is enough to cause irreversible damage to the Longevity Realm."

Just when Tao Qian was so anxious.

Suddenly, the two incomparably vast and filthy Tianhe suddenly rolled back before they collided and disappeared without a trace.

This naturally means that the gods are leaving.

Before leaving, the movements of the gods on both sides were extremely tacit.

On Tao Qian's side, the sky over the vast Penglai Sea was completely open, and countless treasures, supplies, and secret books descended from outside the domain.

It's pouring rain!

But it was a beaming, shocking rain of treasures.

All the guests were stunned on the spot because of this, which was absolutely unprecedented and had never happened before.

Also on Yu Yanshi's side, the gods of Yuanshi Tianzun's camp also threw a lot of resources and treasures into the world before leaving.

This sight!

This movement!

Zhang Jinluan and Si Xixin were both very annoyed.

Obviously, they have been thoroughly compared.

Even though the two have extraordinary wisdom, have the ambition to compete for the throne of the emperor, and are both tyrannical and supportive, how can they compare with Tao Qian and Yu Yanshi?

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Knowing that behind them, there are two Tianzun Lingbao and Tianzun Yuanshi.

On this day, it was even more obvious that the two Heavenly Venerates supported their respective disciples to become emperors.

Looking at the overwhelming rain of treasures and supplies, Yu Yancei was overjoyed.

On the contrary, it was Tao Qian, who was quite troubled.

At this time, he didn't need anyone's guidance to wake up, and the humanistic luck that suddenly rolled up again~www.wuxiaspot.com~ billowed with calamity, pushing him, wrapping him, allowing him to be able to be in the moment when the gods left, Through the gap of the gods, I glimpsed the amazing changes in the depths of the great abyss outside the territory.

Lingbao's Sutra of Saving Human Beings, the secret volume contains: "In the beginning, there was the Tao, the source sea was boundless, and the gods slept forever... If a person is like a speck of dust, he can cut off the Tao and live forever."

In a few short words, in fact, the mystery of the rise of the human race has been exhausted.

At the same time, it also depicts the real scene of the boundless source sea in the depths of the Great Abyss.

When it is calm and peaceful, all the gods can sleep in it.

The gods were sleeping, and they gave opportunities to hundreds of millions of races in the great abyss, including the human race.

Taishang said that there is no way to get the Tao, Yuan Shi said that to follow the sky and get the Tao, Lingbao simply intercepted the Tao.

There are also Buddhas, demons, demons, sidemen, and other dao channels, all of whom have become gods and will live forever in the world.

On closer inspection, it's actually back to the starting point.


But this time, it's people who eat God.

In the beginning, Xu only ate the Origin Qi flowing out of the gods, then their children, then Xu's limbs, and then...the gods themselves.

"The ancestors of the human race, exhausted all kinds of 'eating' methods, and obtained the Tao from the sleeping gods in the source sea."

"Now, is it time to pay the price?"

Tao Qian thought about this, and the scene of the source sea that he saw at that moment just appeared in his mind.

The originally peaceful and boundless Sea of ​​​​Origin clearly showed signs of boiling. One by one, the huge "bubbles" like the world rolled up from the depths of the source sea, indicating what happened.

"The source sea is boiling, and the countless evil gods that cannot be looked at directly are awakening."

"The three Supreme Heavenly Venerates allowed the two worlds to merge and agreed to create a longevity immortal dynasty based on nearly 10 billion human races."

"It's just that Lingbao and Yuanshi have a disagreement on the leader of the Xian Dynasty, and that's the scene just now."

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