Longevity is Different, Caishikou Was Beheaded at the Beginning

Chapter 534: Injustice evil god, Lingbao Ganlin

"So in the end, Tianzun is here to watch the ceremony and to support me?"

Thinking about this, Tao Qian couldn't help but feel helpless.

The rest of the monks and the spectators, although they did not know the changes in the source sea.

But from the two big movements that caused the Changsheng Realm to shake, one can faintly guess that the two Supreme Heavenly Venerates are probably facing each other.

After a little guess, most people have a clear understanding.

"Honey, could it be that Yuanshi and Lingbao are going to fight?"

"Why is it so sudden? I have never heard that these two have a grudge before, so why is there a conflict today."

"Mostly it's still a matter of the emperor's honor, and it can make the two gods show up. I'm afraid the position of the emperor this time is extremely important."

"Yuanshi Tianzun has a decree to create an immortal dynasty of longevity. Does this mean that the emperor will also be the lord of the immortal dynasty. In this way, it is indeed the most precious and important honor of the emperor in the past, even if it was the ancestor of the year. The position of the dragon's exploits is not comparable to that of the original ruler of the Immortal Dynasty."

"This is reasonable, Yuanshi Tianzun supports Yu Yanshi, and Lingbao Tianzun supports his own true inheritance Tao Zhenren."

"If this is the case, I support Tao Zhenren, after all, I am the most loyal reader of "Tao Zhenren Yan Shi", if he becomes the emperor, the author of the book is afraid of going crazy, and he has to write more than a hundred chapters and a thousand chapters. "

"Yu Yanshi is a bit more treacherous than Tao Zhenren, kinder than Zhang Jinluan, and his righteousness has also overwhelmed Si Xixi's heart... Among the several heavenly arrogances, he is indeed more like a human emperor, and has a high position. I'm afraid he will be seated."

As soon as the situation was revealed, all kinds of discussions became louder.

Lord of the Immortal Dynasty!

The meaning of these four characters is incomparable to the previous ordinary emperor.

Who is more suitable between Yu Yanshi and Tao Zhenren?

Including Penglaihai, in the seventy-two provinces, the common people and the cultivation world are all arguing.

But in this scene, the saddest are Zhang Jinluan and Si Xixin.

The situation has changed drastically.

They were the most competitive of the two before, but now the limelight has been robbed.

Yu Yanshi will stop, what's the matter with Tao Zhenren?

The two themselves and the forces behind them are extremely terrifying. Naturally, they all know Tao's concentration, knowing that this extraordinary Lingbao Daozi has no ambition to compete for the emperor, and has no intention of taking that position.

Now, it has been pushed to the top abruptly?

Just when the seventy-two provinces were in a turmoil, Tao Qian was also in a dilemma and fell into thinking.

He really never thought about that position, but Lingbao Tianzun did not hesitate to fight against Yuanshi Tianzun and appeared to support him, which made him very embarrassed.

Fortunately, Tao Qian reacted very quickly, thinking:

"Heavenly Venerable did not persecute me, nor did he issue any decree. He just led a group of sect masters and gods to show up. I think I also know that I have a hidden disease 'Dao Nightmare', and I am not determined to do so, and I can't cultivate the emperor's road at all. "

"Road conflict, but not so stubborn."

"As for this fate, the prayers of all peoples..."

The thought flashed to this moment, and Tao Qian also heard the inner cry of many people in the seventy-two provinces of the Changsheng Dynasty in his mind.

But it wasn't a cliché wish of Lao Shizi "seeking a real person to be the emperor", but an instinctive desire.

Tao Qian is a human being, thinking about cultivating immortals and longevity, and being at ease.

He can think of it, but Wanmin can't think of it?

Everyone in the human race wants to survive better and be more comfortable.

These prayers are the foundation of the Immortal Dynasty.

When there is desire, there is drive.

After years of torment and intrusion, the human race finally brewed a strong momentum.

If it can be achieved, the human race, a race that has struggled for many years, may achieve a racial leap.

Only by realizing the leap, can the human race accumulate some strength to deal with the Origin Sea Catastrophe that may erupt?

After thinking about this, Tao Qian suddenly said secretly:

"Although Tianzun never said it clearly, I can't back down from this. It really makes Tianzun lose face."

"I'm too lazy to fight for the position of the emperor, that's not my path."

"But it makes some human races fly up a small ladder, a small realm, I can give it a try."

Tao Qian had such an idea, and it was because he heard the prayers of the people at this moment, and he immediately had some feedback.

The "Salvation of Human Beings" that he cultivated is the supreme book of the Book of Life, which is also very consistent with Tao Qian.

Such a big movement gave him an epiphany, and the road went further.

"Good chance!"

"But you can't miss it."

Tao Qian turned his eyes while thinking, and he landed on the "Treasure Rain" that was still pouring down in the Penglai Sea. In an instant, he had a wonderful plan.

But he didn't do it right away, instead he looked at his beautiful and charming sister in front of him.

In the eyes, there is the meaning of consultation.

Yun Rong was in the same mind with him, so he didn't need Tao Qian to speak, and replied directly:

"Husband, just do what you do. You and I are not the kind of people who are greedy for treasures and supplies. These things are just piled up in our treasure bags and wasted in vain."

"And the dowry you gave, husband, and my dowry, why don't you take them all."

The previous sentence has already shown the generosity of Yunrong.

Immortals, demons, Buddhas, demons, and other guests all looked surprised when they heard the words. Although they didn't know what Tao Zhenren wanted, it seemed that they meant to give away this huge treasure.

It should be noted that the source of the rain of treasures pouring down now is a group of gods.

Each piece is a rare treasure that is hard to find in the world.

Gather them together and pile them up, and in an instant, you can create the most precious [Treasure House of the Gods] in the Longevity Realm.

This kind of treatment is something that Tao Qian's teacher Duobao Zhenjun has never had.

Tao Zhenren and Yunrong and his wife got it. If you don't hurry up and put it away, you still want to send it out?

What's even more incredible is that, along with the dowry and dowry, the dowry and dowry are also given away.

Just when the faces of the audience were full of disbelief, Yu Yanshi, the emperor of the ten southern provinces, together with a large number of cultivation sects and the Changsheng family, began to officially announce to the world many details about the [Longevity Immortal Dynasty].

At this time, Yu Yanshi had completely ignored Zhang Jinluan, Si Xixin, and others, as if he was a real emperor.

He ordered all the people of the seventy-two provinces to obey, and summoned virtuous people from all over the world to assist him.

Even the promotion paths of generals, politics, Taoism and many other aspects have been promulgated one by one.

It sounds a bit arrogant, but the people of the seventy-two provinces are indeed boiling with this.


Promotion path!

For the first time, Yu Yanshi combined the "low cost and clear" practice path with the rules of the secular dynasty, and made it public.

For example, one of them: [The National Salvation Army will form an immortal army of longevity, not limited to men, women and children. As long as they pass the verification, they can join the army as a soldier. On the first day of joining the army, they can get a volume of the basic exercises "Qi Qijue", as well as Qi Yang Dan. One, the two have almost no cost, but they can make the soldiers reborn, extraordinary and extraordinary, with extraordinary powers. 】

That is to say, even if you are just a commoner with no chance, as long as you can join the immortal dynasty that Yu Yanshi is about to create, you will have the opportunity to gain an extraordinary leap.

Anyone with a little bit of wisdom can see that Yuan Shizong and Yu Yanshi were clearly prepared at this time.

To create the unprecedented great deed of the Immortal Dynasty of Longevity, Yu Yanshi directly took the lead and started it first, almost making it clear that the reservation would be locked.

The previous methods such as [XinXinXueXing], [Killing Spiritual Races other than Human Race], etc., which SiXinXin has done before, are really nothing compared to Yu Yanshi and Yuan Shizong.

However, it can be seen and seen, but it does not hinder the boiling and excitement of the people in the seventy-two provinces.

With the fusion of the two worlds, all the people also know the iron law: everything that cultivates must have a price.

And those costs are extremely terrifying, extraordinary people can pay.

Therefore, even commoners have strong vigilance against those cultivation secret books and Origin Qi pills that can obtain extraordinary powers.

Therefore, the success rate of the fishermen has plummeted.

But this time, it was different.

Yuanshi Tianzun and all the gods in his camp all stood up to endorse Yu Yanshi.

In the imperial decree of the new "Human Sovereign", he said:

"The iron law is still the iron law, only the gods pity the world's sorrows and use the supreme magic power to open up a new way. The things such as the qi refining art and the qi nourishing pill that are bestowed on the people of the human race have been eliminated from pollution, and the cost has been reduced to a minimum. , after practicing and swallowing, you can obtain extraordinary power, only one year of lifespan is shortened, and most people will no longer be able to break through the realm, and a few geniuses can continue to move forward."

"This method was born to create an army of the Immortal Dynasty."

"Heavenly Venerable has given me a secret technique, which can help the extraordinary next page! Current page 1/total 2 pages

All living beings, whether Taoism, Buddhism, demons, or the other side, can come to cast and obtain the Tao. "

All these incredible policies and paths were promulgated.

The whole world is a general reaction.

Excited, go south.

For a while, not to mention that Zhang Jinluansi washed his heart, even Tao Zhenren was completely compared.

An extremely low-cost exercise secret book!

In fact, it is not uncommon, but such a large-scale supply, it is indeed unprecedented to express that it is to be given to the mortal people, and to take the human race to make an extraordinary leap.

Even the Three Sage Emperors of the year or the ancestors of the ancestors later, never did it.

"Large-scale distribution of such secret books, as well as extraordinary spirits."

"The terrifying price derived from this will definitely not disappear out of thin air."

"If other people come to this matter, I must suspect that there is a big conspiracy behind it, which will be a catastrophe for the human race."

"But this time..."

Tao Qian was also thoughtful in his heart. Although he felt a little strange, he did not feel any danger in it.

Ancestor Spirit, who is more sensitive than him in this regard, has an uncontrollable smile on his face.

Obviously, this change ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ should be driven by all the gods of the race, including the three supreme gods, including Taishang, Yuanshi, and Lingbao.

The most direct evidence: The first wave of the Immortal Dynasty policy implemented by Yu Yanshi was supported by the resources and treasures released by the Yuanshi Tianzun camp not long ago.

"Could it be that the price has been transferred to the countless evil gods in the great abyss?"

An unreliable guess flashed through Tao Qian's mind, and he no longer struggled.

The wedding was imminent, and he was about to carry the beautiful girl into the bridal chamber, and he didn't want to waste any more time.

Yu Yanshi took the gifts of the gods and developed his power.

The "money and gifts" that Tao Qian took were also of great use.

With Yunrong's permission, Tao Qian smiled.

With a bit of bad taste, he borrowed magical powers from the ancestors and communicated with the ancestors with the highest authority. In the next moment, he projected his blurry figure into almost every corner of the seventy-two provinces.

Yu Yanshi, Zhang Jinluan, Si Xixin, Yin Yuehua, etc., each had a larger or smaller radiation range.

But none of them can influence them all until they are in charge of all prohibitions.

Only Tao Qian is an exception.

His action instantly grabbed Yu Yanshi's limelight.

Billions of people have seen Tao Zhenren who is thinking about it.

This is not the end, what is even more incredible is the magical means that Tao Qian will use next.

At this moment, Tao Qian, dressed in wedding clothes, responded to the prayers of all the people that had been surging in his mind for a long time:

"I am Tao Qian, and I am cultivating the Book of Saving People."

"Before, I was fortunate to have the help of humanity and luck, and I set foot in bliss and perfection."

"Today Tao is getting married, and I specially invite all the people of the world to share this auspicious day with me."

"I will disperse all the treasures and family wealth, the gifts of the gods, and summon a shower of spiritual treasures that covers the territory of the seventy-two high-ranking officials and students."

"The human race and all sentient beings can enjoy it."

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