Longevity is Different, Caishikou Was Beheaded at the Beginning

Chapter 535: Taizhen tells the secret, Haotian kills the devil

First, Yu Yanshi wanted to build an immortal dynasty, to benefit ordinary people, and to give an extraordinary path.

Afterwards, there was Tao Zhenren who scattered his family wealth and poured down the rain to save all sentient beings.

It sounds like the two major forces have started some kind of competition, and the mortals of the human race are very rare to get all the benefits.

At the beginning, most people thought that the benefits that Tao Zhenren gave were not as good as Yu Yanshi's.

Lingbao Ganlin?

It's just a rain, how rare can it be?

It's not enough to need Tao Zhenren, the three-path fellow practitioner of the Great Perfection of Ultimate Bliss, to dissipate his family wealth. He also needs to build a [Treasure House of the Gods], which is a gift from the gods. He Tao Dazheng has every reason for himself Accepted, and then became the richest monk in the longevity world.

Even if Duobao is resurrected, it can't be compared to his beloved disciple.

Such a great and costless benefit, even a saint should receive it.

Tao Zhenren was good, but he had to give up all of them, just to save the seventy-two "Lingbao Ganlin".

Hearing this, many people became curious for a while, and they all wanted to know how mysterious the Gan Lin summoned by Tao Zhenren was.

Tao Qian did not delay, the moment his voice fell.

With a wave of the sleeve robe, the treasures and extraordinary things that can be seen everywhere in the Penglai Sea immediately returned to the sky like a rainstorm and returned to the sky, but instead of sending these gifts back to the gods, they directly borrowed the sky rail. Into the complete Ancestral God Forbidden Law.

With another wave, along with the dowry and dowry, they were also sent.

All of these countless treasures and extraordinary resources were transformed into large or small pure light spots of source energy, and were swallowed up by the sudden appearance of the nets of the heavens and the forbidden law of the ancestors.

Estimated a bit, know enough.

Tao Qian immediately saluted a large number of exotic treasures in the forbidden law, including the [Twelve Artifacts of Nine Provinces], and then said loudly: "All treasures have spirits, and help Tao."

After speaking, Tao Qian opened his mouth and sang: "The golden light of merit and virtue, Huihui opens up the darkness. The Huachi is really fragrant, and the lotus cover floats with the clouds. Thousands of spirits are very harmonious, and they often live on the twelfth floor. Paradise tour."

The Ganrain Technique is the basic spell of the Lingbao Sect, and it can be cast by any ordinary disciple who is randomly caught on the two major islands of Qingping Island and Bibo Island.

Summon some rain to cover several acres of land.

However, to overthrow the entire world and complete the seventy-two provinces, even Tao Qian, who is now blissful and complete, cannot do it.

Therefore, he borrowed the power of the Ancestral God's Forbidden Law.

If others open to borrow it, even if it is the elders of the sect masters of the twelve sects of Taoism, most of them will not be able to borrow it, but Tao Qian is different, and his face is indeed great.

He had just finished chanting the Lingbao Sweet Rain Mantra when the sky changed.

To be more precise, including the Penglai Sea, the seventy-two provinces of the Longevity Realm, and even some extreme areas such as the South China Sea, the North Sea, the Icefield, etc., have also appeared groups of "auspicious clouds" shining with golden light.

The thunder that seemed to awaken everything, roared and roared.

The rainstorm poured down.

At this moment, every province, every city, every city, every county, every village... even the major secret realms in the cultivation world have also received this unprecedented gift.

The Ganlin Lingyu that enveloped the world of immortality is also unprecedented.

Even some sect forces that have a grudge against Tao Qian, such as the Nie Zong, Mofo Temple, Xiujia, etc., have quietly opened the ban law formation. Falling from the rain.

Billions of people!

He walked out of the house in an incomparable tacit understanding and turned his back to the sky, letting the rain drip down from the sky.

At first, I only felt that the rain was sweet and beautiful, refreshing the heart and spleen.

Immediately after the shower, I felt clear and clear, and the pain was temporarily relieved.

Seeing the benefits, no one could bear it.

They went to look for all kinds of pots and pans and began to receive Gan Lin, and even those who were impatient, opened their mouths directly and started to drink, filling their stomachs.

Soon, the mortal monks knew how effective the rain was.

For the mortals of the human race, it is equivalent to a "spiritual talisman water" that can cure some minor ailments and mild illnesses at no cost, and it tastes sweet and can be drunk freely.

For monks, the spiritual effect is lower. Although it can wash the body and soul, it is more relaxing, but it cannot drive out too heavy dirty foreign objects.

For a time, many people were disappointed.

But most people are still ecstatic.

Those who are a little wiser admire Tao Zhenren even more.

These spiritual effects are not very tyrannical, but you must know that this rain is a gift that benefits billions of people. If there is a miraculous effect, the price will not be just the dowry and the treasure house of the gods, and Tao Qian's life is not enough.

Humans in this world have suffered a lot. When did they get such great benefits collectively?

On this day, Tao Qian's already terrifying reputation once again jumped to the point where billions of people chanted "Long Live Tao Zhenren" in unison.

It is said that with such a picture, Yu Yanshi, Zhang Jinluan, and Si Xixin should be very panicked.

However, no.

Tianjiao, who is interested in the honor of the emperor, was relieved when he saw this, and secretly said:

"Tao Zhenren really has no ambitions for a human emperor."

"Such treasures are enough to establish the prototype of the Immortal Dynasty in a short period of time, compete with Yu Yanshi and even easily overwhelm him, but he used it to cast Gan Rain. Want him to share a candy candy?"

"He has a good temperament and is very different from the world. Not only can he not be the emperor, he is afraid that the Lingbao Sect Master will not be able to turn him."

Just when the arrogance of the heavens and the masters of many great forces sighed endlessly.

Some inconspicuous worlds in the longevity world suddenly appeared some strange changes.

There are living beings!

Human race, or other races, or even ordinary plants and rocks.

After bathing in the "Lingbao Ganlin" summoned by Tao Qian, they were enlightened and gave birth to some incomparably mysterious changes.

There are living beings whose bodies have undergone earth-shattering transformations, and there are living beings who have obtained the seeds of thought.

The former is easy to say, but what changes will be made to the latter, but even Tao Qian himself does not know.

"This technique is already an extraordinary Lingbao Sweet Rain technique. It contains the gift of the gods, the essence of the gods, the spirit of humanity, and some private goods that I added."

"All sentient beings can be showered with sweet rain, and those who are destined can receive my true gift."

"A few seeds, just wait until the day they bloom, and see what surprises there are."

In front of Biyou Palace, Tao Qian thought these few thoughts.

At the same time, his eyes looking at the seventy-two provinces also reflected a series of special figures, including young men and women of the human race, as well as some alien races.

When Tao Qian looked at the world, he also felt a line of approving eyes cast from outside the domain.

Obviously, his actions were beyond everyone's expectations.

But in the eyes of the "gods" of Lingbao Tianzun's camp, it is very good.

The road conflict, Tao Qian successfully passed through the unexpected method.

When the whole world celebrates the blessings of the gods, it is most auspicious.

Fairy Mai, who presided over the wedding, motioned to play music and shouted at the same time:

"Goddess of Yuhuan, Lingbao Xianlang."

"Let's enjoy this evening, and Ming Phoenix."

"Phoenix and Ming, will soar and soar."

"Retire with the sky, Qingliu has nowhere to go."

Mai opened his mouth, and Xianyin Kagura also reached the peak.

Although there are no treasures of the gods, the blessings of the gods and endless people make the atmosphere of joy and happiness in Penglai fill every place.

Elder Yue and Fairy Hongluan, who came to the banquet in person, couldn't help but cast spells to summon the starlight of Hongluan in the sky and the red line under the moon.

Such a phenomenon is truly astonishing.

All the guests attending the banquet today will not be able to forget what they saw at this moment for hundreds of years.

It is against the backdrop of this celestial phenomenon!

Tao Qian and Yun Rong first worshipped heaven and earth, then their parents, and husband and wife.

It is said that after the ceremony, the wedding banquet will flow.

But just when the guests were about to turn around and have a banquet on the immortal island, Grandma Taizhen, who accepted Tao Qianyunrong's salutation with a smile, suddenly stood up at this time and shouted:

"Slow and slow!"

"Today is very happy, there is still something to do."

Hearing grandma's words, all the guests were puzzled, and Tao Qian was also puzzled.

The couple's worship is over, what else is there? There is only one room left.

Some worlds in the mortal world have some customs such as making bridal chambers, but the practice world does not like this.

Just when everyone was confused, they saw Grandma Taizhen, who was wearing a very festive dress, took out a treasure from her sleeve and said to Tao Qian:

"Good son-in-law, you have made such great achievements in the mortal world, and you have had a little trouble because of it."

"It is said that Daoist Brother Duobao is here to clean up your tail, but Daoist brother was lazy and reincarnated, and this matter fell on grandma."

"When you become the son-in-law of Yuhuan Mountain, you can also be regarded as a person from Yuhuan Mountain. You are a descendant of my [Dumu] lineage. You can bear this benefit. Next page! Current 1 page/total 2 pages


The voice fell, and before Tao Qian and all the guests could digest it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Grandma Taizhen spoke again, and unexpectedly spit out a secret that no cultivator in this world knew about.

"Good son-in-law, you killed the alchemist before, and you also killed the Huhai Demon Lord."

"You don't know that there is more than one demon embryo left by Zulong, besides Hu Hai, there is also one near the longevity world. This embryo was originally his heir, and he is old with [Hu Hai], and he is a blood brother. Although he has no talent, he has some opportunities.”

"I was first refined into a clone by the ancestor dragon, so that I can enjoy a thousand years of life and immortality."

"After that, when he was wandering in the Great Abyss, he merged with an evil creature from outside the realm."

"This evil **** is called [Red-toothed Xingjun]. It was originally a star monster with a high level of cultivation and was expected to become a god. Later, he participated in the battle of gods beyond his own capabilities and was severely injured. monster."

"Although this monster hates you very much, he has a cunning temperament and is cautious, and he will never shoot unless he is completely sure."

"It must be thinking of hiding in the dark, waiting for the opportunity to attack and kill you after you enter the great abyss."

"This small disaster was discovered by grandma, so she simply solved it for you."

"It's good too!"

"Your wedding with Yun Rong has caused so many visions. This idiot must come out of the secret territory to peep, and he should die today."

These remarks contained so many secret messages that Tao Qian and the guests in the field were stunned.

Grandma Taizhen had already taken out the treasure, and it was a mirror that was neither gold nor jade, engraved with the ancient seal of a tadpole, and the divine light was shining into the sky.

This mirror has a very high status.

Grandma Taizhen made it, and she had to hold the salute first, and then said:

"There is Mr. Lao Haotian!"

"For Yunrong and her good husband, he executed the Red-toothed Xingjun in the air."

"Three years of gestation, it should be peaceful, how can it be counted by such disgusting things."

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