Longevity is Different, Caishikou Was Beheaded at the Beginning

Chapter 536: There are gods outside the realm called food immortals, and real people want to create

As Grandma Taizhen's incomparably direct voice fell, a divine light burst forth in the Haotian Treasure Mirror.

Initially, only the fist is big.

But in the blink of an eye, it turned into an incomparably thick and vast blue light, gushing out, penetrating all obstacles along the way.

Xu Yu had already broken through the longevity boundary and reached outside the domain, and slammed into a secret place.

With the blue light shining, everyone happened to see the "evil spirit and strange thing" that protruded half of the body in the secret realm.

That creature is like a human but not a human, like an insect but not an insect.

The mountain-sized body was swollen and decayed, overflowing with blood-like liquid.

The outline of his upper body is a human race, and he wears a gorgeous robe that only princes can wear when the Longevity Celestial Dynasty established the country, and wears a noble crown, which fully corroborates what Taizhen's grandma said, the true identity of this evil spirit and demon embryo is the son of Zulong. The blood brother of Demon Lord Huhai.

And its lower body is actually dozens of extremely long tentacles, made of steel and flesh and blood, the end is a giant mouth, and the gaps are red eyes full of evil aura.

The most uncomfortable thing after seeing it is the [Scarlet Blood Teeth] embedded on the surface of its body.

There are at least one million pieces, covered with demon bodies, causing people to tingle their scalps and torn their hearts after looking at them.

this moment!

Everyone knows how the title of this monster "Red-Toothed Star Lord" came from.

When everyone saw him, he naturally saw the pictures of Penglai Sea, and also saw the Haotian divine light blazing towards him.

When the crisis of life and death came, he immediately shrieked.

Not to mention the blood lines all over the sky, the red teeth all over his body fell off one after another, tearing the surrounding void to help his body escape.

Unfortunately, how can it be done?

Grandma Taizhen's basic strength, since she does it, she will never give this so-called red-toothed star a chance to escape.

Sure enough, in the next moment, all his struggles were in vain.

Haotian Shenguang suddenly passed through the hole, completely freezing the secret realm, and everything inside began to disintegrate and shatter silently.

"The red-toothed star is a strange creature of the star spirit, and it is combined with the descendant of the ancestor dragon."

"Although there are old wounds, there should be no problem with the combat power of the half-step transformation realm. How could such tyrannical monsters die in a flash of light?"

"It is said that the treasure of the town of Yuhuan Mountain [Haotian Baojian] is a treasure from outside the realm. It was used by a congenital god. It has unparalleled power and can kill gods and demons... It was originally an exaggerated rumor, but now it seems clear It’s still modest, this treasure can kill alien demons with a single light, it’s really terrifying.”

"With such strong feet, Tao Zhenren and Fairy Yunrong are indeed a good match."

"One is the goddess Yuhuan, the other is the fairy man of Lingbao, the old man under the moon leads the red thread, and the fairy Hongluan bestows blessings. If this is not a good marriage, who else is?"

Just when all the guests were amazed, the red-toothed Xingjun who was suddenly killed by Haotian Shenguang outside the territory also officially lost his life.

This Xingjun with only half a demon body is also sad. After all, it is the combination of the ancestors of the dragon and a strange star spirit, and his feet are not bad at all.

If you fight seriously, you will definitely struggle.

It's a pity that Grandma Taizhen didn't have that kind of interest, so he asked Haotian Baojian to take action, and killed him when he was unprepared.

However, at this moment, a sudden change occurred.

After the body of the red-toothed star was completely disintegrated, it did not completely turn into nothingness. The innumerable "red teeth" were like a layer of armor, a portal. Pao Gongzi phantom, a twisted star spirit destroyed at the same time, but also the deepest content.

That is a mass of flesh and blood hidden in the body of the star spirit.

The tender and bright red meat is like a piece of red cloth, and a curled red tongue slowly stretches out at this time.

On the tongue, a face appeared vaguely.

There are twisted eyes, mouths, ears, noses... wriggling, talking, and roaring expressing a desire, a desire to devour flesh and life.

On the surface of all signs, the source of this red tongue is completely another level, a creature from another world.

No, that's a god.

This little piece of His flesh and blood instantly infected that piece of void into a deep red color.

The rich and foul-smelling blood appeared out of thin air, and it started to chug and dripped, and then it came towards the longevity world like a rainstorm.

In the middle of the journey, Yin Hong raindrops turned into various extraordinary things one after another.

There are pages and pages of secret books, as well as strange elixir, or weapons and treasures.

Tao Qian has the strongest eyesight, and he can use the power of the sky rail to see these things clearly in an instant.

Strange to say, although the words on the pages of the secret book are strange and mysterious, they seem to be specially prepared for the human race, and they can be automatically transformed at a glance.

""Blood Nerve", "Blood Body Art", [Sit and Forget Pill], [Red Red Devil Pill]... Good guy, that red tongue should be the alien evil **** that exists behind the star spirit. When the star spirit dies, he Appearing not for revenge, but for the benefit of the longevity world?"

"Oh, so generous, either a traitor or a thief."

Tao dived into the bottom of his heart, this thought just started.

On the other side, Grandma Taizhen didn't even need to speak, Haotian Baojian automatically triggered a second vast divine light.

The Hongmeng azure light broke through the sky, covering the pouring blood rain together with the many treasures and rations inside, and evaporating it.

At the same time, my grandmother seemed to see the origin of the red tongue, raised her eyebrows, shouted angrily, and said:

"I've long heard that one of the 'Ten Fearsomes of the Great Abyss', [Eating Immortals] has two hobbies. In addition to forcing other creatures to call themselves immortals, they prefer to use their own flesh and blood to parasitize many protoss or relatives, and only wait for these protoss. As soon as the family dies, He will show flesh and blood and sow the seeds."

"These secret books, the Book of Life and the Immortal Pills, once they are cultivated and eaten, they will become immortal-eating relatives in the future."

"I didn't expect the Great Abyss to be so vast. Grandma, I killed a star spirit at will, and I was really hit."


"Others call you a fairy, but grandma wants to call you a devil."

"It's just a meat worm that can't satisfy his appetite, and he actually calls himself an immortal."

It can be seen that Grandma Taizhen not only despised the food immortal who spread the secret book of blood rain, but also did not fear the person of the evil **** at all.

As soon as the voice fell, the vast blue light also swept away everything and disappeared outside the realm of longevity.

That Immortal Eater is not only a foreign evil god, but also has strange methods.

It's a pity that when I met Grandma Taizhen, she was unreasonable, and she couldn't turn the dust back to dust without even struggling.

With this scene change, the guests at the venue finally officially recognized "Yuhuan Mountain".

In other words, Doum's lineage.


Keep it short!

Even the disciples and elders of the twelve sects of Taoism also felt their horizons opened.

Just when everyone outside Biyou Palace was shocked, everyone saw that Grandma Taizhen put Haotian Baojian back into her sleeves, smiled proudly at Yunrong and Tao Qian, and immediately clapped her hands and shouted:

"Okay, the hatred has been eliminated, and the auspicious time has come."

"Send to the bridal chamber!"

"Send to the bridal chamber!"

The guests in the field, a group of gods and goddesses, and the descendants of the Taoism, also shouted and shouted.

Although they are all great supernatural powers with extraordinary powers, they usually have to deal with the cost and doom, and they are rarely involved in such happy events.

Seeing that Tao Qian first resolved the conflict on the Dao, and seeing Grandma Taizhen take action to eliminate the troublesome things from outside the domain, all the rituals were completed when the time was auspicious.

Everyone also felt joy from the heart, followed the fairy music, and sang and danced.

Penglai Sea is worthy of the name of "Wonderland" at this moment.

After the immortal feast, he went to the immortal island, the highest palace of Lingji Cave.

At this time, it was the candle night in the bridal chamber.

Tao Qian was wearing a celestial robe woven by Aunt Zhinu, and looked at his wife obsessively.

Tao Qian knew that he loved Sha Yunrong, not only because of this sister's beautiful skin and charming atmosphere, but also because of her sweetness and cuteness, as well as her unreserved and undisguised sincere disposition.

The two were already in love with each other, and now they have the blessing of Yue Lao Hong Rope and Hong Luan Starlight, which is the time when their passion is boiling.

In the bridal chamber, there were aunts such as Xiao Zhenren, the daughter of the country lord, a group of banshees on Yuhuan Mountain, and even Taizhen's grandmother, but after entering the bridal chamber, all the fairies found the bride and groom. They couldn't see them at all, only each other's figure in their eyes.

They all left laughing and handed over the good night to the two newcomers.

Before she left, Grandma Taizhen glanced at Tao Qian, and then muttered in her heart, "Anyway, he is the Great Master of Bliss, a fellow practitioner of the Three Sects, and his body should be fine..."

Others go to the end, this couple will no longer be in the way.

Tao Qian stepped forward and hugged his wife, sat on the warm bed, and complained to each other.

Although these two have used various secret techniques and supernatural powers to meet in dreams or illusions, even though they are separated by thousands of miles, next page ! Current 1 page/Total 2 pages

Don't get in the way of their rendezvous.

But after all, it was just "a thousand miles of friendship", and it was slightly different from the feeling of touching the skin at this time.

"Good lady..."

Holding the beautiful woman, Tao Qian was about to say something.

Suddenly, a new narrative burst out in my mind, saying that Yunrong's Dharma body is different.

Without waiting for Tao Qian to take a closer look, he immediately discovered that since entering his arms, Yunrong's body has become hot and hot, and his skin is more like red jade, constantly overflowing with some pink breath, and releasing a rich aroma of body fluid.

Yun Rong also seemed to be patient, lowered his head, leaned close to Tao Qian's ear, and bit this Lang Jun's ear. His voice was soft and charming, so charming that he almost made Tao Dazheng explain it on the spot.

Just listening to her, greasy voice spit out a secret:

"I want my husband to know that Yun Rong was able to take a [Xiantian Yin Qi Dao Mother Pill] not long ago because of her grandma's doting."

"This pill was asked by my grandma from the old man Doumu. It can make me completely reborn, and I don't need to practice for thousands of years to obtain the innate Yin Qi Dharma body."

"Now there is still a trace of Dan Qi in my body. As long as you and my husband and wife are in harmony, they can be completely refined. It will benefit my husband, me, and the fetus in my womb."

"Only a little bit bad!"

"What's wrong?"

When Yun Rong spoke, Tao Qian was also looking at the secret stories flowing in his mind.

Almost at the same breath, he saw and heard why.

"After eating this pill, my Dharma body became a little violent."

"I'm afraid of you when I'm obsessed with you... I'm afraid of you... I can't stand it."

When Yun Rong struggled to spit out the last three words, he immediately looked at Tao Qian.

In that pair of raccoon slave blue pupils, there is a stormy sea and fiery passion that shocked Tao Qian.

Tao Qian was terrified when he saw it, but then he thought about it again. He Tao Dazheng is now in the realm of bliss and perfection. He has cultivated the magical powers of the three religions. He is also very good at this way of yin and yang, and he has been taught by Fairy Jinghuan.

What's more, how can a man say he can't?

"Don't worry, madam, with my body, there are not many people in the world who can compare to me..."

As Tao Qian was speaking, a cat meow that hit his soul suddenly sounded in his ear.

In an instant, no matter what season it was in the original world, it became a warm spring at this time.

Don't wait for Tao Qian to perceive the changes in the immortal island outside the cave, and even the Penglai Sea.

In front of him, the colorful clothes suddenly changed.

It used to be rejoicing and sacred, but now it has produced a lot of disturbing tastes.

The tulle wedding dress was draped directly on the body of a "fairy" who was half human and half raccoon slave. The skin that seemed to be creamy, the soft peaks, and the bulging belly belonged to the human race.

And the cat whiskers on her peerless face, the smart cat ears, and the nine long white jade tails swaying behind her with the [Taizhen Mysterious Golden Bell] hanging from her are the true appearance of her Dharma body.

The warm spring breeze and the moist aroma swept into the package as the lady in the wedding dress slowly approached.

What's even more incredible is that Tao Qian suddenly realized that he had also taken off his wedding clothes, revealing the wonderful body of the spiritual treasure, every place was wrapped in a snow-white, warm, milk-like liquid, indescribably happy. Tao Qian's mind is being drowned.

"My lady is the most beautiful woman in the world."

Tao Qian's compliment, like some kind of signal, completely ignited Yun Rong.

Accompanied by another coquettish scream of a raccoon slave, the fairy rushed towards Tao Qian.

In the bridal chamber, milky milk splashed all over the room immediately, and the whole room was full of spring.

After Tao Qian solved the conflict of the road with a clever method, everyone in the outside world knew that Tao Zhenjun did not want to compete with the living Tianjiao for the throne of that person~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Especially after the wedding banquet, Tao Qian was even more straightforward and ordered several provinces under his command. The site, together with the "governing machine", was handed over to the New Moon Society and Yuan Mingzhen.

Compared with other Tianjiao, these like-minded "daoists" are obviously more trustworthy, not to mention the existence of ancestral spirits behind them.

With his secret guidance, Xinyue, Tiannan, and Qiantang provinces will be free from trouble.

Since there is no competitive relationship, people such as Yu Yanshi, Si Xixin and others are no longer hostile to Tao Qian, allowing him to truly live a peaceful period of three years.

Playing with Yunrong on Dengxian Island all day long, intending to recover the defeat of the wedding night, and rarely go out.

In addition to these, he has been busy with cultivation, treasure refining and other things in the past three years.

It's just that as the day of Yun Rong's childbirth is approaching, in recent days, he has only been worried about one thing, and that is how to make both his wife and the fetus in the womb peaceful.

The birth of a woman in the mundane world is naturally like breaking through the gates of hell.

It is said that the fairy outside the world should be very easy.

The girl next to her was indeed like this, but Yun Rong was very different. After knowing the secret connection, even Tao Qian was very troubled.

Fortunately, on this day, good news came.

Tao Qian was pacing back and forth on Lingji Cliff, when suddenly there were auspicious clouds flying in front of him. He didn't wait to see who was sitting on top of the carriage in the clouds.

A group of milkwomen and birds with bells tied on their chests are about to fly out, and they open their mouths and shout:

"Good news good news!"

"Master Zhenjun, the Elder of Yingzong, Xiao Zhenren, came from Nanyue as soon as he received your invitation. He has already invited the treasure of Yingzong, and promised to create a human with you, Zhenjun."

Immediately, Tao Qian's originally delighted complexion darkened.

Without caring about the real monarch's face, Tao Qian looked around, and then involuntarily scolded: "A group of birds that have been plagued will be plucked and roasted sooner or later."

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