Longevity is Different, Caishikou Was Beheaded at the Beginning

Chapter 546: Da Yuan once issued a divine robbery, and True Monarch Tianpeng has a demon body

Tao Qian thought about it and made a decision in an instant. If he had time to spare, he would have asked for a hundred Buddhas and birds to protect the Dharma and used thunder to beat the thousands of evil monks in front of him into minced meat.

Now that the alarm bell is ringing in his heart, it is better to make a quick decision.

When the idea was settled, he had already begun to brew a terrifying sword intent.

After three years of ascetic cultivation and the teaching of Duke Yuan, Tao Qian has learned many methods of the entire Secret Demon Sect, especially this "Secret Devil Sword Art of Giving Oneself" is complete in nine styles, and the mastery is pure. However, his talent is not a specialized sword cultivator.

The nine forms of sacrifice are aimed at the origin of each avenue.

The first is Sramana Buddhism.

The founder of this sword art, relied on the "one way to destroy the Buddha" and even dared to break through the mountain gate of Dazizai Temple.

"My teacher once said that this sword intent was born in response to the evil and poison created by the ascetic Buddhism after it flourished, and it was a prayer for the extinction of Buddhas that came from the karma of heaven and earth, and the fate of all living beings. Bodhisattva, dare to split the Buddha...but don't know if you fake monks can stand it?"

Tao Qian was also treacherous. Because he was too lazy to entangle with these evil monks, he deliberately opened his mouth to invite the monk to listen when he drew out his sword.

And every word contains extraordinary Buddhist rhythm, and even more visions such as Buddha's light falling, golden lotus rushing from the ground, and thousands of evil monks couldn't help but put their hands together to give salutations.

It was at this moment that Tao Qian's sword intent of destroying Buddha within his body was completed.

In an instant, the earth turned over, the ten thousand Buddhas appeared and disappeared in an instant, and countless tiny sword qi filled every corner.

If an ordinary blissful cultivator used this sword art, at most one Arhat would be injured.

Tao Qian was different. If his sword was released in the realm of longevity, it would be enough to cause no monks and no Buddhas in the realm of thousands of miles.

Thousands of mysterious elephants and acolytes created a lot of movement in the tide, and even in a trance, they could even hear strange Buddha sounds, as if there were real Buddhas and Buddhas singing and preaching scriptures in their ears. After the infinite sword energy entered the body, there was no resistance, Qi Qi showed an epiphany smile, and then turned into Fei Ash and sat on the spot.

The only one who could struggle was the leading monk called "Zongzangpa".

When he heard three or two words in Tao Qian's mouth, he sensed the crisis, raised his hand decisively, and smashed his own ears. When he saw the monks end, he was even more panicked.

Although he is an evil monk who serves the demon god, he also cherishes his life, shouting again and again: "Grandpa, forgive your life, the real person spare your life, Daojun spare your life..."

While shouting, the skinny old monk took off his red silk cassock, pinched a seal, and immediately sang a book of Buddhist scriptures in an obscure tone.

Translated into human words, it is the so-called "Mysterious Buddha Ode"

When he was chanting, the old monk's body actually changed, his hands and feet became thick and four-legged, purple and black rot spots appeared all over his body, his chest was exposed, his navel was exposed, a cyst appeared in his abdomen, and a long nose like a python protruded from his face.

After transforming into a demon body, the old monk continued to chant while dancing wildly with his ugly body naked.

The dance is enchanting, weird and tyrannical.

"Mysterious Buddha, the **** of benevolent feeding, bless my life and bestow my supernatural powers.

A rotten elephant continued to grow in the raging demonic sound, and as it danced wildly, it stirred up a stream of knowledge and manifested into an icy, stench-like plateau.

That plateau, no mud, no soil, no grass and no stones.

Only the flesh and bones of various races, frozen into masonry mud, piled up into mountains.



Anyone who sees it will immediately make a judgment: In a certain world in the great abyss, there must be the exact same "flesh and cold"

The top of Lengyuan is a temple built by the bones of various living beings, and the temples are all enshrined with a mysterious Buddha statue.

The next moment, when the Buddhas who were all over the plateau opened their eyes, the plateau of flesh and blood was completely embodied in an instant.

The source knows the tides, so it almost stopped flowing.

"Ha ha ha ha......"

"The gods will once again witness the mighty power of my Buddha, and I will use this [Character of Compassionate Feeding] to break through the Lingbao Mountain Gate of the Longevity World and devour the people of the Lingbao Sect."

The leading evil monk who has turned into the Giant Elephant Buddha, controlled the flesh and blood Leng Yuan, and ran towards Tao Qian.

Everyone could see clearly that this evil monk had clearly been gifted by the innate **** and demon called "Secret Elephant Buddha", so as to hold back Tao Qian's Buddha-annihilation style, and tried to rush over, crushing Tao Qian to death, and passing through. The Star Aperture Secret Realm broke into the Penglai Sea, and then slaughtered.

Such a thought was a crazy cognition after he lost his mind.

But it did not prevent this evil monk from showing his terrifying power. The tide, which was supposed to be gentle and peaceful, directly set off a huge tsunami wave thousands of feet high.

Tao Qian stared coldly at every piece of masonry and mud in the tundra. With his eyesight, he could easily see the details of those creatures and races.

Strange things, some are human, most are not.

What they have in common is the traces of wisdom.

Obviously, these are all intelligent races, and they all have a look before death, that is, distorted to the extreme fear.

This is the first time that Tao Qian has seen a large number of living races other than the human race outside the realm of longevity. Judging from the scene in front of him, no matter what race they are, they all seem to have the same ending when faced with high-level existences such as the so-called innate gods and demons. .

"It seems that no matter inside or outside the realm, the Great Source Sea, the rules are still the law of the weak and the strong to pay the price."

"It's just a demon, why call it a Buddha?"

"The so-called kind feeding, is it not the meaning of 'caring for the body with compassion from the flesh and blood of all living beings?"

"In this way, even the true Buddha will destroy you.

Before he could finish his thoughts, Tao Qian pulled out the second sword.

It's still a form of annihilation!

The difference is that this time, it is not the ordinary mana that drives the sword move, but the Buddhist vow.

I saw Tao Qian reciting in his heart: "When my Dharma is extinguished, it is like an oil lamp;

This is a secret book called "Dharma Extermination Sutra" in half of the inheritance given by Master Dayuxiang that day. It contains great mystery and great terror.

Zen Master Dayu predicted in the scriptures: In the future, there will be the "era of the end of the Dharma." At that time, all Buddhas will perish, and those who practice this Dharma will not only destroy the Buddha, but also inherit and promote them.

With such prophecies, there are naturally corresponding powers.

Especially for the power of ascetic Buddhist practitioners, it can be said that it is far beyond the supernatural powers of any Taoism, including the way of destroying the Buddha.

Tao Qian was also shocked after practicing, and at the same time he realized the reason why he was unwilling to enter Zizai Temple and Zhuanlun Temple because of the heaven-defying aptitude of Zen Master Dayu.

Neither want nor dare.

As long as he vents the slightest bit of his own path, the ten thousand Buddhas are afraid that they will come to chase and kill him, the kind that will never die.

If he was in the realm, Tao Qian would not practice this method, lest he be noticed by Buddhism.

Now that he is outside the realm, and there is the Secret Demon Sect's Buddha-annihilation style as a cover, Tao Qian naturally has no fear.

When he stood up, he cut out the second sword.

The endless golden light sword energy suddenly gathered, and the last one came first, slashing on the flesh and blood Lengyuan that was about to cut off the tide.

In that Lengyuan, there are hundreds of millions of corpses.

He has been eroded by the "Secret Image Buddha Dharma" all the year round. He looks pitiful, but in fact he has become a Buddha's corpse.

After the collision, a boundless group of corpses can be formed, submerging Tao Qian, and breaking into the Star Aperture and the Penglai Sea... This is the plan of Zongkeba.

Unfortunately, how could he have expected that he would suffer a disaster.

The Secret Demon Sect’s Buddha-annihilation style is superimposed with a more thorough Dharma-annihilation scripture. Not to mention evil Buddhas, it is the true Buddha and the Buddha. As long as there is an existence on the same level as Tao Qian, after this one, the lamp will be exhausted immediately. Withered, sitting in fly ash.

It's the next moment!

As the sword light of the Dharma Destruction Buddha slashed across the void, all the places it passed melted away, and the icy cold plain, together with the Elephant Monk above it, evaporated in the unbelievable gazes of all the followers and peepers. .

During the process, Zong Keba, who had the power equivalent to the cultivation base of the human cultivator in the Bliss Realm, tried to struggle to resist, but he couldn't move no matter what, he could only watch his own defeat.

It should be noted that the flesh and blood Leng Yuan he summoned has a great background.

The "Blood Ice Flesh Brick" infiltrated by the magic power of the Mysterious Elephant Buddha has been frozen for hundreds of millions of years in the Mystical Elephant Realm, and it is a hundred and ten thousand times harder than most substances in the Great Abyss.

No matter whether it is an immortal weapon or a magical weapon, it can't be cut open, and at most a white mark is left.

He couldn't wake up all the 100 million Buddha corpses in it, but a million corpses could. When used, he could eat up a tens of millions of races in one stick of incense.

Not to mention the evil Buddha imprints, esoteric projections, Buddhist scripture pollution, etc. filled with Lengyuan.

But these are all useless.

Wherever the Buddha's light passes, it should dissolve.

Seeing this cruel scene, Zongkeba's ugly elephant's face also showed twisted fear, and he couldn't help roaring:

"This is impossible!"

"In the battle of the Miaoshan Mountains during the Great Tribulation of the Yuanhai Conferred God, I summoned the Mysterious Elephant Xueyuan, and successively resisted the Immortal Emperor Yuhua of the Supreme Dao of your Human Race and Immortal Miaozhen of Yuan Shizong without disintegrating each blow. How could you not be able to stop the sword intent of a real person in the realm of bliss?"

Zong Keba's roar before his death revealed some secrets again.

It's a pity that the fate has been set, so he can't believe it.

When the last word fell, the Buddha's light shone, clear and pure, with nothing left behind, even the corpse and the mountain turned into nothingness.

As the waves subsided, the boiling Origin Tide returned to tranquility.


When this scene happened, Tao Qian, who had expected it for a long time, didn't realize it, but he couldn't help thinking about some words that the evil monk confided before his death.


The Battle of Zhongmiao Mountain?

Feather Hua and Miaozhen Immortals?

The last two names do not need to be guessed. Obviously, they are Taishang Dao and the second-generation patriarch in Yuan Shizong, either Daojun in Daohua realm, or a higher-level Jie Xian.

On the other hand, Tao Qian felt infinite curiosity.

In front of him, "Compilation of Yiji" began to turn the pages frantically with his thoughts.

But before waiting for the answer, Tao Qian faintly gave birth to a spiritual response.

It seems that because he had exterminated a group of mysterious evil monks, there was a lot of restlessness and boiling in the shadowy corners where peeping eyes existed everywhere outside the domain.

Don't wait for him to think carefully, or cast a spell to peep.

Suddenly, the gentle source tide has recovered.

Without warning, there was another huge wave and tsunami, ten times bigger than before, reaching a height of 10,000 zhang.

In the tsunami, in addition to the numerous miscellaneous sources, there are a lot of wriggling and dancing shadows.

A more terrifying sight than ever before!


In Tao Qian's mind, these two words appeared.

No wonder he thought so, the number of evil spirits and monsters, gods and demons, and descendants and family members reflected in his eyes were too many.

He didn't even have time, - look closely.

In the next breath, countless, endless, and infinitely expanding sound waves penetrated into his ears, skull, and even his soul.

It was a lot of chaotic whispers, murmurs, howls, weeping... It seemed that a whole world of creatures were speaking in his ears.

No, it's even scarier than that.

Most of these voices came with malice.

Even though Tao Qian is now extremely virtuous, a fellow practitioner of the three religions was suddenly attacked by such a sneak attack, pus and blood gushed out of his ears, his brain seemed to be smashed into a paste, his soul felt swollen, and it took a while for it to disappear.


Tao Qian sat on the treasure boat, staring blankly at the dense scene in front of him, which really blocked the tide of Yuanxi, and made a judgment in his heart.

Apparently, he had cut off a bunch of evil spirits with his savage hands before, and then used some means to subdue the rabbit **** clone, subdued the source sea demon dog, and wiped out the mysterious evil monk. Seeing the strength of this human cultivator in the distance, he did not want to be left alone, so he formed a group to attack and kill.

After all, they are all evil creatures. Even if there is a weak consensus, disputes will also break out in the Genesis tide, killing each other and devouring each other.

At the same time, they also made different demands to Tao Qian.

However, the first to speak was unexpectedly not for killing, devouring, or hatred.

Of course, after the evil spirits and monsters who came out of the battle revealed their intentions, Tao Qian also had a strong anger and killing intent.

But I saw the visitor, a monster with dozens of pig heads and human bodies.

All of them were born with three heads and six arms, all with red hair, exposed fangs, and inexplicable fierceness.

The pig demon at the head, with a sword in one hand and a seal in the other, stepped forward slowly, an ugly face pulled out a fake and ugly smile, Huang Tongtong's eyes stared at Tao Qian, Yin wickedly flashed past, and immediately gave a stiff salute.

After that, I heard the piercing hiss of the pig demon opening its mouth, which was transformed into human words, and it was actually some kind of mantra reciting: "Canopy canopy, Jiuyuan Shatong... Taishang is fierce, long-headed giant beast. ......"

The curse sounded, and Tao Qian suddenly turned the pages automatically in front of Tao Qian.

Extremely fast, freezes a certain page.

Tao Qian looked at it, and immediately saw a picture on it, which clearly depicted a demon **** with a pig's head and a human body, hiding in the dark fog and wind.

Below, the title of the book is taboo:

Tianpeng Demon Lord!

Look further down, for a line of description notes written by Uncle Li Mei.

"Tianpeng Demon Lord, Houtian God and Demon."

"This demon lives in the secret realm of the source sea [Battu Cave], and under his command there are 'Black Dolphin' and 'Yin Mandrill', two major families. They are brutal and tyrannical by nature, they like cannibals, they like Yin evil, and they often send their family around the Great Abyss. Wandering, catching blood and beautiful females for nourishment."

"When the interest comes~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This demon **** often goes out of the cave to go to all walks of life in person, so he has left traces of cause and effect in the heavens and all walks of life, such as the secret book of the magical way "Cannibal Sutra" that has been repeatedly banned in the world of longevity, the source It is this Demon God, which is the cooking method he has accumulated over thousands of years. Once he cultivates to the advanced realm, he can resonate with this Demon God and fly into the Black Wind Cave of the Source Sea. ”

"Note: There is an Houtian devil in the source sea [Tianpeng Yuzhen Shouyuan Zhenjun], who has a deep connection with my Taoism. This devil **** is actually a divine incarnation left by Tianpeng Zhenjun when he attained the Tao... Because of this incarnation, True Monarch Tianpeng has not only been unable to escape for many years, but has also fallen from the robbery to the realm of Taoism.”

To be continued

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Chapter Five hundred and forty-six Da Yuan once issued a divine robbery, and the true monarch Tianpeng has a demon body.

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