Longevity is Different, Caishikou Was Beheaded at the Beginning

Chapter 547: The black evil eats prostitution curse, all the devils ask the pottery girl

A few lines of commentary solved Tao Qianxin's confusion.

It turned out that the source of the Dao vein of the "Cannibal Classic" was the acquired demon **** who was born with the head of a pig. It is the fastest and most convenient way for strange demons such as pig demons and pig demons to cultivate this book.

While thinking, still looking down, the last comment appeared:

"True Monarch Tianpeng cultivated carelessly and made such a mistake. Half of the evil power created by his demon body is attributed to True Monarch. Even this **** can't bear such causal costs."

"Not to mention that after falling into Taoism, you are getting weaker and weaker, and you have to guard against the demon body to search for the main body to devour. Fortunately, the true monarch has a deep connection with the Taoist sect, and has several powerful robbery immortals as friends, and he has been sheltered for many years so that he is safe and sound."

"Zhen Jun once promised to the immortals of Taoism that if anyone can beheaded or severely injured [Tianpeng Demon Lord], he is willing to give half of his inheritance and divinity, including the "Tian Peng Demon Lord" who he relied on. "Xuan Hei Yi Jing", as well as the artifact [Shangbao Qin Jin Rake] personally cast by the Taoist Master Taishang."

"This reward is also valid for Buddhist monks and monks of the other side, but they don't recognize the way of magic."

After Tao Qian read the annotations, he felt a sense of insight.

However, he had no idea about the reward, and the reason was simple. He was sure to win the monster family with pig heads in front of him.

But a genuine acquired demon god, at least in the Taoist realm.

Tao Qian now dares to arrogantly say "invincible in the realm of bliss" in the realm of longevity, but he dare not say the same to the Taoist monks.

Those who have attained the Tao are not to be provoked.

Of course, those alchemists who are false Taoist ancestors are not included in this list.

His original idea was to drive away these monsters, but who would have thought that after the pig devil finished singing his own gods and demons, he licked his face and bowed his hands to Tao Qian, hehe said with a smile:

"My name is", 'Cui Baifu, the third prince of the Black Dolphin Clan under the command of the Yuanhai Tianpeng God. Because of this large white spot on his abdomen, he was named by my lord."

"According to the oracle, I will travel all over the Great Abyss, looking for the goddess and saintess for the Lord, and imparting the magic of the gods."

"I heard that the real person gave birth to a daughter today. I specially performed the "Heisha Xuanbian Jiuyuan Divine Art", and calculated that the real person's daughter is the right person to serve as the [Hei Xuan Goddess] under my lord..."

"Huh? What are you going to do?"

The pig demon called Cui Baifu hasn't finished speaking yet.

On the treasure boat, the killing intent in Tao Qian's eyes could not be contained at all.

The Buddha's light flashed, and the Buddha bird relic appeared.

Afterwards, an ancient ape wearing a cassock was seen, holding a vajra magic stick, and smashing at the dozens of pig demons without saying a word.

Seeing this, Cui Baifu led a group of pig demons and couldn't help laughing wildly.

While casting the decree, the demon body skyrocketed, waving the long sword to meet the ape, and said wildly:

"Little ones, this Spirit Treasure Sect Master is so angry but he uses Buddhist methods to teach us a lesson. I think it is to test the strength of our Tianpeng family."

"Hurry up, let's all transform, don't let the real people underestimate us."

"For so many years, I've been waiting for the 'Tianpeng God, fighting in the south and north, swallowing the gods and eating the immortals, but it's not easy to mess with."

While speaking, a group of pig demons also followed suit.

In the blink of an eye, the body of a venerable demon was as huge as a mountain, but in addition to pinching the canopy seal, each of them also held a weapon of magic, axe, yakuza, sword and halberd.

At the same time, it can be seen that although they are all pig-headed and human-like aliens, they are still two volumes.

It is easy to say that the black dolphins are the pig demon with black face and red hair.

The Yin sprites, with only one or two heads, are somewhat similar to the combined creatures of wild boars and mountain sprites. Their naked demon bodies are vaguely visible with various organ growths. They are both male and female, and a pair of eyes continuously shoots out dirty yellow light. , when you look at it, you will have distracted thoughts and fall into the devil's way.

When the two sides met for the first time, an inextricable situation was immediately formed.

This is also reasonable!

As Tao Qian's cultivation soared, the strength of the Buddha's Dharma protector also increased, but the opponent was not a demon that could be beaten at will in the longevity world.

It is the family of an acquired **** and demon outside the domain. The leader is still a prince, who has repaired the foreign book, practiced divine magic, and has many exotic treasures.

With a pair of dozens, they can't win at all when they fight.

Because of this, Cui Baifu became even more complacent, and said in his heart:

"This human cultivator from Lingbaozong is nothing more than that. My lord passed down an oracle and said that this person's daughter was born after Lao Shizi's congenital Yin Yin elf and Lingbao wonderful body, although she has not practiced yet, There is already a faint hint of divinity in the body, and it is very likely that he will become a Taoist in the future.”

"If the Batu Caves can be taken captive, I might be able to help my lord in the future."

"Exactly, taking advantage of this person's slack, mistakenly thought that I was really a reckless pig demon, looking for an opportunity to approach, spraying him [Jiuyuan Dansha], fascinated his mind and soul, good things can be done."

Before the thoughts were exhausted, Cui Baifu had already begun to move.

His plan was to allow the ancient ape to beat him, and only rely on his own demon body to resist, and take advantage of the situation to rush towards Tao Qian.

For this reason, he also deliberately curled up his body, ready to meet the King Kong Demon Cudgel.

But it was at this moment that a scene that dazzled him and the rest of the peepers happened.

Before the magic-busting stick of the Buddha's Dharma guardian had fallen, a Buddha's voice came from the treasure boat not far away:


Immediately, dozens of Maitreya's demon-binding ropes flew over, tying the pig demons tightly.

Even after doing this, Tao Qian threw the toad **** tile again, and the big pig brains banged loudly.

Although the pig demons tried to struggle in the process, they all exerted their strength.

However, even if the mana they accumulated was not as good as Tao Dazhenjun, it would be impossible to break free from the magic rope.

Only at this moment did the pig demons, including Cui Baifu, come to their senses.

Their past experience with the human race cultivator was completely ineffective in the person in front of them.

Elysium monk?

How is it possible that even Da Yuan does not have such a powerful cultivator of bliss.

In a trance, they saw another terrifying sword light slashing towards them.

The rest of the pig demons didn't know much, but Cui Baifu was well-informed and knew at a glance that the sword light was fatal.

He had previously seen Tao Qian use the "Destroying Buddha Style" to slay thousands of mysterious elephant monks, but now this sword intent is another kind of "Destroying Demon Style" that is completely aimed at demonic beings.

"Despicable, you actually cheated?"

Cui Bai finally came to his senses before he died.

That ruthless ancient ape that supports the sky is just a cover up and entanglement.

The real killer move is in the back.

The Demon Swing Sword is like a black light, streaking across the necks of every pig demon.

Immediately, one after another pig heads flew up, and pus and blood erupted like a fountain at the neck.

According to this, this trouble has been solved, but Tao Qian's anger has not disappeared, and he can't help but snort again. From his nose, wisps of gray-red mist like smoke and fire spurted out, and instantly enveloped a group of pig demons. .

Cui Baifu, whose head was beheaded, still had a secret method to escape.

It was only when he realized that he was enveloped by hundreds of thousands of "Heavenly Flame Essences", he immediately fell into despair.

At the last moment, his ugly head forcibly reversed the direction, and then shouted at the countless evil spirits and monsters that were densely packed and innumerable.

Hearing it alone, it was like the mournful howl of a pig before it was killed.

It's just lower and hoarse, mixed with complex syllables, and after listening for a long time, it will give birth to an endless desire to devour the flesh and blood of the human race.

Translated into human words, it is as follows:

"This human cultivator is extremely despicable. He disguised himself as "weak, not only to delay time, but also to wait for you to take the bait one by one."

"Don't be alone, and don't be afraid of the power of the [Lingbao God]. This is the doom that their father and daughter should have, and the Lingbao God will not interfere."

"Come on, everyone gets what they need."

After shouting these, Cui Baifu has become a roast pig, his face is full of oil, and there is endless resentment.

Before completely turning the fly into ashes, he chanted the mantra frantically at Tao Qian again, and came over and screamed through a voice transmission:

"Tao Qian, the True Monarch of Lingbao Sect, Fu Sin!"

"You are already in great trouble, you have not yet entered the realm of Taoism, but you are recklessly guarding the gate here, and you have to kill so many descendants of gods and demons and family members, your name will be known by many gods and demons, and your name will be spread in the source sea. ”

"If you are the Daojun Jie Xian, or there is a chance to save your life, if you are blissful now, you will surely die."

"Even if you hide in the sea of ​​Penglai and end your life, my lord can still perform 'eat Yin Dafa, and take your life in a dream...'"

When Cui Baifu quickly said his last words.

Tao Qian's mind also burst out because of being cursed:

[Suffering from the curse of Tianpeng Demon Lord Heisha Eat Yin...]

[This spell is the top incantation of the devil's way. It is cursed by living beings, and it will create an unstoppable desire to devour flesh and blood and to unite with all things. These two desires are called Yin Yin. 】

【If you can dispel the desire to resist, there is hope to live. If he can't, he will be controlled by the source of this curse, Tianpeng Jun, who will fall into Yin's dream during overeating, and will be played by this devil to death in the dream. 】

[Because the magical body and mana of the spiritual treasure are much higher than those of the curser... All exemptions are possible! 】

At other times, Tao Qian would be willing to listen to this so-called mantra out of curiosity.

But at this time, he was impatient, and he directly stirred up the mana to exempt the vicious spell that he was trying to stick to.

Seeing this scene, Cui Baifu was completely desperate.

He finally understood that he and this Lingbaozong cultivator seemed to be at the same level of cultivation, but they were not at all.

Not to mention Tao Qian's dazzling magical powers and magical treasures.

With only mana, he will be crushed.

Unfortunately, it is too late to wake up, it is useless.

In the end, he let out an unwilling howl, and the so-called prince of the black dolphin family turned into ashes together with all the subordinates of the pig demon, and died cleanly.

He killed a group of powerful evil **** family members, but Tao Qian didn't have much joy on his face, and he didn't even have time to restrain a lot of magical weapons left by the pig demons after their deaths.


The interrupted tide has resumed.

But this is not a good thing, because it means that there are countless evil spirits and monsters and descendants and family members that exist in the tsunami.

These monsters seem to be persuaded by the pig demon Cui Baifu after all.

Abandoning other scruples and conflicts, he rushed towards Tao Qian.

Tao Qian's ears were completely burst.

At this moment, he heard many demands and desires, and an unprecedented huge flow of information, most of which were about Tao Qian's unborn daughter.

There is a kiss!

Someone invited her to practice in a secret realm!

Something to eat!

There are also people who feel that she is talented and wants her to be a substitute for the gods they worship!

There are also those who simply want to arrest her to sacrifice to gods and demons!

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Chapter Five Hundred and Forty-Seven Black Demons Eat Prostitution Curse

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