Longevity is Different, Caishikou Was Beheaded at the Beginning

Chapter 548: Earthworm Xingjun remembers my name, and the yellow bat is a real immortal.

According to common sense, Tao Xing's magic power reaches the realm of Tao Qian, even if there is a huge tide of knowledge like a book library pouring into his mind, he can still bear it.

Only the situation at this moment is very different.

Tao Qian's eyes seem to reflect the scenery of the heavens and all walks of life, the colorful colors and the wriggling shadows, all kinds of creatures or unknowable things, come together in no particular order, some of which can be communicated. , but the other part is not communicable.

Some are expressing longings, others are meaningless howls and growls.

What they have in common is pollution.

Every syllable carries the power of alienation, trying to drown Tao Qian.

Even if he was already the True Monarch Fu Nie of the Dignified Treasure Sect, he fell into a short trance at this moment.

Grandma Taizhen had some eager voice transmissions, which she heard at the right time:

"Good son-in-law, hurry back, there are too many dirty things, something is wrong."

"Even though I have aroused the innate yin and qi tide, my grandmother and my precious granddaughter can indeed be regarded as a source of sweetness, but it is impossible to attract so many evil things, especially when there are at least a dozen kinds of gods and demons mixed in them. , The Heretic God's family, if you were to fight alone, you could win, but now you give up the conflict and come together, how can you be the enemy?"

"Ask for help!"

"Don't be brave."

When he heard the sound transmission, Tao Qian also woke up.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he realized that he, together with the wonderful tree and treasure boat under his feet, seemed to have fallen into a world of rainbow silt.

All directions are filled with this peculiar substance, a mixture of vast miscellaneous sources of energy, the excrement of the descendants of various evil creatures, and themselves...

Tao Qian has a wonderful body of spiritual treasures, and has long been inedible and does not need to breathe.

But at this moment, he felt strangely suffocated.

In my mind, fresh records burst out:

[It is enduring a total of 300 evil spirits and monsters, mixed mental pollution and psychic attacks from thirteen kinds of gods and demons... is exempting! 】

[This attack is the first touch. When these monsters and families find out the depth of mana, they will attack them in groups and eat their flesh and soul...]

When Tao Qian saw the second Dao Zhishu, warning signs roared in his body.

Immediately act, first flick, the mana is drumming.

The "Shocking Bell" that had endured for a long time immediately trembled frantically, and the bell that made everything annoyed and feared broke out.

Immediately let the evil creatures open a little gap, and stomped again, the Miaoshu Treasure Boat also burst into divine light.

The brilliance of the [Miaoshu Datianzun] alone draws out thousands of thick green vines, like dragons and snakes, all the evil spirits and monsters are propped up.

Tao Qian rode the treasure boat and calmly retreated to the entrance of the star aperture.

Standing on the bow of the boat, Tao Qian officially opened his "eye of inspiration" and carefully looked at the many extraterrestrial creatures that filled the tidal passage in front of him, including monsters, aliens, descendants of gods and demons, and family members. Some even seemed to be "human races", but they were actually It is an alien disguise, or a fallen fairy and a kind of existence.

It was almost impossible to see anyone who came with good intentions.

It was at this moment that Tao Qian silently measured the strength of the demons he saw, and his own combat power, and quickly made a decision in his heart.

Without hesitation, he directly left the treasure boat and the alarm clock at the entrance, and used it as a double insurance together with the small heavens and the stars.

Immediately, through the forbidden method, a voice transmission was sent to the uncles and aunts in the Penglai Sea: "There are three major bans and eighteen small bans on the treasure boat given by the sect master, all of which are engraved by the sect master. , I also invite all my uncles and aunts to come in time to save the lives of my wife and my daughter.”

When this sentence came out, anyone could guess Tao Qian's plan.

Sure enough, he jumped off the treasure boat in the next moment, and the strong killing intent on his face could not be concealed. He did not know any foreign languages, and he could not add pollution to the syllables he spit out.

But it doesn't matter, although he has only touched a little threshold of the "Dao Transformation Realm", after experiencing a Dao Nightmare, he has some enlightenment and gained some extraordinary power.

And what he has gained, he has great restraint against the countless filth in front of him.

Seeing Tao Qian smiled faintly, he said, "So that all the demons know, how did I get the name "True Monarch Fu Nie"? "

After that, he took out a Lingbao fairy sword from the treasure bag, walked slowly, played the sword and sang, and chanted the Lingbao Avenue song word by word in a loud voice.

The song is mysterious, and all things and spirits can gain great benefits after listening to it. If the practitioners of the Dao, Buddha, and other sects of the sect listen to it, they will also understand it.

But the wicked thing rolling in the filth listened, but it was extremely uncomfortable, even more annoying than the alarm clock.

The originally violent tide of evil things stagnated for a moment.

The next moment, Tao Qian opened his mouth with a smile and said:

"There are too many useless ghosts and ghosts. Although they can't hurt me, they are buzzing. It's very annoying. It's better to clear them first."

"Only those who take a bite of my real fire and do not die can fight with me."

This time, what he spit out was the real fire of Fu Nie.

Unlike before, it is no longer just a wisp.

Instead, a large piece of gray smoke poured out like a cloud tide, and it collided with the frenzy composed of a large number of evil things.

This is so hot!

Inside, there are millions of outer flame essence.

Even if the Yan Jing were the most affectionate and indulgent towards Tao Qian, the price was not small, consuming one-fifth of Tao Qian's mana.

However, the effect is amazing enough. When millions of chattering celestial flames turned into a cloud of flame*, it was like a collision between raging fire and hot oil, and a big explosion was born that almost opened the passage of Yuan Qi.

When everything stopped, the "knowledge tide" that had previously made Tao Qian very uncomfortable finally subsided.

Although there was still a terrifying howl, it could no longer fill Tao Qian's head.

Tao Qian's move, according to the game playing in his previous life, is to some extent clearing the mobs.

It's just that every little monster that died in the real fire of Fuxie, if thrown into the longevity world, is enough to cause a catastrophe.

It was like the corpse of a worm the size of a train that rolled to Tao Qian's feet.

When Tao Qian touched it, the corpse turned to ashes and fell to the ground, but Zhishu was still alive:

[Panxing Earthquake, this is an extraterritorial alien species. It is a race like the Yuanhai Demon Dog. It has incredible powers. It can not only swim across the Yuanhai, but also devour all things, but this clan does not like living beings and blood. Instead, he likes dead things such as planets and the earth. 】

[Individuals of this ethnic group will encounter the calamity of life and death when they enter the mature stage, corresponding to the tribulation of human monks who have attained the Tao and become immortals. 】

[This is a juvenile body, and now it can only swallow mountains. 】

[Because of smelling the smell of the three thousand immortal mountains in the Penglai Sea, a total of 800 Panxing Earthworms attacked, and they all perished in the real fire of Fuxie. 】

[A total of ninety-nine-eighty-one "Panxing elixir" have been refined, and the price is the name of Tao Qian, the true lord of Lingbaozong, who has been marked by the acquired demon **** "Earth Xingjun" and cannot be exempted. 】


While looking at Zhishu, Tao Qian also reached out and put the eighty-one elixir that drifted over with the fireworks into the treasure bag.

The so-called Panxing elixir is also very effective. Taking one pill can fill one's stomach for a hundred years.

"Good guy!"

"Isn't eating this pill counted as "eating the soil to survive", if I'm cruel and full of it, I won't drink the dew in the next eight dry years? "

"Fortunately, these elixir also have some other magical uses. If they only have this use, they have to be given a small black book by Lao Shizi Xingjun, which would be a big loss."

Tao Dazhenjun opened the treasure bag while complaining, and took away all kinds of medicinal herbs and treasures floating in the fireworks.

After all, it was hard forged by the Heavenly Flames, and it should not be wasted.

As for what star monarchs, what demon gods, etc. were constantly received in the process.

The so-called lice don't worry about itching, but Tao Qian doesn't care.

He also knew that after this trip, the name Tao Qian, the true monarch of Lingbaozong Fuxie, must be resounding in the great abyss.

When he goes out in the future, he will be enemies all over the world.

"My good daughter, I'm afraid she's really a little magic star as my grandma said."

"I haven't been born yet, I've already fooled my father."

As soon as Tao Qian thought about it, the boundless sky before him, which was mixed with fireworks and many filth, finally dissipated.

Immediately, Tao Qian stopped.

The brows also frowned, and the alarm bell in his heart roared wildly, which was bigger than any previous movement.


What his eyes of inspiration and innate spirit should perceive, are only comparable to him in the level of "mana power", and there are more than one existences that are stronger than him.

To be more precise, there are as many as five paths.

Tao Qian looked up, and it took two breaths to see clearly.

In front of him is still a dense array of evil spirits and monsters, family monsters, and the difference from before is the order.

A full five armies, each occupying a position, stared at Tao Qian.

Tao Qian ignored the demon soldiers and only looked at the five figures in the front.

Looking at him, he was once again sure that the cultivation of the master of each figure was not weaker than his, and even stronger.

Tao Qian opened his mouth and sighed:

"A real fire burned out those ignorant, blind and ignorant ghosts and ghosts, and also burned out a few of your big heads."

"There are exotic treasures that can resist the flames from the sky, and they all have high wisdom."

"But I don't know why you are here to embarrass my father and daughter?"

"Could it be that the name of my Spirit Treasure Sect is not very loud in the Great Abyss?"

His few words fell.

The rest of the incoming enemies have not spoken yet, and on the south side, an army of monsters suddenly rioted.

Their soldiers are all as big as hills, like monsters like flying yakshas.

Their strange demon bodies seemed to be pieced together from a certain part of the corpses of various rotten demon beasts. The naked eye could see the giant bat demon as the main body, as well as eagles, dragon pythons and even the backbone of the human race.

What made Tao Qian feel strange was that these monsters, whose names were unknown, gave him a sense of familiarity.

Without waiting for the answer from the page-turning "Zuanyi Ji", the "bat demon" headed at the very front flew up, flapping the dim-yellow-colored membrane wings that could cover the sky and the sun, and sent out enough wings that could make thousands of people die. The howl that the soul collapsed in an instant.

Immediately he fell ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and turned into a thin and thin Taoist man in a ragged yellow robe.

The Taoist raised his skinny claws, pointed at Tao Qian, and said with a hoarse smile:

"My name is 'Yellow Bat True Immortal", a member of the Tiankuibat clan. "

"My clan has served [Yellow-clothed Lord] for generations, and the enemy of the yellow clan is the enemy of our clan."

"Tao Qian, the true monarch of the Lingbao Sect, who used a traitorous scheme to kill the son of my lord to win Emperor Qing, and the poor man came here to ask for his life."

ps: There are also.

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Chapter Five Hundred and Forty-Eight The Earth Star Lord Remembers My Name, The Yellow Bat True Immortal Wants My Life Free Read.

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