Longevity is Different, Caishikou Was Beheaded at the Beginning

Chapter 600: King Xiao wants to recognize Tao as his father, and the Peach Blossom God overwhelms B

When Tao Qian's voice sounded, several people in the temple turned pale with shock.

One hundred thousand killer ghosts surrounded the county town, and it was too late to escape, so what's the point of going out to meet them? How is it different from courting death?

"Don't panic, it's a small matter."

"I have always had the supernatural power to know everything, just listen to my way."

"That Zhang Shao was originally named Li Shao, who is of the same clan as your Li family, so he can barely be a relative, but this guy is flexible, in order to cling to that [Seven Slaughter King Zhang Xianzhong], he took the initiative to change his surname so that he can call him father , and is now given the title of [King of Filial Piety]."

"However, the back of this guy's head is rebellious, and he is still not satisfied with his trust. He has already developed ambitions and coveted more."

"It's just that he was afraid of Zhang Xianzhong's prestige, and he was afraid of the supernatural powers of the Qitu Bodhisattva, so he never dared to take any action."

"What you have to do is to give him an excellent reason, and an offer that he can't refuse, which can overwhelm the help of Qitu Bodhisattva."

"I deserve it."

Tao Mozi perfectly imitated the original body and spoke, as gentle and moist as jade, just like a good god.

The last sentence is unparalleled.

The Qitu Bodhisattva can defile nearly a million families, so he is naturally a powerful **** and demon.

A mere so-called "Peach Blossom God" who has not yet shown much divine power, dare to say that he can overwhelm this Bodhisattva?

In fact, if it is a serious duel.

Even Tao Qian himself would not be the opponent of [Seven Slaughter Bodhisattvas]. He is a powerful **** and demon who has attained the Great Perfection of Dao Transformation Realm. He also stole a Buddha tooth from the Buddhism of the Heavens. He is really bold and extraordinary.

Tao Dazhenjun is not even Daoist, it is too far behind.

But Tao Mozi said so, and he did have a lot of confidence.

Here, it is the God Search Realm, not the Great Origin Sea.

He didn't want to fight Qitu Bodhisattva, but he just wanted to show the evidence that Peach Blossom God can overwhelm Qitu Bodhisattva in front of Zhang Shao, and make him believe it.

It's nothing more than deception and deception!

Tao Mozi is good at this way.

Hearing the guidance oracle of the Peach Blossom God, the Jiang sisters and their family still had some doubts in their hearts.

But the trust in the gods and demons prevailed, especially Jiang Caiping and Jiang Caiyun. Perhaps because they were Peach Blossom Goddesses, they naturally trusted the gods and demons they followed unconditionally.

Ever since, the rather absurd decision became a reality.

Looking at Hanfang County, it was already surrounded by thick clouds of blood mist, blood filled the air, and the sound of killing soared into the sky.

Under the unimaginable eyes of all the wild gods and their believers, the Jiang sisters led a pair of children, and together with Shi Boniang, holding the "Peach Blossom God Statue" in their hands, they went out of the county to meet the man who was reciting "Seven Massacres". One hundred thousand evil spirits of the mantra.

There are some beautiful scenery outside the city of Hanfang County, the valleys and plains, the green lake and ancient forest, if it is in the frost season, you can still see the scenery of the earth with white heads, snow lake fishing people, etc., but it is a pity that it is now polluted by countless ghosts. up.

Although these evil spirits were all defiled and alienated by the "Qi Tu Yuan Qi", those at the bottom were beheaded by a few people or ten people, and they all looked the same.

It can be counted on the upper level, such as beheading by a hundred people, beheading by a thousand people, or even beheading by ten thousand people, then they will start to have different appearances and supernatural powers.

It is like a big ghost, its body is as big as a windmill, it is thin and bony, with red skin and blood eyes, and the spine is broken out of the back, it is very frightening, holding a beheading knife, and only shouting "Kill, kill, kill" , the viscous plasma was formed and dripped out of thin air, and it is unknown how many living souls are needed to develop such supernatural powers and visions.

Another evil spirit has a very strange appearance. Its body is slender like a **** bamboo. There are holes all over its body. When the wind blows in, it will make strange noises. If you listen carefully, you can hear the seven massacre mantras. From the very beginning, the path counted up to 12,000 and 12,000, and it went round and round. After a little guesswork, it was known that this ghost had killed more than 10,000 people.

There are also some generals, big and small, such as those whose whole body is full of steel needles, those who are covered with thousands of layers of human skin, and those who are inlaid with tens of thousands of eyeballs... They all have strange shapes, and they all chant the Bodhisattva killing mantra.

Ordinarily, this kind of "Family of Gods and Demons" is completely biased towards chaos and evil, so the formation should also be chaotic and out of order.

The Qitu Bodhisattva Army is different.

These evil spirits are born for killing and for conquest.

Not to mention the huge formation, the discipline is also extremely strict. When a group of people stepped out of the county seat and saw the scene in front of them, they were all terrified and unable to control themselves.

Even Shi Boniang, a generational military strategist, couldn't help being shocked at this time and said:

"Asura Purgatory is nothing more than that, the world is probably getting worse again."

"Jia Qiuqi, that beast, it's so good that it's so hard to plan to usurp the court. No matter how poisonous the mind is, how can it defeat this evil thing? This kind of **** and demon?"

"Liang Guo is like this, can other countries in the Ten Thousand Divine State be exempted?"

It has to be said that the female general Shi Boniang still has some insight.

What he said was a prophecy.

As the Sovereign World continues to collapse, especially as it has been predicted that it will not last a hundred years, more and more gods and demons will come to search for the last wave... The difficulty of survival in the Sovereign Realm will be hundreds of times higher than that in the Longevity Realm. Practitioners Even if this is the case, ordinary people will not be much better.

The real life is worthless, and people are like ants.

But the group of them need not worry now, Tao Mozi has already made a move.

The Peach Blossom Temple made a sacrifice and officially planted a flag at the Heavenly Dao of the God Search Realm. Although it is still far from getting all the mana of cultivation base back, it has returned to the foundation building state, and the authority of the portable treasure bag has also been opened.

You can't take out such gods and magic treasures as [Sword of Slashing Evil] and [Net of Heavens and Demons], but you can open some gourds of myriad demons through a little gap, and summon some low-level demons to listen to them.

It was just right at this time, after all he, Damozi Tao, also came to search for it, so how could a Yin-Yang monster be used?

Quietly summoning hundreds of "Phantom Demons", he wanted to bring more good demons, but unfortunately this was the limit.

"Remember it!"

"Later, my master, I will order you to cooperate with the action of acting as a larva, and use some real skills to move the scene of my body climbing to the fairy island. Don't be seen through by these murderous ghosts."

"As for the remuneration, you know the current situation of the master, how about a loan?"

Although Tao Mozi asked the question like this, he seemed very open-minded and fully capable of negotiating.

It's a pity that all the devils outside the territory knew what kind of vile temperament this guy had.

Changed the main body of the master, but also to talk about it.

The incarnation of the devil, huh, huh.

Therefore, Tao Qian heard all the devils reply one after another:

"Isn't the master seeing someone else, what reward? I don't know about that."

"That is, I can do things for the master. I am too happy to ask for a reward."

"Who in the Heavenly Devil Realm doesn't know the reputation of the master's generosity, whoever dares to raise the reward now, I will tear it to pieces."

"Master, don't worry, don't look at this group of rough embryos who only know **** and climb up the high branches of Rao Shizi [Qi Tu Bodhisattva]. They are all a bunch of idiots. How can they see through our disguise?"

"Well, very good, very good, master, as long as I don't forget about this, I will definitely make up the reward."

After all, Tao Mozi didn't look at the phantom demons who wanted to talk.

Then he spoke to the Jiang sisters again, uttering the Taoist voice:

"Caiping is what you say, and I will cast spells to help you."

"Where I am, how the world is, can be determined with one thought."

Tao Mozi started pretending again.

But he imitated the real body very well, and immediately gave the girls courage.

Jiang Caiping was the bravest, facing the massacre ghosts, she held up the peach blossom statue and said loudly:

"The person who came is Xiao Wang Shao's cousin, and I am Jiang Caiping, who was once Li Yu's wife."

"I heard that cousin, you have the great wish to act on behalf of the heavens and cleanse the troubled world, and you want to use the body of a mortal to achieve the body of a **** and a demon... You and I are relatives, can you meet my family, I don't know how we can help you get it Get what you want."

Before Jiang Caiping spoke, the massacre of ghosts was already about to start.

Without the restraint of the "King of Filial Piety Zhang Shao", hundreds of thousands of ghosts would have rushed into Hanfang County, slaughtered and devoured them all.

As soon as she finished speaking, she saw that the ghosts were about to move.

Suddenly, a vision suddenly appeared in this world.

The sky that was originally scarlet changed first, with a delicate peach color and a strong fragrance, and then on the earth, in the seemingly endless plasma mud, green shoots suddenly emerged, and in an instant, they grew into thick and sturdy peach trees, blinking. It is in full bloom, and when the warm wind blows, you can see the petals flying.

This scene is really a miracle.

Thousands of people in the entire Hanfang County, together with those wild gods and prostitutes, were stunned.

Those with sharper eyesight can see the real horror even more.

The "hundred thousand ghosts" who were swaying at first did not need Zhang Shao's suppression this time, and they gradually calmed down a lot.

How do they know?

The reason for the miraculous effect is that those hundreds of phantoms tried their best to move the [Longevity Peach Forest] on Dengxian Island. The place is already mysterious, but it has been bred by Penglai's celestial veins all these years, making it even more miraculous. Some miraculous effects are nothing more than normal... But to be able to summon this scene, the effect is so good, it is still the work of acting as a larva.

If it weren't for conforming to the "Peach Blossom God" character design, Tao Mozi would actually prefer to let the demons change into those terrifying scenes in the Heavenly Demon Realm, so the spiritual effect would be better.

However, this scene has successfully made Jiang Caiping temporarily believe in a giant ghost called "Zhang Shao" in the depths of the ghost army.

This ghost is five feet long, wearing scarlet armor and holding a red stick.

The human body has been alienated, but still retains the face of the human race, but it looks like a handsome niche with a white face and no beard.

Coupled with that ghost body, it is very weird.

Hearing Jiang Caiping's words and seeing the scene in front of him, he couldn't help but sneered and said:

"It turned out to be Li Yu's useless mother-in-law!"

"After my husband died, I got next to a statue of Lao Shizi [Peach Blossom God], occupying a mere county town, and dared to show off my power in front of me and talk smartly."

"Help me become a **** and demon? Just these bitch's peach trees and peach blossoms?"

"What kind of Peach Blossom God, it seems that he is a little stronger than those wild gods and prostitutes, and he will definitely not be the opponent of Qitu Bodhisattva."

The extremely filial Zhang Shao spoke harshly, but he didn't order the slaughter immediately.

How did he know that his own hesitation directly lost any chance.

The next moment, the light of the Qitu Buddha on his body flickered in a faint and imperceptible darkness. He didn't notice it, and neither did the Qitu Bodhisattva who was far outside the region. He let the worm threads break through the barrier and penetrate into his brain, And start to implant a thought that has a reason and is very reasonable.

So I saw Zhang Shao thinking about it again, rubbing the chin of the white face with that rough ghost hand, and muttering:

"This girl thinks she knows that she is no match for my army, and she doesn't want to escape from the Liang Kingdom, so she came to vote for me?"

"If you want to refine the 【Seven Slaughters Monument】, you won't be short of these few people. Why don't you see some surprises?"

This thought is perfectly normal.

No matter how vigilant he is, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com can't make sense of it.

How did Zhang Shao know that this idea was given to him by Yan Tianchong'er.

If Chong'er hadn't intervened, the real hope would be that he immediately ordered the hundred thousand ghosts to slaughter their entire family, including Hanfang County.

After making a decision, he heard Shao Lang's voice reply again:

"Since she is the sister-in-law of a distant cousin, and she is joining the army, let's meet this king."

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