Longevity is Different, Caishikou Was Beheaded at the Beginning

Chapter 601: King Xiao wants to recognize Tao as his father, and the Peach Blossom God overwhelms B

Regardless of whether it is the longevity world or the Daoyuan Sea, they are all very curious about the supernatural power of the "Extraordinary Technique" practiced by Taoist Duobao of the Lingbao Sect.

Everyone knows that Taoist Duobao should not be provoked for no reason, even if this guy has not taken that crucial step and has not gone to realize the Dao, but once provoked, he will be counted forever and disasters will never end.

Tao Qian, as the only disciple of Duobao, has to pass on the two methods of Tian and Wanbao.

However, there is no teacher to teach, so I thought it would be difficult to practice these two supernatural powers well.

Unexpectedly, the devil's avatar would be blessed to the soul for a while, and then he would realize the first usage.

Zhang Shao, the king of filial piety, has hundreds of thousands of ghosts under his command, and some gods protect him.

Still being invaded silently by the acting worms, the worms can't hurt him, can't harm him, but it's extremely easy to entrust a ray of "consensus idea" to enter.

So, miraculously, the Jiang sisters and their group were actually summoned.

The bodies are all complete.

Traveling through the peach forest, stepping on the petals, one can see strangely shaped ghosts, shouting killing curses, standing, lying or squatting, distributed in all directions.

One hundred thousand ghosts actually have a common title, called Qitu Bodhisattva, a **** and demon who personally poured the source energy into the world, thereby polluting the alienated Juan clan.

The closer you get to them, the more you will inevitably encounter pollution.

A group of people walked halfway, and it was a little difficult to continue.

Fortunately, at this time, there are lights flickering on the left and right.

But it was the pair of familiar peach blossom fairy boys, holding peach branches, holding peaches, comforting loudly:

"Goddess Xinmin, go ahead as much as you can."

"Although Qitu Bodhisattva has some supernatural powers, he will still be overwhelmed by my lord. These ones will not hurt you."

After saying that, the two boys showed their magical powers together.

The majestic Yuan Qi sweeps away the petals, blocking all the blood, light and blood.

This scene was seen by Zhang Shao who was not far away. While showing dissatisfaction on his face, he couldn't help being very surprised, and said in his heart:

"How could this be?"

"These Bodhisattva ghosts are full of praise, and they will go crazy when they hear any words that blaspheme Qitu Bodhisattva."

"What is the origin of this pair of fairy boys? All the ghosts didn't move when they spit out such insulting words?"

"Even me, I can't produce killing intent, how is this possible?"

After all, Zhang Shao is a heroic figure, he quickly noticed something was wrong from the abnormal scene, and also realized a little bit of danger.

Ordinarily at this time, he should order the massacre.

But he hesitated for a while, but still didn't move.


At this moment, several thoughts emerged in his heart:

"Wait a little longer... It's too late to watch one or two more."

"Let's see what kind of background this is? Can it really help me get what I want?"

"If he is really stronger than Qitu Bodhisattva, he can also believe in it, and he can change his mind. It's not easy to hang on a tree."

Strictly speaking, Zhang Shao's idea is already blasphemy.

Due to the special customs of the God Realm, many gods and demons are willing to tolerate the half-heartedness of the believers under their command.

But some small-minded gods and demons will never allow it.

As long as the Juan family has a different heart, the divine punishment will be sent down immediately, and the gift will be withdrawn.

If in other realms, Zhang Shao thinks this way, his body and dao will disappear now, and his body will be wiped out.

Here, it was Yantian Larva who saved him.

Qitu Bodhisattva, the anti-bones cub of the heavenly Buddhism, is very powerful, but under the cover of the insects, he cannot perceive the situation of "King Zhang Shao" and his 100,000 ghosts all the time. Let Tao Mozi knead.

Just when Zhang Shao succumbed to the "ambition and obsession" in his heart, the Jiang sisters were already close to him.

Surrounded by ghosts, a giant ghost taller than the city wall stared at the two women.

Its ghost body is really frightening.

It's true to its appearance, and it looks like a handsome young man with a white face.

This contrast is really weird.

"Jiang Caiping, Jiang Caiyun...meet my cousin!"

Although they were looked at with horror, the Jiang sisters still climbed up to their relatives when they came up.

These two were once empresses and concubines, and they could be regarded as the number one and second most beautiful girls in the world.

Coupled with being infused and nourished by Tao Mozi with "Peach Blossom Spring Qi", it can be said that there is a pair of peach blossom goddesses who are unique and gorgeous in the world.

If it had been replaced by the vassal king and the rebels, his saliva would be dripping all over the floor at this moment, such as the polluted former general Zhao Liujia.

But Zhang Shao is different.

He was originally a lewd person, but after becoming the Juan Clan under Qitu Bodhisattva, he had no choice but to kill, so powerful.

A mere beauty cannot shake his mind.

He raised his arm and waved the crimson iron rod that was stained with pus and blood. He narrowed his eyes and asked with a bright smile on his face:

"You two sisters-in-law are welcome!"

"Earlier, the two of you said that there is a divine object that can help me become a **** and demon?"

"Is this true?"

Every time Zhang Shao uttered a word, blood and blood condensed into substance, turned into lumps of blood words, and smashed to the ground.

The implicit meaning: If the answer does not satisfy him, the two daughters, together with a pair of children and Shi Boniang, will be smashed into meat paste.

Tao Qian was also amazed by this scene.

After borrowing bugs to investigate, I couldn't help sighing:

"Qitu Bodhisattva is so profound, so cruel, and this ghost is just a weak human race not long ago. After being infused with her source energy, such a short period of time has become a climate. If according to the longevity Judging by the practice system of the world, this ghost has already stepped into the Dongxuan Realm."

"Combined with Zhang Xianzhong, the Seven Slaughter King of Rao Shizi, there are nearly a million Bodhisattvas... Tsk tsk, it really cost money."

"If I lose all my money in the end, and in turn fulfill me, I'm afraid I will completely hate it and form a big beam."

As Tao Mozi spoke, there was clearly no trace of fear in his tone, and he looked like an authentic secret demon.

Not only did he not care, but Tao Qian's body, who was far away in the fairy star aperture of Penglai Haideng, also didn't care at this time, and silently muttered, "The one who made enmity with that Bodhisattva is a secret devil, what has it to do with my Lingbao sect Fu Nie Tao Dazhen?" Relationship?" After that, Jing closed his eyes and practiced supernatural powers again, and went to deal with the Dao Demon.

On the other side, the Jiang sisters began to perform according to the oracle's instructions.

While nodding quickly, they jointly raised the peach blossom statue and offered it up, and at the same time praised:

"My cousin also knows that my family was destroyed by the traitor Jia Qiuqi, and was hunted down by a blood locust demon general under Geng Qi's command. This beast is a clan of acquired gods and demons from outside the territory, and is very vicious."

"Just when the two of us were desperate, we were lucky to meet."

"Not only sent a pair of fairy boys to rescue, but also accepted them as believers."

"I want my cousin to know that my lord is not an ordinary god. He already knows everything. He can do everything. He lives with the sky and is immortal... I came to this world to find some gods. People with predestined relationship, my lord once said, the creatures with predestined relationship can become their ancestors, and they can obtain the body of gods and demons."

"If my cousin's great wish is to be realized, it may not be possible to follow him. The only way to talk about it is to join my Peach Blossom Sect."

"Shut up...huh?"

When Zhang Shao heard it halfway, he panicked and stopped.

Obviously, he was worried that Jiang Caiping's blasphemous words would be implicated if Qitu Bodhisattva were to notice.

After yelling, he realized something was wrong again.

Jiang Caiping said that to that extent, and blatantly undercut the wall, but Qitu Bodhisattva didn't respond. How is this possible?

It should be noted that when there was a similar scene before, Qitu Bodhisattva's reaction was extremely horrifying, and he appeared directly, blasting the gods and demons who were trying to dig the foot of the wall into scum.

But right now, there is no movement.

"Cousin is worried about being noticed by that and causing disaster."

"Don't panic, my lord has already given the spiritual response."

"You should know that there are countless gods and demons in the sky, but there are also ranks between gods and demons."

"Qitu Bodhisattva, a **** and demon, was originally a bodhisattva in the Buddhism of the heavens. He practiced the orthodox Dharma. Later, because the path was cut off, he took the risk and stole the Buddha's tooth and betrayed Buddhism. Although he gained advantage temporarily, But it can be regarded as cutting off your own path, cousin, if you follow such gods and demons, not only will you have no future, but you will inevitably be abandoned by backstabs in the future."

"At this time, it is too late to abandon the darkness and turn to the light."

It has to be said that every word that Jiang Caiping uttered at this time can be regarded as words of condemnation.

Zhang Shao is also a heroic figure, and cannot be easily coaxed.

But right now, he is facing the "iron reality".

Peach Blossom Goddess blasphemed Qitu Bodhisattva, but was not punished... directly revealed Qitu Bodhisattva's enlightenment secrets and dark history... The other gods and demons believers were replaced, and at this time they were already wiped out.

But Jiang Caiping is alive and well.

This seems to be a complete proof: the **** and demon called Peach Blossom God is of a higher rank than Qitu Bodhisattva.

In an instant, Zhang Shao, the filial king, had countless thoughts in his mind.

All possibilities were predicted by him.

The more you think about it, the stronger your ambition grows.

Just at this time, Jiang Caiping handed over another excellent excuse:

"Cousin, do you know why my lord ordered us to stay in Hanfang County to wait for you?"

"My lord has always been able to foresight. He once predicted that in the next hundred years, Zhang Xianzhong, the King of the Seven Slaughters, would fight with his seven adopted sons, and finally die together. Everything will be easier for the Bodhisattva Seven Slaughters."

"My lord thinks that my cousin is a predestined person and may be able to take on the role, so let me wait here and give my cousin a chance to change his fate against the sky."

"If my cousin doesn't believe me, just sing a Peach Blossom Fairy Song, and you will be guided by the oracle."

After speaking, an antique book flew out of Jiang Caiping's arms.

It was the Peach Blossom Immortal Scripture, the first page was opened, revealing a verse containing the most important truths.

When Zhang Shao saw it, he thought to himself: "It's just a verse, even if there is a conspiracy, it can't hurt me, why don't you try it?"

Once an idea is born, it is impossible to stop it.

Not long after, Zhang Shao spoke.

With some stumbling, he read out the really nasty scriptures.

There is almost no foreshadowing, and the miracle will come immediately.

In his mind, the delicate rainbow light burst.

Scenes of scenes that belonged exclusively to the "future" swept over.

The content in it was exactly what Jiang Caiping leaked about his future fate.

He finished watching in the blink of an eye, his face completely frozen.


That, is the future.

There is no reason or evidence, but Zhang Shao's idea is extremely firm in his heart.

The reason is also simple, those are indeed true.

Playing the celestial worm, he already has this supernatural power, which can completely deduce the future without the intervention of the host.

Without such wonderful abilities, it would be impossible for Taoist Duobao, a blissful and great perfection monk, to suppress almost all the monks of the same generation in the Longevity Realm, and to gain such a terrifying reputation outside the domain.

Realizing the reality of the future, Zhang Shao suddenly trembled and sweated profusely.

Even a hero can't stand that ending.

After a hundred years of hard work, a **** and demon from outside the territory has been bought for nothing. How can he be such a villain?

Thinking of this, Zhang Shao immediately wanted to leave the Qitu Bodhisattva's camp and cast instead.

But he is cautious by nature. After all, these two gods and demons have never collided head-on. It is too hasty to directly judge that the Peach Blossom God is superior based on the existing evidence.

Just when he was hesitating, the pair of peach blossom fairies suddenly came forward and said at the same time:

"What an idiot, even if you have a good fortune, you still shrink back. If you didn't have a predestined relationship with my lord, I'm afraid you would end up without a whole body."

"Forget it, my lord knows everything, and has already given instructions on this."

"You set up the peach blossom ceremony, recite the verses, and pray to my lord, and you will get the answer. Can you know who is stronger and who is weaker, my lord or the Qitu Bodhisattva?"


Zhang Shao was startled when Xiantong said it directly.

The balance in my heart immediately tilted.

Without any further hesitation, he directly followed the steps written in the "Peach Blossom Fairy" and began to perform the ritual of offering sacrifices to the Peach Blossom God, which seemed very strange.

First he knelt down to salute the "Peach Blossom God Statue", then he recited the fairy scriptures, and then got up and danced... After doing this several times, suddenly there was a flash of light, but a "peach core" that looked like a jade carving appeared out of thin air.

After falling to the ground, it burrows into the soil by itself and takes root and sprouts.

In an instant, it grew into a delicate and beautiful peach tree, and it blossomed and bore fruit in an instant.

When Zhang Shao looked at it again, the tree was already full of flat peaches and fairy fruits, with a strong fragrance.

"Eat it in one bite, don't miss it."

With the sound of fairy tales falling, the spring breeze blows, and the trees are full of fairy peaches.

Until now, Zhang Shao still had a trace of suspicion and vigilance in his heart, but he thought again:

"I got the Slaughtering Dharma Body bestowed upon me, not to mention the supernatural powers and treasures, but my belly has its origins. It is a supernatural power called 'heavenly ghost's big belly'. Any poison in the world can't do anything to me."

"If I swallow these peaches and still get the trick, it means that the Peach Blossom God is really stronger than Qitu Bodhisattva, and it's just right to switch to her."

It has to be said that there is no flaw in Zhang Shao's thought.

But how could he think of it?

There are fairy peach trees in front of my eyes, it's just an illusion.

The real scene is: Tao Mozi took out a bottle of elixir from his treasure pouch in the air. There was a red seal on it, with three large characters written on it.

This pill has no great background, it is Tao Qian's own game work.

For a while, the Longevity Peach Forest was infected with his devilish energy, which caused some diseases and insect pests to breed.

Tao Qian was not used to it either, he sprayed it with Fu Nie Zhenhuo, directly refining thousands of miraculous elixirs.

Danxiao, or erysipelas, is extremely simple and crude.

After swallowing, he will fall into the devil's dream, and will be extremely convinced by Tao Qian, and he will obey his words.

To some extent, this can be regarded as the demonic version of Changsheng Xiantao.

There are no benefits, only costs.

If it is a monk who hangs out in the longevity world, he dare not swallow it for safekeeping.

But Zhang Shao, who was just an ordinary human not long ago, even if he had a heroic mind, he couldn't understand the tricks of those ghosts in the practice world in a short time.

It was so easy, he fell into the trap.

He opened his ghostly mouth, swallowed heavily, and swallowed all the "Peach Demon Pills" in the blink of an eye.

It took effect immediately, and UU Reading www.uukanshu.com fell asleep soundly.

What he experienced in the dream was precisely a large number of myths related to the Peach Blossom God, all fabricated by Tao Mozi and instilled by Yantian Chonger... Although there are some myths such as "there is the Dao first, and then there is the sky, the Peach Blossom God and Demon are still in front" and so on. The content was quite outrageous, but Zhang Shao couldn't resist swallowing the pill by himself.

Not long after, he was deceived into a muddleheaded, bewildered mess.

When he woke up from his deep sleep, he immediately turned over, and then made a move that no one, not even Tao Qian, had expected.

Seeing Zhang Shao, who has a huge ghost body and a small human head, turned around nimbly and knelt down, kowtowed nine times in succession, and shouted with great sincerity:

"My God, be merciful!"

"Shao wasted half his life, and he only regrets that he has not met the Ming Lord. Now my **** would like to accept Shao as a peach blossom son, please allow Shao to worship my Lord as a father."

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