Longevity is Different, Caishikou Was Beheaded at the Beginning

Chapter 606: Wanyu Jade Pillow shows its prestige again, smashing Guanyin into a dream

Search God Realm, Liang Country, Langya County.

On this day, outside the county city, a big fire burned the sky, and all the people in the city came to watch.

When the county was ruled by King Qitu before, men, women and children were full of fear and panic all day long, but now they all returned to their previous expressions. The prince and princess came to the county town and summoned a powerful **** and demon [Peach Blossom God] with the honor of a goddess, and immediately surrendered King Qitu, his seven righteous sons and an army of millions of demons.

And now, it's time to spend.

On the plain outside the city, a gigantic stele engraved with the "killing curse" was inserted like a torch, a huge formation below was bursting with divine light, and endless flames surged inside, roasting and melting the giant stele, Every time the flames were about to go out, soldiers of the Seven Slaughters threw themselves into the formation to ignite a new fire with their bodies and souls.

These evil ghosts and bodhisattvas who kill people in the wild have now become firewood.

Even the "seven righteous sons" who betrayed Zhang Xianzhong couldn't escape, they had the idea of ​​resisting, but they were infected with the peach nightmare erysipelas early, and their body, mind and soul were completely controlled by Tao Mozi, no matter how hard they struggled, it would be useless.

It took twelve hours for such a spectacular scene to appear and last, but it also consumed all of Tao Mozi's current strength.

The Yantian larvae that have grown into "giants" occupy the sky, covering the sky with their filaments, completely cutting off the blood connection between these gods and demons called "Bodhisattvas" and the Qitu Bodhisattva, so as to prevent that The Lord Bodhisattva directly ordered the Bodhisattvas to rebel, and even descended in the body.

The formation below to smelt the Seven Slaughter Monuments also has its origins. It is called [The Great Formation of the Mysterious Demons Burning the Body of the Heavens]. It was originally a formation used to destroy the enemy together. Endless Demon Flame, if the power is not enough, you can use bait to lure some demons from outside the territory as fuel.

Tao Mozi changed it and used it directly as a stove to smelt the Seven Slaughter Monument, and the effect can be described as outstanding.

Outside the city of Langya County, it was as if a "flame mountain" had descended. The fire was so ferocious that even the other counties of Liang State had heard about it.

Only when the fire is extinguished, sacrifice the giant stele embodying the divinity of the Qitu Bodhisattva to the Heavenly Dao of the God Realm, and he can get back the bliss and perfection of Tao Damozi, as well as his treasure bag.

But even so, Tao Mozi, who was outside the formation at the moment, still frowned slightly, feeling a little uneasy.

Thinking of the information shared from the main body, I couldn't help but complain:

"My main body is really useless, how can I ask Yun Rong to seek Yuan Ming's favor."

"When you meet your rival in love, you are extremely jealous."

"If these two girls get jealous, if they start a fight, wouldn't it be a big disaster?"

"If it's another devil, he must directly write a book and tell the old love with the demon concubine Yuan Ming's mantra. He will be moved back to Guanyin Temple in person. With his background, he will ask Guanyin to help him. Even difficult problems can be easily solved, where there will be many variables left."

"What are you talking about Taohuazi, the posture level still needs to be improved."

Amidst Tao Mozi's nagging, twelve hours passed in a flash.

After burning for a whole day, the majestic [Seven Slaughters Monument] was finally completely carbonized, turning into a black charcoal block covered with fire patterns. It disintegrated in one breath, and with a crash, it turned into powder and scattered in the sky.

The essence of the Qitu divinity contained in it has also returned to the heavens in this world.

Seeing this, Tao Mozi no longer put on the appearance of a wishful book fairy, and changed back to the appearance of the handsome devil, and shouted to the invisible heaven above the sky: "My son is so big, this meal should be enough to satisfy you." , Hurry up and return everything about your father and my baby."

The devil is vulgar, if he dares to offend like this in the longevity world, he will be punished by heaven.

However, in the God Search Realm, the source of the heavenly dao is still following him.

There have been many transactions, large and small, over the past few days, and maybe in a few more days, the upright and upright source of the Dao of Heaven will be corrupted by this devil with "sugar-coated cannonballs".

Of course, this time the transaction was very fair.

It should be known that the Qitu Bodhisattva's stele contains the divine source of energy poured into the world by Qitu Bodhisattva himself, and there are also a large number of family blood, which can be said to be the early investment of Qitu Bodhisattva. It should be obtained by searching the gods and heaven.

Tao Qian used means, and the way of heaven will reward him.

In the next moment, a large number of visions of heaven and earth suddenly appeared in Langya County, mixed with divine light, falling down and directly falling into Tao Qian's body.

Complete repair!

The treasure bag is back!

After all, this guy doesn't need to learn to be bad, and he is already full of bad things. With the cooperation of the source of heaven, he directly used Yantian insects to brainwash the entire people of Langya County.

All kinds of illusions related to peach blossom burst out, coaxing men, women and children to be full of piety and praise the honorable name of the peach blossom god.

When it comes to "pretending to be gods and playing ghosts", Tao Qian thinks that he is no weaker than anyone else.

Originally, he didn't have these pretentious thoughts, but this time the plot against the Seven Slaughters went so smoothly, Tao Qian saw how convenient it is to do things in the gods and demons' skin, so he decided to do as the Romans do.

"I, Tao Qian, can't use the name of [Lingbao Fu Nie Zhenjun] for the time being, and I can't get a little bit of glory. Wouldn't it be more beautiful to fabricate and promote the reputation of Peach Blossom God?"

"My Peach Blossom God Sect, don't need too many other ones, goddesses and saintesses, more..."

"Huh? Not good! The debt collector is here."

Tao Mozi was thinking complacently, when suddenly a warning came from Yantian Chonger.

Looking up, he saw an unstoppable **** light coming from the sky.

Even though there is still a barrier of worlds between the two, at this moment Tao Mozi felt tingling pain all over his body, his heart and soul trembled, and the killing intent to destroy everything had already turned into an inexhaustible killing spell in advance, pouring word by word into Tao Qian's mind. drill.

Even if Tao Mozi's cultivation base treasures were taken back, Tao Qian knew that he might not be an opponent even before the fight.

"You are so big, you have a short mouth for eating people, stop this Bodhisattva quickly."

"If this bodhisattva kills me, you won't be able to have a second full meal."

Tao Mozi yelled like this, and at the same time made a hasty confession before fleeing to the nearby county.

While trying to divert the disaster to the east, it also made Tian Chong secretly use worm silk to wrap around the avatar of the Bodhisattva who was about to enter the world, hoping to get a little chance.

It's a pity that all the precautions are in vain.

Sou Shenjie Tiandao has not been corrupted for the time being, only recognizes transactions, does not know what friendship is, and does not listen to his greetings at all.

He himself had just escaped to the border, and there was blood falling to the ground in front of him, just in time to stop him.

Playing the celestial worm silk has some effect, for example, when Tao Qian officially saw the appearance of Qitu Bodhisattva clone, he passed on some basic information about it:

"The person who enters the realm is one of the clones of the foreign **** and demon [Seven Slaughter Bodhisattva], Fish Basket Avalokitesvara."

"Although this avatar has only the magic power of bliss and perfection, it is the avatar that Qitu Bodhisattva personally cultivated when he attained enlightenment in his early years."

"The magic power is complete, the Taoist heart is fierce, and the supernatural powers are countless."

"To Him, all living beings are fish and meat on a chopping board."

"Sentient beings are like fish? How big is the cowhide?"

Tao Mozi, who was blocked in the middle, watched seriously, and in front of him stood a village woman with snow-white skin and delicate features, holding a fish basket in her arms.

It's fine without the bodhisattva's robes, and he's only wearing a close-fitting jacket, with bare feet and lotus arms... Just looking at his appearance, he can't see any ferocity at all.

When he looked at Avalokitesvara, Avalokitesvara was also looking at him.

With just one glance, he saw Tao Damozi's first layer of details, and couldn't help laughing:

"This seat is still some kind of blind **** and demon, who dared to coax and kill millions of Bodhisattvas."

"It turned out to be a little devil boy from the Secret Demon Sect, but it is indeed your old profession. The fighting skills are soft-footed crabs, and stealing chickens and dogs is like that iron-bottomed python. It's just that you absolutely shouldn't, you shouldn't steal it. Come up."

"For the face of some elders in your family, I will give you a chance to explain. If I am satisfied with the compensation, I may spare your life."

Tao Qian couldn't help laughing when Fish Basket Guanyin said these words.

Listening to these words, it is obvious that Qitu Bodhisattva, a **** and demon, has often dealt with the secret demon sect.

If not, the evaluation would not be so accurate.

But since he was still willing to save face, it was clear that this Bodhisattva suffered a lot under the hands of some Patriarchs of the Secret Demon Sect.

Tao Qian seemed to feel that he couldn't escape, and planned to make a deal of friendship, so he smiled, cupped his hands and said:

"Bodhisattva's enlightenment, enlightenment."

"I didn't know before that those ghost-like things were Bodhisattva's subordinates. They only thought they were some ghosts, so they used some methods... It is said that those who don't know are not guilty, and Bodhisattvas are for all sentient beings. They should be able to forgive the boy... "

In the middle of the story, Yuba Guanyin only looked at Tao Qian with a pair of beautiful eyes.

Of course, what Tao Mozi received would not be lingering glances, but a pure killing intent that could destroy the world.

Incomparably decisive, the voice changed again:

"Of course, since you made a mistake, you should be a good person and compensate the Bodhisattva."

"If you want to come, Bodhisattva also knows that my Secret Demon Sect is currently selecting a suzerain. The boy is not talented, and he is the one who is most likely to ascend to the position of suzerain."

"To be honest, Bodhisattva, there are [Patriarch Xuyuzi], [Yin-Yang Demon Lord], [Six Evil Demon Lord] and other patriarchs standing behind the boy. This search for the God Realm is just a formality, and we only wait for the time to come. The patriarchs will cast spells in the air, so that I can get the most spiritual materials, so I can sit in that position directly."

"This time, since the boy and the Bodhisattva have such a karmic relationship, it is rare to share one or two of them with the Bodhisattva..."

"Oh, really? How do you want a piece of my pie?"

While talking, Tao Qian couldn't help walking towards Guanyin in the fish basket.

As the latter turned back, a strange smile appeared on his snow-white and delicate face.

Tao Qian didn't seem to be aware of it at all, and deliberately leaned his head closer, pretending to be mysterious and whispering:

"It's simple, Bodhisattva!"

"Come here with your ears..."

"It's easy to say, I'll bring your head first, and then I'll let you Hu Qin."

Before he finished speaking, Guanyin of the Fish Basket actually took out a fish-killing knife from the delicately woven fish basket, and did not see it wielding it. Tao Qian immediately separated his body and head, and the blood gushing out of his neck directly smashed a fish knife. Push the big head into the fish basket.

Even so, Tao Qian's head could still speak, first he screamed: "The Bodhisattva has such a cruel heart, I really think the boy is a fish in your basket."

Then, shaking his head and shouting:

"The bodhisattva is so beautiful, if I ask the boy to have a spring breeze with you, the joy of fish and water, the boy will still be willing to accompany you."

"It's too vulgar to kill a fish, it's impossible."

"The so-called coming and not going is indecent. A Bodhisattva cuts me with a knife, but also eats my pillow."

Hear these two sentences.

Fish Basket Guanyin frowned, feeling bad.

The next moment, he saw the magic light flickering, and the detached demon boy in front of him turned into a double demon.

How is this possible?

Fish Basket Guanyin was shocked. He knew that most of the demon cubs of the Secret Demon Sect were good at summoning magic, and there were many demons who were good at transforming into substitutes among the demon heads of the heavens. .

Because of this, he didn't immediately kill him, but planned to play with the devil like a cat catching a mouse first, and by the way, see if there is really a big backer behind him.

How did you expect it to miss this time?

And even more unbelievable events for Guanyin in Fish Basket are yet to come.

As soon as the word "pillow" fell, there was a sound of wind in the back of his head.

This time, there was also no warning.

With his cultivation base mana and supernatural powers, he missed twice in a row?

Before he could figure out the reason, his brain was completely hit.

At the last moment, He opened his Dharma eyes at the back of his head.

Just saw Tao Damozi's cheeky smile, and saw him holding a strange jade pillow and smashing it on the back of his head.

Immediately, an indescribable feeling of fatigue invaded, trying to make him fall into a dream in the blink of an eye.

And that dream is a spring dream.

He is an ancient Bodhisattva who was born in the Buddhism of the Heavens, and his knowledge far surpasses that of Tao Qian.

Even if Tao Mozi didn't speak, he still recognized the magic weapon of the jade pillow in the blink of an eye.

"Wanyu Yinyang Pillow!"

"The thief is looking for death!"

Obviously, Fish Basket Guanyin was out of anger at this moment.

He originally wanted the cat to catch the mouse, but he never thought that he would be murdered.

He no longer thinks about how the thief managed to deceive him twice.

Now Fish Basket Guanyin has only one thought, oh no, it should be two thoughts.

First, you must never be brought into a dream by the yin and yang pillow.

Second, kill this despicable and shameless devil in front of you.

In all fairness, if Tao Qian had done this trick twelve hours ago, Fish Basket Avalokitesvara would have been able to struggle successfully.

It's a pity that the current Damozi Tao has recovered his cultivation base, and the pure realm of Taoism is also blissful and perfect, and he can directly exert most of the power of [Yin Yang Pillow of Ten Thousand Desires].

The most important thing is that this fellow is too dark-hearted.


"The bodhisattva has come from a long way, and if you are tired, please take a nap first, don't be polite to the boy."

Hearing the crisp sound, it was obviously Tao Qian who made up for a second time.

The body of the Bodhisattva like a beautiful village woman softened, her beautiful eyes rolled up, and she collapsed on the ground, and immediately there was a groan, obviously she was tricked by Wanyu Yinyang Pillow.

Pity this Fish Basket Avalokitesvara, as a clone of Qitu Bodhisattva himself~www.wuxiaspot.com~The mana power is so terrifying, and the supernatural powers are so invincible.

Tao Qian was supposed to be easily demoted, but he was accidentally caught by black hands, capsizing the boat in the gutter.

In fact, it's no wonder Yubaguanyin, he only regarded Tao Qian as an ordinary devil boy of the secret demon sect, and didn't know his second-level details at all.

If Fish Basket Avalokitesvara knew that this fellow was carrying a "Yantian Larva", it would be absolutely impossible to give him a chance to talk about Hu Qin, let alone let him do it in close proximity.

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