Longevity is Different, Caishikou Was Beheaded at the Beginning

Chapter 607: Misfortune diverted to the east, corrupting the way of heaven

But Tao Qian used a jade pillow to throw Avalokitesvara in the wilderness forest. He was still standing, and Avalokitesvara was lying down.

The beautiful woman's jade body lay before her, panting delicately, ebb and flow.

If you change to a serious woman, I am afraid that what should have happened and should not have happened has already happened, especially the sexual dream effect that comes with Wanyu Yinyang Pillow is really shameless. If the son has a bad heart, he will lose his innocence immediately.

However, at this time and this place, there is no charming atmosphere at all.

Tao Qian continued to receive many secrets related to the [Seven Slaughter Bodhisattva] from Yan Tianchong, and at the same time took out the evil sword and planned to kill him, and at the same time slandered:

"This woman is too fierce."

"I regard all living beings as fish. If Li Wanshou, the Daoist Immortal Fish at the time, met him, I'm afraid he would be skinned and cramped to make fish soup."

"If I really forcibly have **** with him, I will be hunted to the ends of the earth, and even my body will be implicated."

"Simply, kill it while it's hot."

Mozi fruit is a devil.

Once you've made up your mind, you won't hesitate anymore, the Nie Zhanjian is out of the treasure bag, and the fine teeth of the sword are bursting with murderous intent.

But it was at this moment that Yantian Chong came to take the lead.

When Tao Qian saw it, his complexion changed immediately, and he yelled strangely: "No, the Bodhisattva wants to show his original shape. The younger generation will take a step first."

Before he finished speaking, his figure swayed, and when he looked again, he was already hundreds of miles away, completely away from the boundary of Langya County, if he gave him another breath, he would be able to escape thousands of miles away.

Just this breath, Fish Basket Guanyin didn't give it.

This avatar of the Qitu Bodhisattva was already furious when he fell into a dream, and wanted to cast spells to break free, but the yin and yang pillow of Wanyu is not small, at least it is the "Yin Yang old man", the companion spirit treasure of the **** and demon, if the Qitu Bodhisattva itself It won't feel good to get hit, let alone just a clone.

Ordinary methods could not be broken, so Fish Basket Avalokitesvara had no choice but to show her true nature.

It's just that there is a price to be paid for doing this. Once the entanglement is too long, the divine energy will be completely locked by the gods of the gods, and this clone of him will never be able to leave the gods.

He originally came to search for the benefits of wealth, but if he got caught in it, he would lose money.

But at this time, He didn't care about these.

【Avalokitesvara in a Fish Basket】refined by the orthodox Avalokitesvara is holy and pure in its true form.

However, this fish basket is an imitation of Qitu Bodhisattva, so it is quite different.

I saw purple and black evil light bursting out of the sky, and a female **** and demon with a height of thousands of feet woke up from a spring dream. The body of this **** and demon is really graceful, and there are not many clothes to cover it, but anyone who sees it may not have any lewd thoughts. Come.

Gai is a **** and demon, not to mention purple and black skin, and the accessories on his body are also skulls, human skin, dried meat, ashes... and other evil things.

Seeing Tao Qian running away, Guanyin, who was still carrying the fish basket, sneered and said:

"What a despicable devil boy!"

"If I ask you to escape, my practice for many years will be in vain."

"The risk of losing money today will kill you alive."

The Avalokitesvara Goddess was obviously very angry and couldn't care less about it. When the fish basket was thrown, the evil light was like a sea, filling the ten thousand miles of land in an instant.

Tao Qian didn't have time to react, and his figure was already in the fish basket.

At the same time, Yan Tianchong came to see the secret: "The baby is called [Ci En Fish Basket], which is not small. It was taken from the six pure bamboos of innate treasures in the Buddhist holy places of the heavens when the Qitu Bodhisattva had not yet apostatized." Compiled by Zizhu. It is unparalleled in its power, it can be big or small, and when it is big, it can hold the water of the four seas. Even if you practice the mind light escape technique, you may not be able to escape from it."

When Tao Qian saw this in the blink of an eye, when Tao Qian raised his head, it was already visible that Guanyin in the Fish Basket lowered his head and looked at him.

There were sarcomas raised under his ribs, and after the explosion, pairs of purple-black arms protruded, and each took out weapons such as knives, hammers, chisels, needles, etc. from the fish basket. Apparently, they planned to fulfill their promise and kill Tao Qian, who dared to blaspheme Him. The secret demon cub peeled and cramped.

"It really is a vicious woman."

"But Bodhisattva, don't brag about it. Whether you can keep the younger generation or not depends on your means."

When he finished speaking, Tao Qian smiled and waved his sleeve robe.

Accompanied by the flickering of the magic light, strange rustling sounds came one after another, and a group of strange slender hounds rushed out.

In an instant, it bit through the inner wall of the fish basket.

Tao Qian, like a cunning fish, slithered out along the gap and went to another county in the blink of an eye.

This scene was too fast, even the Fish Basket Guanyin didn't react.

But he has sharp eyesight, and he also knows what those small dogs are.

Because of this, Guanyin was even more surprised:

"Origin Sea Demon Dog?"

"This devil boy, can drive away the Yuanhai devil dog for his own use?"

"No, this is absolutely impossible, is there a fraud?"

It has to be said that Yubaguanyin's knowledge is stronger than some secret devils.

Previously in the main path of the secret demon, many demons saw Tao Qian using the magic dog to fight against the enemy, and they really thought that he had completely subdued the magic dog.

Although it was wrong, Fish Basket Avalokitesvara still couldn't keep Tao Qian.

This kid is really slippery.

And at this juncture, this Avalokitesvara is also facing a choice:

First, give up on getting back the position, leave Sogoth Realm immediately while there is still time, and stop losses in time.

Second, continue to hunt and kill, the price is that the avatar will show its true nature, and the divine aura will be completely exposed. In another ten breaths, it will be marked by the search for the God Realm and the Heavenly Dao, and it will be detained in the realm, and it will not be possible to escape. Another defeat, the Qitu Bodhisattva has suffered a great loss.

All the gods and demons of the heavens entered the God Realm for the purpose of looting, not for charity.

Fish Basket Avalokitesvara did not expect that he personally hunted down and killed them to no avail, and also delayed another task of "saving eight million people".

It stands to reason that when reason returns, He should go.

However, it was also at this moment that a cheap voice came from afar:

"Tsk tsk, the bodhisattva is fierce, but in his dream he is as gentle as a little girl."

"Such a wonderful image, the younger generation should engrave tens of thousands of copies with the photo stone, and after leaving this world, they should be able to sell for a good price."

At this moment, Fish Basket Guanyin, who had already turned around to escape from the God Search Realm, froze.

The killing intent condensed into substance poured down like a scarlet waterfall.

Good guy!

Tao Mozi easily became the first monk in the Great Yuan Sea to threaten the Qitu Bodhisattva with a picture of a sexual dream.

Even if it is a secret devil, this way is really wild.

Of course, Fish Basket Avalokitesvara remained.

He didn't say a word, and he didn't even want to take back the "truth". An oracle from the main body echoed in his mind:

kill him!

Do whatever it takes to crush this devil boy to ashes.

Poor Master Tao Dazhen hasn't actually met with [Qitu Bodhisattva], and he hasn't had a real relationship with him yet, the avatars of the two parties have already formed a deadly enmity.

If the relationship between the main body and the avatar is exposed in the future, I'm afraid that this demon Bodhisattva who dared to steal the Buddha's tooth will kill the longevity world immediately and block the Penglai Sea. Tao Qian must be responsible.

This scene hadn't happened yet, but the Fish Basket Avalokitesvara, who had shown the body of a female **** and demon, had already started chasing and killing Tao Mozi frantically in the Liang Kingdom of the God Search Realm.

Ten breaths!

In just ten breaths, Fish Basket Avalokitesvara has used countless kinds of supernatural powers, and has taken out many magical weapons and treasures from the fish basket.

However, still failed to make a contribution.

Tao Mozi has also recovered his cultivation base, and he has achieved blissful perfection. In addition to Tao Dazhenjun's three years of hard work, the secret magic method, not to mention the Yuanhai magic dog and other off-the-box tricks, he has not even used the [Sword of Slashing Evil], and he can easily Then the ten interest time was dealt with.

When the time comes, there will be a special celestial phenomenon.

Tao Qian looked back, and he saw that the purple-black-skinned female demon behind him who flung her arms and chased after him seemed to have been suppressed suddenly. , completely integrated with Sou Shen Realm.

Seeing this scene, Tao Mozi seemed afraid that Fish Basket Avalokitesvara would not hate him enough, so he pointed at the giantess-like Avalokitesvara, laughed and mocked:

"Good Bodhisattva!"

"The younger generation doesn't know that the charm of my body is so great that the Bodhisattva can't forget it so much."

"I would rather give up a clone than spend a good night with the younger generation."

Tao Mozi continued to hold the hatred of Guanyin in the fish basket, and at the same time, by acting as a celestial worm, he directly asked for benefits from the Heavenly Dao of the Searching God Realm, and tried to pull it into the water again.

All kinds of demonic thoughts flocked to the source of the honest way of heaven.

"My family is so big, I have never done such a good business."

"Although this [Avalokitesvara in Fish Basket] has not yet been eaten, but it is completely locked in the boundary, it is already rotten in the pot, and it will be eaten sooner or later."

"Hurry up and repay me with some benefits, and then sign some contracts with me. There is an endless supply of such people who are taken advantage of."

Tao Mozi worked so hard and persevered to pollute the heavens in the God Realm, so he had big plans.

Search God Realm is going to die!

Everyone knows about this.

Many gods and demons who entered the realm, as well as a large number of Dao vein seeds like "secret devils", all came to **** the inheritance.

Whether it is a conspiracy or a conspiracy, each has its own means.

But what Tao Qian did was the dirtiest.

He actually wanted to completely gain the trust of the Heavenly Dao of the God Realm!

Once he succeeds, on the day the world collapses, the Dao of Heaven must give all the "inheritance" to him, the sole guardian.

The rest of the Dao veins and gods and demons will not be able to catch a hair by then.

If you want to take it, you must first give it.

This is why after Tao Mozi entered the world, it was not appropriate to leave the conscienceless devil boy behind, and insisted on being the only "good old man" in front of the Heavenly Dao of the God Realm.

It's a pity, how easy is it to corrupt an honest and fair way of heaven?

Dirty demonic thoughts flooded in like a sea, but there was no response at all.

Seeing this, Tao Qian was not discouraged.

Glancing at [Avalokitesvara in Fish Basket] who was rushing over, he chuckled, and then turned his head to look at the other two big forces in the territory of Liang Kingdom, who were fighting to kill them.

Red Rope Army!

Tianfu Army!

Those polluted family members are no longer in the eyes of Tao Mozi.

What really attracted him ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ were the two powerful gods and demons standing behind them.

"Emperor Tianfu, plus a red rope god, if they can lure their divine avatars into the world... Even if they still can't corrupt the heavenly way of the God Realm, it is necessary to use their strength to bring disaster to the east , grab some good things, practice some supernatural powers, and get some treasures."

"Originally this kind of death-defying act of dancing on the tip of a knife is not suitable for me, but this time, with the help of acting insects, it is really a waste not to take some shortcuts."

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