After the chaos in the Liang Kingdom, more than a dozen rebels emerged, all wanting to get their hands on the throne of the sovereign.

Behind them, each stood a "foreign **** and demon" who entered the world to search for wealth. After choosing a suitable spokesperson, they entered the stage of **** fighting.

It didn't take long for the general winner to be decided.

Except for the two armies of Chisheng and Tianfu, the rest of the rebels were crushed and killed.

If there is no accident, the new master of the Liang Kingdom should be born between [Tianfu Emperor Jia Qiuqi] and [Chisheng Emperor Zhao Liujia].

But just when the two major forces were confronting each other and there was friction with each other, an accident happened suddenly.

A huge chasing and killing scene was staged in various counties within Liang State.

The one being chased down was a not-so-famous demon called "Peach Blossom God".

But the **** who is chasing and killing in the rear has a lot of origins, such as Avalokitesvara in the Fish Basket and the clone of Qitu Bodhisattva.

The two gods and demons standing behind Jia Qiuqi and Zhao Liujia knew the prestige of the [Seven Slaughter Bodhisattva].

Although he is not afraid of him, he is not willing to add a tyrannical enemy to himself for no reason, especially Qitu Bodhisattva, a fierce **** and demon who also has status in Yuanhai.

For this reason, both sides have the same idea: not to interfere in this hunt.

What they thought was beautiful, but Tao Damozi disagreed.

I don't know what tricks he used, but he was always able to know in advance where the two armies of Chisheng and Tianfu were stationed, and then he seduced the "Fish Basket Guanyin" who showed his terrifying appearance, and with the help of the latter's magical powers, sent Soldiers, family members, and leaders of the Second Army were all killed.

Because of himself, he can always slip away like a loach.

After one or two times, Jia Qiuqi and Zhao Liujia got bored with this guy, and they simply joined forces to set up traps, trying to help the Fish Basket Guanyin catch the Peach Blossom Demon, and cut them off together, so as not to suffer from this thief all the time. harassment.

This plan is both poisonous and good.

However, useless.

Tao Damozi has "Yan Tian Chong" in his hand, and any conspiracies and schemes of discipline will not fall on him.

Instead, he was used by him many times to deal with Yubaguanyin. Later, Tao Qian didn't even need to deal with the pursuit and killing. He just seduced, slaughtered, seduced again, and then slaughtered... In this cycle, the two gods of Tianfu and Chisheng The army of the demon family has been tossing hard enough.

Although Liang State is large and has many people, it can be continuously polluted and alienated into a family.

However, all methods have a price, but they cannot be harvested without limit. Even wild leeks, after cutting, they have to wait until they grow well before cutting another crop.

The two great armies of gods and demons, because of the peach blossom gods and demons, reduce their numbers every day. If this goes on, the search plans of the two extraterritorial gods and demons, Chisheng Shenjun and Tianfu Dadi, will go bankrupt sooner or later. It has to be filled in, who wants to do a loss-making business?

The two "indigenous agents", Jia Qiuqi and Zhao Liujia, also couldn't accept the pain of being cut by a blunt knife. They set up rituals every day and night. The master begged for more investment, and even asked the master to simply send a clone to help.

The persuasive words and promises also made it difficult for the two gods and demons to refute.

"Big investment can bring big rewards. If you have the master's avatar to assist you, what you can search is not only the resources and spiritual materials of the state of Liang, but also Tang, Song, Zhou, Yuan and other great powers on top of Shenzhou, not to mention They said there were other continents in the God Realm, so they simply snatched them all."

"Only the merits of one realm can help my **** go one step further. Don't miss it."

The unanimous idea of ​​the two aboriginal chiefs naturally did not come out of thin air.

This is one of the wonderful functions of acting as a celestial worm, quietly implanting these thoughts into their hearts and souls, even if they are both the leaders of the gods and demons, they can't detect it at all.

Once again, Tao Damozi experienced the joy of "Duobao Daoist" back then.

Of course, this can also be regarded as a conspiracy method, which is also called sunk cost in previous lives.

Just like Qitu Bodhisattva ruthlessly left the Fish Basket Avalokitesvara clone in Sou Shen Realm, he was reluctant to part with the previous investment, unwilling to lose all his money, so he willingly covered his position, thinking about getting all his money back, how could it be possible? Thinking that this is Tao Damozi's method of harvesting wild leeks?

So one day, the two gods Chisheng and Tianfu finally couldn't bear the nagging of the head of the family.

After receiving the prayers of Jia Qiuqi and Zhao Liujia, they increased their investment again, pouring a large amount of divine energy from the air, not to mention, they even lowered a clone of each of them.

Just when Tao Mozi turned into the Peach Blossom God and Demon repeated his old tricks and once again led Fish Basket Guanyin to the front of the two armies.

Suddenly at this moment, divine light erupted on the left and right sides, and two terrifying figures covering the sky and the sun suddenly appeared, and at the same time shouted at the Fish Basket Guanyin:

"Bodhisattva, don't be angry, I have captured this guy for you."

"Bodhisattva, wait a moment. This great emperor will help you catch this wild god. Then you and I will share the food."

From these two sentences, it can also be seen that the status of [Seven Slaughter Bodhisattva] in Yuanhai should not be low.

The avatars of the two gods and demons descended, and they were about to use means to capture the so-called Peach Blossom Gods and Demons, so as to prevent Yuba Guanyin from indiscriminately killing them.

When I first saw the **** on the left, I saw a handsome man with a body as tall as a thousand feet, wearing a red wedding gown, and holding a book, but in the blink of an eye, this man's body shattered and turned into white flesh.

White bodies, both male and female, both male and female, are innumerable, pouring down like waterfalls and tides, and the huge sky seems to be filled and filled.

There are more than a million of these bodies, but they are all in one piece. They are all bound by endless crimson evil ropes. In the red mist, they are like millions of "meat worms", wriggling crazily.

The frightening thing is that even if Tao Qian, who is now fully recovered, went to see His clone, he couldn't help being tricked.

First, the source of energy in his body was disordered, and then there were many thoughts in his heart and soul. When he lowered his head, he saw red ropes growing out of thin air, binding his Dharma body tightly. What name and color will be tied up?

In his mind, Yan Tianchong'er transmitted the secret in due course:

"Mr. Chisheng!"

"This is the avatar of the foreign gods and demons [Red Rope Shenjun] in the early years, pulling the red rope for thousands of miles, and cultivating the heart and soul of evil fate. The red rope, matched with marriage, is actually secretly planting evil poison, creating hundreds of millions of resentful couples, and constantly spreading the "Red Rope Sutra", "Marriage Demon Book", "Red Thread Secret Book" and other evil scriptures in all walks of life... Here All sorts of things are called the Red Rope Road.”

"Because of the similar paths, the Chisheng God Lord and another **** and demon 'Yuelao' are mortal enemies. Although the latter has a deeper way, the former acts more unscrupulously."

"The most glorious achievement of the Akasawa God Lord is that he forcibly arranged a marriage for the innate **** and demon [Chaos Demon Ancestor], so that a female **** and demon [Fairy Fu Zhu] married to the Demon Ancestor... Both of them were calculated by the Akasawa God Lord, and they could not repent , and in order to eliminate the karmic fate, both of them will give benefits to the Chisheng Shenjun."

"Although this gentleman is only a part of a **** and a demon, he has already cultivated all kinds of magical powers. If any sentient beings fight with him, they will be born shorter. It will never be worth the red rope and marriage gift he gives .”

"For those who are married, it is ten times more difficult."


After seeing the secret, Damozi Tao burst into surprise.

He didn't believe it anymore, that Mr. Chisheng was just a low-level **** and demon who followed the way of adultery, how could it be said that sentient beings would be a head shorter when fighting with him, and it would be ten times harder for married people? How can there be such a reason in the world? Tao Qian didn't believe it yet.

Just as he was thinking this way, the Chisheng Lord who occupied half of the sky had cast a very strange supernatural power on Tao Qian.

In the red mist with endless worms tumbling, there was a laughing sound first:

"Peach Blossom God? Could it be that he cultivated the Tao of Peach Blossoms?"

"This kind of name sounds like a servant of the gods under the command of the gods."

"Let me let you see, what kind of marriage is bestowed on you, you can't refuse?"

"Huh? You have high eyesight, you are actually thinking about this kind of "spiritual gift" Taoist fairy? It really is a toad who wants to eat swan meat... I can't find it for now, but I can give you a top-grade red rope refining life corpse The wonderful flesh body has been addicted to dryness, and you can’t refuse it if you keep it, so come here obediently.”

These words have not yet fallen.

The red rope waterfall hanging down from the sky suddenly parted, and a white flesh corpse suddenly rolled down from the endless pile of meat worms. UU Reading's divine light flashed, and the flesh corpse turned into a figure that shocked Tao Qian.

Heaven-sent inspiration, cold and unparalleled, is the former No. 1 pride of Lingbao Sect, Yunhua's first disciple, Xie Lingji.

Ordinarily, this kind of illusion technique is a small evil technique that is not popular, and it will not be able to confuse anyone with advanced morals.

However, at this time, it is [Chisheng Langjun] who is performing the spell, and it is enough to confuse the real one.

In a trance, Tao Qian only felt that he had returned to Befu, the fire cave on Dengxian Island, and saw the clever senior sister in the warm jade.

Senior Sister is raising her hand to call him over.

And Tao Damozi suddenly realized that his body had moved there involuntarily.

He deliberately refused, but his body refused to listen.

In the blink of an eye, he knew the reason from Yantian Chong, and immediately cursed in his heart:

"A shameless sorcery that distorts all kinds of **** and turns it into a marriage invitation... No wonder all sentient beings who dare to say that they will be a head shorter when fighting against it. As long as they have something to worry about, or have unexpressed feelings, they will be killed by the red rope." Sneak in."

"But it's not me who misses Xie Lingji. It's really an innocent disaster. The evil fate of the body, separated from the realms of the sea of ​​origin, how can it affect me?"

"My body, you should also wake me up. Aunt Yunhua has to find the location of Xie Lingji's vitality. This Chisheng God Lord is disgusting at first glance. If you want to use his hand to find Xie Lingji, you need to use another method. It really makes me The devil is captured by this guy, I'm afraid you will lose your wife and lose your army..."

As soon as Tao Damozi finished cursing, Yaoyao dispelled the sudden thought from his body.

It's not that the main body really misses Xie Lingji too much, and has thoughts of extramarital affairs, so that he was recruited. It's just that he saw a little sign and had the idea of ​​looking for someone on a whim, but he almost cheated the devil's avatar.


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