Longevity is Different, Caishikou Was Beheaded at the Beginning

Chapter 642: The traitor counts the Buddha, the devil is the son-in-law

Jin Chanzi was upright when he threw the treasure, but no one noticed it, and no one from the Jinshan Mansion's line came out to stop it. Skin

It can be seen from this that his position as "Buddha of the town" does not mean that he has lost his freedom.

Besides, the golden hoop turned into a stream of light and flew tens of thousands of miles away in an instant.

The so-called gods are blessed by Buddhism, even if there are strong people who detect the passage of the treasure on the way, they are afraid of the breath of the "Buddha" and dare not block it.

Yes, not long.

When Tao Mozi's body was returned to the Peach Blossom Temple in Liang State, the golden light flew towards him and fell into his hands, instantly reverting to its original form: a gold hoop engraved with Buddhist scriptures, which looks very exquisite, flowing with the charm of Buddha.

Touching the moment, the narrative begins to burst,

But before he had time to watch, the voice of the golden cicada came from above:

"This thing is called [Golden Band of Merit and Virtue]. It was forged and refined by my master himself. It is also the supreme Buddha treasure."

"This golden hoop not only contains the origin of my merits and virtues, but also has the blessings of my teacher and the teachings of ten thousand Buddhas. It can make the mind and ape return to the right, and the six thieves will disappear. For us Buddhist practitioners, it is the world's First class baby."

"My master once said that there are three disciples in my destiny, so he cast this golden hoop for me first, and then cast two more for my master... All living beings in ten trillion Buddhalands know that they have this treasure If you wear it, you will be a disciple of Buddha with predestined merits, and if you wear it, you will be a great disciple.”

"Just as a teacher, I also want to tell you clearly that there is a spell that matches this thing, called "The Mantra of the Mantra of Restoration". If you put on the golden hoop, the baby will see the flesh take root, no matter how difficult it is to take it off, as a teacher again Chant the mantra, and in an instant your heart will be torn apart and your brain will be stabbed."

"This treasure is not only used for restraint, but also the supreme magic weapon to help you become a Buddha and attain the Tao."

"It has another effect: you have this treasure, and you have recognized the identity of Jin Chanzi's disciple, so you can go to the territory of [Tang Kingdom], pay some tribute, incense and other personnel matters, and you can invite people such as the Eight Dragon Tribes , Buddha spirits, demon gods, Dharma protectors... If you have enough personnel, maybe some Arhats, Bodhisattvas, and even Buddha clones will also help you.”

"With this help, I think you can defeat the other secret demons, even if you can't become the master of the secret demons, it's a great merit." Pi

"You should think about it first, whether to use it or not."

"If you don't want to use it, just say "go back" to the baby, and it will return by itself without you needing to throw it. "

Good fellow, this time there is no need for Tao Mozi to read Zhishu.

Jin Chanzi was extremely frank, and directly revealed all the secrets of Jin Huaner in his hand.

While the demon body was digesting, Tao Zhenjun, who was far away in the sea of ​​Penglai, had a strange expression on his face.

But such things, he has encountered countless incidents in eliminating the hundred-year human calamity in the world of longevity, and he has already been immune to them, so he will not be disturbed. Skin

After a while, Mozi sat upright on the altar, playing with the golden hoop in his hand with a tangled face, and finally seemed to have a decision, and said bitterly:

"My venerable, you have completely fooled that [Golden Cicada], and threw all the Buddhist treasures at the bottom of the box. This thing should be what the holy monk said earlier, and I can get it after I survived the love disaster." benefit."

"Seeing that I was almost killed by Dragon Python Arhat, he gave me an advance payment. Considering it, this is really a good leg, a good master, no worse than your family Duobao, Yuan Gong, or even Toad God."

"However, the method of this Buddhist sect is quite frightening."

"Wearing this golden hoop, in the future I will definitely be able to enter the realm of Taoism, become a Bodhisattva or something, but in the process I must be hijacked by the golden cicada, and I can't even resist, but it is somewhat similar to the dragon python arhat. This guy is in Jia I'm afraid Ye Mofo's place is also very favored, but isn't there a ring around the neck?"

"It's nothing more than tricking me into joining the gang, why bother to use such methods?"

"Whoever loves this thing wears it, I have been a libertine all my life, how can I be bound by my heart and soul?"

When he finished speaking, Tao Mozi approached the golden hoop with a face full of reluctance, and immediately wanted to send the treasure away.

It's just that the word "return" has not been uttered in the mouth, and the deity Tao Zhenjun has a voice transmission from afar:

"Slow down!"


Let's wait for you and my other souls to verify and see if there are any loopholes before making a decision. "

Perhaps the golden hoop was refined by the Buddha, and the level of the treasure is extremely high, with infinite mysteries, and because Tao Mozi is only a part of the soul after all, not as good as the deity, so it took another ten breaths before it was fully triggered.

The first few paragraphs are exactly the same as what Jin Chanzi said, the holy monk is indeed frank.

Only the result of the final immunity cost made Tao Mozi's face suddenly brighten. Skin

[This object was refined by the Buddha, and its power is infinite. If the deity Tao Zhenjun wears it... part of the price can be exempted, but it will also be biased toward Buddhism. After a long time, it will abandon the other two religions and turn to the "Future Dharma". Heavenly Buddhism is going to be the future Buddha. 】

[If Tao Mozi is worn as a double body... the price can hardly be exempted, it can only relieve the pain of the "Spiritual Concentration Mantra" when it occurs. 】

Seeing these two anecdotes, the deity Tao Zhenjun was somewhat disappointed.

It is indeed slightly better, but the price is still heavy, and even the clone of the deity can't bear it.

But that Tao Mozi didn't know what to think, his eyes surged, and the bad water in his stomach sloshed again.

First, with an excited look on his face when he discovered some blind spot, he said to himself:

"That's right, this treasure is very good and terrifying, but its effect is still to lure strong people into the gang."

"I'm a devil and can't get in, but first I'll pretend to be a tiger, and when it's time to make a real move, then I can change to a real Buddha, wouldn't it be enough?"

"Anyway, the deity is quite free in ascending the immortal star aperture. Looking for an opportunity to conceive another [Tao Fozi] as a clone, and wearing a golden hoop for this demon, wouldn't it be the best of both worlds."

After muttering, this guy didn't care about the expression on the deity after hearing it.

He opened his mouth and called out to the Skyworm:

"What a bug!"

"Quick deduction, if I don't put this baby on my head, but use its breath, and then use Wanlian Lingshen to transform into an appearance, can I deceive those Buddhist strongmen in [Tang Kingdom]? If the deity separates Tao Fozi is here, can you replace me?"

"It should be possible, at least those big monsters in the blissful realm, the guardian beasts, and the eight dragon tribes can't see through my details." Pi

"The rest of the Arhat Bodhisattvas and Buddhas, even if they see through it, they should go to the golden cicada to verify it first. With the temperament of the holy monk, they may turn around and prevaricate for me... Huh? He must have thought of this way a long time ago, maybe it is With the idea of ​​letting me use this method more and become more and more addicted, I will find another opportunity to hit me hard, forcing me to wear it voluntarily, and I will be convinced from now on?"

"Perhaps he planned to force me to wear the golden hoop when I defeated the other secret demons and was about to become the secret demon lord... Hey, doesn't this mean that Jin Chanzi subdued a secret demon lord as his disciple ? Such a merit, such a reputation, who can resist it?"

The more Tao Mozi spoke, the brighter his eyes became.

The deity at the other end, after thinking for a moment, also agreed with his guess.

After a while, the detailed deduction of Tian Chong also became:

[All beings below the Buddhist arhats in the heavens can't see the illusion of Wanlian Lingshen... Arhats and above, everyone has magic to see your true face. If the celestial worm silk also enters the territory of the Tang Dynasty, you can cover it again, and non-bodhisattvas can't see it Show your true and false details. 】

[Jin Chanzi's plan is just as guessed. When the love catastrophe is over, only when you are exposed and attacked by a crowd, there is no other way out except "wearing a golden hoop" At that time, you will not only be able to end the kalpa of love, but also become a Buddha immediately, which can be called Dzogchen. 】Skin

[If the deity practiced the soul division technique again and conceived Tao Fuzi, he could rely on the half-step future Buddhist scriptures to resist the shackles of the "golden hoop". The good news is that there may be another chance to gain enlightenment. 】

When these deductions emerge.

Not only Mozi's body, Tao Qian himself could not help showing interest.

The plan provided by Yantian Chong seems a bit outrageous.

But if you think about it carefully, it seems that it really can do it?

First let Tao Mozi pretend to be a tiger and create an illusion. It is not only to win the trust completely, but also to paralyze the holy monk Jin Chanzi.


The trick was a good one, but Tao Qian agreed without being impulsive immediately.

Instead, in the star aperture of Dengxian, he directly recited the Taoist scriptures taught by Lingbao Tianzun before, saying, "The disciple boldly wants to calculate the future meritorious Buddha and the contemporary Buddha as his teacher, but I don't know what the fate will be. I hope the Tianzun will point out the maze." .

One side prayed very sincerely.

Not too long later, I actually got the spiritual response from the Heavenly Venerable:


The simple and clear oracle made Tao Qian and Mo Zi, who were far away from each other, show a feisty smile on their faces at the same time.

Tianzun has the bottom line! Skin

What can't be done in the abyss?

Immediately, Mo Zi pinched the golden hoop again, caressing his idiot face, blowing the non-existent dust, and said immediately:

"I'm worried that this Liang country is too small, and there are very few believers. Even after two rounds of extraction, I can only refine the four foreign objects of pure yang essence root, three thousand trouble threads, myriad mysterious pearls, and dragon and tiger meat pills~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It's time to expand, take up arms, and do the conquest."

"I wanted to ask the elders of the ancestral land, such as the old mother of thousands of puppets, the fierce demon Taoist, and the lifeless demon king, to come to help me with the Chiyou demon army, the fierce demon army, etc., but it is not easy for them to come back. It’s not good to explain to Yuan Gong.”

"It's the best now. This devil can take this thing and go to the Tang Dynasty to borrow soldiers. Let's borrow chickens to lay eggs... Hehe."

"It's okay, you just let go and do it. I will practice the soul division technique again. At that time, Tao Fozi will also go to the God Realm."


Tao Qian and Mozi, who are so bold, have just decided how to plot against the holy monk Jin Chanzi and his teacher, the contemporary Buddha. Tao Mozi is about to get up and go to Tang to cheat and borrow soldiers.

Suddenly, he froze for a moment, and then showed a strange look on his face.

Nothing else, but the Xuanzhu avatar that stayed beside the two daughters, the White Snake and the Green Snake, passed on the latest progress.

Earlier, Jin Chanzi had prophesied that he would lure [Mrs. Sky Snake] over there, and there would be benefits for him.

It's just that Tao Mozi didn't expect that the benefits would be like this:

"Mrs. Tian Snake has captured the two snake girls and my Xuanzhu clone, and is returning to the human kingdom [Shu Kingdom] it occupies, and wants to marry the three of us."

"It's just that I'm not getting married, I'm getting married."

"It's the son-in-law."

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