Longevity is Different, Caishikou Was Beheaded at the Beginning

Chapter 643: Xingtian has evil sons, and Lingshan borrows Buddhist soldiers

The news from Xuanzhu's avatar made Tao Mozi and the deity quickly guess Jin Chanzi's follow-up plan. still water

In a way, it can be said to be very obvious.

"This holy monk is too vulgar in his methods."

"I think they plan to let me marry into some big power, be my son-in-law, and hook up for him."

"When it's time to end love, take advantage of the trend to promote the great plan of Buddhism, and it can be regarded as officially helping me to get started. It will serve multiple purposes."

"If it were my true deity, Tao Zhenjun, I would definitely refuse to follow this plan, and I would say that I am innocent and should not be humiliated, but now that I am a devil in the world... the more the better, hehe."

Tao Mozi half complained, half happily finished speaking.

Ignoring the deity at the other end whose complexion suddenly darkened, he pinched the [Golden Merit Hoop] and said in his mouth: Mao


"Since entering the Tang Dynasty and worshiping Buddhism, you should also tidy up."

After saying that, the Buddha's light surged on this guy, and then he transformed into a strange Buddha with a golden hoop on his head, a demonic face and a strong Buddha nature.

Not shy away, put the Huanxi cassock on his body again, and then held the purple gold Buddha bowl in one hand, and the "Great Treasure Sutra" in the other.

Anyone who looks at it will feel that this is a Tianjiao Buddha who has just converted to Buddhism and has not completely eradicated his demon nature.

"Good looking!"

"My deity, you can see clearly. In the future, Tao Fuzi will be conceived, so you can dress like this." Mao

"Wherever it is kept, you can hang out with it."

As soon as he finished speaking, this fellow directly summoned an auspicious cloud of merit and virtue by using the root of Buddha's heart and wisdom obtained from Tao Zhenjun.

After sitting upright, go directly to the territory of Tang State.

On the way, I didn't forget to communicate with "Yan Tian Chong" and asked if there were any suitable conquest targets around Liang Guo.

It must be in line with one's own strength, help Chong'er grow up quickly, and be good for Tao Mozi.

It is also luck, and there is a response in a short time:

[There are one big country and four small countries around the Liang country. The most suitable one to conquer now is the Jin country. 】still water

[The Kingdom of Jin is an evil neighbor. Its territory is slightly larger than that of Liang. There are tens of millions of people living in it. There are ten counties and hundreds of cities. It is rich in wealth and spiritual resources... There are also a large number of gods and demons, most of whom are wild gods. However, in recent years, it has been occupied by a "child of the gods and demons" from outside the domain, beheading and devouring all the wild gods, and it has become a dominant trend. 】

[This demon is called "Shenjun with a Remnant Head", and his father is Xing Tian, ​​the God of War God who is born outside the territory. This **** and demon took advantage of the turmoil in the mountains and seas, and led some of his father's family members "The Clan of the Headless People" to escape. In the world of Sou God, he wants to make a contribution in this world, so as to make up for his leftovers. 】

[Although this demon is the son of Xingtian, he did not practice the method of the God of War. Instead, he worshiped the ancestor of the Chaos Demon God and obtained another method of cultivating the demon god, which allows him to make up for his congenital defects while cultivating into a god-devil body. , Since then, he has a complete head and is free from the situation of "headless people". 】

[Because of this festival, the relationship between father and son has been at odds for thousands of years. 】

[Although the remnant head **** has not yet realized Taoism, his Dharma body has extraordinary blood, and ordinary Taoism can't be hurt at all. There are dozens of "headless people" under his command, each of which has life-and-tearing Hercules, crushing Asura All the gods of war have different powers. 】

[Because the disposition of the remnant **** is too cruel, and the means are strange, the people in the Kingdom of Jin suffer unspeakably, their hearts and souls are drowned, and they only wish to be relieved. The faith of all peoples will also be extremely pious. 】

…still water

Accompanied by this detailed secret, Tao Qian's eyes also slowly revealed the real master's fur:

The dharma body of ancient giants and ancestors, even when the normal state has not changed, has reached tens of feet high.

Bloated and muscular, with scarlet butter all over his body.

The lower body is covered with some kind of **** and demon skin, and the upper body is covered with real dragon armor.

The huge head seemed to have been hacked with an axe, and only half of it remained, which was very frightening.

Looking down, one can see that her two **** have turned into eyes, and her belly button has turned into a mouth opening.

It's weird to be able to see and speak. still water

He held a fierce and clumsy axe in one hand, and a bronze shield in the other.

Wherever the fierce light in his eyes passed, any living being would be terrified and terrified to death on the spot.

When Tao Mozi saw it, although he wasn't frightened, he couldn't help sighing:

"Look, it's said that the God Realm is on the verge of being broken, so it's better to hang out?"

"I took Liang Guo with great difficulty, and it turned out that a random evil neighbor is such an existence? He hasn't entered Taoism yet, but Taoism can't hurt him. If this guy really entered Taoism, wouldn't it be even more terrifying."

"There is also the backer behind this guy. If I remember correctly, that [God of War Xing Tian] is a person with a terrifying reputation even in the mountains and seas. Fortunately, the two fathers and sons are not very harmonious. It’s not that this devil plots against him, but that he will come and swallow me at any time.”

"After I entered the realm, my luck was very good, and my methods were not bad. I was still a mess. I'm afraid the other secret devils will not be much better." Mao

"Huh? It's the best if they don't get along well. Maybe I will yell in the future and they will all come to me for protection. Speaking of which, I played idle chess before, and I just wait for the critical moment to let that good sister-in-law play one or two... "

Climbing to the star aperture, Tao Qian looked at Mo Zi's body whose thoughts began to fly wildly, his complexion turned darker, and he couldn't help but reminded:

"Don't delay any longer, go to Tang to borrow troops."

"The current turmoil in the mountain and sea world is due to the invasion of foreign gods and demons. However, none of the [Mountain and Sea Gods] is easy to provoke. Recently, I heard from Aunt Bai Yin that [Wa Huang], [Emperor Mother], [The Three Ancients] Holy Emperor] These innate gods and demons who have attained the Tao in the mountain and sea realm have all gone, and they will subside sooner or later."

"The God of War, Xingtian, has no time to take care of his son at this time, but it doesn't mean that he won't succeed in a few days."

"You want to swallow his inheritance, now is the best time to let the Buddhism of the heavens take the lead..." Mao

Tao Mozi seemed to be waiting for the deity to say this.

He immediately laughed loudly after hearing this, and replied:


"As expected of my true self, a woman is shameless and deceitful, not inferior to this demon."

"Don't worry, I'm not stupid. If you can't borrow Buddhist soldiers, even if you urge me to provoke them, I won't do so."

After saying that, the path of auspicious clouds under him crossed the sky, and he officially entered the Tang Kingdom.

After all, it is a big country completely ruled by the Buddhism of the heavens. The original appearance of this country is no longer known. Now it seems that it is already a piece of Buddhist land. still water

The style and appearance are somewhat similar to the "Buddhist Kingdom on Earth" that Tao Qian himself saw when he fought with the arhats in the [Magic Buddha Temple] in the Longevity Realm.

Of course, no matter which dimension it is, it is ten times or a hundred times better than it.

Although it is not comparable to the "ten trillion Buddhalands" of Western Paradise Bliss, it definitely has a trace of form and spirit.

Any other lineage descendants with a slightly weaker cultivation base, or descendants of gods and demons, will be assimilated and converted to Buddhism within a few days after stepping here.

Not long after Tao Qian entered the country, there was only a little soul-soul connection left with Yan Tianchong.

Acting as a worm silk, for the time being, it cannot break through the boundary of the Buddhist Tang Kingdom.

"Ah, it's hard for a clever woman to cook without rice." Mao said.

"Even if there is such a foreign body as [Yan Tian Chong], it cannot make it grow rapidly again for the time being, so naturally it will not be able to help me."

"It seems that this borrowing of soldiers must be successful."

Tao Mozi made up his mind and stopped wandering around.

He drove directly to the auspicious clouds of joy and went to the deepest place in the Buddhist land of Tang Dynasty.

There, there is the Buddhist resident of the heavens in this world, Xiaoling Mountain.

In the mountain there is the Taoist Temple of Ten Thousand Buddhas, which is called "Da Leiyin Temple".

In the temple, an unknown number of Arhats, Bodhisattvas, and Buddhas have lowered their avatars and projected them over, all of them turned into clay statues, just waiting for the grand plan to be launched. still water

Although Tao Mozi has now turned into a Buddhist disciple, he is absolutely not qualified to enter the temple, and he knows it, but he does not want to really enter, lest he be seen through by the group of great supernatural beings.

What he was really going to was the spiritual palace in front of the mountain.

There is a master in the palace, but a Tao

The strange monk who also practiced Buddhism is called "Jin Tuo Monk".

This monk is a doppelgänger, and its deity has a very special status in the Buddhism of the heavens, and its origin is quite mysterious.

However, his true self and Jin Chanzi are good friends.

Jin Chanzi explained in the "Gong De Jing": If you need something, you can go to the spiritual palace in front of the mountain and look for Jin Tuo.

Obviously, this is the relationship that the good master specially found, and opened the back door. still water

It's strange to say that Tao Qian went to the depths of the Tang Dynasty all the way, and there were various Arhat temples and Bodhisattva palaces and temples everywhere on the way, and the extremely powerful source of energy could be clearly sensed, but no one came out to stop Tao Qian.

Although his "Buddha's appearance" is very realistic, the aura of the golden hoop of merit is also very obvious.

But how could this be possible without ever encountering an interrogation?

If it was another monk, he would have panicked if he encountered this, and he would turn around and run away.

Tao Qian was different, the deeper he went, the more happy his face became.

"My lord, this matter is settled."

"Sure enough, as I guessed before, Jin Chanzi deliberately left me a back door path, luring me to immerse myself deeply until there is no chance of repenting." Mao

"Wonderful, really wonderful."

"Hurry up and conceive Tao Fuzi, such a good master, don't let him down."

As soon as Mozi finished muttering, a treasure palace of the spirit palace suddenly appeared in front of him, Linguan Zhuting.

Without waiting for him to take a closer look, an old monk suddenly appeared in front of the mountain gate and called him from the air:

"The Buddha, I saw that you are wearing a golden hoop of merit and virtue, but you are a good apprentice appointed by Jin Chanzi?"

"If so, come and tell me." Mao

After hearing the call, Tao Qian also went to see the old monk.

The rest is nothing unusual, it looks like an old monk of the human race, except that on his forehead, there is a lump of golden flesh, and the golden light inside it is surging, which is extremely mysterious.

Since Tao Mozi entered the God Realm~www.wuxiaspot.com~, he has also met many powerful people, and he can be regarded as well-informed and fearless.

But at this moment, looking at him suddenly, there is a feeling of being seen through.

"What is the background of this Laoshizi Jinduo monk?"

"At this glance, my appearance is changing, I'm afraid it's a waste of work."

Although he knew he had been seen through, Tao Qian still stepped forward with a smile. still water

According to the rules, he respectfully gave the Buddhist ceremony, and immediately didn't even plan to drink tea, and didn't want to greet him, so he went straight to the point and said:

"I've seen the seniors!"

"The younger generation used to be a secret devil, and later met the holy monk, and then realized what the original heart wanted. However, the younger generation has a deep demonic nature. Even if I wear this [Golden Band of Merit and Virtue], it cannot be eradicated for a while. Therefore, the younger generation wants to emulate the holy monk. The monk saves the common people and accumulates merit.”

"This is why I came to Tang to look for seniors."

"To let seniors know that there is an evil neighbor in the kingdom of Liang under the rule of juniors, who is called [the God of Remnant Head]. This beast has a cruel nature and abuses all peoples. The juniors wanted to raise a benevolent Buddhist soldier and saved him. However, the juniors have shallow morals and deeds. I don’t have an extraordinary army under my command, so I’m really powerless, so I came here and begged my senior to help me.”

After Tao Qian finished speaking, Jin Tuoseng couldn't help but startled.

It's no wonder that He greeted and sent off people in front of the Lingshan Gate, and met countless people. still water

But it was the first one to be so shameless.

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