Longevity is Different, Caishikou Was Beheaded at the Beginning

Chapter 644: The devil gives a wonderful gift, 8 dragons

All-heaven Buddhism has always been the representative of "eating dry and wiping clean" among the Taoism of Yuanhai, and most of them are seeking outside.

It's rare today, a secret devil came to the door, empty-handed and didn't even have a gift or personnel, and he wanted to borrow troops as soon as he asked, depending on the situation, he had to borrow troops.

Jin Tuoseng is also a wonderful person, he couldn't help laughing loudly after being startled.

I don't know whether it was to Tao Qian or to Jin Chanzi who was far away in the Nine Nether Underworld of the Ming Dynasty, and said:


"A good teacher and a cunning student are the best match."

"Since you came here wearing the [Golden Band of Merit], it's not easy for you to return empty-handed."

"It's just that your request is quite big. I have also heard the name of the [Remnant God Lord]. His father is Xing Tianye. If you are going to save him, you must send out many members of my Lingshan. You have prepared enough tributes. ?”

Tao Qian had been waiting for this sentence, and laughed when he heard it.

He directly took out another gourd from his bosom, which was different from his usual magical treasure, the magic gourd. This gourd was engraved with Buddha patterns and overflowed with sandalwood. precious.

In fact, this treasure is really a magical treasure that Tao Damozi casually forged.

A gourd is nothing, just a shell to carry something.

What really matters is the monster inside.

He, Tao Qian, thought he was also an "open-minded person". Although he and his party from Lingshan came through the back door, he still had to bring a door-to-door gift, right? He couldn't come empty-handed.

Giving gifts to bald donkeys is the most difficult thing, after all, these monks say that the five aggregates are empty, and they have no desires and no desires.

However, such things cannot trouble him, Tao Damozi.

"I offer this gift, there is no bald donkey in the world who can refuse."

After thinking this, Tao Qian pulled out the plug of the gourd, shook it, and as the magic mist surged, he rolled out one after another, engulfed by rare monsters.

Tao Qian also showed off at the right time, and said as if reporting the name of the dish:

"Let's see, seniors, these extraterrestrial demons are Six Thieves Demon, Buddha Fragrance Demon, Wheel-Turning Demon, Dry Glory Demon, Vajra Demon, Heart Lamp Demon... Each of them is a rare item."

"They are the tribute prepared by the junior."

Originally, Monk Jin Tuo had no expectations for the preparation of the mysterious devil in front of him.

Cunning, shameless, and mediocre, this is Jin Tuoseng's first impression of Tao Damozi.

But as the monsters appeared in front of him, the senior expert also showed surprise on his face.

After sweeping a glance, he exclaimed in admiration:

"The great world of demons is really a mirror of the manifestation of desire in the great source sea. All the heavens and myriad creatures can find their corresponding monsters in it, and my Buddha is no exception."

"It's just that my Buddhist school is the best at capturing desires, so there are very few demons related to the 'Buddha', and every time a group of Buddhas and demons are bred, they all have extraordinary supernatural powers and are extremely difficult to capture. will look for it."

"I didn't expect you, a Buddhist disciple, to be very skilled. Although this gourd does not contain all kinds of Buddhas and demons, there are 50 to 60 percent."

"Especially this heart lamp demon is a high-ranking demon. He is born with supernatural powers such as Buddha fire, body protection Buddha light, other mind penetration, and mind light escape. To be defeated, what is even more rare is that he is also good at preaching scriptures and debating Buddhism, and often goes to all walks of life to pretend to be an eminent monk, confuses sentient beings, and waits for an opportunity to devour him.”….

"If you can catch it, it's considered a merit."

"Just right, the Buddha lamp in my meditation room is old and should be replaced."

While talking, the old monk reached out.

Straight away from the magic mist, he grabbed a monster with a strange shape, like a lotus flower and fire spirit, and smiled lightly. He didn't wait for the monster to struggle and resist, and rubbed it casually. It solidified directly and turned into an ancient and clumsy heart lamp flowing with the charm of Buddha.

Tao Qian's sharp eyesight is so sharp that he can tell at a glance that it has become a rare and majestic Buddha treasure.

What a golden monk, he wrote it lightly, and cast it out with his bare hands.

But after seeing this scene, Tao Qian also showed joy on his face, knowing that the matter of borrowing troops should be completed.

Sure enough, the next moment, Jin Tuo monk put the Buddha lamp into his sleeve, and reached out to take away the Buddha magic gourd.

Immediately, with a smile on his face, he called eight young monks from outside the hall in a loud voice, and ordered:

"Everyone of you held the decree of the poor monk and Buddha, and went to invite the gods, dragons, yakshas, ​​gandharvas, asuras, garudas, kinnaras, and mahuraga tribes, each with dozens of soldiers. General, follow this Buddha to the [Golden Country] to protect the Dharma and subdue demons, and save the common people."

The little monks heard the words and took orders to go.

Monk Jin Tuo explained to Tao Qian:

"The eight tribes often listen to the teachings of Ten Thousand Buddhas. All of them have extraordinary supernatural powers, but they are not too smart. Together, they can form a large formation of eight dragons and demons, which is enough to deal with the [headless people] Juan clan under the command of the headless god."

"On the contrary, the **** with the broken head, because he is the heir of Xingtian, his dharma body is unparalleled in power and power, comparable to ordinary bodhisattvas, and it is difficult to hurt him in the realm of Taoism."

"However, your luck is also very good. It just so happens that a Bodhisattva descended to come over today."

"It is the [Guangli Bodhisattva] who leads the Tianlong tribe. The poor monk has a bit of a face with him, and with your wonderful gift, this matter can be accomplished."

"You wait here, the poor monk will go to Hualongchi to invite him for you."

When he finished speaking, the old monk with a mysterious body turned around with a smile, walked away from him, and went to the Hualong Pond.

Seeing how easy it was to borrow soldiers, and how friendly and enthusiastic the obviously big man Jin Tuo was, Tao Qian sighed again in his heart.

"What a good master!"

"This devil is a little embarrassed to go through the back door."

Apparently Tao Mozi also knew that the success of borrowing troops was not due to his glib tongue, but Jin Chanzi's strength behind his back.

He, a mysterious devil disguised as a "Buddha son", borrowed an entire Buddhist army composed of eight dragons from Lingshan.

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Fish Basket Avalokitesvara] rival. "

"It's just that he is good at hand-to-hand combat, restrains non-human demons, and possesses the power of eight dragons, which is just right for dealing with the remnant head **** who is born with divine power."

Thinking of this, Tao Qian smiled even more.

He straightened his cassock, put the golden hoop on his head, and solemnly performed a Buddhist ritual to the clone of Guangli Bodhisattva [Venerable White Dragon] among the eight celestial dragons, and immediately said:

"With your help!"

"The tens of millions of people in the Kingdom of Jin must be saved."

"It's not too late, I'll leave right now?"



"Go to the devil."

My family came through the back door, and the atmosphere was really harmonious.

After Tao Qian finished speaking, he immediately got a warm response.

So after a few breaths, many living beings coming and going in Xiaoling Mountain, the sacred place of Buddhism in Tang Dynasty, saw a rare scene:

Under the leadership of the avatar of the Bodhisattva Guangli descending from the threshold [White Dragon Venerable], the eight heavenly dragons gathered together to guard a Buddha in a cassock of joy, swaggering through the city, riding the clouds and fog, and going to an unknown country. .

really stupid old man

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