Longevity is Different, Caishikou Was Beheaded at the Beginning

Chapter 646: The evil body of the white dragon, Avalokitesvara kills the fish

Playing the worm before, I got a glimpse of a secret: the remnant head **** and his father [Xing Tian] have been at odds for thousands of years, so that there is a serious way of God of War instead of repairing, and instead go to [Chaos Demon Ancestor] to repair what kind of rotten fat. Yuan Jing. irregular

It can be seen that the relationship between father and son is definitely the opposite scale.

Sure enough, as soon as Tao Qian finished speaking, the remnant god's heart exploded with anger, completely ignoring whether there were traps or schemes in it, and the dharma body, which had swelled many times, rushed towards him brazenly.

For a while, there was nothing good in front of Tao Qian, and everything was filled with rotten stench and greasy meat, as if he was about to be smashed into minced meat by a mountain of shiny, rotten meat in the next moment.

How can this work?

Tao Mozi laughed loudly, retreated behind him, and provocatively said again:

"Shenjun's body is really stinky, don't you want to use the smell to get the Tao?"

"Huh? There is some hope here." Yan

This fellow's eloquence has surpassed that of Tao Zhenjun.

A few words and a few words completely ignited the heart of the remnant god.

Unfortunately, no matter how angry he was, he couldn't hurt Tao Mozi in the slightest.

It should be known that there are eight celestial dragons and a clone of a bodhisattva in the field. How can you bear to see the degenerate descendants of gods and demons humiliating the Buddha?

There was no need for Tao Qian to call, Venerable White Dragon took the lead.

Only a dragon chant was heard, and the venerable showed his true form. It was a white dragon beast with a snow-white body, inlaid with golden scales, and silver beard. There are auspicious clouds supporting each other under the body, and auspicious energy is surging around.

Behind it, the light of the ten thousand zhang Buddha burst out, and the venerable shouted: 龃

"Originally the heir of the God of War, but willing to degenerate and turn to the law of evil spirits."

"Committed so many sins here, uttered outrageous words and humiliated the Buddha, today is the day of your catastrophe."

After speaking, the two giants collided together.

The origin of this Buddha and God is not common.

The Buddha is a clone of a Bodhisattva, which was formed from the dragon in its original form when it was not enlightened. Not to mention its extraordinary power, it has listened to the lectures of ten thousand Buddhas for many years, and practiced many magical powers of the Vajra in Buddhism.

The **** is the heir of the **** of war, and the dharma body is made of the blood of Xingtian, blending into one body without any omissions, and even a strong man in the Taoist realm cannot break his defense, not to mention that he has transferred to the inheritance given by the ancestor of the chaos demon, which completes the magic power and fighting method. .

When these two fight, it is a scene of heaven and earth falling apart. irregular

On the contrary, Tao Mozi, the "righteous master" who murmured that he was going to come here to subdue the demon, had already seen the opportunity and retreated behind the crowd, hiding tightly.

In the beginning, Venerable White Dragon had the upper hand, and the descendants of the God of War, who had fallen into the devil for a long time, couldn't stand the bombardment and killing of the Buddha Dharma.

But soon, the God of Remnant Head began to show his power.

Xu Shi saw that the two major subordinates and family members under his command were beheaded by Du Hua one after another, and those "meat pig fat men" were rescued by the eight dragons, which was regarded as depriving him of the livestock he had raised for many years.

How can this be tolerated?

"How dare!"

"You all must die." Yan

Amidst the roar, the Remnant-headed Divine Sovereign suddenly attacked.

I saw the **** mouth at the navel, opened without warning, and immediately heard a "vomit".

Flood tide came to the world?

Tianhe poured back?

The smelly, greasy fat-water broth poured out, and directly set off a huge wave.

Before touching the broth, the eight dragons and dragons had already smelled the extremely greasy smell, so they all seemed to be drunk, dizzy, red all over, and they were about to fall down.

Tao Qian's mind is also full of warning signs, and his aspirations burst out:

[It is being attacked by the "rotten fat demon tide" of the supernatural powers outside the territory... This method originated from the innate gods and demons. The supernatural powers are derived from the strange shape of the monster, and the tide of rotten flesh is summoned, which can not only pollute the hearts and souls of all living beings, but also rot the flesh and blood of all living beings. 】

[Part of the price can be waived! 】

Seeing this, Tao Mozi quickly opened his mouth to remind the eight dragons:

"Fellow daoists, be careful!"

"This tide of flesh is fierce, don't touch it, otherwise your heart and soul will be polluted, and your Dharma body will be destroyed."

"If the Bodhisattva has the great method of subduing demons, don't delay any longer. This beast has already betrayed his own father and accepted [Chaos Demon Ancestor] as his father. If he cannot be subdued quickly, there may be troubles later."

Tao Qian's shout made the Tianlong tribe quickly dodge, and at the same time, it also made Venerable White Dragon finally make a full-strength move after a moment of hesitation.

I saw a strange Buddhist voice suddenly chanting from his mouth, which was neither bright nor holy.

On the contrary, it is filled with a kind of primitive tyranny.

It seems that... wants to trample and devour all living things in this world.

Hearing the Buddha's voice, Tao Qian's mind also produced a statement. The general meaning is that what the Venerable Bailong is reciting is not an orthodox Buddhist scripture, but a Buddhist mantra that restores the "original truth", which is between the devil and the Buddha. Between, strange and inexplicable.

"The White Dragon Dharma Body is not the true form of Guangli Bodhisattva?"

In Tao Qian's mind, he just had this thought. irregular

The next moment, a look of horror appeared on his face.

Only a sharp hiss that almost tore apart the void was heard, and then, a giant that had never been seen before appeared in this world.

That Buddhist white dragon is changing itself.

The pale skin that is almost corpse-like appears first, and the golden scales that are gradually blackened, the body swells, giving birth to sarcoid tumors that contain huge power, the dragon claws become thick, covered with black hair, enough to crack the ground with horseshoes The original auspicious head of the white dragon not only elongated, but also gave birth to evil eyes, which split open and dripped out...

The only remaining Buddha object is a dragon ball with Buddha light still inlaid on its forehead.

It is also this treasure that makes the existence that is obviously an "ancient evil" maintain reason.

"If you want to subdue a demon, you must first become a demon." Yan

"This is the real body of the original evil dragon of this seat. It once wandered in all circles of the great abyss, devouring all the demons to benefit itself...After entering the Buddhist gate, you will gain the Tao. Today, I will borrow the magic power from the deity to call out the real body, so I can call you This demon will be punished."

These two sentences were obviously addressed to Tao Qian.

It also let Tao Mozi know why the soldiers borrowed by Jin Tuo, who had a good relationship with the holy monk, would be eight dragons, and he went to invite Venerable White Dragon.

Thinking about it, it is also an exemplary exhortation.

It's just pity for the "example" of the **** with a broken head. He was showing off his power, but he would be interrupted immediately.

Venerable Bailong cheated and asked himself to borrow his mana, and that ancient evil-like aura rushed up, and his divine power was not weaker than that of the son of the God of War.

Half of the battlefield was torn apart, and in the blink of an eye, the original evil dragon was gone. irregular

Its speed is far faster than that of mind light escape method.

In the next moment, there was only a continuous loud noise of "bang bang bang", and the vomiting of the remnant **** stopped, and his body was trampled down by a pair of horseshoes of the evil dragon, knocking down the huge mountain and crushing the ground.

Not caring about the side, Nielong wrapped his body around it, and the ferocious horse's head was torn open, revealing the dense blood-sucking teeth inside, biting on it, sucking crazily.

What a Lingshan Bodhisattva!

What a primitive evil dragon!

Its teeth forcibly broke open the hard skin of the remnant head god, and began to **** the blood that originated from the innate **** and demon [Xing Tian].

But this blood, after all, is extraordinary, not comparable to ordinary evil blood. irregular

Upon entering, Venerable White Dragon howled.

It seems to be hot magma, almost burning through its throat.

I had to issue another Buddha's order and shouted:

"All the generals come to help me quickly. This bloodline is fierce. It is necessary to deploy a magic circle to eliminate its evil spirit, and then take 108 [Tianlong Fumo Clavicle Nails], and nail them through the Zhoutian Great Orifice in its body."

"This seat can persist for ten breaths. If this fang gets out of trouble, it will immediately use the chaos magic, and then it will be worse."

When he shouted, all the Tianlong tribe wanted to let go of their opponents and go to support Bodhisattva.

At this time, Tao Damozi, who had confirmed his safety, made the first move. irregular

I only heard that this guy was very righteous, and shouted loudly:

"My lord, don't panic!"

"The junior still has some means, so I will help you."

In fact, Tao Qian had already started before he finished speaking.

What are you kidding?

It's time to harvest, how can we fall behind?

So next, the Eight Dragons, the Venerable White Dragon, and the Remnant God, saw together the means of harvesting that could be described as flowing clouds and flowing water. irregular

"Dogs, go."

"Bite that stinky thing with only half of its head left, and don't let him break free."

Following these two sentences, a whistle sounded.

The void surged, and dozens of terrifying dog shadows jumped out.

Everyone was dumbfounded, Yuanhai magic dog? This inexplicable Buddha can actually drive the Yuanhai Demon Dog?

Without waiting for them to ask questions, the magic dogs opened their mouths one after another, each biting through the hard skin of the Remnant God Lord, tearing at dozens of directions at the same time, and with the tyrannical heart of the Remnant God Lord, he couldn't help howling.

At this time, another giant umbrella that released a large amount of plague poison was opened and fell on the head of the remnant god. irregular

This beast suddenly became weaker.

I heard the inexplicable sentence again, "The big fish is already on the anvil, please cut it open", the Buddha's light surged under the umbrella, and a beautiful woman walked out with a fish basket in her hand.

Avalokitesvara in a fish basket?


This Buddhist son married the clone of Master Guanyin?

This time, let alone the eight dragons.

Even Venerable White Dragon, who knew something, was horrified, and his heart roared: 龃

"What kind of accident is this?"

"Didn't senior Jin Tuo say that this son is a disciple appointed by the holy monk? Why did Master Guanyin send his clone over?"

"This Buddha, how dare to blaspheme the master?"

The reactions of the Heavenly Dragon Tribe and Venerable White Dragon ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ couldn't be more normal.

No wonder they, or even Jin Tuo Seng, the holy monk Jin Chanzi knew that the Fish Basket Girl was the avatar of Qitu Bodhisattva, but it was just a trivial matter, and he didn't tell Jin Tuo Monk, which led to this kind of oolong.

However, the misunderstanding was quickly cleared up. As soon as the fish basket girl came, she immediately showed joy when she saw the king with the head of the big fish, and practiced her old skills.

The [Heaven's Will Killing Needles] fell all over the sky, and all kinds of killing Buddha treasures flew out of the fish basket. irregular

Along the wound bitten by Venerable Bailong and the Yuanhai Demon Dog, he began to cut up the head of the God Sovereign like a cow.

At the beginning, this good boy of Xing Tian was not afraid.

The injuries from Venerable White Dragon and Yuanhai Demon Dog were all minor injuries to him.

After ten breaths, as soon as he breaks free, he must cast a spell called Chaos Demon Ancestor to kill everyone in the field.

Such "confidence" disappeared in about half a breath.


He watched with his own eyes that the woman who resembled Guanyin in a Fish Basket, with a wild smile on her face, cut off one of his arms completely with skillful techniques. irregular

This scene solved everyone's doubts.

Obviously, this woman is not Avalokitesvara of the Fish Basket, and Master Avalokitesvara has never said that he is good at killing fish.

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