Longevity is Different, Caishikou Was Beheaded at the Beginning

Chapter 647: The devil swallows the gods, turning the original soup into the original food

Before the Fish Basket Girl made her move, the Remnant Head God Lord didn't panic at all. compile

He thought to himself that the divine magic body from "Xing Tian" was extremely hard, and the Buddhist Bodhisattva clone could only trap him for ten breaths.

However, this time he met his nemesis.

It is this kind of craftsmanship that the clone of the Qitu Bodhisattva is good at.

After seeing his own **** arm, the remnant head **** fell into panic, especially at this moment when he heard the eight dragons next to him shouting:

"Treat all living beings as fish and meat, slaughter and kill... You are not the Guanyin master, you are the [Fish Basket Guanyin] created by Qitu Bodhisattva after stealing the master's magic method, with the power of slaughter, gods and demons cannot escape."

"It is rumored that wherever Fish Basket Avalokitesvara passes by, they will be killed if they can, but at this time they have not attacked us. Could it be that the Buddha has subdued him?"

"Of course, everyone just calls her Taoist Fish Basket, except for her supernatural powers, she has nothing to do with Qitu Bodhisattva."

"After all, the headless **** has extraordinary skin. If there is no fish basket to make a move, I'm afraid it will be difficult for us to save him."


"What the Buddha said is absolutely true!"

"Hahaha, great, great, today we will watch the fish-killing methods of Fellow Daoist Fish Basket."

Hearing this, the remnant head **** was heartbroken.

Regardless of the other things, he directly used the means of suppressing the bottom of the box, regardless of the cost, and uttered the voice of gods and demons to call the foreign gods and demons he believed in and followed, the innate **** [Chaos Demon Ancestor].

The brain-exploding roar resounded instantly: Compilation

"Father, save me!"

"The remnant head begs Father God to lower the projection of the avatar, and quickly search the God Realm..."

Searching for God Realm has its own customs and rules, and the most formal way to call on gods and demons for rescue is to set up rituals and prepare sacrifices.

Of course, some big households who don't care about the price can be rough and simple, just like the decapitated **** at that time.

The reason why he didn't shout like that before is also simple.

How can one son have two fathers? compile

Although the Remnant God and his father [Xing Tian] have been at odds for many years, he is not willing to give up completely, anyway, he is also a big backer.

Now it's a life and death juncture, it's no longer important to have the right and left, and it must be done.

These, Tao Damozi also understood in a blink of an eye.

Hearing his shout, he immediately moved over, smiled maliciously and said:

"Although the Divine Lord's cry has won the favor of [Chaos Demon Ancestor], it is also completely cut off from his own father."

"Being both innate gods and demons, the Demon Ancestor is indeed much more tyrannical than the Great God Xingtian, but it is a pity that the God Lord chose the wrong one this time."

"If you call your own father to come, I might give you some thin noodles. You should kill yourself first and then call the Demon Ancestor. This message can't be passed on no matter what."

When this guy uttered the first sentence, he was directly under the black hand.

He took out two glittering golden talisman posts from his bosom, the reason there were two is naturally because the **** with a broken head had upper and lower mouth openings.

There is nothing special about the talisman post, it's just an ordinary sealing talisman.

What really works is playing the celestial worm.

It has been quite a while since Tao Qian led the Buddhist soldiers from Lingshan to invade the Kingdom of Jin. The bigger the gap opened, the easier it is for the Insects to invade.

Now, it has already occupied a large territory of Jin Kingdom, so it naturally has some extra powers.

It's hard to say anything else, but it can be done by borrowing the "power of heaven" to prevent the remnant head **** from asking for help from outside. compile

So the next moment, the remnant **** who paid a huge price for help soon got the bad news.

There was no answer to his cry.

His ferocious eyes immediately widened, filled with disbelief.

Half of his face was completely distorted.

Even those breasts, chest and abdomen trembled, spouting rotten fat.

Seeing this scene, the Eight Dragons and the Venerable White Dragon all guessed that the last resort of the demon had been resolved by the Buddha, and he could no longer struggle.

As expected, it was about half a stick of incense. compile

The remnant head **** is gone.

Only the "corpse parts" that were placed neatly all over the field were completely dismembered from the hands, feet, limbs, viscera, bone marrow, and even the half of the head. It is handled cleanly, and it is very pleasing to watch.


Smooth and silky!

The eight dragons and the Guangli Bodhisattva doppelgänger, these two sentences always come to mind.

Although they were the ones who really made great efforts, the performance of Tao Qian, a eccentric Buddhist disciple, was indeed quite astonishing.

They all thought that the son of Mo Buddha, who was rumored to be enlightened by the holy monk, was in an embarrassing situation, between the devil and the Buddha, even if the combat power was not greatly damaged, there was really no way to speak of it. compile

Where did you expect it?

Just one shot, and it's over.

"As expected of a holy monk, he found such a talented disciple just after he came down from Lingshan Mountain."

"This son is still practicing the way of demons. Once he suddenly realizes the Buddha, the Bodhisattva status can be expected."

"The Fish Basket Avalokitesvara is not the strongest among the avatars of the [Seven Slaughter Bodhisattva], but he has a good reputation. I don't want to be subdued by this weird devil. I don't know what rules are in it. I think the holy monk has a plan long ago. .”

While the Buddhas were startled by his incomparably silky tricks, Tao Damozi didn't even give him a break. compile

Seeing this fellow wave his sleeve robe, he took away all the corpses that covered the ground in an instant.

Any magic weapons, books, spiritual materials, etc. mixed in it were also pretended to be careless and took them all away.

At the same time, as if thinking of something, he took out the soul of the god-headed **** again, and drove it into a black banner.

The poor **** with a severed head had a miserable experience, and when he met such a narrow-minded secret devil, he could have taken out some spiritual objects to hold the soul at will, but he chose to use such a [Tai Yin Soul Refining Banner] specially designed to torment the soul. Rare goods are still a kind of torture to the **** with a broken head.

After finishing, this servant said to Venerable White Dragon with a look of compassion:

"The Remnant Head God used tens of millions of living people as materials to forcibly cultivate the "Rotting Fat Returning to the Origin Demon Sutra", and his Dharma body was polluted, and it has become a highly poisonous evil in Yuanhai."

"If you are living outside, you may be in danger of disaster. It is also a coincidence that the younger generation has a way to resolve it, which can refine these filthy flesh and blood into nothingness, without harming any living beings."

"It's just that the younger generation doesn't know how to deal with this soul that contains the true spirit."

"If the magic is wiped out, I'm afraid I will completely offend [Xing Tian] and [Chaos Demon Ancestor]. My master once told me that my doom is approaching, so I must not provoke some powerful enemies, lest I will be born..."

Tao Damozi's first-class acting skills were brought into play again.

The faltering and shameful look on his face immediately moved Venerable White Dragon.

Quickly reached out, took the black banner, put it into his sleeve immediately, and said indifferently:

"Master and nephew, don't panic, it's nothing serious."

"Before this liao thought he was smart, he took the initiative to sever the father-son relationship with Xing Tian, ​​and he failed to establish a spiritual connection with the Chaos Demon Ancestor. It can be said that he lost all his backing." Compilation

"A remnant soul can just enter Daleiyin Temple in Lingshan Mountain to listen to scriptures. It will not take many years to wash away all sins in the fire of karma. Whether it becomes a Buddha or not, it can also be a Dharma protector."

"In the future, the great **** Xingtian will only be grateful to us when he comes in person, and he will never say any words of blame."

As Bai Long spoke, Tao Mozi also listened with a smile, as if this was not his plan.

After speaking, he immediately interfaced:

"Since that's the case, this junior is ashamed, please trouble fellow Taoists."

"In order to avoid any changes, please return to Lingshan quickly to save the demon soul. The younger generation should follow back to Lingshan. However, tens of millions of people here still need help, so there is no delay."

"In this way, after the younger generation finishes rescuing the common people, catch more rare Buddhas and demons from outside the territory, and prepare some spiritual fruits, spiritual objects and spiritual wine to find fellow Taoists, lecture on scriptures and performances, and renew friendship." Compilation

With some good flattery, he easily coaxed all the eight dragons and Venerable White Dragon into elation.

Of course, it is more likely that Tao Qian's cheap master "Jin Chanzi" has such a good treatment.

Sure enough, he did as he said and brought the remnant soul back to Lingshan.

In this way, the benefit of going out of the mountain to subdue the demons this time is almost obtained by Tao Damozi.

And the troubles that may arise in the future were taken over by Buddhist Lingshan.

Tao Damozi didn't hold back for too long. After confirming that the eight dragons had left and that there were no hidden dangers in the Kingdom of Jin, a bright smile appeared on his face immediately. compile

Looking at the huge kingdom of Jin, he smiled and said:

"It's gone."

"The territory of a country, with tens of millions of people, can be obtained so easily?"

"Sure enough, the strategy of borrowing troops is a clever plan."

While muttering to himself, Tao Qian immediately released many old devils, and cooperated with Liang Guo's second queen, Shi Boniang, Yin-Yang Yao and other subordinates, under the secret deployment of Yan Tianchong, he began to take over the entire Jin Kingdom.

With just this, Tao Qian's sphere of influence doubled.

Of course, it is still far behind those big countries. compile

But at this time, he has no time to continue to plan other things, so he goes back to the Peach Blossom General Temple on his own, refining and refining the important harvest.

He didn't take out those books, magic weapons, spiritual materials, etc., but immediately took out the corpses of the remnant head god, and smashed the sealed source energy of [Fish Basket Guanyin] on it.


These corpses, which clearly had no "master", exploded into pieces, turning into drops of extremely pure, slightly fishy gravy.

Inside, it is full of incomparably pure rotten fat source qi.

At this moment, he wanted to fly away because he was attracted by the Primal Chaos Demon Ancestor, and wanted to join his original master~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If someone else was here, it really wouldn't be able to stop him. compile

But it happened to be Tao Qian, it was really a coincidence.

Seeing this guy with a sinister smile, like a fox stealing a chicken, he said with a smile:

"The strange Taoist actor Tian Chong'er said that the most suitable for this devil to conquer and devour is the great filial son of the **** with a severed head."

"This guy has cultivated Na Laoshizi's "Rotten Fat Returning to Yuan Jing" and refined himself into a pot of pure broth."

"As for me, I happened to have practiced the "Ancestor Demon Eating Qi Art" also from the Primal Chaos Demon Ancestor, which can devour everything and turn it into my own use."

"It's a coincidence, it's fate."

After Damozi Tao finished his cheap words, he immediately repeated his tricks, and his whole body turned into that horrible meat blanket again, a sweeping package, swallowing up all the meat juices that were about to move. compile

I don't know how long it has passed, when this guy regained his human body and sat upright on the altar again, he opened his eyes again, the divine light in his eyes was surging, and the magic power in his body was surging.

He opened his mouth, but spit out a few more shameless cheap words:

"Wonderful! Really wonderful!"

"It is worthy of being a monster that is hard to hurt in the Dao Transformation Realm. It is full of flesh and blood, which can be called a great tonic."

"Of course, Xu also relied on the principle of 'turning the original soup into the original food', so nothing was wasted."

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