Longevity is Different, Caishikou Was Beheaded at the Beginning

Chapter 653: Four masters on Wanshen Mountain, and then go to Lingshan to borrow Buddhist soldiers

Hearing the deity's warning, Tao Mozi raised his brows and replied in his heart: Taboo

"Don't panic, I already know the details of this old lewd rabbit, and it will be taken away by this devil in a few days after jumping around."

"Besides, even if the [Taiyin Moon God] really knows that you, Fu Nie Tao Zhenjun, have appeared in the God Realm, so what? The daughter of the first daughter, the fairy of Yuanshi, the two green and white snakes... and so on, I accept all the love tribulations, and I am no different than a female rabbit fairy."

"My Ten Thousand Refining Spirit Body is the strongest, and it can handle more."

Three sentences, directly choked Tao Qian speechless.

Mo Zishen's temperament is indeed quite wanton, and it can be said that there are no taboos.

Taking advantage of the deity's silence, Tao Mozi chuckled and walked towards the last king [Hundred Eyes Demon Lord].

The latter, as well as a large number of gods and demons and descendants of the Dao lineage in the banquet, also cast curious eyes. taboo

In the previous two examples, all the demons had the same thought in their minds when they looked at him:

This plague god!

Really great.

It's perfectly normal for the chief executive to try his best to please the three kings, but what's really amazing is that this guy has completely identified his preferences, and at the same time he really found an extremely rare treasure.

Whether it's a hundred flower fairies or the ecstasy of Taiyin, it's not something ordinary people can touch.

These two things also confirmed from the side that the origins of the story told by the head of the God of Plague God a few days ago were not lying.

"Among the gods of the Great Abyss, Toad God is the one with the most treasures." Taboo

"It's reasonable for Chief Manager Tianwen Nafu and Toad God to get together with distant relatives and get these rare things."

"I just don't know what this guy will offer to the Hundred Eyes Demon Lord? The king's biological father is a congenital **** and demon [Yuanyang Demon God]. I haven't seen any treasures before. I'm afraid he won't be able to please him with ordinary things."

Just when the demons muttered.

Tao Mozi approached, but he didn't immediately reach into the treasure bag to take out the treasure, but first cupped his hands and asked Baimu Mojun:

"After the little **** heard that King Baimu had entered the world, he made a great wish to breed a new race of gods and demons in this world."

"And it's close to Dacheng, it's the [Eggman Clan] under the King's command."

"It is just to create a new family according to one's own mind and body, and it is easy to be jealous of the heavens. Therefore, the egg people's family lacks the ability to reproduce. It is extremely difficult to conceive, and there are many unexplained deaths. I don't know if this is the case?" Taboo

Hearing these three sentences, Hundred Eyes Demon Monarch immediately showed displeasure on his face.

The swollen, pinkish-white skin immediately turned scarlet, and the hundreds of evil eyes of gods and demons also glowed coldly.

Everyone knows that this guy exposed the scars of the Hundred Eyes Demon Lord, if there is no reasonable explanation, he is afraid that he will suffer.

Being stared at by a descendant of an innate **** and demon who can transform at any time and whose combat power is not weaker than that, the ordinary monk of bliss has already collapsed. Fortunately, he is not a small demon Tao.

Mingmian pretended to be terribly frightened, but in reality it was neither painful nor itchy.

After pretending to tremble a few times, he cast a spell suddenly, calling out an image.

Inside is an incomparably peculiar source of sea spirit: strands and strands, like slurry and mist, its color is milky white, and there are stars shining inside, and indescribable vitality is contained in it, making it hard to look away. taboo

At this time, Tao Damozi's voice full of temptation sounded again:

"The little **** heard that the king was in trouble and couldn't sleep at night, so he went all out and dedicated all the resources he had hoarded over the years to Toad God, and asked my Lord God to intercede, and finally let Lord Toad speak and give some pointers."

"Toad God has something to say: Your Majesty is the son of the [Yuanyang Demon God], and you are born with the ability to reproduce the race. However, the lonely sun does not grow, especially the Eggmin family is an extremely powerful family of gods and demons. If you want to be consummated, your majesty must It is impossible to get a source of energy to help, and that energy is called..."

"Innate Yin Qi!"

Tao Mozi didn't need to say anything, Baimu Mojun's excited voice sounded ahead of time.

This big fleshy egg couldn't sit upright on the throne at all at this time, and the withered arms stretched, and it appeared in front of Tao Qian in an instant, sizing up those source qi with fanatical eyes.

I was about to move, but I didn't dare to reach out to touch it, so as not to destroy the illusion. taboo

The sharp and terrifying voices of gods and demons pierced Tao Qian's mind like steel needles and resounded throughout the banquet.

"Quick, tell me."

"How can this **** obtain these [Innate Yin Qi]. If you can really offer it, this **** can recognize you as a brother and make you my father's adopted son."

When this sentence sounded, the whole banquet was in an uproar.

All the gods and demons present, even Huangpao Yuanjun and Yeyue Xianjun, cast surprised and envious eyes on Tao Qian.

Although the three demons are sworn brothers, when it comes to their backing, the Hundred Eyes Demon Lord is indeed the strongest.

Yuanyang Demon God! taboo

That is an existence that can be juxtaposed with the three supreme beings of Taoism, Buddha, Emperor Wa, Primal Chaos Demon, Yellow Clothes Outside Territory and other innate gods and demons.

As his own son, the Hundred Eyes Demon Lord has never put any power in his eyes.

If Tao Qian can also become his heir, even if he is only a adopted son, he can get a lot of benefits.

But all the demons looked at the incomparably rare [Innate Yin Qi], and after thinking about it again, they all felt reasonable:

"Nowadays everyone on Wanshen Mountain knows that the key to whether the Hundred-Mus King can attain the Dao lies in whether the egg-min clan can be consummated. If the chief manager can really find the Xiantian Yin Qi to offer, it is equivalent to directly fulfilling the Hundred-Mus King. With such a great kindness, it is perfectly normal to be sworn brothers."

"King Hundred Eyes has not yet attained Taoism, and his combat power is infinitely close to that of Taoism. If it is really successful, I am afraid that the ordinary Taoist realm will not be the king's opponent at all."

"Tsk tsk, this is the innate yin qi. This qi has been controlled by [Doumu Yuanjun]'s lineage. The rest who can get involved are a few powerful gods and demons such as Emperor Wa and the Queen Mother. Yuanyang Demon God is the most powerful. The one who is impossible is because of its true nature is [Congenital Yang Essence], the two are natural enemies." Taboo

"This chief plague god, can really summon the innate Yin Qi?"

In the noise, Tao Damozi himself was quite moved when he heard the conditions given by the Hundred Eyes Demon Lord.

"It's so tempting, Yoshiko Yuanyang, if I get this status, if I go to the [Taishang Demon Sect], I'll be a suzerain, wouldn't it be easy to catch?"

"It's a pity, it's a pity, this demon has already booked the master of the secret demon Zhongxing, a good girl is not a second husband."

"Of course, I can't really give you the innate yin energy. The henpecked person of this deity will never allow it. Besides, I really let you get the yin energy, understand the beauty of yin and yang, and reproduce a large number of fetuses." I'm afraid that the egg people's clan will become the confidant of the heavens and humans."

"You can't do something that counts against the enemy, you can't do it." Taboo

Thoughts flickered past quickly.

Then Tao Qian's acting skills broke out again, and his unlucky face was filled with expressions of excitement, greed, helplessness, eagerness, etc., continuing what he said earlier:

"That's right, it is this kind of supreme wonderful qi."

"It's just that the king needs to wait a little longer. Lord Toad God has promised to the little **** that in ten days and a half months, he is allowed to bypass Doumu Yuanjun's lineage and exchange some innate yin qi with Emperor Wa's family."

"At that time, as long as the king is still practicing safely in the God Realm, he will surely get his wish."

"good good good good!"

"Brother Tianwen deserves to be able to establish relatives with the Toad God, and his means are as good as the sky. It's just that the chief executive of our Wanshen Mountain Area is too talented. As soon as the innate Yin Qi arrives, you and my four brothers will immediately sworn obeisance. Then you He will be our fourth younger brother, and the elder brothers will take good care of him." Taboo

"Don't say it's to protect you from the bald donkey. In the future, if you need anything to prove the Dao, just come and ask the three brothers."

"Big brother and second brother, do you think so?"

Spewing out these bold words immediately made all the demons and Tao Mozi look at this Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord with admiration.

I thought that among the three demons, this fellow was the most careless and sincere.

Now it seems that this guy is also pretending.

Tao Qian drew a big cake for him, and he simply returned a bigger one. I didn't pretend to be enough, and I dragged Huangpao Yuanjun and Yeyue Xianjun along.

But who made the second devil also accept Tao Qian's great benefits, cannibalism is short-mouthed and soft-handed, and they all nodded in agreement after hearing the words. taboo

They came over one after another, together with Hundred Eyes Demon Lord, pulled Tao Qian to call him brother and brother, and drank heavily.

The rest of the gods and demons saw that Tao Qian had successfully ascended to the position, and would soon be promoted from [Heavenly Plague Nafu Chief Manager] to [Wanshen Mountain Four Masters], and they all came to toast and flatter him, and the atmosphere was wonderful for a while.

How could the poor Three Demons of Proving the Dao know that the God of Plague, who was in the shape of a wave, was embracing Fox God, Charm God and other female gods and demons for carnival, and was carefully watching the detailed annals bursting out in his mind at this moment.

Among them, the secrets are all about them.

Ordinary roots or supernatural powers can no longer enter Tao Qian's eyes.

What Tao Mozi really cared about was the supernatural means of the three demons pressing the bottom of the box. taboo

If at other times, they really couldn't spy on them, but now that the three demons are shoulder to shoulder with them, the brotherhood is so good that they can wear a pair of pants, and the remaining defenses can't resist Tao Qian's ghost prying.

Far away in the Penglai Sea, Tao Qian's deity saw Mo Zi's body using this kind of peeping method, and couldn't help but praise:

"It's really convenient for the devil to act recklessly like this. These three devils are all unparalleled in supernatural powers. If they fight freely, even if I go up, I won't get much benefit."

"Now being targeted by the devil, I'm afraid I'll be finished in a few days after some coaxing."

Tao Zhenjun's words were like a prophecy.

Mo Zishen and all the demons on the mountain continued to carnival for several days, and after getting drunk one by one, he quietly summoned three demons from the gourd of all demons to replace him.

Then slipped down the Wanshen Mountain and fled to the Tang Kingdom. taboo

After entering the country, he changed suddenly. The "Peach Blossom Buddha" who came here not long ago appeared again.

On the road of Qingche familiarity, I got Lingshan, and I met my old acquaintance Jin Tuoseng in the Buddhist temple.

Jin Tuo Seng didn't seem to expect that he, the great disciple of the holy monk, came to visit again, he laughed and shouted: "My nephew is not waiting for love in your Peach Blossom Temple, what is he doing on my Lingshan? Could it be that he came to find the eight dragons?" Come for a drink with Venerable White Dragon."

Tao Qian was really reeking of alcohol at this time, maybe he lost his temper after drinking, or maybe he wanted to express his intimacy, so that the senior with a special status in front of him would know that he was one of his own.

The fellow smiled, stepped forward and grabbed Jin Tuoseng's wrist, and then shouted:

"If you want to have a banquet and drink, this junior must first seek out Senior Jintuo."

"I came to Lingshan for the important task of subjugating demons. Now I have a once-in-a-hundred-year opportunity. As long as Lingshan helps me, I will surely take down the three kingdoms of Liao, Qi, and Wei in one fell swoop, and save more than 100 million people living in the territory. In the midst of the fire and water, I hope that the seniors will mediate from it, so that the three demons will not escape this calamity." Taboo

"Huh? The poor monk knows the situation of Liao, Qi, and Wei. The three kingdoms are ruled by [Huangpao Yuanjun], [Yueyue Immortal Lord], [Hundred Eyes Demon Lord], these three gods and demons, They all have extraordinary roots and profound Taoism, and they can step into the realm of Taoism at any time, especially the Hundred Eyes Demon Lord, whose father is an innate **** and demon, so he is not easy to provoke."

"I also heard that the three demons have linked up with each other, even if we divide our troops to attack, we can't do it. How dare you boast that you can take down the three demons in one fell swoop?"

What Tao Qian was waiting for was Jin Tuoseng's words, and he immediately replied after hearing the words, telling him one by one what he had done during this period of time.

The more Monk Jin Tuo listened, the brighter the Buddha's eyes became.

Especially when he heard that this guy had joined the Wanshen Mountain as a secret worker, and was about to become the fourth master soon, he couldn't help laughing.

The next moment, I heard extremely heavyweight secret information:

"So that seniors know that the three demons were deceived by me to become brothers. In addition, I have a secret method. I have peeked at the origin of the strongest magical powers of the three demons and the treasures at the bottom of the box." Taboo

"Let's talk about the yellow-robed Yuanjun first. After he failed to fight for Kui Xingxing's master, he used treacherous means to steal at least one tenth of Kuixingxing's power and stored it in the source orifice in his body. It can be released in a critical moment. Shi Yi The supernatural power [Great Zhoutian Kui Xing Chong Dou Shenshu] is extremely powerful, and it also hides a treasure called [Sarizi Linglong Neidan]. Wearing it on the body can prevent all kinds of magic from invading, and all evils can be eliminated. This thing is clearly It's my Buddhist treasure, and I don't know where this guy stole it from."

"Let's talk about the Immortal Lord Yinyue, who used to be a servant of the congenital **** and demon Taiyin Moon God. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com was born with an evil nature, but wanted to blaspheme the Moon God and was expelled from the Guanghan Palace. Huangpao Yuanjun is stronger, but he doesn't have supernatural powers such as Chongdou Shenju, just be careful that this guy hides secret treasures, that thing is called [Jade Fire Tongs], it doesn't sound very eye-catching, but it actually flows out of the Wa Palace The treasures are amazing, so you need to be careful."

"The last one is the Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord. This beast has the biggest background, the strongest backing, and the deepest magic power. Even if he fights with a real Taoist strongman, he will not be defeated. He can call his father [Yuanyang Demon God] for help at any time. There are also many treasures, and some of them are comparable to Linglong Neidan and Jade Fire Tongs."

"However, this beast has a fatal weakness. It is obsessed with enlightenment and Taoism, and its mind is hung on the so-called egg people."

"As long as this tyrannical family is used as a breakthrough, this demon king's supernatural power will surely be broken... At worst, he can also be expelled from the God Search Realm."

When Tao Qian finished speaking, a smile appeared on Jin Tuo's face, his eyes were very bright, and he said in admiration: Taboo

"My nephew is extraordinary, the holy monk has accepted a good disciple."

"Since you have inquired about all these clearly, you have already figured out which bodhisattvas and arhats you should borrow from Lingshan to restrain the three demons."

As soon as these words came out, Tao Damozi couldn't help laughing, and then nodded in agreement.

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