Longevity is Different, Caishikou Was Beheaded at the Beginning

Chapter 654: Peach Bliss is called Bodhisattva, Nine Spirits Create Taisui Pill

If the other monks come up to Lingshan, they will talk a lot of vernacular, saying that the weakness of the demons will use the Arhat Bodhisattva as a soldier to subdue them. Wa

Only he, Tao Damozi, was an exception.

This guy has long been recognized as one of his own.

It is because Jin Tuo is so polite, and even jokes with him.

Now that Tao Qian has already entered the Lingshan Mountain, how could he be polite? He clapped his hands and laughed, and said by name:

"The star power in Huangpao Yuanjun's body is majestic, and he is blessed by the Buddha treasure, but he is the best to deal with. The younger generation heard that there is a secret Buddha in the depths of Lingshan, called [Buddha Mother], the Dharma is profound, and he is the best at subduing For the generation of fallen demons and wolves, can I ask the mother of the Buddha to agree to send one or two Dharma protectors to help the younger generation go to the Wanshen Mountain to accept the yellow-robed Yuanjun, and also take the relic Linglong Neidan back to Lingshan. "

"Xianyue Xianjun is a little more troublesome. This beast has not only practiced the secret method of Taiyin in Guanghan Palace, but also obtained the secret treasure of Emperor Wa. I am afraid that ordinary Taoist monks can't do anything to this old beast, but the younger generation knows that there is an old beast in Lingshan. 【Moon Purity Bodhisattva】, who always captures the yin and illuminates the universe, is the nemesis of the moon, I wonder if I can invite a clone of the Bodhisattva to go there and save that guy."

"But the Hundred Eyes Demon Lord is the most difficult to entangle. He needs a powerful Arhat Bodhisattva to entangle him, and then the younger generation will take the initiative to destroy the [Egg People Clan] who has devoted his heart and soul. When his mind is in turmoil, or Reduction or expulsion, it can be done.” Wa

"I just don't know if the seniors and the Buddhas of Lingshan can help the juniors in the face of the people of Liao, Qi and Wei."

Tao Qian finished speaking in one breath, and then looked at Jin Tuoseng.

Although he is still Tao Qian's demon clone in essence, he has already secretly blessed a [Future Buddha Heart], such a huge spiritual mountain, except for the existence of the Buddha, other Arhats, Bodhisattvas and even the Buddha can't see through its true roots. .

As for the appearance and acting skills, needless to say, at this moment, there is a kind of brilliance called "compassion and compassion" in this fellow's eyes.

Even if Jin Chanzi, a holy monk, came here, his acting skills in this aspect would not be as good as Tao Qian's.

Of course, Monk Jin Tuo had no intention of rejecting Tao Qian. Allowing this great disciple of the future virtuous Buddha to come to Lingshan to borrow troops, expand his power, and increase his Taoism was a matter of tacit consent. Who would not give face to the huge Buddhist plan?

At the next moment, Tao Qian heard Jin Tuo Monk nodding with a smile, pointing at Tao Qian, and replied: Wa!

"You are a junior, but you are really good at picking."

"Mother Buddha is indeed the nemesis of all fallen demons, wolves, and evil spirits in the world. I know that there is a [Lotus Corpse Demon Heart Venerable] under her command, who practices the "Mother Buddha Protecting Secret Mantra", and I can go to help you Subdue the Yellow Robe Yuanjun."

"You know that Yuejing Bodhisattva can restrain the secrets of the Taiyin, but you don't know that the power of the treasure called [Jade Fire Tongs] is really strange. It has been infiltrated by the source energy of the Emperor Wa, and it can restrain all sentient beings. Fortunately, the Bodhisattva has recently realized something. , separated out a Yuanming Zen body, this body clarifies the sea of ​​nature, reflects the Zen mind, and can be exempted from the power of the jade tongs, and it is not difficult to take down the evil moon fairy."

"As for the Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord, I can ask [Subduing Dragon Arhat] to also give out a dharma body for you, and follow you around. Arhat is a disciple of the Buddha. When I see you in the future, I should call you uncle."

"With the help of all of you, let the eight dragons accompany you, and you will be the internal response. It should not be difficult to subdue the three demons on the Wanshen Mountain, as well as the descendants of the gods and demons under their command, as well as evil demons and heretics."

As soon as the Jin Tuo monk finished speaking, Tao Qian immediately showed a bright smile.

Nodding again and again, with joy on his face, he said: "It's not difficult, it's very good, very good." Wa

This guy was enjoying himself, but Jin Tuo Monk changed the subject and said with a smile: "Youngsters, let's be happy first. As the saying goes, there must be a price for everything in practice. Although you are a disciple destined by the holy monk, you will also have the position of Bodhisattva in the future, but now you are still the same. It's a secret demon body, even if it has a Buddha heart, it can't pay such a big bill."

"Think about it, what price do you have to pay to invite the bodhisattvas and arhats on the mountain to help you cast down the demons?"

Tao Qian was proud for a while, but he didn't expect to be embarrassed by the old monk in front of him, let alone the old senior at the foot of the majestic Lingshan Mountain, who would be so philistine to talk about deals, offsets, prices and so on.

Fortunately, Tao Qian also knew early on that it is not easy to take advantage of Buddhism in the heavens, so he felt a little relieved when he heard these words. He thought that the calculations of the so-called innate Buddha by the Buddhist sect were status and affiliation, but he was not satisfied now. As for his art of painting cakes, I just want to implement it.

Anyway, in the end, there will be a real "Tao Fozi" who will come to search the God Realm for information, and Tao Mozi has no scruples at all.

Without delay, he directly reached out and grabbed the old monk who wanted to leave, deliberately showing some eagerness, and immediately said:

"Senior wait a moment, this junior maintains this secret demon body for a reason, and the holy monk also recognizes this." Wa

"But the younger generation can't fake a Buddha's heart, and it's more true to admire the Buddhadharma. It's not like this. After this incident, the younger generation changed the title of the **** and demon from [Peach Blossom God] to [Peach Blossom Bliss Bodhisattva]. It has been circulated among hundreds of millions of people to show the younger generation's heart to Buddha."

When the first condition was uttered, Monk Jintuo laughed when he heard the words, but quickly shook his head again, obviously it was not enough.

Tao Qian knew in his heart that the old monk was not easy to fool, and changing the title of gods and demons was really nothing. After all, everyone knew that gods and demons with a little bit of Taoism and mana probably had ten or eight aliases, not to mention Bodhisattvas, even if they call themselves immortals, emperors of heaven, etc., believers will not be surprised, just recite the Peach Blossom God in their hearts.

Helpless, Tao Mozi could only pretend to continue thinking, then sighed, gritted his teeth and said:

"Forget it, this junior's secret demon skin will eventually be taken off, it's not good to occupy both ends, and he will miss the way for no reason."

"The younger generation swears that from today onwards, holding the meritorious Buddha bowl in hand day and night, listening to the Buddhist scriptures chanted by the monks and nuns in it, and diligently practicing the "Great Merit Sutra" presented by my teacher day and night, so as to realize the profound Buddhadharma, When the time is right... I will take off my magic clothes, and under the witness of the gods of the great abyss, I will enter my spiritual mountain as a Buddhist son, spread the Buddhadharma, and save the common people."

"Okay, okay, my Buddha is merciful, I think in a few years, there will be another Peach Blossom Bodhisattva on my Lingshan Mountain." Wa

"You go down the mountain first, the poor monk will arrange everything, just wait for the right time, let the monks and nuns in the Buddha's bowl send a message, and the Arhats and Bodhisattvas can go to the Ten Thousand Gods Mountain to help you subdue the demons."

The Jin Tuo monk who heard the oath was very happy, praised repeatedly, and Tao Qian didn't need to say any more, he took the initiative to accept everything, and waited for him to give orders.

It's no wonder that the old monk is like this, after all, the oath is not a trivial matter, it involves the body and soul, and now the status of this family member is completely confirmed, helping him Tao Qian to conquer the devil, is no different from Lingshan itself to conquer the devil and expand its power.

The old monk laughed, and Tao Qian laughed too, saying that his family took advantage of it.

After negotiating the matter of borrowing troops, Tao Mozi returned to Wanshen Mountain in an instant, replacing the three-body demon without any flaws.

Not long after, the three masters of the gods and demons in the banquet, Huangpao, Yeyue, and Baimu, woke up one after another, and a group of descendants of gods and demons who were not young in the way of gods and demons and evil outsiders also woke up. Master" was the last to pretend to sober up, but he was immediately ridiculed by all the demons. Wa

In the eyes of all the demons, this fellow has shown extraordinary skills and won a lot of prizes, which is really enviable. Now that he has some minor flaws, it is much more pleasing to the eye.

Tao Mozi, who was ridiculed for not drinking enough, feigned anger, staggered to his feet, blushed, with bruised veins on his face, stammering and arguing with the three demons and all the descendants of gods and demons:

"Not counting, this time... not counting this time."

"Three Great Kings, Wanshen Mountain Proving Dao City is amazing, but this fine wine is very ordinary, it really doesn't suit my taste, and there is too much miscellaneous energy, which makes me drunk for a while without noticing it. [Sky Plague Golden Toad Immortal Lord] has fine wines, even if there are ten altars and hundreds of altars, you will definitely not be drunk, even if you are drunk, you will feel ecstasy, and there are many benefits, not such a splitting headache and restless heart."

His argument immediately caused all the demons in the banquet to burst into laughter.

The three great kings of Wanshen Mountain are all masters with considerable backgrounds, and the delicious wine and food they brought out to entertain the descendants of gods and demons and the descendants of the Dao lineage are naturally extraordinary. To be compared with the three gods and demons is only when he is bragging.

The path chosen by this guy is not to gain fame by prestige, but to flatter and offer treasures. Naturally, he won't get much respect among the demons. Wa

Some frivolous descendants of gods and demons, family demons, directly opened their mouths and said with a smile:

"Four masters, don't make such a fuss. I have heard that there are many treasures in the Toad God lineage, but I don't know that you are also good at brewing wine? Don't give each of us a jar of toad poison. If the poison faints, we will be drunk. "

"That's right, at this banquet, we have already drank [Kuixing Yuye] from King Huangpao, [Taiyin Yuegui Wine] from King Liyue, and [Yuanyang Divine Jelly] from King Baimu. There are countless good wines, even though your master is also a **** and demon, can you still make better wines?"

"Speaking of fine wine and fine wine, I heard that there is a goddess in the Lingbao Sect of the Daoist sect who is good at it. She brews jade liquid and fine nectar, and ordinary people can ascend to immortality if they drink it. Master go to Lingbaozong Penglaihai to exchange for some drinks, if you don't have enough treasures to exchange for, I can make up some."

"Bah, bah, what are you waiting for, how dare you look down on me."

"The jade liquid wine is pretty good, but the [Jin Chan Na Qi Spiritual Jelly] brewed by my teacher is even more extraordinary, but this kind of fine wine is newly brewed by my teacher. It has not been born for ten years, so it has a great reputation. ring."

"So that you can know that to brew this spirit syrup, you must first send hundreds of millions of heavenly plague golden toads into the depths of the sea of ​​origin. Each golden toad collects a different source of energy into its belly. The sea of ​​origin is dangerous, and there must be no one. It is still necessary to search for different kinds of wine worms in the world of mortals, go to the world of demons to catch wine demons, and go to the ghost world to catch wine ghosts. Combine the revolving golden toads and put them in the toad palace to catalyze it. It will take thousands of years to brew. "wa

"After drinking this wine, no matter which method you practice, which direction you are in, or what kind of blood in your body, you can get extraordinary benefits. There is no cost other than the pleasant side effects."

"Let's talk about it, how does the wine I teach compare to Yuye Qiongye?"

After Tao Qian finished speaking arrogantly, all eyes including the yellow robe, the black moon, and the hundred-eyed three demons immediately lit up, swallowed, and cast longing glances at him, the master of the plague god.

His purpose was also here, and he laughed secretly in his heart.

After waiting for the three great kings to ask for good wine, this guy hummed with a look of self-satisfaction on his face:

"Hmph, if the three great kings hadn't opened their mouths, I would never have allowed these short-sighted guys to smell the fragrance of the Golden Toad Spiritual Jelly."

"Great kings, wait for a few days first. The golden toad spirit is a rare item even in the lineage of the toad god. Although my master dotes on the little gods, if he asks for dozens of altars to hold a banquet, it will take a few days to complete it." , and I need your help, give more treasures, books, and spiritual materials, so that the little **** can bribe my teacher." Wa

"It's hard to say that the innate yin qi that King Baimu desires can also be obtained smoothly."

The last sentence made the bottom line, and the Hundred Eyes Demon Lord became excited again.

He took the initiative to take Tao Mozi and began to "extort" the treasure bags of all the descendants of gods and demons and descendants of the Dao lineage on the mountain, including the other two kings, in order to collect the so-called wine money. Get rich again.

With such a generous sum of money for wine, Tao Qian naturally didn't really have the time to buy wine.

He just hid back in the quiet room, then took out a hundred altars of very ordinary Lingbao fairy wine, and went back to his old job: adding ingredients to the fairy wine.

That material, it looks quite strange.

It is a meat pellet with the appearance of a thumb-sized meat ball, pink and white, like a handful of fresh shredded meat mixed with snow-white maggots and kneaded into a ball. It is unnatural and emits an unbearable smell Strong aroma, and a strange vitality that cannot be suppressed no matter what. Wa

The origin of this pill can be described as strange~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Others must not know it, but if Xiao Xiaosui and Shan Jiu are here, they can tell it right away.

This pill is called [Jiuling Taisui Pill], the name looks serious, but it is actually the game work of Lingbao Fu Nie Tao Zhenjun, just like the Peach Nightmare Pill that was used by Tao Mozi as an ecstasy.

There is nothing else in the pill, only two kinds of spiritual materials: the flesh and blood of Taisui, and the spiritual root of Tianjiu.

After mixing, there is a majestic source of life energy stored in it. If one can swallow one, the dharmakaya will immediately benefit greatly, and the Tao will also increase.

How can such wonderful benefits come without a price.

Although Tai Sui Meat and Celestial Leek Root are first-class marvelous things in Dayuan, they are also poisonous.

Once activated, the person swallowing the pill will immediately become dazed, weak and powerless, as if drunk, but in fact, all the orifices in the body are opened, the essence and blood flow away, and the morality is greatly damaged. Wa

Tao Damozi slowly took out a large handful of meatballs from the treasure bag, crushed them separately, and immediately sprinkled them into a jar of Lingbao immortal wine.

While sprinkling materials, he did not forget to complain about the deity Tao Zhenjun:

"Peach Nightmare Pill, Jiuling Taisui Pill... Oh, and the Poison of Creation, they are all evil things that were refined before the devil was born. On the surface, it is a Lingbao Daozi that fascinates all living beings, but secretly it is clearly the devil. "


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