Longevity Martial Arts: Starting from Tai Chi

Chapter 841: Tai Chi Health Preservation Exercises are promoted, and life span increases greatly (as

Yuanqing Courtyard.

Yang Chan was practicing in the courtyard, his body was slow and he seemed to be neither fast nor slow, but if you looked closely, you could see some Taoist connotations in these movements, and as the movements progressed, the whole person looked full of vitality.

Even if the practice of Tai Chi Health Preservation Exercise is promoted to a high level, the movements do not change much, but as the level is improved, the movements contain great truths.

And the practitioners have the deepest understanding of it.

Since Yang Chan transcended to this world, he has practiced Tai Chi Health Preservation Exercise, which also allowed him to get rid of the predicament on his body and then let him rise quickly.

Since Yang Chan started practicing this technique, he has never stopped as long as he has time to practice.

It has brought him many changes.

Yang Chan has seen many techniques, but he has never seen a technique like Tai Chi Health Preservation Exercise.

This technique is practiced by only him. There are many other health preservation techniques, but they are very different from Tai Chi Health Preservation Exercise, and the effects are also different.

For Yang Chan, practicing Tai Chi health-preserving exercises has become a habit, and he is also looking forward to the changes brought about by the promotion of Tai Chi health-preserving exercises.

After all, he has practiced many health-preserving exercises, and only after practicing Tai Chi health-preserving exercises successfully, he has gained a special physique.

Innate Tai Chi longevity body.

Now as his martial arts cultivation continues to become stronger, this special physique is also slowly taking effect, helping him to improve his strength, and this may not be the final change.

Later, as his martial arts cultivation improves, it may play a greater role.

As Yang Chan's movements slowly stopped, he had finished a set of Tai Chi health-preserving exercises, and the aura of the whole person became clearer, and Yang Chan's eyes flashed with light.

"After this morning, the potential points will be refreshed, and Tai Chi Health Preservation Exercise will be able to be promoted to the sixth level of the pinnacle!"

"By then, the body's ability to recover will definitely be enhanced."

"I can now regenerate broken limbs, but I don't know what level the next step will be."

"Will there be no more fatal wounds on the body, or will it be regenerated by dripping blood, or a stronger level?"

Yang Chan looked at the Tai Chi Health Preservation Exercise on the panel, which was already close to being promoted to the sixth level of the pinnacle, and thought silently in his heart.

This is the result of his long-term efforts. For this reason, he has spent most of his potential points on Tai Chi Health Preservation Exercise during this period of time, so that Tai Chi Health Preservation Exercise can be quickly promoted.

You know, practicing Tai Chi Health Preservation Exercise to this level consumes a lot of potential points, and even so, after he returned to Tianxuan Holy Land, he accelerated the consumption on it.

In the middle process, after he entered the practice of Demon Transformation God, he did not reduce the points added to Tai Chi Health Preservation Exercise. The purpose was to promote Tai Chi Health Preservation Exercise as soon as possible and give him a life-saving trump card.

After all, when martial arts cultivation does not need to be improved in a short period of time, life-saving means naturally become the key.

When Yang Chan was able to regenerate broken limbs, his life-saving ability was already very strong, but Yang Chan felt that it was still not enough, after all, if the vital organs were destroyed, the person would still die.

Just like the head, head, heart and other parts, if they were directly destroyed, no matter how strong his recovery ability was, it would be useless, after all, the recovery time was quite long, and in this process, the person would die!

And going one step further is what Yang Chan is looking forward to more.

If he can achieve the point of rebirth by dripping blood, even if the demon sect is powerful in the end and even invades Xuanxu Cave Heaven, he can still save his life and live with a drop of blood.

However, to achieve this step, how strong is the vitality, and how terrifying it is.

Even if Yang Chan knows the recovery ability of the masters in the realm of Shenqiao from Heilong, it seems that he can't reach this level. As for the masters of the true gods, Heilong is not very clear.

But it can be confirmed that the point of rebirth by dripping blood is very rare.

Therefore, Yang Chan was not very sure that he could achieve this step when Tai Chi Health Preservation Kungfu was promoted to the sixth level, but he could confirm that his recovery ability would definitely increase greatly, and his life span and talent would also increase.

If he continued to improve Tai Chi Health Preservation Kungfu, he might not only be able to be reborn by dripping blood in the future, but even be immortal.

As long as this universe still exists, he will be immortal, even transcendent.

These are some of Yang Chan's conjectures, not confirmed, but if he can reach this point, he will not need to be so stable at that time.

After all, he can't be killed.

"Tai Chi Health Preservation Kungfu still has the possibility of unlimited promotion, but after this time, Tai Chi Health Preservation Kungfu is promoted to the sixth level, it will not be possible to continue to spend too many potential points on Tai Chi Health Preservation Kungfu for the time being!"

"At that time, we should still focus on martial arts cultivation, and let martial arts cultivation be promoted to the peak level of blood exchange as soon as possible, so as to prepare for breaking through the realm of divine orifice!"

Yang Chan has many expectations for Tai Chi Health Preservation Kungfu in his heart. After all, this is the skill that he traveled to this world with.

Before crossing over, Yang Chan was also practicing Tai Chi health-preserving exercises, and after crossing over, he was still practicing Tai Chi health-preserving exercises. This was the exercise that had accompanied him for the longest time, so he had more expectations for this exercise than other exercises.

In addition, it was a unique exercise, which might bring him some unexpected surprises.

The innate Tai Chi longevity body was one of them. As for whether there would be more in the future, Yang Chan was not sure, but his expectations did not decrease.

At night.

Yang Chan did not lie on the bed to rest, but appeared in the secret room, still in the breath-retracting formation.

The black dragon in the Xuanyin hanging beads did not appear, and Yang Chan had even blocked the perception of it.

Yang Chan didn't want Black Dragon to know about some problems in his body.

Yang Chan didn't care about the issue of martial arts cultivation, because Black Dragon had a strong martial arts cultivation before and the other party could see through it, but he didn't want any living being to know about some of his secrets, even Black Dragon.

He was sitting cross-legged at this time, and the aura on his body was constantly adjusting, as he was waiting for the early morning.

After all, after early morning, the potential points on the panel will be refreshed.

And he is now only one step away from improving his Tai Chi health-preserving skills to the sixth level and reaching its peak. In fact, if it affects his daily practice, he can improve it yesterday, but Yang Chan has no such arrangement.

During this period of time, he is doing it step by step and does not affect his normal daily practice.

The same is true in the secret room at this time.

Until early morning, when there were 107.36 more potential points on the panel, Yang Chan looked at the Tai Chi health-preserving skills on the panel.

"Tai Chi health-preserving skills, add some more!"

The thought moved slightly, and the potential point value on the panel was instantly halved.

At the same time, the Tai Chi health-preserving skills on the panel are improved.

From the Tai Chi health-preserving skill (outstanding 97% at the fifth level) to the Tai Chi health-preserving skill (excellent 1% at the sixth level), Yang Chan could feel the transformation of his natural body at the same time.

Rich vitality emerged from Yang Chan's body, making him look full of vitality. Near where he sat cross-legged, spiritual plants grew. They looked as if they were already there, rather than just growing. Come out normally.

At the same time, Yang Chan's mind was pouring into the spiritual sea, and he felt life emerging from the spiritual sea.

Before, his spiritual sea was dead, and the true meaning of the original demon was in it, which was filled with demonic meaning. However, at this time, there was vitality in the spiritual sea. It was obvious that this was the change brought about by Tai Chi health-preserving skills.

At the same time, on his physical body, he felt that the degree of tempering had increased again. At the same time, his vitality and recovery power were also increasing, making him feel that his physical body was undergoing a transformation.

This transformation follows the powerful vitality in the body, and it is not over yet.

In the upper body of his essence, he could feel the connection in the void, and the soul body that had not improved for a long time actually strengthened.

The improvement of Tai Chi health-preserving skills this time was beyond Yang Chan's expectations, because it was an all-round improvement for him, and at the same time, the innate Tai Chi longevity body in his body also played a role.

It seems that the innate Tai Chi immortal body is growing along with it, while improving his strength and enhancing his potential.

This transformation lasted for one day and one night before stopping.

This is also beyond Yang Chan's expectation, because his physical body has been cultivated to a certain level, so there are very few people who can bring about great transformation for him.

Therefore, when he was improving his Tai Chi health-preserving skills, he did not expect that it would last for such a long time. However, he had done a lot of retreats here, so it was normal for him to retreat for a day this time.

Moreover, after the affairs of the Spiritual Medicine Building were arranged, there was no longer a need for him to come forward, and Han Bingyu could also handle it.

After the complete transformation, Yang Chan felt the changes in himself and could only say that it was great!

At this moment, he felt that his overall strength had improved qualitatively, which was beyond his expectation.

At the same time, he can also feel his own terrifying recovery ability. If he cuts off an arm, he can recover quickly. At the same time, it is still an arm that has been tempered in various ways, not an arm that has not been tempered.

This is imprinting the ability to recover into flesh and blood.

His heart, leader, head and other important parts are no longer fatal at this time. Even if they are destroyed, they can be recovered quickly.

Before, his recovery ability was very strong, but his ability to recover these important parts was much weaker. But now his whole life is full of vitality. No matter where there is a problem, those vitalities can quickly help his important parts recover, so even if his heart Even if he is destroyed, he can recover quickly without causing his death.

This terrifying recovery ability makes him no longer have any flaws.

However, it has not yet reached the stage of rebirth with a drop of blood. That is to imprint his entire body into the flesh and blood of his body. As long as his body remains, he can live, which is equivalent to a drop of blood being a person.

He's not that far yet.

"My recovery ability is getting more and more terrifying now. When I improve my Tai Chi health-preserving skills again, I might be able to do it!"

Yang Chan felt the vitality contained in the flesh and blood and said with great emotion.

These changes in his body now were actually what he expected, but they were just not to the level he wanted most.

Of course, these changes in him now are also very good gains for him.

In a confrontation with others, the others would shoot at his fatal parts, and he would also shoot at the opponent's fatal parts. It seemed that they both died, but in the end, he would only be alive, and the opponent would completely lose his life.

This is a very big trump card.

If you encounter a strong enemy and leave after killing him, he can be resurrected. The benefits of this are naturally very great!

Yang Chan looked at the changes on the panel again.

Talent and longevity have been greatly improved.

The talent has been increased from 60 to 80, a full increase of 20 points. This is a lot. Now with the improvement of Tai Chi health-preserving skills, more and more talents have been added to him. If the Tai Chi health-preserving skills are raised to the extreme, he will not dare to Imagine where his talent will go.

Before that, his talent of 60 was also outstanding in Tianxuan Holy Land, and few people could compare with him. Now that his talent has increased by 20 and reached 80, he didn't know what level this was.

After all, the strongest he had ever come into contact with was only in the Holy Land. He didn't know the situation about the geniuses of the Divine Dynasty ten thousand years ago. For him, the effect of practicing the techniques and daily efforts will be more significant in the future.

His efficiency in practicing the liver martial arts techniques will definitely be higher, and it can also speed up his progress in practicing the magic dragon blood exchange technique. After all, as long as conditions permit, he will practice the magic dragon blood exchange technique every day.

His life span has also been greatly improved. Before, his life span was 1105, and now it is 1705, which is a full 600 years. This is much more than when he was promoted from the fourth level to the fifth level before, which can be said to be directly doubled.

Before, when Yang Chan upgraded the Tai Chi health-preserving technique from the fourth level to the fifth level, it gave him an additional three hundred years of life span, and now it has been upgraded from the fifth level to the sixth level, which is a direct increase of six hundred years.

The life span of 1705 can be compared with that of three blood-exchanging martial saint masters whose life span is not that long. In the early stage of blood-exchanging, the longevity pills taken were not many, only more than 500 years.

Only those who have undergone multiple blood-exchanging and taken multiple longevity pills at the same time have a life span of less than 1,000 years. Basically, 700 or 800 years is the limit. At this time, Yang Chan's life span can replace several blood-exchanging martial saint masters.

And this is not the limit for Yang Chan. After that, the cultivation of blood-exchanging martial saints will continue to improve, and it can continue to increase. At the same time, practicing other health-preserving exercises can also increase it.

Yang Chan did not feel the existence of the longevity lock in his body. It seems that his life span can be increased without limit. Of course, it may also be that his longevity lock is longer than others. Before he encountered the longevity lock, he did not know his own limit.

After all, even if other people practice health-preserving exercises, the life span they can increase is limited. At the same time, superimposing multiple health-preserving exercises will make the effect worse and worse. But for him, it seems that there is no such limitation.

Just like when he took the elixir, the impurities and elixir poison in his body would disappear with the arrival of the early morning. Only when the elixir is taken on the same day will the effect of the medicine be weakened, but it basically does not affect the situation on the next day.

This is the ability brought to him by the panel. Until now, he has not sensed the existence of the limit.

This is true for elixirs and health-preserving exercises.

Yang Chan is also looking forward to his own situation.

The stronger his strength, the longer his lifespan, and the closer he is to the next goal of ten thousand years of lifespan!

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