Longevity Martial Arts: Starting from Tai Chi

Chapter 842 New distribution plan for potential points, discussing ways to deal with the demon cult

"Sure enough, with the improvement of talent, the progress of daily practice has also been significantly improved."

Yang Chan practiced a set of magic dragon blood exchange in the secret room, and could clearly feel the improvement brought to him by the practice process.

Although he could not directly increase the proficiency numerically, the improvement was much stronger than before.

This is also the change brought by the increase of 20 points of talent.

Although Yang Chan did not try to practice other skills, especially the skills that he had not practiced before, it can be confirmed that the time to practice will definitely be greatly shortened.

If his talent was at this level before, it would not take so long to practice the magic mysterious method to practice, which can greatly reduce the time Yang Chan spends on new skills.

After all, after the practice of the skills appears on the panel, it is much easier to improve.

The original demon true meaning is a good proof. After the practice of the magic mysterious method is successful, the five martial arts seals are combined into one, and the original demon true meaning after fusion appears on the panel.

At this time, he has been promoted to the third-level integration level, which is the same level as the five martial arts seals before, and this level is also a good state for him at this time.

It also improved his spirit a lot, and at the same time, the efficiency of absorbing the magic intent reached the level he could bear.

If you rely on personal efforts alone, it will take a long time to practice the original magic intent to the third level. Now Yang Chan has taken a step forward, and it has taken less than a year, which is very efficient.

If you want to continue to improve in the future, the efficiency will be much slower.

Of course, this is also due to the fact that Yang Chan’s current daily potential point intake value is not low, otherwise his practice progress will definitely be slowed down. The source of all this is that he has worked hard to refine pills, so he can get to this point now.

There are still potential points on the panel, and Yang Chan consumes them in the same way as before.

"This time, the Tai Chi Health Preservation Exercise broke through for a day and a night, but I lost one day of potential point income, but the final harvest was good."

After Yang Chan successfully broke through, he knew the time it took to break through. Although he felt it was a pity, he needed to concentrate on the breakthrough and transform his body and spirit at the same time, so the loss of one day of potential point intake was nothing compared to the harvest.

After all, the ultimate goal of harvesting potential points is to prepare for the breakthrough.

"Next, the daily potential point allocation will be changed again. The improvement will focus on the magic dragon blood exchange technique and improve the martial arts cultivation first!"

The several skills that Yang Chan wanted to improve have already met his requirements, and now his ability to save his life has also increased.

The next step is to return to the topic and continue to improve his martial arts cultivation. After all, the preparatory preparations for improving martial arts cultivation have been made.

At this time, the skills of the demon-slaying lineage that he has mastered are complete, and he can exert the true combat power of the demon-slaying lineage. Even as his martial arts cultivation improves, the strength that can be exerted will increase exponentially.

Yang Chan can feel that the degree of his physical tempering has far exceeded the situation recorded in the skills.

Among them, there are the help brought by the essence of the fetus, the soul body, and the Tai Chi health-preserving skills, which make his tempering degree far exceed those who practice the demon-slaying lineage skills.

If the demon-slaying lineage skills are practiced to the extreme, it is possible to catch up with the dragon clan or even surpass the past.

After practicing Tai Chi Health Preserving Exercise to a high level, Yang Chan felt that Tai Chi Health Preserving Exercise was not simple, and it was no longer a simple health-preserving exercise.

Although it did not directly improve Yang Chan's martial arts cultivation, the auxiliary effect it brought was too amazing. It can be said that it made his foundation continue to increase. At this time, Yang Chan could not reach the upper limit.

At this time, the situation in Taiyu Shenzhou was not very good. The Holy Land, the Dynasty and the Demon Sect had fought, and many people had died, and the situation was deadlocked.

It looked like this battle between good and evil would last longer than he expected, and it might even affect the Tianxuan Holy Land in the future.

Therefore, under this situation, Yang Chan could not continue to focus on improving Tai Chi Health Preserving Exercise, but could only improve his martial arts cultivation first. After all, when encountering danger, having enough combat power is the key.

Life-saving means are only used to save lives, but sometimes when encountering danger, sufficient strength is still needed.

The overall situation is not so bad now, but people should be prepared for danger in times of peace, and Yang Chan has a more stable personality, so he will make some preparations in advance.

The same is true for the previous means of improving Tai Chi health-preserving exercises, but now we are back to the topic.

Just like the battle between good and evil at this time, Yang Chan is worried that it will affect Tianxuan Holy Land, and he does not have enough strength. If he has the combat power of the Divine Acupoint Realm, then the problem of the Demon Cult will no longer be a problem.

As Black Dragon said, the suspected ancient demon, who appeared in the world at this time, is also affected by the environment of Taiyu Shenzhou, and it is difficult to have the cultivation of the Divine Acupoint level. Therefore, Yang Chan has such cultivation and combat power, so he is naturally not afraid of the suspected ancient demon.

Even if the opponent has not reached this step, he can completely kill the opponent and solve this problem.

After Yang Chan finished his retreat, he did not choose to rest because he was in a very good state.

During the breakthrough process, his energy has increased greatly, which led to his current state being very good.

When he came to the study, there was nothing important for him to deal with.

Since the previous Holy Lord left Tianxuan Holy Land with his people, the affairs he needed to be responsible for have been reduced a lot.

The previous arrangement of refining the Ziyuan Blood Exchange Pill was an arrangement for him. It will no longer be the case in a short time. This is what Bai Keyi told him here.

Other minor matters were handled by Han Bingyu and basically did not require his attention. Therefore, even after a day of seclusion, nothing happened to him.

After staying in the study for a short while, Yang Chan went to the practice room, because there were still some potential points on the panel that had not been consumed.

He had not practiced for too long in the secret room before, so he just tried the changes brought about by his improvement in talent. After knowing the results, he naturally chose to come out.

Coming to the study first is also to prevent important things from happening. In this case, Han Bingyu will send relevant matters to the study. If not, it means that there are no important things that need to be dealt with by him.

In the practice room, Yang Chan started daily practice after consuming his potential points. In this process, he not only familiarized his body with the improvement brought by the potential points, but also used the proficiency panel to improve it. It can be said that it is a dual use of the help brought by the panel. , which was of great help to Yang Chan.

At the same time, he can also more clearly perceive the help that 80 points of talent brings to his various skills.

This was an improvement from all aspects, and when he practiced, the effect was even more obvious.

If calculated in terms of points, it can be said that it has increased by one-third on the original basis. It is difficult not to feel such a big change.

As for the final impact on the value, it only needs to last longer to be clear.

With the combination of potential points and daily practice, Yang Chan's practice has made remarkable progress.

Southern wilderness.

"Holy Master Shangguan, we have jointly dealt with these demonic sects, but we have not seen any traces of the ancient demonic leader so far. I feel that he may be dormant somewhere, and may still be recovering from his cultivation. At this time, instead of encircling and suppressing these demonic sects, It’s better to look for that ancient demon.”

"You and I both know that these demon sects are not a big threat. Even if they unite, they are just a mob. The only one who poses a threat to us is the ancient demon."

"If that ancient demon recovers his cultivation, I may not be my opponent by then!"

"How about we spread out first and look for traces of the ancient demon? After we find it, we can work together to deal with it."

Gu Weiren, the Supreme Elder of the Supreme Religion, spoke slowly. He was an older generation of masters in the Supreme Religion and was very powerful.

Although it has not reached the level of nine blood exchanges, it has already undergone eight blood exchanges, and its overall combat power is very strong. This is also the trump card of Taishangjiao.

This person is familiar with Guan Yutian, so he speaks very directly at this time.

The purpose of saying this at this time was not only to find traces of the ancient demon, but of course it also had his own selfish motives.

The major holy places and dynasties jointly deal with the demon sect. In addition to the threat posed by the demon sect, there is also the existence of the suspected ancient demon. After all, if it is really the ancient demon, he may have the ability to break the boundaries between humans and gods and break through the divine orifice. Realm of opportunity.

Such opportunities cannot be found in the secret realm. Even though they knew that the ancient ruins were dangerous before, many people still entered them and have not been able to come out until now. They may have died in them.

The one who did it was probably the ancient demon, but he didn't dare to show up at this time. It was obvious that he still hadn't recovered his cultivation and his strength was limited. This was a good opportunity for them.

"Elder Ancient, we all know about this and are also looking for traces of the ancient demon. It's just that the ancient demon is a bit cunning and good at hiding, which is why we haven't found its location yet."

"However, this ancient demon may have been very powerful when he attacked before. If we separate, we may be defeated by each of them. To give the ancient demon a chance to regain his strength, it is better to deal with these demon sect thieves first and wait until the ancient demon can't sit still. At that time, we will join forces to deal with him.”

Upon hearing this, Shangguan Yutian frowned slightly and said slowly.

He felt that the ancient demon had never appeared at this time, probably because he was afraid of the combined combat power of so many of their forces.

If they disperse, it's hard to say what will happen.

In his heart, he naturally wanted to monopolize the opportunity for him to break through, but he knew the actual situation better.

If the ancient demon is given a chance to regain its strength, the current structure of Taiyu China will change.

At that time, it may not be the Holy Lands and Dynasties that distribute the land, but they will have to compete with the Demon Sect. In the worst case scenario, it will be like the previous Demon Sect, which can only hide in Tibet or even be destroyed.

The previously destroyed holy lands and dynasties are good proof.

"Holy Lord Shangguan is right. At this time, we should join forces first. We cannot give these demonic sects a chance to regain their strength, otherwise they may backfire on us in the future."

Nangong Peiqin, the previous leader of Tianxiang Sect, said.

The Tianxiang Sect is relatively close to the Southern Wilderness. If these demonic sects continue to set off, it is likely to spread to the Tianxiang Sect, so her primary purpose is naturally to destroy these demonic sects.

As long as the demon sect is destroyed, even if a strong demon is left behind, it will not have much impact in the end.

Furthermore, they all know the situation in Taiyu China. Even if the ancient demon appears, it will be affected by this world, and it will be difficult to restore the cultivation level of the divine orifice realm, or even become stronger.

For such demonic beings, staying in Taiyu Shenzhou may not be the best choice. They may want to go to a realm more suitable for practice. This is also the reason why those masters of the divine orifice realm left Taiyu Shenzhou thousands of years ago. .

I think this ancient demon is similar.

Moreover, even if the other party wants to dominate Taiyu Shenzhou, there is only one ancient demon, and the threat is much lower.

Therefore, her attitude is naturally to unite and deal with these demon sects first.

The goals of each of these united people are different, which is also caused by the different status and environment of each person.

But at this time, they are consistent in dealing with the demon sects, after all, they feel dangerous in these demon sects.

"I feel that you may have overestimated these demon sects. The so-called ancient demon may be a name made up by these demon sect thieves. The purpose is to attract other demon sects to come and take this opportunity to let the demon sects unite and compete with us."

"Even making this so-called ancient demon is also what makes us afraid."

"It's really a trick that no one can see!"

The Supreme Elder He Jingzhou of Zifu Holy Land spoke at this time, with a bit of disdain in his eyes.

He has not found any trace of the ancient demon, which makes him feel that these demon sects have made up some name.

As for the previous encounters of the major holy places in the ancient ruins, he felt that it was not the problem of the ancient demon, but the problem of the ancient ruins.

After all, the ancient ruins were already very dangerous. Those demon cults gathered in the South Wilderness, and they might have deliberately made some noise to attract everyone's attention.

It made him feel that the ancient demon did not exist, and it was also a matter of life span, because the ancient strongmen did not live to this day, let alone the so-called ancient demon.

If the so-called ancient demon lived to this day, he would have appeared in the world long ago, and even had absolute strength. All of them would not have come here and would have died in his hands.

After all, the ancient demon was so powerful, how could he hide and not dare to show up? Instead, this was a cover-up method created by the demon cult, which was very normal.

There was no so-called ancient demon in the demon cult, so it would be beaten back by the major forces gathered at this time.

As for the destruction of the three major holy places and dynasties before, it was probably caused by the gathering of the major demon cults in the South Wilderness before. These demon cult thieves united and took action together to destroy the three major holy places and dynasties.

Those creatures also became part of the cultivation of these demon cults, and the so-called ancient demons were created to make these holy places fear the existence of the ancient demons and dare not take action against them.

If we look at the problem of the demon cult this time in this way, then everything can be explained.

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