Longevity Martial Arts: Starting from Tai Chi

Chapter 885: Top-quality spiritual objects, blessing or disaster is hard to tell

Dange House of Internal Affairs.

There are many people gathered here today, not only Yang Chan and other top pharmacists, but also other pharmacists are here, but the exchanges are arranged in order.

Starting from the top pharmacist, it is the turn of other pharmacists to redeem spiritual materials.

Generally speaking, senior pharmacists and intermediate pharmacists exchange spiritual materials at the Spiritual Medicine Building managed by Yang Chan. However, because the amount of spiritual materials brought back by Saint Tianxuan and others this time was relatively large, all the people came to Dange House of Internal Affairs. On the other hand, you can exchange it for some spiritual materials.

This is also the training of senior pharmacists and intermediate pharmacists, allowing them to redeem more spiritual materials and have more choices.

Next to Yang Chan were Han Bingyu and others, and there were quite a few of them. The amount of spiritual materials he wanted to redeem this time was quite large, so he brought more people over.

In fact, this is not only the case for Yang Chan, but also for other top pharmacists. The people brought here are much more than those who exchanged spiritual materials several times before. It is obvious that the number of spiritual materials to be exchanged is far greater than before. Bring so many people over to Dange House of Internal Affairs.

"Yang Yaoshi, it seems that you have a lot of spiritual materials to redeem this time!"

Zheng Yuanliang brought people over, and when he saw the people around Yang Chan, he laughed.

Because these exchanged spiritual materials need people to carry them.

The portion is not necessarily heavy, but the quantity is definitely quite a lot. Especially some special spiritual materials are stored in a special way, so some special equipment is needed for preservation.

Under such circumstances, naturally many people are needed to come.

There are treasures stored in Tianxuan Holy Land, but there are not many, they are relatively precious, and only the highest-level people have them.

Previously, Saint Tianxuan and others entered the secret realm of the sea of ​​clouds. In order to gain the harvest, Saint Tianxuan entered the secret realm of the sea of ​​clouds with a storage treasure. Now most of the spiritual materials they have come to exchange are A storage bracelet from the hands of Saint Tianxuan.

Only extremely precious spiritual materials will be put into the storage bracelet. Furthermore, some of the harvests are harvested by other disciples who entered the secret realm of the sea of ​​clouds, so naturally they will be brought with them by themselves.

After those people came out of the Sea of ​​Clouds Secret Realm, they handed it in. Tianxuan Holy Land will also record the sect's contribution points based on the performance of these people. They can later exchange them for the pills they want to take, and these people are not allowed to take them out for free. .

If you have personal needs, you can keep them for yourself, but you can’t use most of them. You need to ask an alchemist to help you refine them, and exchanging them for sect contribution points is naturally the best and most convenient way!

"Pharmacist Zheng has a lot of spiritual materials to redeem."

Yang Chan saw Zheng Yuanliang and said with a smile.

During the period after the spiritual materials were returned from the Sea of ​​Clouds Secret Realm, he met Zheng Yuanliang more often, and Zheng Yuanliang even came to talk to him about alchemy-related matters.

There are more contacts between the two, so the relationship remains good.

In the eyes of other top pharmacists, they were promoted to top pharmacists at the same time, so they were naturally more favorable to them, not to mention that they had spent a long time together at the Divine Pill Ceremony.

"The number of spiritual materials brought back by the Holy Lady and others this time is really large, among which the top-grade spiritual materials such as Golden Scale Treasure Flower, Thousand-Year Green Gold Zhi, Black Ice Silver Yang Guo, etc. are even more amazing."

"I had only seen it in those ancient books before, but I didn't expect the saint and others to get it in the secret realm of the sea of ​​clouds. It's really unexpected."

"This time I want to take a closer look at these top-notch spiritual objects from ancient times."

Zheng Yuanliang did not deny that bringing so many people here would definitely require a lot of exchange.

He also made preparations for this and took out a batch of refined elixirs to exchange them, also wanting to exchange them for more spiritual materials.

After all, after the Sea of ​​Clouds Secret Realm is closed, some spiritual materials that are unique to the Sea of ​​Clouds Secret Realm cannot be obtained in a short period of time. If you want to continue to obtain them later, the cost will be much higher.

Now it is natural to exchange more. Even if it cannot be used, it can be used as a backup spiritual material and can be exchanged for more high-value items.

Many spiritual materials are rare and valuable, so there is no problem in keeping some more now, especially those unique spiritual materials.

No matter how you calculate it, you won’t lose money.

Of course, there are also some spiritual materials that he wants to exchange, and among them are spiritual objects that he attaches great importance to.

The best spiritual materials that have not appeared in the world since ancient times have naturally attracted the attention of many people. Even if they cannot redeem them, they still want to take a look and observe them to increase their knowledge and gain something.

There may be nothing wrong with the content recorded in ancient books, but it is not necessarily very comprehensive. Only by personally viewing it can you know the specific situation and have a clearer understanding.

"Yes, who would have thought that there are so many top-quality spiritual materials and rare treasures hidden in the secret realm of the Sea of ​​Clouds that has been jointly developed by all major forces for so long."

"Everyone who came back this time has gained something good."

When Yang Chan heard this, he was slightly emotional.

Those who come back alive from the Sea of ​​Clouds Secret Realm will gain a lot. After all, they have followed Saintess Tianxuan and others, but they have experienced many tests, and there are many gains among them.

This is especially true for those who followed all the way to the Sea of ​​Clouds Bridge.

Many people will not be short of training resources for many years to come, and their martial arts cultivation will definitely improve quickly. This does not include the tests these people have passed in the Sea of ​​Clouds Secret Realm. If they are all added up, the gains will be even greater!

It’s no wonder that not so many people rushed to enter the Sea of ​​Clouds Secret Realm after they first learned about it. It was obviously for these benefits.

However, those who can finally get so many benefits are also people with certain strength and good luck, otherwise they will leave the Yunhai Secret Realm in advance, and some people even stay in the Yunhai Secret Realm completely.

The Yunhai Secret Realm is not harmonious. When you land randomly at the beginning, when you meet people from the hostile sect, it must be a life-and-death struggle. In addition, when you encounter some rare treasures and spiritual materials, you will compete with each other, so many people died during that period.

Even some test levels in the Yunhai Secret Realm are not absolutely safe, and some people still die in them.

Therefore, many people died this time, but the harvest was greater.

In addition, it is the road of martial arts. It is very difficult to practice steadily. Even if you become a pharmacist, sometimes you still need to take risks to obtain the spiritual materials you want. After all, not everyone can be like Yang Chan who is not only self-sufficient, but also can get more.

Most of them consume a lot in the process of improving their alchemy ability. Most of them can only take risks to obtain the spiritual materials they want, otherwise they can't meet them under normal circumstances.

Only when the pharmacist level is improved and the pills that can be refined increase, this situation will improve.

No matter where, people who can stand at the top of the pyramid will live comfortably, while people at the bottom will have a hard time no matter what, and need to take risks and carry a lot.

"What surprised me most was the news about the Hengyuan Divine Vein. I feel that after the Hengyuan Divine Vein is revived, Taiyu Shenzhou will also restore the heyday of cultivation, and our martial arts cultivation will be able to go further."

"It is even possible to surpass our predecessors."

Zheng Yuanliang heard this and talked about the Hengyuan Divine Vein.

After he knew the news, he was also very surprised, because he had never thought about the news of the Hengyuan Divine Vein's revival.

And after knowing it, he had a lot more thoughts in his mind.

Originally, with his martial arts talent and his current alchemy ability, he also had the opportunity to try to break through the blood exchange martial saint realm. As for whether he could be promoted, he was not sure!

After all, the Pavilion Master Bai Keyi failed to break through the blood exchange martial saint before. That was a lot of preparation, but it was still the same, so he felt the difficulty.

With his current ability to refine pills, he is far behind Pavilion Master Bai Keyi. He may not be able to prepare the breakthrough treasures that Pavilion Master Bai Keyi has prepared, and at most only a part of them.

But now the situation is different. After the Hengyuan Divine Vein is revived, the entire Taiyu Divine State will undergo tremendous changes, and some precious divine medicines will also appear. The divine medicines recorded in ancient books that can assist in breaking through the blood exchange martial saint may be refined, and then he can use them to break through to the blood exchange martial saint realm.

And this is not the end. Even the divine realm that the great elders and others in the Tianxuan Holy Land have been pursuing is somewhat possible for him.

It is hard to say about life opportunities.

Zheng Yuanliang talked about these topics at this time, not hiding them, but openly, because there were many people around talking about these topics.

Recently, many people have been attracted by the news of the revival of the Hengyuan Divine Vein, so the topic will shift towards this side.

There are also people talking about it.

"Yes, the golden age of cultivation is coming!"

Yang Chan heard this, but his tone was a bit complicated.

Because the coming of the golden age of cultivation is bound to be accompanied by chaos, and this chaos may not only be these forces in Taiyu Shenzhou, but also outside Taiyu Shenzhou.

Just as Heilong mentioned to him those masters who left Taiyu Shenzhou ten thousand years ago, some of them may still be alive and may return to Taiyu Shenzhou.

After all, Heilong mentioned that Hengyuan Divine Vein is related to breaking through the realm of true gods, and he can also guess how attractive it is.

There are also ancient demons such as the Seven Killing Demon Lord who hid in the secret realm before.

When these powerful beings join in, the battlefield will naturally be more chaotic, and the battle will definitely be more intense. Under such circumstances, the stability he wants will be difficult to achieve!

In chaos, stability is a luxury, especially since the senior figures of Tianxuan Holy Land must join in and seize the initiative, even more so.

After Tianxuan Saint and others came back, they did not publicly state what they had gained and seen in the Yunhai Secret Realm.

Yang Chan was not clear about these situations. After all, he had never seen Tianxuan Saint again after he returned to Tianxuan Holy Land and went to the Holy Lord Pavilion.

There must be some secrets involved in this, and it is also an opportunity for Tianxuan Holy Land to seize the initiative, and these opportunities are not only known by Tianxuan Saint.

As far as he knows, Zifu Saint, Taishang Saint and others also entered together, so they must know those secrets. Knowing so many forces, it is naturally not a single secret!

When the major forces compete, Tianxuan Holy Land will definitely be among them. Sometimes knowing more information is both an opportunity and a trouble.

It is hard to say whether it is a blessing or a curse.

Yang Chan and Zheng Yuanliang chatted with each other, because they were not allowed to go in to exchange the required spiritual materials at this time, but asked them to wait.

Some spiritual materials are still on the way, from the Internal Affairs Department to the Dan Pavilion Internal Affairs Department.

Yang Chan and other pharmacists all came here in advance, so as not to be slow, so they can only wait here!

They didn't wait for long, and soon the Supreme Elder from the Internal Affairs Department appeared, and he was carrying storage treasures.

Not long after entering Dan Ge's Internal Affairs Department, people from Dan Ge's Internal Affairs Department came out!

"Pharmacists, the spiritual materials have been placed!"

"Now, please ask all the top pharmacists to go in and exchange the spiritual materials you need."

The person who came out was the elder from the Ministry of Internal Affairs. He looked at these pharmacists and spoke to Yang Chan and other top pharmacists first.

The top pharmacists exchange first, which has always been the rule.

"Pharmacist Yang, let's go!"

Zheng Yuanliang said after hearing this.

He had a lot of spiritual materials to exchange this time, and he was also very interested in some of the top spiritual materials. He wanted to go in first to take a look, so as not to be exchanged directly by others and then he would not be able to see them!

So Zheng Yuanliang's steps were very fast, and he moved the moment he spoke!


Yang Chan nodded and followed quickly.

Not only did they have fast steps, but the speed of the other top pharmacists was not slow.

They looked quite old, but they were all very agile.

These top pharmacists are basically masters of the marrow washing grandmaster level. Some of them rely on the power of elixirs instead of hard practice. However, when martial arts practitioners break through to the marrow washing grandmaster level, their bodies will also undergo a transformation, which is far beyond the reach of ordinary martial artists.

Naturally, the speed is very fast at this time.

They are very fast, and soon they came to the place where the spiritual materials are placed in the Dan Pavilion Internal Affairs Department.

Various spiritual materials are placed on the ground, gathering a very rich cloud of spiritual energy, making these spiritual materials look more extraordinary.

After the top pharmacists came in, they were also amazed by the scene here.

After all, this kind of scene is very rare. Not only do you need many spiritual materials, but you also need many top spiritual materials and top-grade spiritual materials. Only when many of them gather together can this kind of spiritual cloud be born.

And this scene is the result of the gathering of these spiritual materials not long after they were taken out. If they are placed for a longer time, the gathered scene will definitely be more amazing.

Those top pharmacists in the Tianxuan Holy Land have rarely seen such a scene, or even never seen such a scene.

The harvest in the Cloud Sea Secret Realm has exceeded the harvest in the previous large secret realms and large ruins!

"Wow, this is the top-grade spiritual material recorded in the ancient books, the thousand-year-old turquoise. It contains such rich spiritual power. The medicinal power must be very rich. Taking a breath can make people feel refreshed. It is similar to what is recorded in the ancient books."

"No, it is richer than in the ancient books."

Zheng Yuanliang walked to a thousand-year-old turquoise, took a deep breath, and couldn't help but admire it.

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