Longevity Martial Arts: Starting from Tai Chi

Chapter 886: The cloud of spiritual energy reveals the ability to refine pills

Dan Pavilion Internal Affairs Department.

Yang Chan was also shocked when he looked at the scene in front of him.

He had obtained a lot of spiritual materials, including many top-level spiritual materials, which became his alchemy materials. He used them very decisively and did not feel sorry for them, because after he used them up, he could refine more pills.

But even so, he exchanged many spiritual materials, but they did not gather into the current spiritual cloud.

This is the scene where the spiritual materials naturally gathered after being placed, and there was no special arrangement of any scene. It can be seen how rich the harvest of Tianxuan Saint and others in the secret realm of the sea of ​​clouds is this time.

And these spiritual materials may only be part of them, not all of them, which is more touching.

Here, Yang Chan also saw many extremely precious spiritual materials, especially those that he had not seen before. He had only seen them in ancient books and in the memories fed back when he was promoted to the pharmacist profession. Now he finally saw the real thing!

From the pharmacist to Yang Chan, he has seen a lot of spiritual materials. Basically, if conditions permit, he will obtain them through the Dan Pavilion Internal Affairs Department. Some are sent directly to the Spiritual Medicine Building, and he can also observe and study them.

Only those spiritual materials that are inconvenient to obtain, or the medicinal properties and efficacy of spiritual materials deteriorate after long-distance transportation, can he not obtain them through the channels of Tianxuan Holy Land, otherwise he has seen most of them.

In the previous trip to Beiyuan, he had seen a lot of spiritual materials that Tianxuan Holy Land did not obtain, but the feeling those spiritual materials brought to him was not as shocking as the scene of the spiritual cloud now.

Not long after, Yang Chan's mood returned to normal. No matter how shocking the spiritual cloud was, his ultimate goal was naturally to exchange those spiritual materials. At the same time, he also observed these spiritual materials that he had never seen before.

Especially those top-grade spiritual materials, which are extremely precious among the top-grade spiritual materials. If you can't exchange them this time, I don't know when you will see them next time!

Among the spiritual materials he came here to exchange, there are these top-grade spiritual materials.

Not long after Yang Chan and the others watched the spiritual materials, they began to exchange them in order. Yang Chan's exchange order was still third, after Pavilion Master Bai Keyi and Linghu Pharmacist. This order has been maintained for a long time.

Since Yang Chan was able to refine the elixir that assists the blood exchange martial saint in cultivation, his order has been ranked third, and this time is no exception.

Pavilion Master Bai Keyi and Linghu Pharmacist did not come this time, but arranged for people to bring the list of exchanged spiritual materials. After these people took out the list, someone from the Dan Pavilion Internal Affairs Department helped them get the spiritual materials on the exchange list.

Many of them are top-grade spiritual materials among the top spiritual materials, but not all of them were exchanged, but a lot was left.

This is also related to the large number of spiritual materials obtained by Tianxuan Saint and others. The unique spiritual materials are basically not taken out for exchange. It is too wasteful to use them to refine elixirs. The first thing to do is to cultivate them. After the cultivation is successful, the value of those spiritual materials will be higher.

Yang Chan had heard some news about this. After all, some were cultivated by the spiritual plant husbands in Xuanxu Cave Heaven, and some were cultivated in the secret realm controlled by Tianxuan Holy Land. Basically, they were cultivated in places similar to the growth environment.

Each major force has its own unique means for cultivating spiritual plants. Some are learned from ancient books, and some are accumulated experience over time. The ultimate goal is to cultivate successfully. After all, after successful cultivation, it can be produced continuously.

If some cannot be cultivated successfully, they will be preserved by special means and kept as a backup. After all, when they control a new secret realm, they can be cultivated again.

These are the foundations of the major forces. The more they accumulate, the richer they are.

At this point, it is the strength of the old and powerful forces. The longer they exist, the deeper this accumulation is.

With Yang Chan's current status, he naturally knows some of the situation, but because he is not responsible for these matters, he does not know the specific situation.

In Dan Pavilion, the pharmacists have their own duties.

In addition, Yang Chan had no intention of becoming the next head of the Dan Pavilion, so he did not pay too much attention to these things, nor did he ask Han Bingyu to collect relevant information.

In Tianxuan Holy Land, he asked Han Bingyu to collect information, and other senior officials also knew about it. Therefore, if he paid special attention to the cultivation of spiritual plants, it might send out a bad signal.

Although Yang Chan's current status and position did not require him to pay too much attention to these things, he did not like trouble.

If there was news that reached him normally, he would pay more attention to it.

Previously, as the acting head of the pavilion, his intelligence network developed near other top pharmacists. This was because those top pharmacists were looking for trouble for him, so he would do so. After the head of the pavilion, Bai Keyi, came out of retreat, he basically did not use those hidden players, just as if they did not exist, and did not let them pass on the news.

Yang Chan's personality is like this. If others do not cause trouble for him, he will ignore it, but if someone causes trouble for him, then he will naturally make the other party uncomfortable.

This is Yang Chan's personality.

He is relatively low-key at ordinary times, but when he does not want to be low-key, the situation is different!

"Pharmacist Yang, what spiritual materials do you want to exchange?"

The elders from the Dan Pavilion Internal Affairs Department came to Yang Chan and asked for his opinion.

The list of spiritual materials that Pavilion Master Bai Keyi and Pharmacist Linghu wanted to exchange had already been exchanged, and those people had already left the Dan Pavilion Internal Affairs Department with the exchanged spiritual materials.

After that, it was naturally Yang Chan's turn!

"This is the list of spiritual materials I want to exchange. I will personally select the spiritual materials with bold lines."

Yang Chan took out a list.

On his list, there are many types and quantities of spiritual materials, some of which are marked with bold lines.

The list of spiritual materials with bold lines has one feature, which is that they are all spiritual materials that have not been collected in Tianxuan Holy Land before. They are all obtained in Yunhai Secret Realm. After this exchange, it will take a long time to exchange them next time.

Either some stocks are taken out of Tianxuan Holy Land, or Yunhai Secret Realm is opened again and obtained from it.

No matter which one, those spiritual materials cannot be obtained in a short time.

For Yang Chan, this also attaches importance to the performance of this exchange of spiritual materials, otherwise he will hand it over to the people of Dan Pavilion Internal Affairs Department!

Yang Chan wants to use the process of personal selection to get more contact with these spiritual materials that he has not touched before, especially those spiritual materials that have been lost for a long time. He is very interested in these.

The more he checks, the more he understands the medicinal properties and efficacy of them, which will also help him use these spiritual materials in the future, and at the same time, he will have a better understanding of these new spiritual materials.

After all, there are some materials in the pills that he wants to refine to assist four to six times next time.

Because there are a lot of them that can be exchanged, which can satisfy his use for a long time, Yang Chan will naturally choose the spiritual materials brought back this time!

The higher the level of the pill, the fewer choices can be made, because the materials for refining are very precious. In this case, people have very few choices.

And the batch of spiritual materials brought back by Tianxuan Saint and others this time gives Yang Chan more choices. He naturally has to choose materials that are more in line with his alchemy interests.

Of course, there are also some materials that are exchanged simply to understand the efficacy and medicinal properties of them, so that he can have a deeper understanding of these spiritual materials.

After all, he may have these spiritual materials when he refines pills in the future.

With his current martial arts cultivation, he will refine many more pills in the future. After the divine veins are completely revived, the pills he wants to refine may be more than the ones in front of him!

After all, the pills he refines at that time may not only be pills that assist the blood exchange martial saint, but also divine pills that assist the cultivation of the divine realm.

This may be overthinking for others, but it is very reasonable for Yang Chan. After all, with his current practice progress and complete practice environment, breaking through the Shenqiao realm is not a problem at all.

Others may be stuck in a bottleneck for a long time, but he has no such problem at all, because he can use potential points to break through the bottleneck directly and force a breakthrough to the next realm.

Just be prepared for the breakthrough, and if there are no major accidents during the breakthrough process, you can basically succeed in the breakthrough.

At this point, Yang Chan is very confident.

He has come all the way, relying on his extremely high talent, hard work every day, taking various pills, and consuming potential points every day, to get to this point now.

Overall, it's all thanks to his efforts.

After all, the panel is dead. He doesn't take the initiative to refine pills, take pills to obtain potential points, and add points to improve. The panel will not take the initiative to help him improve, so basically it's all thanks to Yang Chan's efforts to get to this point.

But now he has not reached the limit. With his efforts, the potential points are still increasing, and the progress of martial arts practice is also increasing rapidly. The martial arts practice is increasing every day, and the progress of practice is getting faster and faster.

Under this situation, even if the Hengyuan Divine Vein has not revived, he has the possibility of breaking through the Divine Aperture Realm, not to mention that now that the Hengyuan Divine Vein has revived, Taiyu Shenzhou will restore the prosperity of practice ten thousand years ago. At that time, he will naturally be one of the beneficiaries, and he will definitely enjoy the convenience brought by the revival of the Divine Vein.

In this process, he needs a stable practice environment, a steady stream of potential points, and a low-key improvement in martial arts practice. These together will have a very good effect.

"Okay, Pharmacist Yang, I'll let the people here help you get the list of these unlined spiritual materials."

The elder nodded when he heard this, but there was a flash of hesitation in his eyes.

The exchange process is naturally to follow the arrangements of Yang Chan and others.

Yang Chan ranks third among the top pharmacists, but this does not mean that he can ignore Yang Chan's request.

"But among these materials with thick lines, some are needed to assist in four to six blood exchange pills, Pharmacist Yang."

He had seen the list of spiritual materials without lines and found no problem, so he readily agreed, but when it came to the list of spiritual materials with thick lines, he hesitated!

After all, some of these spiritual materials were specially marked for exchange of pills, and it was obvious that they were only for people with sufficient alchemy ability, not for everyone.

The elder's face flashed with embarrassment, but he didn't finish his words.

Because he didn't want to offend Yang Chan, but there were some rules that he, an elder of the Dan Pavilion Internal Affairs Department, couldn't break.

"My authority is not enough to exchange for you, Pharmacist Yang, or should I go to the Supreme Elder to ask?"

The elder continued.

He couldn't take over the matter, so he could only ask the Supreme Elder, and at the same time he was testing Yang Chan's attitude.

"No need to ask, I have already refined a jade bone blood exchange pill of qualified quality, which is a pill that assists the fourth to sixth blood exchange martial saints in their practice, and is qualified enough to exchange for these spiritual materials!"

"Just take these pills in and have them checked!"

Yang Chan said, taking out the prepared medicine bottle, which contained the Jade Bone Blood Exchange Pill of qualified quality that he had refined.

After he refined the perfect quality Jade Bone Blood Exchange Pill, he basically had to exchange the Jade Bone Blood Exchange Pill of qualified quality that he had refined before.

When Yang Chan had a better choice, he basically tended to choose the better choice, and the same was true for pills.

After all, the potential points brought by the perfect quality pills were the most daily, and the efficacy was better, which helped him to practice hard every day, and he could better absorb the medicinal power in it, and his body could also absorb more and use these pills more effectively.

"Okay, Pharmacist Yang, you choose the spiritual materials first, and I will take the pills in for the Supreme Elder and others to see."

The elder's eyes flashed with surprise when he heard this.

At first, he thought that Yang Chan wanted to force the exchange of some spiritual materials that exceeded his authority. In fact, it was possible to agree to such a thing. After all, top pharmacists have some privileges, and Yang Chan is a genius among the top pharmacists, with great potential.

Therefore, the Supreme Elders and others might ask Yang Chan to exchange it, and the materials are to take out some pills that assist the first three blood exchange martial saints to practice, but the quantity may not be too much.

However, he did not expect Yang Chan to directly take out the Jade Bone Blood Exchange Pill. As an elder of the Dan Pavilion Internal Affairs Department, he naturally heard of the Jade Bone Blood Exchange Pill. This is a pill that assists the fourth to sixth blood exchange martial saints to practice, and it is extremely precious.

Previously, only Pavilion Master Bai Keyi and Linghu Pharmacist could refine it, and those who could take this kind of pill were basically masters among the Supreme Elders and others. After all, if the martial arts cultivation is not enough, taking too high-level pills will affect the practice, and the effect is not as good as the pills of the same level.

At this time, when he heard Yang Chan say that he could refine the Jade Bone Blood Exchange Pill, the elder was very surprised, but he reacted quickly. After taking the medicine bottle, he said something to Yang Chan and left!

Although he knew that Yang Chan would not lie with his identity, he naturally needed to report that Yang Chan was able to refine the Jade Bone Blood Exchange Pill.

At the same time, the person in charge of this matter also needs to be the Supreme Elder, not just him, an elder of the Dan Pavilion Internal Affairs Department!

This person is very clear about his situation, so he responded quickly and left quickly.

Yang Chan noticed this, but ignored it and started to select spiritual materials.

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