Longevity Martial Arts: Starting from Tai Chi

Chapter 887: The list of spiritual materials is well-deserved

Dan Pavilion Internal Affairs Office.

The Supreme Elder Cui Tiansheng was drinking spiritual tea at this time. After he sent the spiritual materials brought back by Tianxuan Saint and others to the Dan Pavilion Internal Affairs Office, he naturally didn't need to worry about the following matters. He just needed to wait until the exchange here was over and send the spiritual materials that had not been exchanged to where they should be sent.

Among them, the top spiritual materials and precious high-quality spiritual materials were naturally sent back to the Internal Affairs Office to be used as accumulation for Tianxuan Holy Land.

This happened before. No one exchanged those top spiritual materials. Some of them were extremely precious and required a lot of sect contribution points. Generally speaking, they were a bit expensive, so no one exchanged them. Some of them restricted the exchange conditions, so they could not be exchanged.

No matter which one, Tianxuan Holy Land has already taken it out. It is naturally a personal problem that no one can exchange it!

This batch of spiritual materials needs to be sent back by him personally. After all, they are very precious, even in Tianxuan Holy Land.

There is also a batch of relatively ordinary spiritual materials and some high-quality spiritual materials. At that time, he needs to arrange people to send them to the Dan Pavilion Spiritual Medicine Building, which are also spiritual materials for other pharmacists to exchange later.

This is also a normal process, no matter who comes, so now he only needs to wait for the pharmacists to complete the exchange, basically he doesn't need to do anything.

"Elder Cui, this is the elixir that Yang Chan Pharmacist Yang took out. It is said that it is the Jade Bone Blood Exchange Pill that was recently refined to assist the fourth to sixth blood exchange martial saints in their practice. I have never seen this kind of elixir. Elder Cui, please take a look."

The elder of the Dan Pavilion Internal Affairs Department who had seen Yang Chan before came over with the medicine bottle and handed it to Cui Tiansheng respectfully.

The spiritual materials that Yang Chan wanted to exchange involved spiritual materials with exchange requirements. He couldn't make the decision here, and Cui Tiansheng needed to handle it.

In addition, although he knew about the Jade Bone Blood Exchange Pill, he had never taken it, nor had he observed it closely. For him, this kind of elixir is somewhat precious, and basically only the Supreme Elders and others can touch it.

Now the matter of confirming the elixir must naturally be handed over to Cui Tiansheng. The other party is a master of the four-time blood exchange martial saint. He has taken the Jade Bone Blood Exchange Pill and can naturally confirm the situation of the elixir.

Although he felt that Yang Chan would not lie about such a matter with his status and position, he could not handle such a pill alone, but had to hand it over to the Supreme Elder Cui Tiansheng!

"What? Jade Bone Blood Exchange Pill?"

Cui Tiansheng was very surprised at first what the elder of the Dan Pavilion Internal Affairs Department came to do, after all, the exchange of spiritual materials could be carried out according to the rules.

Basically, everyone has a rough estimate of how much they can exchange, and there will not be much error.

Just like Dan Pavilion Master Bai Keyi, Linghu Pharmacist and others, so there are some top-grade spiritual materials in this batch of spiritual materials that he wants to take back to the Internal Affairs Department.

But after hearing the words of the elder of the Dan Pavilion Internal Affairs Department, he flashed a look of surprise in his eyes, because he did not expect such news.

He was naturally very familiar with the Jade Bone Blood Exchange Pill. After all, he took the Jade Bone Blood Exchange Pill after his martial arts cultivation broke through to the fourth blood exchange martial saint. The Jade Bone Blood Exchange Pill required a lot of sect contribution points, so he took the initiative to participate in the previous battle between good and evil, part of the purpose was for those cultivation resources.

In Tianxuan Holy Land, if he wanted to take the Jade Bone Blood-Exchange Pill, he could only ask Pavilion Master Bai Keyi or Linghu Pharmacist, no one else could.

But according to the information he heard at this time, it seems that another person can refine the Jade Bone Blood-Exchange Pill!

After this news spread, the high-level figures of Tianxuan Holy Land will definitely cause a certain shock, especially those who have reached the level of martial arts saints who have exchanged blood four to six times.

With one more choice, they are more likely to get the pill.

Before, they had the materials, but if they wanted the Jade Bone Blood-Exchange Pill, they still had to wait for Pavilion Master Bai Keyi and Linghu Pharmacist, and they had to wait in line until it was their turn to get the corresponding pill.

And if Yang Chan's alchemy ability is promoted and he can refine a qualified quality Jade Bone Blood-Exchange Pill, then they will have more choices.

Three choices in line, at least they can get more.

This time, the elixirs that needed to be exchanged were specially marked on the exchanged spiritual materials. This was also the request of these high-level figures, that is, they wanted Pavilion Master Bai Keyi and Linghu Pharmacist to refine more elixirs to exchange for those top-level spiritual materials.

This was also a little bit of a trick, and they got some elixirs as they wished, and these elixirs would be divided up by these high-level figures later.

Cui Tiansheng took the initiative to take over the task of delivering spiritual materials this time, and the purpose was also for these elixirs. He was scrambling to get this job.

And now Yang Chan actually took out the Jade Bone Blood Exchange Pill, which was something he didn't expect.

Because Yang Chan originally thought that he would take out the Purple Source Blood Exchange Pill, the Earth Element Blood Gathering Pill and other elixirs that assist the first three blood exchange martial saints to practice, which was also very consistent with Yang Chan's alchemy ability, and the quantity should be more.

Among the few people who can refine elixirs that assist the blood exchange martial saints, only Yang Chan's output is higher. Basically, many supreme elders asked Yang Chan to help refine elixirs that assist the first three blood exchange martial saints to practice.

Cui Tiansheng stood up quickly from where he was leaning, and then appeared in front of the elder from the Dan Pavilion Internal Affairs Department, picking up the medicine bottle in his hand.

The whole process was done in one go, and before the elder from the Dan Pavilion Internal Affairs Department could react, the medicine bottle in his hand was gone. Seeing this, he took two steps back, without saying a word, waiting for Cui Tiansheng's arrangements.

"This rich medicinal power is really a qualified quality Jade Bone Blood-changing Pill, but it is just of qualified quality."

"It seems that Pharmacist Yang's alchemy ability has just been promoted."

Cui Tiansheng has taken a lot of Jade Bone Blood-changing Pills, so he is very familiar with the situation of these pills.

This is similar to a foodie. Although he doesn't know how to make delicious food, he can judge the situation of delicious food and know what kind of food is more delicious.

"I remember that Pharmacist Yang was promoted to the top pharmacist only a few years ago. There have always been many supreme elders saying that Pharmacist Yang's alchemy talent is very high, surpassing those pharmacists in the holy land in the past."

"Now it seems that the name of genius is really well-deserved!"

Cui Tiansheng's eyes flashed with divine light.

Previously, Yang Chan could not refine the pills he needed, so he didn't have much dealings with Yang Chan.

Moreover, he previously supported the Son of Tianxuan to become the next Lord of Tianxuan, and naturally he would not stand with Yang Chan, who supported the Saint of Tianxuan.

But now the situation is different!

After the recovery of the divine vein, the entire Taiyu Shenzhou has undergone great changes, and great changes have also occurred in the Tianxuan Holy Land.

Shangguan Yutian, the former Tianxuan Holy Lord who rarely took charge of things before, has now intervened in the affairs of the Tianxuan Holy Land. Although he does not intervene in trivial matters, Shangguan Yutian is involved in matters involving high-level figures, so his attitude is very important.

Previously, Cui Tiansheng supported the Son of Tianxuan to become the next Tianxuan Holy Lord, because the interests offered by the other side were greater, which was also in line with his choice.

However, Shangguan Yutian's arrangement before allowed the Tianxuan Holy Girl to quickly break through the blood exchange martial saint realm, and some things were settled!

This can also be seen as Shangguan Yutian's attitude, supporting the Tianxuan Holy Girl.

After all, when the Tianxuan Holy Girl breaks through to the blood exchange martial saint realm first, she will naturally become the next Tianxuan Holy Lord!

This is also a recognized fact.

He was also involved in the discussions of Shangguan Yutian and other high-level figures in the Holy Lord Pavilion before, so he knew about this situation.

Furthermore, the Saint Tianxuan is also related to the revived Hengyuan Divine Vein, and her future prospects are limitless. She may also be able to break through to the Divine Aperture Realm. After all, no one who can revive the Hengyuan Divine Vein is simple.

She may be carrying the so-called destiny.

The theory of destiny is very mysterious, but it really exists, and the changes of dynasties are a good proof.

Therefore, after that, he did not continue to be involved with the current Tianxuan Saint Lord Baili Xun and Tianxuan Saint Son Baili Xi's lineage!

As a person who controls the real power, he can naturally see the situation clearly.

Moreover, he himself has no essential hatred or irreconcilable contradictions with the Saint Tianxuan.

So he chose to be neutral, but after choosing to be neutral, the cultivation resources promised by the Saint Tianxuan Lord Baili Xun could not be obtained, and he could only rely on his power to obtain them!

Even so, Cui Tiansheng knew that although the choice made now would affect his current cultivation, making a wrong choice might affect him for life.

He could get through the former by gritting his teeth, but the latter was different, and he might die.

If he could make the right choice later, the result might be better.

After all, after he chose to remain neutral, the Tianxuan Saint might choose to win him over. He might not get much benefit, but he would definitely not be liquidated in the future.

Being a man requires a long-term vision.

This is also his keen sense as a person who controls real power.

In fact, it is not just him. Since the discussion of the Saint Lord Pavilion ended, there are fewer people supporting the Saint Son lineage.

Moreover, this is also related to Shangguan Yutian. After all, Shangguan Yutian is the one who is truly supported by these supreme elders and others. If Shangguan Yutian's martial arts cultivation is further improved, breaking the boundary between humans and gods and breaking through to the legendary realm of the divine orifice, then the situation of the entire Tianxuan Holy Land will change again!

At that time, Shangguan Yutian's life span will increase greatly. It is possible that these supreme elders and others will die of old age, and Shangguan Yutian will still be alive. This is also a very likely thing.

Under such circumstances, it is not a wise choice to stand on the side of the current Tianxuan Saint Lord Baili Xun.

After all, no one can know Shangguan Yutian's true thoughts. If the other party wants to control all the power, then it would be the most stupid thing to stand on the side of Tianxuan Saint Lord Baili Xun now!

Neutrality is the best choice. When the situation becomes clear later, it will be fine to choose a side at that time.

As long as they don't stand on the wrong side, their martial arts cultivation has reached this point. Basically, they will not be affected.

So it is better not to choose than to make mistakes.

"The pills are fine. Let me see the list of spiritual materials that Pharmacist Yang wants to exchange."

Cui Tiansheng had many thoughts in his mind, and then said to the elder of the Dan Pavilion Internal Affairs Department.

At this time, he naturally understood the purpose of the elder of the Dan Pavilion Internal Affairs Department. Although some of the spiritual materials brought this time were originally planned to be taken back, Yang Chan could come up with pills of sufficient value, so he naturally had to act according to the rules.

Moreover, those who specifically asked them to take out these top-grade spiritual materials, the ultimate goal was still the Jade Bone Blood Exchange Pill and other pills that assist the four to six blood exchange martial saints in their cultivation, which did not conflict with their ideas.

Of course, he also wanted to make friends with Yang Chan!

Originally, he thought that with Yang Chan's alchemy ability, it would take at least several years, more than ten years, or even longer to refine the Jade Bone Blood-Renewing Pill. After all, pills of this level are extremely difficult to refine, so it is normal to take a lot of time.

Otherwise, there wouldn’t be only a few people in Tianxuan Holy Land who could refine the elixir that assists in blood exchange for the Martial Saint level, and the higher the level of the elixir, the fewer people there would be.

The difficulty is there, you can't just break through if you want to.

To a certain extent, the difficulty is higher than the difficulty of breaking through the martial arts cultivation level of the blood-changing Martial Saint.

After all, the number of blood-changing Martial Saint masters in Tianxuan Holy Land far exceeds the ten top pharmacists, especially at the blood-changing level.

There are many Supreme Elders who need to assist in the cultivation of blood-changing Martial Saints, but there are only three top pharmacists who can refine them to assist in the practice of blood-changing Martial Saints. The gap is very obvious.

Among them, these top pharmacists who can refine elixirs to assist the blood-changing Martial Saint's practice are naturally more important!

Previously, the Pavilion Master Bai Keyi wanted to break through to the realm of the Bloodshed Martial Saint, and there were many Supreme Elders protecting him. At that time, there were seven Masters of the Bloodshed Martial Saint, so they were afraid that something might happen to the Pavilion Master Bai Keyi.

At that time, Shangguan Yutian was not in Tianxuan Holy Land, otherwise he would definitely help protect the law.

After all, Pavilion Master Bai Keyi died because of his breakthrough to the Blood Exchange Martial Saint, so no one in Tianxuan Holy Land can refine the elixir that can assist the cultivation of the Seventh to Nine Blood Exchange Martial Saints!

This is really related to people like them. Naturally, they don’t want anything to happen to Pavilion Master Bai Keyi. They even hope that Pavilion Master Bai Keyi can successfully break through to the realm of blood-changing Martial Saint, and then he will have a longer lifespan and more energy. Can help refine more elixirs!

After Pavilion Master Bai Keyi failed to break through, he rested for a long time, and the number of elixirs he refined was much less than before, and this continues until now.

The breakthrough failed. Although it was not life-threatening, it still affected the energy of Pavilion Master Bai Keyi!

"This is the list of items that Pharmacist Yang wants to redeem."

Upon hearing this, the elders of the Dange House of Internal Affairs took out the list of spiritual materials that Yang Chan wanted to redeem.

He only has half of the list in his hand now, which is the list of spiritual materials with thick lines drawn on them. He has arranged for people to pick up the other items without thick lines drawn on them.

"In my opinion, there is no problem, everything can be redeemed!"

Cui Tiansheng looked at the spiritual materials on the list, nodded and said

"Okay, Elder Cui, let me go out and talk to Pharmacist Yang."

Upon hearing this, the elders of the Dange House of Internal Affairs nodded quickly in response.

As long as there is no problem on Cui Tiansheng's side, there will be no problem on his side!

Everything can be done according to normal rules.

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