Longevity Species

Chapter 189 Death of Shenluo! (third change)

Shinra was right!

There really is a thousand-year elixir, no, even a ten-thousand-year elixir!

Lei Dao's breathing became short, and he stared at the golden tree and the golden fruit on it.

Wannian panacea!

How rare is this?

It is stated in the longevity potion left by the gods that the older the elixir, the better the effect when it is formulated into the longevity potion.

If it is really "wealthy and powerful" and there is no shortage of thousand-year-old elixir, then even a pair of longevity potions can be made entirely of thousand-year-old elixir.

Even, the main medicine can be prepared with Wannian elixir!

The longevity potion formulated in this way can be called the best medicine, and the effect is many times better than ordinary longevity potions.

Of course, that's a real luxury.

After all, not to mention the ten thousand year elixir, even the thousand year elixir is hard to come by, it is thankful that it can be used as the main medicine and formulated into the longevity potion.

Still want to take all the thousand-year-old elixirs and make them into longevity potions? That's simply not possible.

Lei Dao was very excited, he saw this unknown golden tree, along with the golden light emitting from the golden tree, Lei Dao also saw some strange elixir growing around it.

Each of these elixir plants exudes a strong breath of vitality, and almost all of them are much stronger than the vitality of the giant willow tree. Obviously, these are thousand-year elixir.

One, two, three, four, five...

Lei Dao followed the golden light and saw these elixirs, most of which were millennium elixirs. At a glance, there were more than a dozen of them.

This is just what I saw. You must know that there are spiritual things growing in places where there is no light nearby, but it is not clear whether it is a thousand-year spiritual thing or a century-old spiritual thing.

Moreover, in addition to the thousand-year-old spirits, there are also many hundreds-year-old spirits.

Here, it is simply a treasure land, a treasure land of elixir!

"It's unbelievable, it's unbelievable. I didn't expect such a treasure land to exist in the Sara Desert. No wonder even the survivors don't want to leave here."

Lei Dao was extremely excited.

These thousand-year-old spirits, even the ancestors of the gods, would be very excited when they saw them.

Lei Dao didn't notice at all that in the darkness, Shinra's face had gradually become crazy, especially when he saw the golden tree, his eyes were extremely fiery and crazy.

"In this place, there are so many hundred-year-old and thousand-year-old elixir growing, it must be extraordinary. Especially the golden fruit tree is so mysterious, it is even very likely to be a ten-thousand-year elixir. There must be something strange in this place!"

Lei Dao's heart was agitated, and his eyes were fiery.

He didn't expect to find such a treasure land, it was beyond his imagination.

"Huh? Shinra?"

Suddenly, Lei Dao saw Shinra.

Shinra didn't seem to move at all, but just stared at the golden fruit tree with a look of longing and eagerness.

Lei Dao smiled slightly and said, "Shinra, do you know what kind of spiritual thing this is?"

Shinra glanced at Lei Dao, shook his head and said: "There is no record of this sacred tree in my family of gods, but it is so miraculous, it must not be an ordinary spiritual thing. Especially the golden fruit on the tree, even more so. It is extremely magical. However, this place is very strange, Dao Shen, how about letting me pick these golden fruits for you? If there is any danger, I can also block it for you."

"Are you going to pick the fruit?"

Lei Dao took a deep look at Luo, and then a smile appeared on his face.

"You are right, if there is any danger, you can block it for me. But what if these golden fruits have miraculous effects, for example, after you swallow them, you will recover from your injuries immediately, or even make great progress in martial arts? This world is very big , What can't happen? You should stay here honestly, don't have any thoughts. I will pick the fruit, and I will take all the elixir here myself!"

Lei Dao would not believe that Shinra would be so "kind" to help him eliminate disasters.

Although there are very few spiritual creatures that can instantly restore Shinra's injuries and greatly improve their strength, no one can guarantee that there will be none. What's more, this golden tree is indeed very weird, and it may even be a thousand-year-old spiritual creature, so we have to guard against it!

Therefore, Lei Dao began to fly slowly towards the golden fruit tree, and he wanted to pick the golden fruit from the tree himself.

Even, Lei Dao still didn't feel relieved about Shinra, and directly suppressed Shinra with the power of divine sense, and then carefully flew towards the golden tree slowly.

Shinra's face was ugly.

He originally wanted to go to the golden tree, and then wait for the opportunity to make a last-ditch effort, maybe there could be a chance.

Unfortunately, Lei Dao was too cautious.

Even though they found the millennium elixir, they still didn't relax their vigilance towards him.

Shinra had no last chance.

"I've waited for so many years, but I ended up in such a situation. Lei Dao, it's because you didn't give me a way out. If that's the case, don't even think about leaving alive."

Shinra's eyes were full of madness.

The next moment, what little energy was left in Shinra's body exploded loudly.


Essence burning!

Shinra fiercely burned the remaining energy, and as the energy burned, Shinra also broke free from the shackles of Lei Dao.

"Huh? Shinra, you are courting death!"

Lei Dao immediately felt the fluctuation behind him, turned around sharply, and found Shen Luo's abnormality.

Lei Dao mobilized all the power of divine sense and suppressed it crazily.

However, even Lei Dao couldn't suppress the terrifying power generated by Shinra's burning essence.

However, Lei Dao is hard to understand, what is Shinra doing?

Even if Shinra can break free from the shackles of Lei Dao by burning his energy, so what? That's the little bit of energy left in Shinra, once it burns, it will surely die!

Moreover, what kind of threat can this bit of energy that Shinra burns pose to Lei Dao?

Even if it is to snatch the elixir, Shinra will not succeed at all.

What is the point of Shinra doing this besides committing suicide?

"Shenluo, even if you want to die, it's too late now! Lei has already found a thousand-year-old elixir, can you still stop Lei?"

Lei Dao said with a sneer.

Shinra stared at Lei Dao firmly, with a ferocious expression on his face.

"Lei Dao, you have turned my decades of hard work into flowing water. I have worked so hard to achieve the highest level of martial arts, but you have ruined everything. You If you destroy everything in this seat, you will die too!"

"Death? Just depend on you?"

Reido sneered.

"Hahaha, Lei Dao, with all your calculations, I'm afraid you will never think of what kind of place this is? Back then, I accidentally stepped into this place, and almost died without a burial. Hahaha, Lei Dao, don't you think you are invincible in martial arts? Then use your martial arts and enjoy yourself here..."

As Shinra's voice fell, the energy in Shinra's body was completely burned out immediately.

At the moment when it was completely burned, Shinra released a terrifying aura like a small sun, and an invisible wave swept across the entire pit in an instant.


The next moment, Lei Dao seemed to hear a low growl, which sounded directly in his mind.

At the same time, the entire underground was shaking.

The energy in Shinra's body has been exhausted, even the breath of life has completely disappeared, and he is dead.

Shinra, the majestic three-flower gathering and the highest level of martial arts, is dead!

His body also fell down quickly, with only a pair of eyes staring at Lei Dao as if cursed.


The next moment, the ground shook even more violently.

Then, what did Lei Dao see?

One eye, one like a small mountain bag, opened, as if it was blooming with endless ferocious aura, even with just one glance, Lei Dao felt chills all over his body, as if his body was stiff.

Immediately afterwards, the ground trembled and the mountains began to shake violently.

A head, an extremely huge head like a mountain, slowly turned.

Head, this ground is actually a head!

Lei Dao was standing on top of this huge head just now.

How can this be?

You know, this huge pit is too big, almost equivalent to a small city.

How big is that head?

Lei Dao can hardly imagine that there are such huge monsters in this world. This is just a head, Lei Dao can't see the edge at a glance, how huge should the monster's body be?

I understand, Lei Dao understands everything!

Trap, this is indeed Shinra's trap.

Shinra has been to this place a long time ago, and knows the existence of this monster.

Originally, Shinra thought about whether he could stay away from Lei Dao, and then waited for an opportunity to awaken Lei Dao, maybe he could have a chance to sneak away.

But Lei Dao was too cautious, leaving Shinra no chance.

If Raidou really got the golden fruit, it might be Shinra's death!

Since it was death, how could Shinra let Lei Dao kill him easily?

Therefore, Shinra burned his energy, even if he died, he would drag Lei Dao along with him!

Lei Dao understood Shinra's "conspiracy", but it was useless to understand it now.

The huge monster head has opened its mouth, revealing its sharp teeth.

Want to escape?

It is simply impossible, no matter how fast Lei Dao is, the monster can swallow Lei Dao in one gulp.

Such a monster is simply invincible, not to mention that Lei Dao is just a gathering of three flowers, even if Lei Dao is a hundred times stronger, it may not be enough for this monster to stick between its teeth.

The so-called martial arts, the so-called fighting methods, and the so-called power of divine sense are completely useless in front of such a monster.

The crisis of death hangs over Lei Dao.

Lei Dao has never faced the crisis of death like he is now.

beat? Can't beat it at all.

escape? There is no escape at all.

Can we just wait to die?

Maybe one breath, Lei Dao maybe only one breath time.

There is not even a time to breathe, and if he doesn't think of a way, Lei Dao will definitely die!

There is great horror between life and death, Lei Dao's mind has never been so "calm" as it is now, as if everything has stopped, only thousands of thoughts are turning in his mind, and these thoughts are colliding with each other crazily.

Perhaps in the next moment, a spark of inspiration can be collided.

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