Longevity Species

Chapter 190 Horror Behemoth! (fourth more)

"Tree, by the way, it's a tree! Why is this monster waiting so hard here? Why did the ancestors of the gods find this place, but disappeared without a trace?"

A flash of light flashed in Lei Dao's mind.

It's the tree, the golden tree!

In the entire big pit, the closer to the golden tree, the stronger the vitality of the spiritual creature, and the head of this extremely terrifying monster is also under that tree.

Perhaps, the monster is guarding the golden tree. In other words, the monster regards this golden tree as a taboo and does not allow anyone to approach it!

It's impossible to fight head-on with this terrifying monster. The monster might blow Lei Dao to death with one breath.

escape? That's impossible, the monster is so huge, it sucks Lei Dao into its mouth after taking a breath, so if Lei Dao wants to escape, there is only one way.

Hit the east and the west!

Lei Dao wanted to escape from this almost deadly situation, so he had only one way, and that was to strike east and west.

He has to gamble!

I bet this monster valued the golden tree very much, at least more than he, the "little bug" in the eyes of the monster.

However, it is not easy to destroy the golden tree. Lei Dao was bitten off by the monster's huge mouth, and his whole body seemed to be imprisoned by the mysterious power of the monster, and he couldn't move at all.

At this time, Lei Dao must do his best!


The next moment, Lei Dao didn't hesitate at all, and immediately burned his energy.

Immediately, the billowing energy ignited crazily. Even if the burning energy had a certain impact on Lei Dao, or even lost vitality, and damaged the flower of vitality and energy, Lei Dao would not hesitate at this time.

In order to survive, this is the only way!

Even this method, Lei Dao is going to gamble!


As Lei Dao burned his essence, suddenly, the blazing energy produced a huge force, which made Lei Dao's power continuously sublimate, sublimating crazily.

Lei Dao felt that he seemed to be stronger again. He had a faint feeling that his body could still be stronger, but he only needed a special method or method, or a kind of elixir, to make his body stronger and make his body stronger. Continue to sublimate.

Perhaps, that is the effect of the longevity potion.

Lei Dao was not immersed in this rising power, although this rising power made Lei Dao very happy, and even felt like breaking everything.

But he was sober, knowing that this was just an illusion.

It is the giant in front of him, even if it is just a head, Lei Dao goes all out, probably not enough for the opponent's teeth.

"Three flowers in one!"

With the burning of essence, Lei Dao's strength also increased crazily.

At this time, he finally broke free from that strange restraining force, and Lei Dao could move freely, although he was still under a lot of pressure. Moreover, the huge mouth of the giant beast also slammed shut, with at most half a breath, Lei Dao would be swallowed by the giant beast in one gulp.

At the critical moment, the three flowers of Lei Dao merged into one, the flower of energy, the flower of vitality, and the flower of divine sense, all fused into a flower of divine sense. Under such circumstances, only the power of divine sense can attack to the golden tree.

Especially at this moment, Lei Dao burned his essence, and the three flowers merged into one.

Therefore, the power of Lei Dao's divine sense is even stronger than Shen Luo's peak!


The power of Lei Dao's Divine Sense violently wrapped a boulder.


The boulder was violently "pulled" up by the power of divine sense, carrying a large piece of broken stone with it, vast and mighty.


The flowers of Lei Dao's divine sense are trembling slightly, which means that the power has reached the limit.


The huge boulder was thrown fiercely by the power of divine sense, and immediately, like an arrow leaving the string, it whizzed and smashed towards the golden tree.


Sure enough, the giant beast seemed extremely angry. Even though it was about to swallow Lei Dao in one gulp, the giant beast did not hesitate at all. It immediately turned its head and sucked the boulder into its mouth with a big mouthful.


This was Lei Dao's opportunity. Almost the moment he threw the boulder out, his whole body burned his energy again, and the power of divine sense enveloped him, instantly turning into a stream of light, flying towards the outside of the huge pit.

"Fast, faster, faster!"

Lei Dao roared in a low voice, his expression became extremely ferocious. At this moment, he didn't hold back any energy, he was still burning energy crazily, and shot out of the big pit at the fastest speed.


The next moment, the giant beast roared, and the terrifying sound wave was accompanied by the sound of the wind, like a terrifying storm, sweeping towards Lei Dao overwhelmingly.

"Ah...give it to me!"

Lei Dao mobilized the power of divine sense, trying to stop the tornado.

Although this was just the giant beast's roar, it was just the giant beast "breathing a breath", but this breath was hard for Lei Dao to resist.

Immediately, Lei Dao's body was instantly torn apart by the tornado, even the indestructible body of King Kong couldn't bear it.


Finally, Lei Dao still fell to the ground, and the roar of the giant beast could not kill Lei Dao, only severely injured. But Lei Dao didn't have the guts to stay here any longer.

Regardless of his injuries, Lei Dao shot out immediately, away from this oasis.

I don't know how long I flew, and finally, I couldn't see the oasis anymore. The scorching sun shone on Lei Dao's body, making Lei Dao extremely hot all over.


Lei Dao stopped, but his heart was cold, and he was terrified.

Just a little bit, he really died in the mouth of the giant beast.

"What kind of monster is that? How can there be such a terrifying monster in this world?"

Lei Dao still couldn't calm down in his heart.

When Lei Dao first "come" into this world, he only came into contact with superficial martial arts such as Eagle Claw Kungfu and Iron Sand Palm. These martial arts are all based on hardening strength.

In fact, there are traces to follow, and it seems to follow the characteristics of the body.

But with the practice of martial arts, when he gradually reached the peak of external skills and even the limit of the human body, Lei Dao had already discovered that something was wrong. The martial arts in this world may seem ordinary, but if you keep practicing them, they will accumulate to a terrifying level.

At least, the body is so strong that it is a mess.

Later, qigong appeared, masters, great masters appeared, and even the power of divine sense!

Lei Dao felt that this world was not simple, especially after Lei Dao became the highest state of martial arts where the three flowers gathered together, he felt that a layer of mystery in this world had been lifted.

Perhaps, we are about to touch the real core of this world.

Whether it is the gathering of three flowers or the consummation of spiritual thoughts, in fact, Lei Dao feels that this is still within his cognition and within his control.

But with the appearance of the golden tree, the golden fruit, and even the extremely huge beast just now, Lei Dao seemed to feel that the whole world he knew was subverted again.

This world is much more terrifying than he imagined, and perhaps, there are more secrets hidden.

"It's no wonder that the ancestor of the God's Survivor Clan disappeared without a trace. I'm afraid he died at the mouth of a giant beast."

Lei Dao now understands why the God's Survivors gradually declined.

The ancestor of the god-surviving clan with three flowers gathered on the top found this place. Like Lei Dao, he was full of surprises. He thought he had found so many hundred-year-old and thousand-year-old elixir.

As a result, the terrifying giant beast was awakened, and it was swallowed by the giant beast, and there was no news.

Perhaps, it was from then on that the Protoss gradually went into decline without the three-flowered martial arts powerhouse at the highest level, and even split into the Protoss and the Survivors, which have been passed down to this day.

I don't know what kind of shit luck Shinra had at the beginning.

What doesn't Lei Dao understand now?

Shinra must have entered that pit at the beginning and knew about the terrifying beast. However, Shen Luo escaped by luck, and this time he was desperate, thinking of leading Lei Dao into the big pit, and then awakening the giant beast, so that the giant beast swallowed Lei Dao.

The plan was perfect, and it barely came close.

But in the end, Lei Dao still escaped, but Shinra burned his energy and died in the big pit.

Lei Dao's injury was very serious, and he even burned his energy continuously, causing Lei Dao to be damaged to the root.

However, the flower of vitality is still there.

Therefore, as the vitality in the flower of vitality was continuously poured into Lei Dao's body, the injuries in Lei Dao's body were also rapidly recovering.

Three Flowers Gathering at the Top is the highest state of martial arts, as long as you don't die, or even hang your breath, you will definitely be able to recover.

Shinra was severely injured by Lei Dao before, and he was even seriously injured all the time, but he still did not die, which shows how tenacious the vitality of the three-flower gathering powerhouse is.

The same goes for Raidou.

But this time he was seriously injured, and it took him a whole day to fully recover from the injury.

As for the root of the damage, it may take a long time to slowly make up for it.

Lei Dao looked up at the place where the oasis was, feeling rather conflicted in his heart.

There is really a panacea for hard work, and there are millennium panacea everywhere.

But that giant beast is really terrifying, let alone now, even if Lei Dao is a hundred times stronger, facing that giant beast will never return.

Therefore, Lei Dao can only think about those thousand-year-old elixir, and he absolutely dare not go into that big pit again.

Even if the golden fruit on that golden tree is really a panacea for ten thousand years, Lei Dao would never dare to think about it again.

Instead of letting him face the terrifying and desperate monster, Lei Dao is even more willing to venture into the dangerous sea of ​​death.

Going into the sea of ​​death, there may still be a glimmer of life, but if he goes to the giant pit again, I'm afraid he won't get away with it like he is now, and he will definitely die!

What choice to make, Lei Dao knew very well.


After Lei Dao recovered from his injuries, he took another deep look at the direction of the big pit.

Immediately, he stopped staying in the Salar Desert, lifted his body with the power of divine sense, and quickly flew into the sky, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

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