Longevity Species

Chapter 399 Dozens of Wannian Panacea First! (Second more)

"Master Lei!"

"It's true that the leader is back, the rumors are correct, the leader is back!"

"Hahaha, now we have hope. With the leader here, we have the backbone."

"The lord is finally back..."

Walking into the main hall from outside the door, when Lei Dao's figure appeared, the Jiuzhong ancestors of the top ten chambers of commerce were all extremely excited.

They are the ancestors of Jiuzhong, and they were also respected in the Yuanzhou Chamber of Commerce Alliance before, with one person below ten thousand. Even with the momentum of the Yuanzhou Chamber of Commerce Alliance in full swing, their status has naturally risen.

Only, it all ended abruptly a few months ago.

The sage from the Holy Land at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty made a sudden move and destroyed Fortune City. The Union of Yuanzhou Chamber of Commerce was also suppressed by the Holy Land at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, and it fell apart in an instant. Even they can only rely on others to linger in the Linglong Holy Land, and their hearts are even more tormented.

Now that Lei Dao finally came back, they seemed to have found their backbone again, and they were all extremely happy.

"Meng Lao."

Lei Dao looked at Meng Sanqian.

And Meng Sanqian was also very excited, but his brows frowned slightly and said: "Leader, you shouldn't come back at this time. The Boshan sage in the Holy Land at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty failed to kill you once, once he finds out that you are here Linglong Holy Land, I'm afraid the Holy Land won't be able to stop him. At that time, wouldn't the leader be in danger?"

When mentioning Boshan Shengzun, the faces of the other Jiuzhong Patriarchs who had just beamed with joy also immediately changed, and their expressions became serious.

Holy One!

The saint of the Holy Land at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty!

If it is said that they have only heard the legend about the Holy Lord before, they know that the Holy Lord is high and mighty. So now, they have seen the Holy Lord make a move with their own eyes.

Especially a "shameless" saint who bullies the little by himself.

The majesty of the Holy One has been deeply engraved in their minds. In their view, the Holy One is invincible!

There is such a huge threat as Boshan Shengzun, like a huge rock, firmly pressing on their hearts, making them worry all the time.

Even in the Linglong Holy Land, it seems that they cannot feel safe.

Seeing that the atmosphere of the crowd fell into underestimation again, Lei Dao smiled slightly and said: "It's just a holy man. Since Lei dared to return to Yuanzhou this time, he would naturally have a countermeasure. Even if the Boshan holy man doesn't come, my seat I will also go to the Holy Land at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, and completely level the Holy Land at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty!"

Lei Dao's words made everyone's eyes widen.

It's just that no one felt the blood boil, but each of them had a stiff expression and a weird look.

"Uh...Leader, did you not have a good rest?"

"After traveling for thousands of miles, the leader may be a little tired."

"Let the leader rest first."

Many Jiuzhong patriarchs dare not accept Lei Dao's words.

Flatten the Holy Land at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty?

They dare not even think about it.

Just a Boshan sage, who can compete?

"Why, you don't believe it?"

Lei Dao stood with his hands behind his back, his eyes cast a contemptuous gaze on all living beings, sweeping over them one by one.

But whether it was the ancestors of Jiuzhong, Meng Lao, Lin Yuqiu, etc., no one believed it.

After all, this is simply too unbelievable.

Lei Dao didn't have any extra nonsense, he took a deep breath, and the Annihilation Eucharist manifested instantly.


Behind Lei Dao suddenly appeared a huge phantom of a demon god with hundreds of feet. It was just a phantom, and it did not fully display the annihilation body. After all, once the annihilation body manifested, it would be too shocking.

But even so, the phantom of the annihilated holy body thousands of feet behind Lei Dao immediately shocked everyone in the hall, and their eyes were full of disbelief.


Suppression from the level of life!

It seemed that the ten Jiuzhong patriarchs couldn't help but kneel down and worship.

Holy One!

This is the real Holy One!

They couldn't be more familiar with this aura. Back then, they had seen the Holy Master Boshan attack from a distance, destroying Fortune City into ruins.

The suppression from the level of life is still fresh in their memory.

This feeling is very familiar, it is the breath that only the Holy One can have!

"Holy One, the lord has actually become a Holy One, it's unbelievable, really incredible!"

"Holy One, the rumors about Linglong Holy Land are true, and the leader has become a Holy One! Hahaha, our Yuanzhou Chamber of Commerce Alliance can rise again, no, what is the Yuanzhou Chamber of Commerce Alliance? Since the leader has become a Holy Lord, That can even establish a holy place, the sixth holy place in Yuanzhou!"

"Although I know that the leader is the first half-holy in the millennium outside of the five holy places in Yuanzhou, and has amazing potential. But I never thought that the leader would become a saint so soon. Hahaha, this is simply a dream What I didn't dare to think about has actually come true. Even if it was Tianyuan Patriarch back then, I'm afraid it's nothing more than that."

After seeing the terrifying aura of Lei Dao and the phantom of the annihilated holy body thousands of meters high, the Jiuzhong Patriarch of the top ten chambers of commerce no longer had any doubts.

Holy Lord, this is the real Holy Lord!

Seeing the frightening aura emanating from Lei Dao's annihilated holy body, Meng Sanqian and Lin Yuqiu's hearts were the most shocked. When Lin Yuqiu first met Lei Dao, Lei Dao was only at the third level of Dao body.

Where did Meng Sanqian see Lei Dao? It's only the fourth or fifth level of the Taoist body, and even the ninth level of the Taoist body is still out of reach, let alone the supreme, supreme, supreme existence that only exists in legends?

Lei Dao's achievements can no longer be described as geniuses.

They could no longer describe the shock they felt in their hearts at this moment.

"If I didn't see it with my own eyes, I would definitely feel crazy. Holy One, is it really that easy?"

Meng Sanqian murmured in a low voice.

He has always been at the seventh level of the Taoist body, and it is difficult to reach the ninth level of the Taoist body, let alone a holy one? This is a great realm that he can't imagine.

Lin Yuqiu was even more convinced, completely silent in her heart.

When he succumbed to Lei Dao at the beginning, he still had some unwillingness and even extravagant hope in his heart.

But now, all the unwillingness and extravagant hopes are gone and disappeared without a trace. He only felt lucky, he was very glad that he was able to make the right choice back then. Only in this way can he follow a Holy One!

"This seat is already a saint now, and it won't even take long before I will set foot on the holy land of the early Yuan Dynasty, behead the holy man of Boshan, and step on the holy land of the early Yuan Dynasty. However, before that, I hope to increase my chances of winning a little bit more, This seat needs ten thousand years of elixir, the more the better, do you have a solution?"

Lei Dao asked in a deep voice.

Others can't believe it, but the people here are his confidants, so they can be trusted.

"Ten thousand years panacea?"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay. They were actually no strangers to the Wannian elixir. At the beginning, in the Holy Land of Lingyuan, there was a ten thousand-year elixir, but it was not mature yet.

But even the ten thousand year elixir was destroyed under the palm of Boshan Shengzun, so where did they go to find the ten thousand year elixir?

Old Ancestor Chen was a little embarrassed, but he still said respectfully: "My lord, the ten-thousand-year elixir has always been hard to come by. If you want to get it, you need luck. However, if the lord needs the ten-year elixir, it is not impossible possible."

"Oh, what can I do?"

Lei Dao's eyes lit up.

Old Ancestor Chen organized his language and continued: "It is extremely difficult for ordinary people to obtain the ten thousand year elixir. The reason is very simple, the ten thousand year elixir is almost monopolized by the Holy Land. However, the leader of the alliance has already become a saint , I believe that as long as the lord leader asks for something, then Linglong Holy Land will definitely agree, even if it is a ten-thousand-year elixir! However, it may require some promises from the lord leader."

Lei Dao understood that the meaning of Old Ancestor Chen was very simple, that is to "seek medicine" from Linglong Holy Land.

He is a saint, and he only needs to make some promises, and it is naturally easy to obtain the ten thousand year elixir.

Of course, those promises are certainly not simple.

Not the Holy One, not even qualified to make some promises.

Raidou is weighing.

Lei Dao originally planned to go to the Holy Land in the early Yuan Dynasty with his current strength.

It's just that Lei Dao is going to take revenge.

If it is just to defeat the Boshan sage, Lei Dao feels that his current strength is enough, and defeating the Boshan sage is not a problem.

But it can only be defeated. As for beheading Boshan Shengzun, it is too difficult.

Defeating and beheading are completely two different things.

What's more, if Lei Dao wants to step on the Holy Land at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, it will be even more difficult.

It's just that Lei Dao's "big words" have already been released, and it's too late to "repent" now, Lei Dao regrets it a little, and shouldn't be so high-profile.

It's too late to say anything now, Lei Dao was high-profile for a while, but now he finds it difficult to do, and the matter is very tricky.

Of course, Lei Dao has another option, which is to directly consume five hundred years of lifespan and upgrade the Annihilation Eucharist to the Higher Eucharist.

In this case, Lei Dao, with the supernatural power of the high-level holy body, can naturally behead Boshan Shengzun, and it is not difficult to destroy the Holy Land at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty.

But isn't the price too high for five hundred years of life?

Moreover, Lei Dao has made up his mind that he will never be "tempted" by supernatural powers easily. If he really consumes five hundred years of life at once, it may be very cool for a while. But what about after it's used up?

Lei Dao only has less than a hundred years of life left, and a majestic saint will face a deadline just after he becomes a saint. That is really a dead end, and it is too risky.

"It's just a promise to make. If you can get a large amount of ten thousand year elixir, it's nothing to make a promise."

Lei Dao took a deep breath and made up his mind.

He still blocked the "temptation" of the ability. Consuming five hundred years of life? Impossible, impossible in this lifetime.

Lei Dao would rather look for more elixir for ten thousand years, slowly integrate the holy body, and slowly push up, rather than be "tempted" by supernatural powers and directly consume five hundred years of life.

Therefore, Lei Dao, who made up his mind, came to the cave of the Holy Moon again, and found the Holy Moon.

"Holy Lord Haoyue, Lei has something to ask, and I ask Holy Lord Haoyue to agree."

"Oh? What's the matter with Lei Shengzun, just ask."

Holy Venerable Haoyue was also curious, what would happen if Lei Dao went and returned?

Lei Dao took a deep breath, then gritted his teeth, and said directly: "Lei needs some ten thousand-year elixir to condense the holy body and strengthen his strength to deal with the Boshan sage. Therefore, I came to ask the Haoyue sage for the medicine! "

"Oh? How many thousand-year elixir does Lei Shengzun need?"

Shengzun Haoyue narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked at Lei Dao with a half-smile.

Lei Dao's expression lifted, it seemed that there was something going on.

Therefore, Lei Dao was not polite, and said directly: "Thirty or fifty thousand-year elixir is the best. If you really don't have any, you can take twenty."

Holy Lord Haoyue was still smiling at first, but when Lei Dao's lion opened his mouth, the smile on his face froze all of a sudden.

When will the ten-thousand-year elixir be able to use "dozens of plants" as a unit?

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