Longevity Species

Chapter 400 Finally become a high holy body! (third change)

"Three plants, are there any more?"

Shengzun Haoyue's face turned dark, and if Lei Dao came or not, there would be dozens of ten thousand-year elixir. Is it true that the ten thousand-year elixir is Chinese cabbage? As much as you want?

If there were dozens of ten thousand year elixir, Holy Lord Haoyue could wake up with a smile from his dreams.

"Isn't three too few? What's the use of three? There are no twenty, eighteen will do."

"Five plants."

"Sixteen plants."

The two majestic sages are just like ordinary people selling things, you come and I care about each other.

In the end, your number of Wannian elixir is fixed at ten plants!

In fact, Lei Dao is quite satisfied with the ten thousand-year elixir. He doesn't know if the ten thousand-year elixir can push the Annihilation Saint Body to the level of a high-level saint, but once there are ten thousand-year elixir, Then he can condense ten holy bodies.

When the time comes, everything will be fused together, that is, the thirteen holy bodies will be fused into one.

Even if it is not promoted to the high-level holy body, I am afraid that it is infinitely close, and it is far superior to the ordinary saints. Even the Boshan saints must not have merged with the thirteen holy bodies.

At least, it is very possible to ensure that Lei Dao can defeat Boshan Shengzun steadily, and even behead Boshan Shengzun. Therefore, Lei Dao is quite satisfied.

However, Holy Lord Haoyue was speechless.

Why did he promise ten thousand years of elixir in a daze? According to his original intention, it would be the limit to be able to give Lei Dao three, and at most five Wannian elixir.

But now it is ten plants!

However, facing Lei Dao, it is impossible for his majestic sage to repent, otherwise, he would offend Lei Dao instead.

However, Shengzun Haoyue just gave Lei Dao the Wannian elixir, and did not discuss the "conditions" yet.

"Lei Shengzun, if one day you can really destroy the Holy Land at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, then my Linglong Holy Land needs a thousand catties of soil."

Holy Venerable Haoyue put forward his conditions.

"Xi Rang?"

Lei Dao had never heard of it.

Shengzun Haoyue didn't hide anything either, he knew that if he wanted to do a "fair" deal and let Lei Dao willingly take out the Xi Soil in exchange for ten thousand-year-old elixir, he couldn't hide anything.

Therefore, Haoyue Shengzun explained: "Xi Rang was brought back from a dangerous place by the founder of the Holy Land at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty. It is said that he brought a total of tens of thousands of jin of Xi Rang. It doesn't matter whether it is a thousand-year elixir or a ten-thousand-year elixir. Therefore, relying on the breath soil, the elixir of the Holy Land at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty continued to flow, the strong came forth in large numbers, and the Holy Venerable was almost unbroken. It is the holy land with the deepest heritage in the entire Yuanzhou. Ten How does Lei Shengzun feel about a ten-thousand-year elixir and a thousand catties of soil?"

Lei Dao calculated carefully.

The breath soil is so miraculous that it can shorten the growth time of the elixir, which is definitely a priceless treasure for the big forces. A thousand catties of soil only accounted for one-tenth of the soil of the Holy Land in the early Yuan Dynasty.

Of course, if you want to exchange ten thousand years of elixir for a thousand catties of soil, if it is the holy land at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, you will definitely not exchange it no matter what.

If Lei Dao agreed, it would be a big advantage for Linglong Holy Land.

But the situation is different now. Lei Dao has not destroyed the Holy Land at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, and the land is still owned by the Holy Land at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty.

In exchange for the ten thousand-year-old elixir in front of him with an unattainable and illusory Xi Soil, Lei Dao knew what to do without even thinking about it.

"Okay, in the future when Lei Mou destroys the Holy Land of the Yuan Dynasty, a thousand catties of soil will be returned to the Holy Land of Linglong!"

Lei Dao agreed to Haoyue Shengzun's condition almost without hesitation.

Anyway, it's not his now, so why not do it if he can get ten ready-made ten thousand year elixir and increase his strength as soon as possible? What's more, only by strengthening the strength can we destroy the holy land of the early Yuan Dynasty and obtain everything in the holy land of the early Yuan Dynasty.

Lei Dao thinks this deal is worth it!

Although Haoyue Shengzun felt that the price of paying ten thousand-year elixir was a bit high, he thought that he could use this to make friends with Lei Dao, a new and promising new Shengzun.

There is even a chance to get a thousand catties of interest soil in the future, which is actually not a loss.

Therefore, this transaction can be regarded as a happy event.

"Lei Shengzun, these are ten thousand-year elixir."

Holy Venerable Haoyue was a little bit reluctant, but in the end he took out ten thousand-year elixir.

Lei Dao's eyes lit up, and he immediately took the ten thousand-year elixir from the hands of Haoyue Shengzun.

Lei Dao originally thought that even the Holy Land did not actually accumulate tens of thousands of years of elixir. But Haoyue Shengzun unexpectedly took out ten thousand-year elixir easily.

Obviously, the heritage of the Holy Land is far stronger than Lei Dao imagined!

After Lei Dao got the ten thousand-year elixir, he couldn't wait to say goodbye to Haoyue Shengzun, and he was about to leave Linglong Holy Land. After all, Lei Daode used these ten thousand-year elixir to condense the Holy Body, and then quickly promoted the Annihilation Holy Body to the Higher Holy Body.

If it was in the Linglong Holy Land, and a holy body was condensed in a short while, the movement would be too great.

Although Lei Dao was not afraid of Haoyue Shengzun's prying, but the movement was too big, it was not a good thing after all, it was better to keep a low profile, leave the Linglong Holy Land, and find an inaccessible place to gather the Holy Body.

Haoyue Shengzun stayed for a while, but Lei Dao's intention to go was already decided, so Haoyue Shengzun had no choice but to agree.

Then Lei Dao explained to Xue Yuan in detail, asking Xue Yuan to stay in Linglong Holy Land and pay close attention to the situation in Yuanchu Holy Land, and then Lei Dao left Linglong Holy Land quietly by himself.

In the huge Yuanzhou, it is actually not easy to find an inaccessible place.

Lei Dao is a saint, once the holy body is condensed, how huge is the movement? There must be induction within a radius of thousands of miles, so it is really difficult to find a place where there are no warriors within a radius of thousands of miles or even thousands of miles.

Lei Dao thought of a place.

That is the sea of ​​death!

The sea of ​​death is vast, infinitely huge, and there are only sea beasts, so there is no need to worry about encountering warriors.

Moreover, although the sea of ​​death is dangerous to a certain extent, as long as it is not too deep, it is not particularly dangerous for the saints, but it meets Lei Dao's requirements.

Lei Dao flew for a long time, probably tens of thousands of miles away from Yuanzhou, and finally he found a wild island.

It is said to be a small island, but it is actually very small, and the top is even more bare. It looks like a reef in the sky above the Sea of ​​​​Death, but only a part can be exposed when the sea water ebbs, and it becomes a small island. .

However, this place happened to be used by Lei Dao to "retreat".

Lei Dao sat cross-legged on the ground and looked around carefully, but he didn't feel any particularly dangerous aura, which meant that there were no particularly powerful sea beasts.

Therefore, Lei Dao began to concentrate and concentrate, and gradually calmed down, entering the source.

Lei Dao saw shining crystals one by one, and each of these crystals represented a kind of holy energy. Lei Dao had already condensed three holy bodies, so he was familiar with the road and awakened a kind of holy energy casually.


The holy energy manifested, and a cloud of white mist appeared.

"What kind of holy energy is this?"

Lei Dao frowned. This cloud of mist was indeed his manifested holy power. It didn't look like attack-type holy power, but something like imprisonment or other types of holy power.

However, Lei Dao was not too disappointed.

There is no useless holy power, only warriors who can't use holy power.

There are many kinds of holy energy, but every kind of holy energy has its due effect. What's more, the holy power of Lei Dao's awakening is only used to condense the holy body, and then merge into the annihilated holy body, and use it to promote the annihilated holy body.

Therefore, Lei Dao didn't care what kind of holy energy was awakened.

Lei Dao took out a ten thousand year elixir and immediately used the ten thousand year elixir. Immediately, with the help of the ten-thousand-year elixir, Lei Dao quickly condensed this holy body, which is also the fourth holy body that Lei Dao has condensed so far.

The fourth, the Holy Body, does not appear to be mountainous or dewy, but it seems to be able to manipulate water. For example, in this sea of ​​death, casting the fourth holy body will take some benefits.

However, Lei Dao didn't care, and immediately mobilized his abilities.


Lei Dao mobilized his abilities and consumed another ten years of life, integrating them into the Annihilation Eucharist.

The process of merging the Eucharist went smoothly, and soon, the Annihilation Eucharist was successfully fused, and it seemed to be stronger than before.

The Annihilation Eucharist has now merged with four Eucharist, becoming more powerful than before, however, it seems that there is still nowhere to be seen from the High Saint.

Lei Dao was not in a hurry either, he had enough ten-thousand-year elixir this time, and he could try to fuse many holy bodies.

Lei Dao just condensed a holy body, and there are nine ten thousand-year elixir, which means that Lei Dao can still condense nine holy bodies for fusion.

Therefore, Lei Dao continued to condense the holy body.

The second Eucharist, the third Eucharist, the fourth Eucharist, the fifth Eucharist...

One holy body after another was condensed by Lei Dao, and then all of them were integrated into the annihilated holy body. The Annihilation Eucharist also became stronger and stronger, and even the hundreds of feet of the Eucharist swelled a few times.

Just the terrifying aura can even distort the void.

This is the embodiment of power to the extreme!

Of course, the Annihilation Eucharist still hasn't reached the level of the High Eucharist, but Lei Dao has a feeling that the Annihilation Eucharist is about to transform into a High Eucharist.

Just a little bit off.

Therefore, Lei Dao continued his efforts and continued to condense more holy bodies.

The sixth host, the seventh host, the eighth host...


When Lei Dao condensed the eighth holy body and integrated it into the Annihilation Holy Body, the Annihilation Holy Body seemed to have reached a limit. After the eighth holy body was integrated, it immediately began to transform.


The Annihilation Eucharist swelled crazily. Although it was still tens of thousands of feet high, it didn't swell too much, but it was obviously more solid than before, and even the fine lines on the Eucharist could be clearly seen.

It's as if the density of the holy body is ten times stronger, or even dozens of times!

Therefore, the breath of annihilating the holy body at this moment is even more terrifying.

At this moment, Lei Daofu went to his heart and immediately understood that the High Eucharist was completed!

"That's it?"

There are still two ten thousand year elixir plants left in Lei Dao. If the previous three holy bodies are added, almost eleven holy bodies have been fused in Lei Dao, and only then can the annihilation holy body be promoted to a higher holy body!

It's not easy, it's really not easy!

Even Lei Dao thought it was not easy, but it took him several days to integrate so many holy bodies and promote the annihilation holy body to a high-level holy body.

If it were an ordinary saint, it would be impossible to fuse eleven holy bodies in a lifetime.

That is to say, ordinary saints may not be able to push the holy body to a higher holy body in a lifetime, so as to reach the peak of the first layer of the holy body.

However, when Lei Dao's Annihilation Saint Body transformed into a high-level Saint Body, Lei Dao did feel a qualitative leap in his whole body.

However, Lei Dao has a feeling that he still has something to say.

It seems that the higher holy body can continue to improve.

Could it be that there is a stronger holy body above the higher holy body?

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