Longevity Species

Chapter 411: God's Domain! (third change)


Ten Thousand Years Panacea!

All are ten thousand years panacea!

When Lei Dao walked into the room, he really felt "blinded".

In the past, Lei Dao was always bitter, and when using the Wannian elixir, he used one or two plants, and he had to work hard to calculate with his fingers, trying to maximize the effect of the elixir.

He even paid a thousand catties of Xisoil for ten thousand-year-old elixir plants.

It hurts to think about it.

But now, what did Lei Dao see?

The elixir, all of them are elixir, and they are full of them. Every ten-thousand-year elixir is placed in a special box and placed in the room.

With a sweep of Lei Dao Divine Sense, the quantity of the Ten Thousand Years Elixir was immediately clear.

One hundred and three plants!

There are a total of 103 ten thousand year elixir plants here, this is simply... unimaginable!

"It's unbelievable that there are so many ten-thousand-year elixir. Is the background of the Holy Land really so terrifying?"

Seeing so many ten-thousand-year elixir, Lei Dao was extremely shocked, and then became hot, and even couldn't help but want to go to the other four holy places to rob.

With so many elixir, how long is it enough for him to practice?

At least, there shouldn't be much problem in cultivating the Ultimate Holy Body this time.

Lei Dao simply sent a voice transmission to Xueyuan, telling Xueyuan that he would retreat for a period of time. As for the establishment of the Holy Land, I would hand it over to Xueyuan and the ancestors of the top ten chambers of commerce.

As for the name of the Holy Land, Lei Dao had already thought of it, and it was called the Holy Land of Juliu!

Lei Dao has long had an idea that the Juliu Continent will be his rear and foundation in the future, and the only disciples recruited by the Juliu Holy Land will be from the Juliu Continent.

This can save a lot of trouble.

Of course, the premise is to solve the problem of awakening the power of divine sense in Juliu Continent.

However, in the early stage, it is still necessary to recruit some warriors from Yuanzhou to enrich the Holy Land of Juliu.

Although Lei Dao retreated, in any case, he will leave the customs before those Yuanzhou warriors arrive in a month. After all, Lei Dao has released the news that the holy land will be established in a month, and he can give those Yuanzhou warriors a chance .

Lei Dao reckoned that, no matter what, one month was enough for him to push out the Ultimate Eucharist.

After all this was arranged, Lei Dao officially began to retreat.

This time, Lei Dao got 103 ten thousand year elixir, and Lei Dao had two remaining ten thousand year elixir last time, a total of 105 ten thousand year elixir.

This ten-thousand-year elixir is definitely enough, no matter how difficult the ultimate holy body is, Lei Dao is sure to be able to push out the ultimate holy body.

"let's start."

Therefore, Lei Dao concentrated all his attention, sank his consciousness into the source of life, and began to awaken the holy energy and condense the holy body.

The movement of Lei Dao condensing the holy body was naturally very loud.

It can even be called a steady stream, almost every day there are holy bodies condensed out, the movement is too great. In the first few days, the people in the Holy Land of Juliu were still a little shocked.

But every day, the shock disappears, and I even get used to it.

Lei Dao, on the other hand, condensed the holy body again and again in the secret room, and then merged into the annihilated holy body. It was not beyond Lei Dao's expectation. Every time he fused a holy body, Lei Dao could feel that the Annihilation Holy Body was stronger, but there were not many powerful ones.

It seems to be far worse than before the high-level holy body was condensed. At that time, one kind of holy body was fused, and one could clearly feel that the holy body was more powerful.

On the contrary, the advanced holy body was promoted, and then the ordinary holy body was fused with the basis of the high holy body. Lei Dao felt that the enhancement of the holy body was very limited, or even negligible.

The effect of fusing ordinary holy bodies is not obvious, or in other words, there is no effect at all, and the effort is not directly proportional to the harvest. Therefore, many peak saints of the first level of the holy body did not consider continuing to merge.

But Lei Dao didn't care, all he needed to pay for fusing a holy body was ten years of life and a ten thousand year elixir.

Life, Lei Dao has!

Lei Dao also has the ten-thousand-year panacea!

Both conditions are met, do you still need to hesitate?

No need at all!

As a result, Lei Dao hardly stopped, and continued to silently condense the holy body, and then merged into the annihilated holy body.

One, two, three, four, five...

Until the ten thousand-year elixir, Lei Dao used ten ten thousand-year elixir, which meant that he condensed ten ordinary holy bodies, and all of them were integrated into the annihilation holy body.

However, the Annihilation Eucharist still shows no signs of transforming into the Ultimate Eucharist, not even a slight trend. As for becoming stronger, perhaps there is no change in one or two holy bodies, but after the ten holy bodies are integrated into the annihilation holy body, it does strengthen the annihilation holy body a lot, and it still has a great effect.

But how many saints can insist on merging the ten holy bodies? How much energy would that take?

If you really have that energy, you might even reach the second level of the Eucharist.

After all, Lei Dao promoted the Annihilation Eucharist from the ordinary Eucharist to the high-level Eucharist, and only fused a total of eleven Eucharist, and this is counting the annihilation Eucharist that was originally sanctified and condensed.

Apart from the Annihilation Eucharist, in fact, Lei Dao just condensed ten of the Eucharist, and then integrated into the Annihilation Eucharist, transforming the Annihilation Eucharist into a high-level Eucharist.

Therefore, it is not easy to condense ten holy bodies, but condensing and merging ten ordinary holy bodies still cannot make the annihilation holy body transform into the ultimate holy body.

No wonder there are so many saints who didn't want to promote the ultimate holy body at all. It's really too difficult, and it's almost hopeless.

However, Lei Dao continued, and even the expression on his face did not change.

He fused ten holy bodies and paid the price of ten thousand-year elixir, but it was nothing. What really bothered Lei Dao was the consumption of another 100 years of life.

Life can make Lei Dao's flesh hurt.

Even merging a sacred body only needs to consume ten years of life, but the accumulation of small amounts adds up to a hundred years of life.

However, now that it has reached this point, it is impossible for Lei Dao to give up halfway.

Eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen...

Lei Dao didn't seem to care at all, as usual, condensed one holy body after another, and then continued to merge.

Gradually, when more than fifteen holy bodies were fused, the Annihilation Holy Body seemed to be gradually undergoing some changes. Lei Dao's Body of Annihilation was already covered with some weird lines.

These lines are the lines of the sacred body.

It seems to be closely related to the Eucharist, or in other words, closely related to the power of the Eucharist.

But now, these weird lines are gradually disappearing.

No, it can't be said to disappear, but gradually merged together, gradually forming a streak.

This line seems to be gradually disappearing.

If you look carefully, there are so many streaks before, which seem to be like chains, locking the holy body firmly. Even if there is only one line left, it seems to be like a huge chain, locking the holy body firmly.

But now, as Lei Dao continued to integrate into the holy body into the annihilated holy body, although the holy body did not continue to expand, it was constantly compressing.

It's as if refined iron is constantly being tempered, and the density is constantly increasing, and the natural holy body is getting stronger.

Sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty!

When Lei Dao used a whole ten thousand-year elixir and consumed a full two hundred years of lifespan, finally, Lei Dao's Annihilation Holy Body underwent a qualitative change.

His annihilated holy body seemed to be accumulating strength little by little as it fused with one after another.

In the end, when the strength is enough, it will explode completely.

Just like a volcanic eruption.


Lei Dao was startled, the Annihilation Eucharist at this moment had just fused twenty Eucharist, even if it was just an ordinary Eucharist, it was a total of twenty kinds of Eucharist.

Once gathered together, how terrifying is the power that erupts?

Now Lei Dao has such a feeling.

After merging twenty kinds of holy bodies, it was as if the power of twenty holy bodies had been gathered, and it exploded in an instant. The outlet for the eruption of the Eucharist is none other than the huge line on the Eucharist.

That huge line, like a chain, seems to lock some power of the holy body.

At this moment, the power of the twenty kinds of holy bodies has exploded, and even the power of the higher holy body of the annihilation holy body itself has also exploded. If the previous Lei Dao higher holy body is condensed and condensed from eleven kinds of holy bodies.

So now, it is equivalent to a total of thirty-one holy bodies fused!

How terrifying is it that the power of thirty-one holy bodies is integrated into one body?

Now it's erupting, and it's terrifying to the extreme. Even the thick line on the Annihilation Eucharist, like a thick chain, seems to finally be unable to "lock" the Annihilation Eucharist.


As the power in Lei Dao's holy body exploded, finally, the thick lines that "locked" the holy body like chains began to break and disappear bit by bit.

Locking this thick "chain" disappeared, and a more powerful aura erupted from the body of the Annihilation Saint.

At the same time, the Eucharist of Annihilation is also transforming!

At this moment, the Annihilation Eucharist is transforming in a completely indescribable way. Even the structure of the Eucharist is changing. It is not just the pure increase in the power of the Eucharist, let alone the pure increase in the power of Annihilation.

But a limit!

Yes, the limit!

When the Annihilation Eucharist metamorphosed to a certain level, Lei Dao clearly felt the limit. At this time, he knew very well that even if he fused more holy bodies, he would not be able to make the Annihilation Holy Body go any further.

Moreover, above the limit, Lei Dao can still clearly feel a kind of miraculous power in Mingming.


It seems that in the whole world, it is everywhere, invisible and intangible, even the rules that the Holy One can't feel at ordinary times.

For example, water flows downhill, this is the rule.

The rain falls, that is also the rule.

All kinds of rules everywhere make up the whole world.


Raidou murmured softly.

In the vast books in Zangshuge, he had seen some descriptions about the Eucharist and even God.

Rules belong to the realm of God!

But now, Lei Dao can feel the rules, just feel, but unable to make any actions.

But that's enough!

"Ultimate Eucharist, so the so-called ultimate means this. Pure power reaches the limit, and then it becomes the rule, that is the domain of God!"

A gleam flashed in Lei Dao's eyes.

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