Longevity Species

Chapter 412 Longevity! (first update)

"The realm of the gods..."

Lei Dao felt the power of the rules in the dark, as if he could see and sense it like a mirror, but if he wanted to touch it, it would be nothing.

Moreover, only after Lei Dao condensed the ultimate holy body can he sense the power of the rules. The ultimate holy body is the real limit, named "ultimate", which means that there is no more.

Going up, I am afraid that you have to understand the rules.

But comprehend the rules, only God can do it!


Lei Dao shook his head, it was too far away from him, even though he knew that after the Nine Layers of the Eucharist, he had to consider the issue of becoming a god, but it was too far away from the current Lei Dao.

Moreover, ordinary saints should not be able to sense the rules.

It seems that it can only be sensed if the ultimate holy body is condensed.

Does this mean that if the ultimate holy body is not condensed, even the ninth level of the holy body will not be able to sense the rules, and naturally it will not be able to become a god?

Lei Dao has no way of knowing now, but there is a high probability that this is the case.

Becoming a god is not so easy.

There is no ultimate Eucharist, and if you want to understand the rules, there may be a glimmer of hope. There is no absolute in everything, but it must be very difficult. The ultimate Eucharist, as it is somehow connected to the godhood.

Of course, in addition to this, the power of the ultimate holy body is also very powerful!

Now Lei Dao feels that the Annihilation Eucharist has infinite power. At this moment, if he faces his previous self, Lei Dao even has the confidence to crush it directly!

Moreover, after condensing the ultimate holy body, Lei Dao seemed to feel that his lifespan had also increased a little in the dark. At Lei Dao's current state, he could already vaguely feel some of his lifespan, but he didn't know specifically. That's all.

Therefore, Lei Dao immediately mobilized his abilities to check his physical data.

Name: Lei Dao (23 years old)

Lifespan: 819 years and 8 months

The first weight of the Eucharist: consumes a total of 1,100 years and one month of life

Eucharist of Annihilation: Ultimate Eucharist (non-upgradeable)

Lei Dao saw that his life span was one hundred years longer, which was a bit strange.

In order to promote the ultimate holy body, he consumed twenty thousand-year elixir and condensed twenty ordinary holy bodies. If they were all fused together, it would take two hundred years of lifespan.

Originally, there were more than 700 years of life left, but now there should be only 500 years left, so why are there 300 more years?

"Could it be that the lifespan of the Ultimate Eucharist has been increased by three hundred years?"

Lei Dao's heart moved, he thought of a certain possibility, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that this was the reason.

When Lei Dao became a saint, his life was increased by 500 years.

Later, when Lei Dao promoted the Annihilation Holy Body to the Higher Holy Body, his life was increased by another two hundred years.

Now Lei Dao has promoted the high holy body to the ultimate holy body, adding another three hundred years to his life.

Calculated in this way, in fact, Lei Dao has increased his lifespan by a thousand years in total from semi-holy to holy body!

In theory, each weight of the Eucharist can increase one's lifespan for thousands of years.

It's just that it would be good if the Holy Lord in Yihang's situation can increase his life by six or seven hundred years.

After all, it is already very good for the general saint to be able to promote the holy body to the high holy body, but even the high holy body can only increase the lifespan by six or seven hundred years in total.

If you want to prolong your life for thousands of years, you must elevate the holy body to the ultimate holy body.

But where is the ultimate holy body so easy to condense?

Thinking about Lei Dao, on the basis of the advanced holy body, 20 kinds of holy bodies were also fused, and it took a full twenty thousand years of elixir, which shows the difficulty of pushing out the ultimate holy body.

Lei Dao counted the elixir again. There were a total of 105 ten-thousand-year elixir, and there were 85 left. There are so many ten-thousand-year elixir, not to mention the second level of the Holy Body, even the third level or even the fourth level of the Holy Body is enough.

However, Lei Dao couldn't continue to practice. The reason is very simple, although Lei Dao obtained 105 ten thousand year elixir in the treasure house of the Holy Land at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty.

But it is only a ten thousand year panacea.

To break through to the second level of the Eucharist, 20,000-year elixir is needed.

Lei Dao did not have the 20,000-year elixir, so even if he had enough 10,000-year elixir, it would not work.

And with the size of the ultimate holy body of Lei Dao at the moment, if he wants to break through to the second level of the ultimate holy body, I am afraid that one 20,000-year-old elixir is not enough, at least two 20,000-year-old elixir will be prepared.

The 20,000-year-old elixir is not found in the treasure house of the Holy Land at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, and Lei Dao has no clue at all, so it may not be easy to find it.

However, Lei Dao is not worried.

Now that he has plenty of time, he can slowly search.

Therefore, Lei Dao simply left the customs.

This time he only spent more than half a month, almost twenty days.

There are still ten days to go, and it will be one month. According to Lei Dao's instructions to Xue Yuan, Lei Dao will invite many warriors from Yuanzhou to create the Juliu Holy Land on the former site of the Holy Land in the early Yuan Dynasty!

This is a big event. Since Lei Dao has already condensed the ultimate holy body, then this big event must be done by himself.


In the past month, news about the Holy Land of Giant Willows has also spread like wildfire. Many people have heard that Lei Shengzun will build a new Holy Land on the site of the Holy Land at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, called the Holy Land of Giant Willows!

This is a "grand event", especially for the vast number of warriors in Yuanzhou, it is definitely a grand event. They can have the opportunity to join the Holy Land of Giant Willow, and this opportunity is only this time, it can only be met but not sought after.

Therefore, the entire Yuanzhou has long been surging, and many people are waiting for the establishment of the Holy Land of the Giant Willow.

However, the other four holy places were very quiet.

Especially Taiyi Holy Land, it was too quiet. Even, Taiyi Holy Land was very low-key during this time, even the last time Lei Dao went to Yuanchu Holy Land, Taiyi Holy Land was also very low-key.

You can't keep a low profile.

As far as Taiyi Holy Land is concerned, since its own saint is not in the Holy Land, it doesn't have much confidence in itself. Especially now that Yuanzhou is in a state of turmoil, and even Boshan Shengzun has been beheaded. If Taiyi Shengdi doesn't keep a low profile, who knows what will happen?

However, today seems to be a little different.

In the main hall of Taiyi Holy Land, the headmaster and elders gathered together, and everyone showed a hint of excitement on their faces, looking fieryly at the old man with white beard and hair in the first place.

Holy One!

Holy Lord of Taiyi Holy Land!

Even Taihao, who is known as the number one saint in Yuanzhou, has finally returned!

Venerable Taihao is listening carefully to the report of the head teacher.

The head teacher of Taiyi Holy Land reported every major event that happened in Yuanzhou to Venerable Taihao in detail

Especially about the appearance of Lei Dao and the conflict with the Holy Land at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty. In the end, Lei Dao went to the Holy Land at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, beheaded the Boshan Holy Lord, stepped on the Holy Land at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty and other major events, and reported it in detail.

After finishing speaking, Venerable Taihao also fell into deep thought, and the whole hall was silent.

"It seems that Yuanzhou has changed..."

After a long time, the Venerable Taihao spoke slowly.

Yuanzhou has changed!

Although the people in Taiyi Holy Land didn't want to admit it, there was no doubt that Lei Shengzun's popularity in Yuanzhou was in full swing, and the outside world vaguely called Lei Dao the number one saint in Yuanzhou.

It seems that Taiyi Holy Land has been forgotten.

Taiyi Holy Land is the number one Holy Land in Yuanzhou!

Taihao is the number one saint in Yuanzhou!

But now, Lei Shengzun is in the limelight for a while, even if the people in Taiyi Holy Land are not convinced, there is nothing they can do. Who can do anything to get Lei Dao?

However, Venerable Taihao finally returned.

The elders and disciples of Taiyi Holy Land also seemed to gain confidence all of a sudden.

Immediately, an elder among them said unconvinced: "Reporting to the Holy Lord, Lei Shengzun is indeed powerful, and even killed Boshan Shengzun. But you are the number one Shengzun in Yuanzhou! Lei Shengzun is so powerful, but It completely suppressed our Taiyi Holy Land, and it was a heavy blow to my prestige in Taiyi Holy Land."

"That's right, I, Taiyi Shengdi, even once compromised in front of Lei Shengzun. Before Lei Shengzun became a saint, he used his own power to suppress our Taiyi Shengdi. Although the teacher's approach at the time was correct, the preservation It’s too easy for me, but I always feel aggrieved.”

"Master Shengzun is back this time, we must revive the prestige of our Taiyi Holy Land!"

Many elders seem to feel aggrieved.

Even if they were rejoicing, they didn't offend Lei Dao to death.

Just like the Holy Land at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, it was leveled by Lei Dao.

But Taiyi Holy Land is the number one Holy Land, so it's really aggrieved to be so "low-key" now.

The head teacher didn't speak, and Venerable Taihao was also very calm. Gradually, the noisy hall also calmed down.

"Restore the prestige?"

Instead, there was a smile on the corner of Taihao's mouth, and he said lightly: "What is the loss of my Taiyi Holy Land? Lei Shengzun didn't target my Taiyi Holy Land, why should he revive his reputation? Could it be that the other Holy Lands still dare to Can't you underestimate the Taiyi Holy Land?"


The elders were a little hesitant when they heard the words.

They also heard the meaning of Tai Hao's words, and they seemed to have no intention of pursuing it at all. Could it be that Lord Taihao is also afraid of Lord Lei?

However, the Holy Venerable Taihao is the number one Holy Venerable in Yuanzhou! It has long been the peak of the first layer of the Holy Physique, and it is not even as simple as the peak of the first layer of the Holy Physique. It should be even stronger!

After all, after such a long time, it is impossible for His Holiness Tai Hao not to improve at all.

"You guys, it's just a small matter, but the head teacher handled it properly. You have never left Yuanzhou, and you have been in Yuanzhou for a long time, and you are a bit of a frog in the bottom of the well. The Boshan sage is also a frog in the bottom of the well, hehe, he still wants to revive Yuanzhou The glory of the Holy Land at the beginning, the ambition, the result? Not only is he dead, but the Holy Land at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty is also implicated by him, breaking the orthodoxy for tens of thousands of years, and he has become a sinner of the Holy Land at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty!"

"Just for the sake of a little dispute, or face, it brought the danger of destruction to the Holy Land, how stupid? People like Lei Shengzun, looking at other states, are also top-notch figures. What do you want me to do? Is it for The so-called little bit of face, go to fight with Lei Shengzun, and even think that I can suppress Lei Shengzun? It is ridiculous! The head teacher is right, you are too comfortable staying in the Holy Land one by one, so comfortable, How can you be holy?"

Speaking of this, the coercion of Tai Hao is already very heavy, and his tone is also very severe. Obviously, he was very dissatisfied with the performance of the elders. If there was no head teacher, wouldn't these elders have also attracted a big enemy to Taiyi Holy Land?

Think Lei Dao is young and just sanctified?

That's real stupidity!

How can a saint who condenses a high-level holy body be easily provoked?

Even if Lord Taihao rushed back this time, it was not for the purpose of restoring the majesty of Taiyi Holy Land, let alone being an enemy of Lei Dao.

In the main hall, all the elders lowered their heads, not daring to let out a breath.

They can question the head teacher, or even disobey the head teacher's orders. But facing His Holiness Tai Hao, they did not dare to refute in the slightest.

"Okay, Taiyi Holy Land will still be Taiyi Holy Land from now on, don't care about those false names. As long as I am still here, then Taiyi Holy Land still cannot be ignored!"

After all, Venerable Taihao stood up immediately, and then disappeared into Taiyi Holy Land with a step.

"I am going to pay a visit to Lei Shengzun, who is so powerful in Yuanzhou!"

The voice echoed in the main hall of Taiyi Holy Land, and the figure of Taihao Holy Venerable has completely disappeared.

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