Longevity Species

Chapter 413: Taihao Arrives! (Second more)

The Holy Land at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, no, it is now the Holy Land of Giant Willows.

Originally, the Holy Land at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty had been razed to the ground by Lei Dao, but in just half a month, the Holy Land at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, which had been turned into ruins, took on a new look. , magnificent.

This is of course Xueyuan's handwriting.

At any rate, Xueyuan used to be the head of the Chen family, and also in charge of the Fortune Chamber of Commerce. Therefore, under her arrangement, within half a month, the Holy Land at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty had a new look, and even erased all traces of the Holy Land at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty. , It has truly become the Holy Land of Giant Willows!

Of course, the Holy Land of Giant Willow is still a little short.

At least Lei Dao thinks it's a little worse, that's the giant willow!

It is named "Holy Land of Giant Willow", how can there be no sacred tree of Giant Willow?

Lei Dao once cut down the thousand-year-old giant willow tree in the giant willow country, but the thousand-year-old giant willow tree still has branches, and it has grown again. Lei Dao once said that some compensation should be given to the giant willow tree.

Thinking about it now, it is possible to transplant the sacred giant willow tree into the holy land of giant willows.

In particular, it can be planted with rest soil. At that time, I am afraid that the thousand-year-old giant willow tree will become a ten-thousand-year or even a hundred-thousand-year giant willow sacred tree. The Holy Land of Giant Willows really lives up to its name!

Therefore, Lei Dao has been preparing for a while to return to the Giant Willow Continent and transplant the Divine Giant Willow Tree himself.

At this moment, outside the Holy Land of Juliu, more and more warriors gathered.

These are warriors who are waiting to accept the assessment of the Holy Land of Giant Willows and become disciples or elders of the Holy Land of Giant Willows.

These warriors are either casual cultivators from Yuanzhou, or some small forces. Originally, they would never have the opportunity to join the Holy Land, but now, Lei Shengzun gave them such an opportunity, and the Giant Willow Holy Land gave them such an opportunity.

Anyone who has received the news and has a bit of pursuit and ambition will not miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

"Grandpa, can we really join the Holy Land?"

An old man brought two thirteen or fourteen-year-old boys to the outside of the Juliu Holy Land.

Looking at the majestic and towering Holy Land of Giant Willows, the old man showed a hint of longing on his face: "You will definitely be able to join the Holy Land of Giant Willows! Lei Shengzun is such an amazing, talented and beautiful person, he will definitely not miss you."

These two teenagers are almost exactly the same in appearance, and there are no three flowers on the top, but they have already condensed the flowers of energy and vitality. Even the flowers of divine sense seem to be able to condense at any time, but they are deliberately not condensed.

Obviously, he also wanted to take this opportunity to come to the Holy Land of Giant Willow to try.

The old man had high hopes for these two youths. He himself was only a fourth-level Dao body warrior, and he hoped that the two young men would become the seventh-level Taoist, or even ninth-level Taoist patriarchs in the future!

In his hometown, even if two teenagers were talented enough, it would be of no use. The old man simply couldn't support two young men to practice, and he didn't have so many thousand-year-old elixir and other resources.

But the Holy Land of Giant Willow is different.

After all, it is a holy land, and it is still a newly created holy land. As long as you perform well and your talents are good enough, you don't have to worry about resources.

With the supreme power of the Holy Lord Lei at the moment, there are faint signs of becoming the number one Holy Lord in Yuanzhou. Do the disciples of the Holy Land still need to worry about resources?

Impossible, it is impossible to worry about resources in this life.

At least, if you practice to reach the Ninth Layer of Taoism, you must be unimpeded along the way.

Not only warriors came with their own juniors, but also some top warriors themselves, but they also came here admiringly. What they want to compete with is not the disciples of the Holy Land of Juliu, but the elders!

The Holy Land of Giant Willows has just been established, and anyone can be recruited, whether they are disciples or elders.

Of course, there is one and only such an opportunity, if you miss it, you will miss it forever.

Some patriarchs who are above the seventh level of Taoism, and even the ninth level of Taoism, are not even willing to make mistakes.

Once you become an elder of the Holy Land, if you really awaken the Holy Power, even reach the limit, and have the opportunity to become a Holy Lord, how can the Holy Land not provide a ten thousand year elixir?

Moreover, all kinds of practice experiences during the period from the Ninth Layer of Dao Body to the Holy Venerable can be opened up.

It is far a thousand times better than some small forces or casual warriors groping for themselves.

Especially with Lei Shengzun such a famous sage, the Holy Land of Giant Willow is as stable as a mountain, and it can be glorious for at least a thousand years. If Lei Shengzun goes one step further, he can even be brilliant for thousands of years.

"Old Ghost Li, why are you here?"

"Old ghost dust, why can't I come if you can come? Hehe, can the Holy Land of the Giant Willow take a fancy to you?"

"Why, if Old Ghost Chen refuses to accept it, we can practice first to see who is qualified to become the elder of the Holy Land of Giant Willows?"

Both of these two are Taoist level nine warriors, it seems that they had some hatred before, and when they met, their swords were on the verge of breaking out, and their aura rose faintly.

The people around gave a "hula" and quickly moved away from the two.

Immediately, the two met with jealousy. The two sides had fought countless times. They had long been bloody feuds, and they did not restrain themselves even when they were outside the Holy Land of Juliu.

Moreover, both of them are the ancestors of the Ninth Layer of Dao Body, and they belong to the top existence among the casual cultivators or small forces, so they naturally act without any scruples.

"Hmph, how dare you make noise outside the Holy Land? You two, get out of here, and never step within a thousand miles of the Holy Land of Giant Willows."

Suddenly, a cold voice sounded in everyone's ears.

At the same time, a huge illusory hand descended from the sky and directly grabbed the two Dao Body Ninth Layer Patriarchs.

"Forgive me, my lord, forgive me!"

"Holy One, we dare not do anything outside the Holy Land."

The faces of the two patriarchs of the ninth level of Dao body turned pale, and even trembled all over their bodies.

Holy One!

This is the master of the Holy Land of Giant Willow, the famous Lei Shengzun in Yuanzhou!

Unexpectedly, the tit-for-tat confrontation between the two outside the Holy Land of Juliu aroused Lei Shengzun's disgust, and now he directly attacked and wanted to expel the two of them directly.

"call out".

That illusory big hand didn't hesitate at all, grabbed the two Taoist Ninth Layer warriors, and flicked them with one finger, sending the two Dao Body Ninth Layer ancestors flying away for an unknown distance.

Completely far away from the Holy Land of Giant Willow.

The entire holy land was silent like a cicada, and there was a complete silence, daring not to say anything.

Holy One, that is a great Holy One!

Even if it's just a phantom, it's still the Holy One.

The Holy Venerable made a move, which meant that the Holy Venerable was already very dissatisfied, no one could compete with the Holy Venerable, even if it was the ninth level of Dao Body, in the eyes of the Holy Venerable, he was no different from an ant.

Therefore, those two Dao Body Nine Layer Patriarchs have been left behind for no one knows how far.

The Holy One was already magnanimous by not beheading the two of them. Naturally, the two of them didn't dare to stay outside the Holy Land of Juliu, and left in a hurry, and they didn't dare to approach the Holy Land of Juliu for thousands of miles.

In the words of the Holy One, it is not a decoration.

No one dared to challenge the majesty of the Holy One.

"Is that Lei Shengzun?"

"It's so powerful!"

"Holy One, the great Lei Shengzun must be Lei Shengzun."

Many warriors' eyes lit up. Those who have never seen Lei Shengzun, just hearing Lei Shengzun's legendary deeds are already full of emotions.

Now seeing Lei Shengzun make a move, even if it's just a phantom, that's enough to make them excited.


Suddenly, a figure appeared in the void.

This figure was a little illusory at first, but then slowly solidified, and gradually gathered into a terrifying figure that towered above the sky and stood thousands of feet tall.

Holy One!

This is another saint!

Moreover, he displayed the Holy Body Avatar, and the mighty and terrifying aura, like a huge boulder, pressed down on everyone's hearts, making people unable to help but want to worship.

Only the Holy One has such an aura.

"Which Holy Venerable has descended?"

Many warriors have also guessed that some saint must have descended, otherwise it would be impossible to have such a terrifying power.

However, Shengzun Lei killed Boshan and destroyed the Holy Land at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, and his power reached its peak. Is there any saint who dares to compete with Shengzun Lei?


Finally, the holy body in the void was completely condensed out.

It was a holy body of hundreds of feet, with strands of terrifying black flames emitting from all over its body, as if it could burn a little, and even the void was faintly distorted.

"Lei Shengzun, Taihot is here to visit, please come out and see Lei Shengzun!"

The mighty voice echoed throughout the void.


"It seems to be the Holy One from Taiyi Holy Land!"

"What? It's Lord Taihao! Rumor has it that Lord Taihao is the number one saint in Yuanzhou!"

"Last time, Lord Lei beheaded Lord Boshan and destroyed the Holy Land at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty. The other three Lords came, but Lord Taihao did not come."

"Sacred Venerable Tai Hao came alone now, and manifested the real body of the holy body as soon as he came. What is this for? Are you going to have a big battle with Holy Venerable Lei?"

No matter whether it was inside or outside the Juliu Holy Land, everyone was shocked.

Looking at the thousand-hundred-foot figure in the void, it seemed that he couldn't look directly at it, exuding endless majesty.

This kind of direct manifestation of the holy body outside the holy place already has some hints of provocation.

However, those warriors who had seen Lei Dao behead Boshan Shengzun had a faint feeling.

At this moment, the aura of the Holy Body of Tai Hao seems to be very terrifying. Faintly stronger than the original Lei Shengzun and Boshan Shengzun.

For a while, some people's hearts sank slightly.

The number one saint in Yuanzhou, this is not a false name.

"Holy Venerable Taihao has come from afar, and I shall welcome him personally."

Finally, a majestic and majestic voice came from the Holy Land of Juliu.

Immediately afterwards, a huge body of thousands of feet also appeared in the void. As soon as this huge holy body appeared, the surrounding light seemed to be distorted all of a sudden.

Lei Dao's annihilated holy body is like a black hole at this moment, constantly devouring and distorting everything around it.

Even if they just stood quietly in the void without any movement, those ancestors of the ninth level of dao body couldn't bear it faintly, and they were trembling all over, as if they were under tremendous pressure.

And the Venerable Tai Hao in front of him also narrowed his eyes slightly, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

ps: The third is a little later.

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