Longevity Species

Chapter 414 Lei Shengzun, do you want to fight? (third change)

"It is said that Lord Lei beheaded the Lord and destroyed the Holy Land. Now it seems that his reputation is indeed well-deserved. The high-level holy body even made me feel a little palpitating. A punch from Ben Sheng?"

"Huh? Venerable Taihao wants to fight Leimou?"

Lei Dao's expression has slowly sank.

However, he also had some doubts in his heart. He had clearly promoted the Eucharist to the ultimate Eucharist, but why did the Lord Taihao in front of him still think it was a high-level Eucharist?

In other words, Venerable Taihao has never seen the ultimate holy body, or even recognized the ultimate holy body?

Lei Dao didn't notice it before, and his own feelings about the ultimate Eucharist were obvious. However, now he took another look at the Annihilation Eucharist and promoted it to the Ultimate Eucharist, there was almost no change in its appearance, it was still thousands of meters high.

Only Lei Dao knows clearly that there still seems to be only thousands of feet of Annihilation Eucharist, but in fact it has been compressed by an unknown amount. The density is so high that it is unimaginable. All crashed.

The two are completely incomparable.

As Lei Dao's voice sank, Taihao Shengzun smiled slightly: "Lei Shengzun is too worried, I have no grievances with Lei Shengzun, how can there be a war? It's just that I am the number one Holy Venerable, but Lei Shengzun has become famous, so he should be more suitable to be the number one Holy Venerable in Yuanzhou than me!"


Lei Dao's heart moved.

Lord Tahoe, what does this mean?

Is this to give him the name of the first saint?

In fact, Lei Dao doesn't care much about the so-called number one saint, strength is the most important thing. Now Lei Dao has promoted the ultimate holy body, even if he does not compete for the first saint, but he is already the real first saint!

"Hahaha, Lei Shengzun is paying attention, I will punch you with all my might!"


The next moment, Venerable Taihao made a move.

He didn't hit Lei Dao directly with the holy body, because that would be a real life-and-death struggle. If there is a competition between the Holy One and the Holy One, it will only be a battle in the air.

If it is a life-and-death struggle, then they will directly collide with the holy body, constantly obliterating the opponent's holy body.

Venerable Taihao's action was indeed just a "discussion".

Moreover, Lei Dao did not feel the murderous intent from Venerable Taihao.

Therefore, Lei Dao also nodded, and the Annihilation Saint Physique also punched out, and he even controlled a little bit of power, so as not to embarrass Tai Hao too much.

But even so, when the two hit each other fiercely with a punch, Lei Dao's annihilating power crushed away in a mighty way, smashing the punch of Tai Hao instantly .

Lord Taihao was shocked.

This time he just came to test it out, and naturally he had another purpose.

But apart from other purposes, the Lord Tai Hao also has his own pride. He has been the number one saint in Yuanzhou for a long time, and even the saint Boshan in the holy land at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty was suppressed by the saint Taihao.

Now that Lei Dao is in full swing, it would be unrealistic to say that Venerable Tai Hao has no idea.

But now, after a trial, Tai Hao's heart has already set off a storm.

Not an opponent, he is not Lei Dao's opponent.

Although the two did not engage in a battle between the holy bodies, they are just exchanging ideas now. But Lei Dao could crush him with one punch, and Tai Hao naturally knew it well.

Even if they are both high holy bodies, there are differences.

Thinking of this, Venerable Taihao felt a little lonely in his heart, but thinking of the purpose of his visit this time, Venerable Taihao gradually calmed down in his heart.

Isn't Lei Dao's strength the stronger the better?

At least, for the coming of Taihao Shengzun this time, I just hope that Lei Dao's strength will be as strong as possible!

"Okay, Lei Shengzun really lives up to his reputation. From now on, the name of the first saint in Yuanzhou, I can't afford it. The number one saint in Yuanzhou should be Lei Shengzun!"

Venerable Taihao said slowly.


As soon as Tai Hao's words fell, everyone was dumbfounded, and their hearts were extremely shocked.

This sentence was not casually said by anyone, but the Holy Lord Taihao, a dignified Holy Lord, even the real No. 1 Holy Lord in Yuanzhou!

Even if some people thought that Lei Dao was so powerful that he was able to kill Boshan Shengzun and destroy the Holy Land at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty. Such a feat, even if he became the number one Shengzun in Yuanzhou, it would not be an exaggeration.

But that's just the idea of ​​some people, and it cannot be "on the table".

At least, the current No. 1 saint in Yuanzhou is recognized as the Taihao saint in Taiyi Holy Land!

However, now Venerable Taihao personally admits that Lei Dao is the number one Holy Venerable in Yuanzhou, and Venerable Taihao is not as good.

This was admitted by Venerable Taihao himself, so it is naturally quite different.

Therefore, as this news spread, I am afraid that Lei Dao will really be the number one saint in Yuanzhou from now on!

This is a great gift!

Lei Dao also understood the "good intentions" of Venerable Taihao at once, so he said with a smile: "Valentine Taihao is very polite, please come to my giant willow holy place to tell!"

"Haha, then the saint will not be polite."

Therefore, the Holy Venerable Tai Hao directly put away the holy body, turned into an old man with white beard and hair, and flew into the Holy Land of Giant Willow together with Lei Dao.

Lei Dao brought Lord Taihao into the secret room, and there were only Lei Dao and Lord Taihao in the whole secret room.

"Sacred Lord Taihao came from afar. Today, I'm afraid it's not just to give Lei a certain 'No. 1 Holy Lord' hat? What's the matter with Holy Lord Taihao, just tell me."

Lei Dao's eyes flickered with a gleam of brilliance, and said lightly.

He knew very well that a person like Venerable Taihao would go to the Three Treasures Hall for everything. Now he came to visit suddenly, even for no reason, and "given" Lei Dao a hat of "The First Holy One" directly under the eyes of everyone.

This is a great gift!

Not being paid for nothing, Lei Dao understood that there must be something wrong with the Lord Taihao.

Venerable Taihao smiled and said: "I can't hide it from Shengzun Lei, I am here this time because I really want to invite Shengzun Lei for something."

"Invite Lei?"

Lei Dao looked dignified.

"Lei Shengzun, if the sanctuary is not bad, you should have reached the peak of the first level of the Eucharist, right? After reaching the peak of the first level of the Eucharist, then you have to try to advance to the second level of the Eucharist. However, the second level of the Eucharist requires The 20,000-year-old elixir, such a precious elixir, must not be found in the Holy Land at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty. Not only the Holy Land at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, but also the other four holy places in Yuanzhou."

"Because of this, I will leave Taiyi Holy Land and Yuanzhou all the year round, and go to other places to search for elixir. After so many years, I have indeed found a clue. Now, I have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to get 20,000 years The opportunity for the elixir is not even a 20,000-year-old elixir. But I am afraid that I am not enough to get this opportunity, so I want to invite Lei Shengzun to find this opportunity. "

Lei Dao's heart skipped a beat. It seemed that the Holy Lord Taihao really didn't know that he had promoted the Ultimate Eucharist, and still regarded him as the Holy Lord of the Higher Eucharist.

However, this is a good thing, and Lei Dao naturally wouldn't explain it.

Lei Dao's eyes also brightened when he heard the Holy Venerable Taihao mentioned the 20,000-year-old elixir. As Tai Hao said, Lei Dao really wants to advance to the second level of the Eucharist, and even there are more than 80 strains of the ten thousand year elixir, which is enough.

However, the 20,000-year-old elixir is missing, even if only two plants are needed, it is very difficult. At least, Lei Dao did not find a 20,000-year-old elixir in the treasure house of the Holy Land at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty.

Lei Dao originally thought that after the establishment of the Juliu Holy Land, he would go to the other four holy lands in Yuanzhou to see if he could find a 20,000-year-old elixir. At that time, no matter what price he paid, it would be best to get it.

But now Venerable Taihao came in person, and said that the 20,000-year-old elixir was not available in the other four holy places.

Lei Dao naturally believed it.

In this kind of matter that can be known by just inquiring, there is no need for Venerable Tai Hao to deceive Lei Dao.

"Honorable Master Taihao, I'm afraid it's not that easy to get this great opportunity? Even Holy Master Taihao can't get it, let alone Lei Mou."

Lei Dao did not express his opinion in a hurry, he needed more information.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to persuade Lei Dao with just a few words from the Holy Master Taihao.

Venerable Taihao let out a long sigh and said, "To be honest, I have come a long way, on the second level of the advanced holy body, and even now there is only one 20,000-year-old elixir. It can immediately condense the second high-level holy body, the second-level advanced holy body. In order to find the 20,000-year-old elixir, I tried all kinds of methods, and finally found the clue, which is Cangzhou!"

Lei Dao's eyes narrowed slightly. In fact, he had already sensed that there were indeed two kinds of holy bodies in the body of Lord Tai Hao, which seemed to be unfused.

One Eucharist is the High Eucharist, but if there are two Eucharists, it must be the Eucharist Double.

It's just that the Lord Taihao has not yet advanced, and the second holy body has not completely transformed. Once it is transformed, it will take 20,000 years of elixir to successfully transform and condense the second high-level Eucharist, thus advancing to the second level of the Eucharist.

Venerable Taihao said that he really needs a 20,000-year-old elixir, Lei Daoxin!

But Cangzhou?

Raidou hadn't even heard of it.

"Cangzhou, what kind of opportunity did the Lord Taihao get?"

Lei Dao asked in a deep voice.

"Hehe, Cangzhou is actually a declining continent, even more declining than our Yuanzhou. There are not many holy bodies left in the entire Cangzhou, only two or three at most."

"However, there is a Cangming Pagoda in Cangzhou. It used to be the treasure of Cangming Holy Land, a powerful holy land in Cangzhou's glorious period. Unfortunately, when Cangzhou fell, the Cangming Holy Land naturally also fell. Instead, it was the Cangming Tower. It has been left behind. In this Cangming Pagoda, it is rumored that there are ten thousand-year-old elixir, and there are even 20,000-year-old elixir!"

"The news has spread, not only in Cangzhou, but also outside of Cangzhou. There is still about a month before the birth of the Cangming Pagoda. I don't know if it will attract more than one month. How many holy venerables came. I am alone, even if I am the peak of the first layer of the holy body, I think it is difficult to get any benefits among so many holy venerables. Therefore, I returned to Yuanzhou. I originally wanted to invite the Boshan sage. It's just that I didn't expect that Boshan Shengzun was beheaded by Lei Shengzun, and Lei Shengzun had reached the peak of the first level of the holy body. You and I, the two peak saints of the first level of the holy body, joined forces. In the battle of the Cangming Tower, I believe we can It has some advantages."

"Lei Shengzun, do you want to fight for it?"

There was a hint of eagerness in Taihao's eyes, and he stared closely at Lei Dao.

His real purpose this time is to invite Lei Dao!

As for the false name of the No. 1 Saint in Yuanzhou, Taihao is in Cangzhou and has seen too many powerful Saints in other states, so why would he care about such a false name?

Only the second stage of the advanced Eucharist is the most important thing for the Venerable Taihao.

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