Longevity Species

Chapter 430 The Misfortune of Divine Blood (Part 3)

The Holy Land of Giant Willows has not been peaceful recently.

It seems that every once in a while, a holy body will manifest and shake the Holy Land.

Fortunately, the disciples and elders of the Juliu Holy Land have long been accustomed to it. They all know that it is their ancestors who are condensing the holy body, and they don't know the specific situation.

Lei Dao is indeed condensing the holy body, and what is condensing is the ordinary holy body.

After condensing one body, he used his ability to fuse the holy body into the blue ice holy body.

Every time he gathers the Holy Body, Lei Dao will also consume a Ten Thousand Years Elixir.

One, two, three, four, five...

This time, Lei Dao spent a whole month and consumed twenty-three ten thousand-year elixir before he could push the blue ice holy body to the ultimate holy body.


Once the blue ice holy body is promoted to the ultimate holy body, it will be transformed again, and the terrifying cold atmosphere is densely covered around the blue ice holy body. The almost endless power of blue frost shrouded the surrounding void.

It is not inferior to the power of annihilation.

However, after the blue ice holy body transformed into the ultimate holy body, Lei Dao's annihilated holy body suddenly appeared.

The two holy bodies, like the thousand-foot-thousand-foot demon god, lie in the void, and there is some faint connection between them, as if their breaths are echoing each other from afar.

"These two holy bodies..."

There was a gleam in Lei Dao's eyes.

He knew that from the first level of the Holy Body to the ninth level of the Holy Body, in fact, the high-level holy bodies were continuously condensed, and finally nine high-level holy bodies were condensed. This time is the ninth level of the holy body.

But Lei Dao, who was the emperor after the Nine Layers of the Holy Body, didn't know why.

I just know that it should have a great relationship with the nine holy bodies.

As the blue ice holy body was promoted to the ultimate holy body, Lei Dao also felt that there was another kind of cold attribute rule, which Lei Dao could feel.

Of course, just like the Annihilation Eucharist, only the rules can be sensed.

As for the use of rules, it is far from what Lei Dao can do.

Lei Dao didn't even have any ideas on how to further study these rules.

"Is this the peak of the second stage of the Eucharist?"

Raidou opened his eyes and a smile appeared on his face. Although compared to the last time when the Annihilation Physique was promoted to the ultimate Eucharist, the promotion of the Blue Ice Physique did not seem to be smooth. It took a total of 23 ten-thousand-year elixir, which was a little more than the Annihilation Physique.

But Lei Dao didn't care, he still had a total of 141 ten thousand year elixir, which he could "spend" wantonly.

"Huh? In my Eucharist, that's..."

When the blue ice holy body and the annihilation holy body manifested at the same time, Lei Dao immediately felt some changes in the annihilation holy body.

That is divine blood!

In Lei Dao Annihilation Saint, there is a part of divine blood.

Lei Dao had already discovered it before. After he was sanctified, reshaped his body, and condensed the holy body, his divine eyes never appeared again. After all, his annihilated holy body was full of annihilating power. What eyes?

But later in the Cangming Pagoda, Lei Dao discovered the existence of the divine blood again, it didn't seem to have disappeared, and even the condensed holy body failed to completely wash away the divine blood.

Instead, the divine blood was condensed into a ball and "hidden" in the annihilation body. It seemed that even the annihilation body in the ultimate form could not completely expel or wash away the blood.

But now, Lei Dao's blue ice holy body has also transformed into the ultimate holy body, and there are even some connections between the two ultimate holy bodies. Coupled with the annihilation of the Holy Body and a second strengthening.

Therefore, at this moment, something happened suddenly in the holy body.

Divine Blood suddenly "rioted".


The small ball of divine blood that had been "dormant" in the body of the Annihilation Saint had not moved at all before, and was very quietly hidden in the Body of the Annihilation Saint.

Even Lei Dao didn't expect that the divine blood would suddenly riot, and it would be so ferocious, with such a terrifying burst of power, that it even touched the Annihilation Eucharist.

However, Lei Dao didn't care too much.

The Annihilation Eucharist is the ultimate Eucharist, and it is not so easy to be destroyed. Although the mass of divine blood exploded violently, it is simply impossible to destroy the Annihilation Eucharist.

However, Lei Dao is very police.

Normally this group of divine blood is very "quiet", without any movement at all, why is it suddenly erupting now? It even messed up the Annihilation Eucharist.

Lei Dao mobilized the Eucharist of Annihilation, and the massive power of Annihilation began to slowly "suppress" the blood of God. Even though the divine blood seemed to be very restless, it actually had little effect on the Annihilation Eucharist.

However, Lei Dao also awakened to completely solve the problem of divine blood.

After all, although the divine blood is restless, it seems that it will not cause much damage and influence to the Annihilation Eucharist. But this is in normal times, what if you are fighting the enemy?

If Shenxue suddenly made trouble when fighting against an evenly matched enemy, it would be troublesome, and it would be a huge trouble.

For such uncontrollable factors, Lei Dao must completely control or eliminate them.

Therefore, Lei Dao observed carefully, mobilized the power of annihilation and began to suppress the blood of God. No matter how violent the agitation of the divine blood is, it is still far from enough to face the Annihilation Eucharist.

Otherwise, the divine blood would not have been suppressed into a ball by the Annihilation Eucharist.

In the process of suppressing Shenxue, Lei Dao also seemed to know the reason for Shenxue's restlessness.

That's what God's Blood seems to be afraid of!

Yes, the blood of the gods has no consciousness, but there is a kind of instinct of the blood of the gods somewhere. Before the Annihilation Eucharist transformed into the Ultimate Eucharist, the divine blood didn't even change at all.

But until Lei Dao promoted the blue ice holy body to the ultimate holy body, and there seemed to be some close connection with the annihilation holy body in the dark, the blood of the gods became restless.

Shenxue felt afraid.

It seems that the Annihilation Holy Body plus the Blue Ice Holy Body can wipe out the blood of the gods.

Therefore, the blood of the gods will be restless.

"Destroy the blood of the gods?"

Of course Lei Dao wanted to obliterate the blood of God, after all he didn't like uncontrollable factors.

However, when he mobilized the Annihilation Eucharist and began to try his best to obliterate the divine blood, he felt that the divine blood was very difficult to deal with.

Even though the divine blood has been suppressed into a ball, this ball is like the hardest rock, like a reef in the sea, no matter how suppressed or washed by the power of the annihilating holy body, the divine blood cannot be obliterated.

Perhaps, it can take a long time to slowly fade away.

But how long is this time?

ten years? Or a hundred years?

Or, millennium?

"Since it can't be wiped out, can the divine blood be used? In the Dao body stage before, the ability of awakening the divine blood and the divine eye is also very heaven-defying. Even among the saints, it should have some effect."

When Lei Dao found it difficult to wipe out the blood of God, he changed his strategy.

Since divine blood is not so easily wiped out, can it be used?

After all, the power of the blood of the gods is also very "perverted", quite miraculous, even in the face of the holy one, it should have a great effect. In the Dao body stage, Lei Dao's divine blood ability is quite "perverted".

It would be great if the divine blood and the holy body were perfectly fused together during the Eucharist stage.

Therefore, Lei Dao tried to induce the blood of the gods.

Although the divine blood shrunk into a ball, it was suppressed by the Annihilation Eucharist. But it was Lei Dao's divine blood after all, so it was still connected with Lei Dao's heart and blood. Lei Dao tried to mobilize it, and immediately mobilized it without too much effort.


However, when Lei Dao was trying to mobilize the divine blood, just after mobilizing the divine blood, the Annihilation Eucharist seemed to be roaring continuously. stable.

Obviously, the annihilation of the Eucharist and the blood of the gods are like water and fire, and it is impossible to blend together.

"Why is this happening?"

Lei Dao frowned, seemingly puzzled. Why is the Eucharist opposed to divine blood?

This is not the case in the Dao body stage, where the divine blood and the Dao body almost complement each other.

"God's blood... It is rumored that it is the blood of the ancient gods. If you activate the blood, you have inherited a part of the power of the ancient gods. However, it may only inherit one billionth of the power of the ancient gods."

"The holy body is different. The holy body is a warrior who relies on martial arts and practice to continuously sublimate his life. Relying on his own practice, he slowly transforms his bloodline and makes it become the bloodline of the holy clan! Even, if he becomes a god one day in the future, That is the true blood of God!"

"The bloodline of the holy clan is equivalent to having embarked on the road to the growth of one's own bloodline. Naturally, it will try its best to reject even the bloodline. From the root, the power inherited by the bloodline of the gods also belongs to the power of ancient gods, and it is not completely controlled by oneself. Therefore, there will be such a violent conflict that cannot be reconciled..."

Gradually, Lei Dao seemed to have figured out the reason for the conflict between the Eucharist and the divine blood.

The conflict between the two is irreconcilable, and there is no possibility of even a slight reconciliation.

In fact, it is an essential conflict.

The Eucharist, that is already the sublimation of life, the transformation of life. All the miscellaneous powers or blood vessels in the body have been eliminated at the moment when the physical body is reshaped and the holy body is condensed.

Therefore, the holy body condensed in this way is very pure without any hidden danger.

Even, holy blood has been formed!

In the future, the descendants of the saint can also inherit the blood of the saint, and have a lifespan far longer than that of ordinary people, so they are called saints.

To put it simply, the Eucharist is already an independent entity, a very pure power.

However, the divine blood, after all, belonged to a trace of Yuangu God's power, and it was naturally incompatible with the holy body.

The Eucharist will never allow this kind of "alien" power, or uncontrollable power, to exist in the Eucharist.

The divine blood was not wiped out before, because the power of the Eucharist was insufficient.

But with Lei Dao's secondary strengthening of the Annihilation Body, coupled with the faint connection of the blue ice Holy Body, the Annihilation Body can threaten the blood of God.

After three reinforcements, four reinforcements or even more reinforcements, there is a chance to completely wipe out the blood of the gods.

Therefore, Shenxue felt threatened, and then suddenly rioted.

Lei Dao found the reason for the restlessness of Shenxue, but it didn't help, he had to come up with a solution.

In a short period of time, it is impossible to wipe out the blood of the gods.

But in another way, what if the divine blood is expelled from the Eucharist?

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