Longevity Species

Chapter 431: Divine Blood Clone! (first update)

"Yes, we can only expel the blood of the gods from the body. However, if it is feasible, the blood of the gods cannot be wasted. After all, it is the blood of the ancient gods. After all, the blood of the gods has finally been activated. The road is inferior."

Many thoughts flashed through Lei Dao's mind.

He is very clear about the advantages and disadvantages between the Eucharist and the divine blood. If he had to choose, he would choose the path of the Eucharist without hesitation!

The reason is very simple, even if the divine blood is very strong, and the practice is relatively easy, there will be a limit after all. The limit of divine blood is to become a god!

In any case, it is impossible to become a god by relying on divine blood.

The power of divine blood can only be the power in the blood.

If the bloodline is strong enough, it may surpass any saint in terms of combat power, but it will never surpass the source of the blood, that is, the ancient gods.

And what about the way of the Eucharist?

It was one step at a time, and Lei Dao relied on his own efforts to come out steadily, with an extremely solid foundation. The upper limit in the future is unimaginable.

What's more, there is no limit to Lei Dao's journey to the Eucharist!

This is the most important.

However, the combat power of the divine blood is also quite strong, especially in the Dao body and holy body stages. It would be a pity to waste the divine blood like this.

Lei Dao had a wonderful idea.

He knows a clone method, which is a secret technique recorded in the Zangshu Pavilion of the Holy Land in the early Yuan Dynasty. In fact, it is not a big deal, and some special materials are needed to refine the clone.

In fact, this is just a tricky method thought up by those saints of the first level of the Eucharist who have no hope of achieving the second level of the Eucharist in their lifetime. If the material is strong enough, then the refined avatar can even hope to compete against the second layer of the Eucharist!

Even, theoretically, the stronger the material, the stronger the avatar.

In the eyes of the Holy Master, this kind of secret technique is actually just a small technique.

Those saints who are above the second level of the Eucharist will only spend a lot of time on merging the Eucharist, striving to be able to advance. Who will care about the avatar secret technique that is only valued at the first level of the Eucharist?

Lei Dao was also curious at the beginning, so he took a special look at it, but he didn't pay much attention to it.

Refining clone?

That's impossible, he can advance to the second level, third level or even stronger of the Eucharist, so he naturally has many Holy Physiques without any avatars.

But now, if you want to use the divine blood in your body, you can try this secret technique.

What if the divine blood was refined into an avatar?

At that time, the divine blood will be able to exist alone, and it can even continuously stimulate the potential of the divine blood. No matter how powerful the divine blood becomes, it will not be able to affect the annihilation of the holy body. Instead, it will increase the combat power of Lei Dao. Why not for?

This kills two birds with one stone!

However, the premise is that everything goes well.

Lei Dao had already made up his mind, so he immediately mobilized the power of annihilating the holy body and began to expel the divine blood in his body.

Of course the divine blood is unwilling to leave the Annihilation Eucharist, but the current Annihilation Eucharist is too strong, under the full strength of the Eucharist, it is constantly expelling the divine blood in the body.


Finally, this mass of divine blood was expelled from the Eucharist of Annihilation.

The divine blood was expelled, but it floated in the void, and it didn't disappear immediately. Instead, it exuded a strong breath of life, and it was still wriggling, as if it had vitality.

"Sure enough, there is still a deep connection between the divine blood and me, but it is far inferior to the Holy Body. It seems that the only way to make an avatar is to try it. Once the avatar is refined, it will naturally It can be commanded like an arm."

Lei Dao took a deep breath, and then began to refine the ball of divine blood according to the avatar secret technique in his memory.

Don't look at this clump of divine blood, it's only a mere clump of divine blood, but it contains terrifying energy.

In fact, the most important thing about that secret technique is awareness!

Cut off a part of the consciousness, and then put it into the material, and slowly refine the avatar in a specific way, and at the same time accumulate the avatar.

As the avatar grows, it becomes completely integrated with the consciousness.

It's just that the avatars described in the secret technique are all rare materials, but now, if Lei Dao wants to use this group of divine blood to refine, there is a big difference.

In this way, it is difficult to say how much effect it will have.


The next moment, Lei Dao cut off a part of his consciousness and directly "stuffed" it into the ball of divine blood.

Immediately, the divine blood began to vibrate violently, but after all, the divine blood and Lei Dao were still connected, so despite some incompatibility, Lei Dao successfully "stuffed" his consciousness into the divine blood.

As soon as Lei Dao's consciousness entered the divine blood, he began to merge with the divine blood.

At the same time, Lei Dao's consciousness also began to slowly refine the divine blood into his avatar.

This process was relatively slow, and I saw that the ball of divine blood in the void began to expand rapidly, gradually becoming a human silhouette, and finally began to show an appearance, which was the same as that of Lei Dao.

However, the breath is very different.


Suddenly, Lei Dao's face changed slightly.

His consciousness was severely impacted, and there seemed to be intermittent pictures, or memories, impacting Lei Dao's consciousness.

Fortunately, Lei Dao's consciousness was strong enough, so he resisted abruptly.

Those memories and pictures actually came from the blood of God.

It's just that the memories and pictures of the blood of the gods are too vague, and they seem to come from ancient times. The bloodline memory has been inherited for too long, so long that even in the bloodline, Lei Dao can't see those memory pictures clearly.

"No, this is not the form of divine blood..."

Lei Dao seemed to feel something, and then a vast force surged from his blood.


Lei Dao's avatar suddenly began to swell, rapidly expanding, as if Lei Dao's normal form in the Dao body stage suddenly swelled into a fighting form.

Moreover, it seems that it is not over yet, and it is still expanding crazily.

That's not expanding by one or two feet, but more than ten feet!

In a blink of an eye, Lei Dao's avatar had swelled to a height of ten feet, and its aura was also very fierce.

At this moment, Lei Dao's avatar has already changed beyond recognition.

The crazily inflated body covered Lei Dao with a layer of strong cuticle, just like wearing a layer of armor. The head was extremely huge, and the shoulders were covered with bone spurs.

There are two huge sarcomas on the head, which look extremely sharp.

In the mouth of Lei Dao's avatar, there are even more extremely sharp teeth, which seem to be able to bite through everything.

On the forehead, there is even a scarlet eye, which seems to be closed tightly.

At this moment, Lei Dao's divine blood avatar is almost exactly the same as Lei Dao's ultimate form when he was at the ninth level of the Dao Body, except that he does not have the Life Orb.

"This is the divine blood avatar?"

Lei Dao was very curious, he controlled the divine blood avatar and walked in front of him.

It is different from the Holy Body of Annihilation and the Holy Body of Blue Ice.

These two holy bodies are almost Lei Dao himself, just like Lei Dao stretching out his arms, there is almost no difference, and it does not make Lei Dao feel any discomfort.

But the divine blood avatar in front of him was different.

Although it is a clone, the clone is not exactly the same as the deity.

For example, if the deity is dead, then the avatar must die.

And when the avatar dies, the deity will not be greatly affected.

Lei Dao looked at the divine-blood avatar, as if it was a puppet he controlled, but he had a novel idea.

Lei Dao carefully looked at the divine-blood avatar, and then, with a movement in his heart, he mobilized the power of the divine-blood avatar.


The divine-blood avatar went all out and punched Lei Dao's Annihilation Saint Body.

Afterwards, the terrifying power directly acted on the Annihilation Eucharist.

And then... there is no more.

Lei Dao's divine blood avatar hit the Annihilation Eucharist, just like a stone sinking into the ocean, without any change. Lei Dao's annihilated holy body was not even threatened in any way.

Power, too weak!

"The power of the divine-blood avatar is almost equivalent to the ninth level of the Taoist body. This kind of power is too weak for me now..."

Raidou frowned.

His original intention was to refine the divine blood avatar, and then improve his strength.

But now?

Lei Dao was really disappointed after painstakingly refining the divine blood avatar, but in the end it only had the strength of the ninth level of Taoism.

But if you think about it, this is normal.

It is impossible for the divine blood to advance by leaps and bounds for no reason, and it is simply impossible to be comparable to the holy body.

If it is really comparable to the Annihilation Eucharist, then the divine blood will still be tightly suppressed in the Annihilation Eucharist?

I'm afraid that the Annihilation Eucharist has been turned upside down long ago.

"God's eyes!"

However, the next moment Lei Dao had a thought, the scarlet eye on the forehead of the divine-blood clone seemed to open suddenly, and the scarlet light quickly formed a ball of light, covering the divine-blood clone.

At this moment, everything seemed to be still. Just like Lei Dao at the Ninth Layer of Dao Body, the ability of God's Eye is still very strange.

However, Lei Dao is the holy body after all, and it is the ultimate holy body.

At this moment, something seemed to be sensed.

The Annihilation Holy Body and the Blue Ice Holy Body trembled slightly, and an invisible aura spread densely around the Holy Body like a web, covering the entire range of the Holy Body with a radius of thousands of feet.

Shrouded in this invisible momentum, the divine-blood avatar just stepped in, and seemed to be plunged into the quagmire all of a sudden. The biggest advantage of God's Eye is this weird speed ability, which seems to be useless in front of the Eucharist.

"The power of the god's eyes is not enough, it is not enough to deal with the Holy One."

Lei Dao already understood that the strength of the divine-blood avatar at this moment is actually equivalent to the ninth level of Taoism. If God's Eye is added, it actually has certain advantages against the upper half saint.

Therefore, it can also be regarded as a semi-holy.

It's just that the strength of the half-sage obviously can't satisfy Lei Dao.

Lei Dao wanted the divine blood avatar to enhance his strength.

What he needs is a divine blood avatar that can rival the holy body, or even the ultimate holy body that has been strengthened twice!

Only in this way can Lei Dao's strength be rapidly improved.

With the potential of the blood of the gods, it should be able to reach the level comparable to the Holy One, or even stronger, and it is no problem to be comparable to the Nine Layers of the Eucharist.

Therefore, the current strength of Lei Dao's blood avatar is definitely not the limit.

However, how should the divine-blood avatar be improved?

"By the way, can this divine blood avatar use supernatural powers to increase its strength?"

Lei Dao's heart moved, and a bold idea came to his mind.

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