Longevity Species

Chapter 432 The Terrifying God's Eye Domain! (Second more)

Lei Dao immediately thought of the supernatural power in his mind.

Since the ability can improve Lei Dao's martial arts and holy body, can it improve his divine blood avatar?

In a sense, Lei Dao's divine blood avatar is still a part of Lei Dao.

After all, Lei Dao's consciousness is integrated with the divine blood avatar.

Lei Dao thought of this possibility, so he no longer hesitated, and immediately mobilized his abilities to check the specific attribute data of the body.

Name: Lei Dao (23 years old)

Lifespan: 1079 years and three months

The second stage of the Eucharist: a total of 1,840 years and one month of life

Eucharist of Annihilation: Ultimate Eucharist (non-upgradeable)

Blue Ice Holy Body: Ultimate Holy Body (cannot be upgraded)

Divine Blood Clone: ​​Unawakened (can be upgraded)

Lei Dao glanced at the attributes of the body. His lifespan has been increased by another sixty years, that is because the blue ice holy body has been promoted to the ultimate holy body, and his lifespan has been increased by three hundred years.

But because Lei Dao promoted the blue ice holy body, he condensed twenty-three holy bodies, and with that blue ice holy body, a total of twenty-four holy bodies were fused, consuming two hundred and forty years of life, so , the life expectancy is equivalent to an increase of only sixty years.

As long as the lifespan is not reduced, it is within Lei Dao's acceptable range.

But this time, what Lei Dao is most concerned about is not the life span, but the "sacred blood clone" below.

Sure enough, Lei Dao saw the words of the divine-blood avatar, but what does "unawakened" mean after that? Could it be that the blood of the gods has not yet awakened, but is this possible?

When Lei Dao was in the Dao body stage, he activated the divine blood early, how could it be possible that the divine blood was "unawakened"?

That's simply impossible!

"Perhaps, the division of divine blood is not as simple as I imagined."

Lei Dao tried to check the divine blood avatar.

"Will it consume a hundred years of lifespan to awaken the divine blood avatar?"

Lei Dao's eyes lit up.

There is a show!

As he expected, after Lei Dao refined the divine blood into a clone, he was able to use his abilities to directly consume his lifespan to increase the divine blood. Of course, it is now "Awakening Divine Blood".

It's just that it takes a hundred years of life, which is not a lot.

Although Lei Dao seems to have a thousand-year lifespan now, but that is all saved bit by bit. This will consume a hundred years of life at once, which is almost one-tenth of Lei Dao's remaining lifespan.

If it is used to enhance the sacred body, then Lei Dao does not hesitate, and even thinks that a hundred years of life is a good deal. After all, ascension to the Eucharist also increases longevity.

But Lei Dao was hesitant to use it to improve the divine blood avatar. Improving the divine-blood avatar can only increase strength and combat effectiveness, but cannot increase lifespan.

This is a pure consumption of life, and Lei Dao has to be very cautious.

After careful consideration for a long time, Lei Dao finally made a decision. The potential of the divine-blood avatar is relatively large, but it is worth a try. Although the lifespan of a hundred years is long, Lei Dao is not unacceptable.

What's more, if Lei Dao wants to advance, he must obtain the 30,000-year elixir. But that kind of elixir, even in ancient Shenzhou, is probably very rare.

At that time, Lei Dao is bound to fight again.

Therefore, it is necessary to increase strength. The divine-blood avatar is currently the best choice for Lei Dao to quickly improve his strength, and he has no reason not to improve the divine-blood avatar.

No matter what time it is, being strong is never wrong.

"Awakening Divine Blood!"

Lei Dao immediately made up his mind and spent a hundred years of life.


Immediately, Lei Dao's divine-blood avatar shook slightly, and in his mind, pictures and various memories of the scene appeared.

In those pictures and memories, Lei Dao has been studying the divine blood for hundreds of years, trying to fully activate the divine blood and awaken the divine blood.

The ability consumes a hundred years of life, calculated according to ten times the efficiency, if it is other saints, if it is to awaken the blood of the gods, it may take more than a thousand years of uninterrupted research.

This is a long time that is unacceptable to any saint.


With the ability to consume a hundred years of life, it is used to "awaken" the blood of the gods.

Finally, the divine blood "awakened".

Lei Dao's divine-blood avatar trembled slightly.

Immediately afterwards, it seemed that from the depths of the blood, an endless and vast power poured in, it was almost endless. And Lei Dao's divine blood avatar swelled even more crazily.

Ten feet, one hundred feet, one thousand feet...

The expansion speed of the divine-blood avatar was too fast, and it was too exaggerated. It directly swelled to hundreds of feet, almost no different from Lei Dao's holy body.

No, it's even bigger.

At the same time, eyes appeared one after another on Lei Dao's back, all emitting scarlet light. Even on the arms, there are almost a hundred eyes.

These eyes are densely packed, all exuding scarlet light, and all the scarlet light is connected into one, faintly forming a scarlet area.

Wherever the scarlet area is shrouded, Lei Dao has a feeling of being in control.

"This power..."

Lei Dao was startled, he felt that after the "awakening" of Shenxue, earth-shaking changes seemed to have taken place.

With a thought in Lei Dao's mind, the Annihilation Saint directly stepped into the scarlet area created by the divine blood avatar.


The next moment, Lei Dao's Annihilation Body paused slightly, and he couldn't move anymore. In other words, the divine blood clone went all out to slow Lei Dao's Annihilation Body to the extreme.

When the speed is extremely slow, it is almost the same as stopping. Therefore, at this moment, Lei Dao's Annihilation Body is equivalent to being imprisoned.


In just one breath, Lei Dao returned to normal, and the scarlet area seemed to be broken free by Lei Dao all of a sudden.

The divine-blood avatar became sluggish.

This shocked Lei Dao.

You know, what he used was the Eucharist of Annihilation, which is the ultimate Eucharist that has been strengthened twice.

The scarlet area displayed by the divine-blood avatar can "imprison" Lei Dao for one breath, which is already a very remarkable thing.

What's more, the blood of God has just "awakened".

Lei Dao also finally knew why it is now considered the "awakening" of the divine blood. It turned out that the previous divine blood was only activated a little bit, and it was not even called "sacred blood".

It's just a little bit of power in the blood being used by Lei Dao.

But now, Lei Dao uses his abilities to directly "awaken" the blood of God, which is the power of "God".

Even if this kind of power may not even have one ten thousandth of the power of a real god, it is also very terrifying.

Lei Dao focused his attention on the "Divine Blood" column, and sure enough, the "Divine Blood" column had changed.

Divine blood avatar: a section of divine blood (can be upgraded)

"It takes two hundred years to upgrade to the second stage of divine blood."

Lei Dao glanced at the blood avatar, carefully feeling the power of the divine blood avatar, and it can continue to improve, and the improvement is very simple and rude, and it only needs to consume lifespan.

As long as there is enough lifespan, the divine blood can even be raised to the peak in an instant!

After all, the excavation of the blood of the gods does not need to pay anything, it just needs time, find the right direction, and then continue to study and tap the potential of the blood of the gods.

It's just that although the blood of the gods is very strong, it has a limit after all.

Even if it is raised to the limit, it cannot truly become a god.

Lei Dao felt itchy and unbearable. He really wanted to upgrade the divine blood avatar in one go. After all, the divine blood avatar is already very strong now, but it is still a bit behind the Annihilation Eucharist.

The enemies that Lei Dao will face in the future may be very strong, but the strength of this divine-blood avatar is still a bit weaker.

That being the case, Lei Dao no longer hesitated.

"Promote the divine blood avatar!"


The next moment, another memory appeared in Lei Dao's mind, and his two hundred years of life was consumed in an instant.

With a lifespan of two hundred years, even Lei Dao felt a little pain.

But as his divine-blood avatar slowly improved, it seemed that many eyes appeared on his body, densely packed, and the scarlet light emitted added a little more to the entire area.

This scarlet area is like a domain, and Lei Dao simply named it the God's Eye Domain!

Lei Dao gave it a try, using the Annihilation Eucharist to enter the realm of God's Eye.

This time, even the Annihilation Eucharist was struggling.

No, it's not even difficult, but completely "imprisoned", the speed is extremely slow, almost imprisoned.

Moreover, the divine-blood avatar went all out, even though Lei Dao's Annihilation Eucharist erupted, it still persisted for more than ten breaths.

Don't underestimate these ten breaths.

Ten breaths can sometimes determine the balance of victory or defeat.

What's more, what Lei Dao imprisons is the Annihilation Eucharist, the ultimate Eucharist that has been strengthened twice!

If it is some other saints with double holy bodies, even if there are two holy bodies, if they are covered by Lei Dao's divine eye field, they may not be able to move at all and let Lei Dao slaughter them.

This is the terrifying aspect of the divine-blood avatar!

The field of divine eyes is even more terrifying!

The two hundred years of life are really worth it!

Even, Lei Dao feels that even if it is the third level of Eucharist, if there is no ultimate Eucharist, even the advanced Eucharist that has been strengthened three times may not be comparable to the ultimate Eucharist that has been strengthened twice.

Perhaps, the god-eye domain of the god-blood avatar can also be trapped!

What's more, Lei Dao's divine blood avatar not only possesses the terrifying divine eye field, but also has extremely powerful power, which is not inferior to the secondary strengthened Annihilation Body.

It's just that it's different from the Annihilation Holy Body or the Blue Ice Holy Body, the power of the divine-blood clone is very pure, it's pure power, without any additional power.

But the more this is the more terrifying.

Because of that pure power, even Lei Dao's Annihilation Saint Body can break through.

Lei Dao still wants to improve, but if he wants to improve the divine-blood avatar to the next level, it will take three hundred years of lifespan.

Lei Dao hesitated.

His lifespan is numbered.

Name: Lei Dao (23 years old)

Lifespan: 779 years and three months

The second layer of the Eucharist: consumes a total of 2,140 years and one month of life

Eucharist of Annihilation: Ultimate Eucharist (non-upgradeable)

Blue Ice Holy Body: Ultimate Holy Body (cannot be upgraded)

Divine Blood Clone: ​​Divine Blood Stage 2 (upgradeable)

Lei Dao's lifespan is now only more than seven hundred years left.

If it consumes another three hundred years of life, there will only be four hundred and seventy-nine years left, which is less than five hundred years.

The longevity of this number is delicate.

If Lei Dao wants to advance to the third level of the Eucharist and directly upgrade the Eucharist to the Higher Eucharist in a crisis situation, it will take 500 years of lifespan.

Therefore, no matter what, Lei Dao will have a lifespan of more than five hundred years.

After all, no one knows what will happen.

If there is a last resort and there is no life span of 500 years, how can you directly condense the high holy body? Even if there are 30,000 years of panacea, it cannot be advanced in a short time.

Everything has to be planned.

Therefore, Lei Dao reluctantly resisted the eagerness to promote the divine blood clone, and gradually calmed down and became quiet.

It's better to wait for a while, and then increase the blood if you have enough lifespan.

Lei Dao's time is still long, so don't rush for a while.

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