Longevity Species

Chapter 433: Holy Beast Dahei! (third change)

Time flies by, and Lei Dao is out.

After Lei Dao left the customs, he accompanied his wife Xueyuan for a while. Since there were too few people in the Holy Land, he started to go to the Juliu Continent to take his relatives from the Juliu Continent to the Juliu Holy Land in Yuanzhou.

After all, staying in the Juliu Continent all the time, it is difficult to awaken even the talent of divine sense. Lei Dao also wanted to have a try to see if it was really as he expected.

When you come to Yuanzhou and stay for a long time, you will slowly and naturally awaken your spiritual talent. This is very important, and it is related to Lei Dao's future development plan for the Juliu Holy Land.

In Lei Dao's plan, the Juliu Continent is very important.

The Giant Willow Continent will become the only source of disciples from the Giant Willow Holy Land.

In the future, Lei Dao will only recruit disciples in the Juliu Continent to enrich the Juliu Holy Land. If the people in the Juliu Continent still cannot awaken their spiritual talent in Yuanzhou, then Lei Dao's plan will be considered a failure and must be changed again.

Lei Dao returned to the Juliu Continent smoothly.

The Juliu Continent at this moment can be regarded as quite prosperous. Under Lei Dao's strong intervention, the Juliu Continent was peacefully unified. There is also the Juliu Chamber of Commerce, and the continuous flow of business has made the Juliu Continent gradually prosperous.

There is nothing to see in the Juliu Continent, everything is peaceful.

What Lei Dao really cared about was the big pit.

So, Lei Dao went to Dakeng.

As soon as he got close to the big pit, he saw a huge head, it was Dahei, who had been guarding the golden sacred tree and many elixir in the big pit.

Dahei rubbed Lei Dao's body affectionately, showing that it did not slack off and was always guarding the elixir in the big pit.

Lei Dao patted Dahei on the head, and then glanced at the elixir in the big pit.

In the past, Lei Dao was naturally very precious to the elixir in the big pit, and even asked Dahei to guard it here.

But now, Lei Dao felt that the elixir in the big pit was just like that.

Even if the golden fruit produced by the golden divine tree is the panacea for ten thousand years, so what?

How many fruits can the golden sacred tree bear?


Or a dozen?

And what about the Wannian elixir that Lei Dao has now?

A total of one hundred and forty-one plants!

This is a terrifying number, one hundred and forty-one ten thousand year elixir, how many fruits does the golden divine tree have to bear?

Therefore, Lei Dao also felt that way about the elixir in this big pit. It might be very precious, but Lei Dao actually didn't take it too seriously.

Lei Dao came to Dakeng because of Dahei!

Even, Dahei is more important than these elixir in Dakeng!

"Dahei, you have reached the critical point of the holy beast, do you want to transform?"

Reid asked with a smile.

Dahei is wise, so he can understand it naturally, so he nodded hastily.

However, if Dahei wants to transform, he must rely on the ten thousand-year elixir, and he needs a lot. Otherwise, how could he have been guarding under the golden sacred tree and in the big pit all the time?

If Dahei wants to transform into a holy beast, it is difficult to say, but also easy to say.

The key is the panacea!

To transform into a holy beast, the ten-thousand-year elixir is really too much.

However, Lei Dao just has a ten thousand year elixir.

"Dahei, this saint has given you a chance, you are ready to start transforming."

After all, Lei Dao directly took out ten thousand-year elixir.

Yes, not one or two, but ten!

Seeing the ten thousand-year elixir, Dahei immediately became excited, and looked at these ten-thousand-year elixir with incomparable enthusiasm.

For Dahei, it is unimaginable to have a whole ten thousand-year-old elixir.

So many ten-thousand-year elixir may be enough for it to transform.

"These are all yours."

As soon as Lei Dao finished speaking, he threw ten thousand-year elixir to Dahei.

Dahei opened his mouth and swallowed, unceremoniously, he swallowed all the ten thousand-year-old elixir.


How terrifying are the effects of ten thousand-year elixir? After being swallowed by Dahei in one gulp, the terrifying medicinal power exploded crazily in Dahei's body, raging madly, and washing away madly.

Dahei's body swelled again, crazily, and even the big pit was occupied by Dahei's swollen body.

Lei Dao manifested the holy body, and directly threw Dahei out of the pit, allowing Dahei to transform.

Dahei roared crazily, the foundation of the transformation of the holy beast lies in the body.

Every time the body is strengthened, Dahei is one step closer to the holy beast.

It's just that Dahei didn't have so many ten-thousand-year elixir before. Even if he has been guarding the golden fruit tree all the time, how many golden fruits have he swallowed?

I'm afraid there are not even ten.

But now, Dahei swallowed ten thousand-year elixir at once, and the power of these ten-thousand-year elixir erupted in his body all at once, how terrifying is that?

Like a rolling flood, it continuously washed Dahei's body.

Immediately, Dahei's body continued to swell, and he even let out a low growl of pain. His terrifying body kept slapping the ground, exuding a powerful aura.

Lei Dao stared at Dahei, and he even manifested the Annihilation Eucharist.

Observe every transformation of Dahei's body.

Gradually, Lei Dao discovered that Dahei's body was gradually transforming, and it began to transform based on the power of the blood in the body. It seemed that a large force gushed out from the blood, stimulating Dahei's body It began to transform, transforming in the direction of the holy beast.


Lei Dao's heart moved.

Under certain circumstances, Dahei transforms into a holy beast, which seems to be like his divine blood, constantly digging out the power of the blood in his body to obtain powerful power.

Under such circumstances, the holy beast is almost at its limit.

As for the beast?

That only belongs to the legendary existence.

Because the blood in the body has already determined the upper limit of Dahei.

Of course, if it is a descendant of a particularly terrifying divine beast, it is very possible that if the bloodline is excavated to the extreme, it can even match the combat power of ordinary divine beasts.

But compared with the saint, after all, it is a bit worse.

Even if it is difficult for a saint to practice, he still has a chance to become a god, and there is no upper limit, and he is not bound by blood. In this regard, the Holy Beast is far inferior.

No matter how powerful the holy beast is, it will be bound by blood.


Dahei has been transformed for a long time, about three days and three nights.

Dahei's transformation is finally over.

At this moment, Dahei exudes a tyrannical aura all over his body. Compared with before, he is more than ten times stronger? Spreading his teeth and claws in the void, he seemed to be invincible, and he was a little carried away.


Lei Dao used the Annihilation Eucharist, and directly stretched out his big hand to slap.

He slapped Dahei fiercely into the ground, smashing a big hole.

After the smoke and dust cleared, Dahei stuck out his head from the big pit, looking at the annihilated holy body of Lei Dao in the void in horror, feeling very terrified in his heart. It seemed to recall the fear of being dominated by Raidou again.

Even though it has transformed into a holy beast, it doesn't seem to be Lei Dao's all-in-one enemy, and it still can't get carried away. In front of Lei Dao, it still can only bow its head.

Lei Dao knew that Dahei was wise, so this could be regarded as "beating" Dahei to make Dahei more honest.

"Dahei, you have also become a holy beast, so follow me back to Yuanzhou, and stay in the Holy Land of Juliu from now on, and become the guardian holy beast of the Holy Land of Juliu!"

Lei Dao said to Dahei on the ground.

This is Lei Dao's true purpose.

He gave Dahei a full ten thousand-year elixir to help Dahei transform. The real purpose is to make Dahei transform into a holy beast, and then become the guardian holy beast of the Juliu Holy Land.

In this way, Dahei is comparable to the Holy Lord and has been guarding the Holy Land of Juliu. No matter where Lei Dao goes, the safety of the Holy Land of Juliu is guaranteed, and Lei Dao can completely feel at ease when he goes out.

"Let's go."

With a wave of Lei Dao's hand, he flew directly onto Dahei's head.

Dahei let out a low growl in excitement, then jumped into the air and left the big pit directly.

As for the elixir in the big pit, Lei Dao tried it out. It is more difficult to transplant it, and it may damage the sacred tree, but Lei Dao brought some soil with him this trip.

If these elixirs are transplanted into the soil, the survival rate will be greatly increased.

Therefore, Lei Dao ransacked the big pit and returned to Juliu Kingdom with Dahei.

The giant willow is naturally very shocking in China.

Dahei's huge size shocked the ordinary people of Juliu Kingdom, but seeing that it was Lei Dao on Dahei's head, many people were relieved.

Now Lei Dao is the real master of the Juliu Continent, and his prestige is unimaginable.

Lei Dao carefully selected a large number of people, and then took Dahei, crossed the vast sea of ​​death, and returned to the Holy Land of Juliu.

Apart from their relatives, this group of people were all carefully selected by Lei Dao as disciples of the future Juliu Holy Land.

Of course, the premise is to see if they can awaken their spiritual sense.

However, this is not something that can be seen in a short period of time. It may take a year or a half, or it may take three to five years.

When Dahei landed in the Holy Land of Giant Willow, it naturally caused a shock in the Holy Land of Giant Willow. Many disciples came here admiringly, wanting to see the guardian holy beast of the Holy Land of Giant Willow.

But Dahei's temper is not very good, except for Lei Dao and Xue Yuan, Dahei doesn't care about others.

With Dahei in the Holy Land of Juliu, Lei Dao gradually felt at ease, and began to prepare for the ancient Shenzhou.

In a blink of an eye, four months have passed.

Lei Dao was in a daze, if Xue Yuan hadn't reminded him, even Xue Yuan had arranged a birthday banquet for him, Lei Dao would not have known that his birthday was coming again.

Twenty-four years old!

Who would have imagined that Lei Dao was only twenty-four years old?

Even Lei Dao himself was in a trance.

He was only nineteen years old when he first came to Leijiabao in Juliu Country.

It's only been five years since I've done my best.

In five years, Lei Dao has experienced too much, even, he already has a holy place of his own!

It is rare for Lei Dao to stay still for a full four months, to be with his wife and family for four months, but Lei Dao's practice has not improved at all.

Therefore, Lei Dao wanted to go to Ancient China.

After all, he has never been able to obtain the "sacred law" that Lei Dao has been thinking about, so he can only go to ancient Shenzhou to see if he can get the holy law.

"It's time to leave!"

Lei Dao had visited Taiyi Holy Land before.

However, the Holy Venerable Taihao in Taiyi Holy Land has not advanced at all in four months, and it may take a year or two. Lei Dao couldn't wait that long.

Therefore, he prepared to go to ancient China alone.

Lei Dao bid farewell to Xue Yuan alone, and Xue Yuan was in charge of everything in the Holy Land of Juliu, but Lei Dao had nothing to do with it. As for safety, with Dahei guarding the Holy Land of Juliu, Lei Dao is also at ease.

What's more, there is also Taihao Shengzun who will also take care of the Holy Land of Giant Willow.

Therefore, Lei Dao no longer had any worries, and on a certain day, he quietly left the Holy Land of Juliu, left Yuanzhou, and went to the center of the entire continent——Ancient Shenzhou!

Lei Dao also wanted to see how prosperous the ancient Shenzhou, the center of the nineteen states in the world, was highly respected by many saints?

"Three Great Divine Dynasties, Nine Great Emperor Sects, Thirty-Six Holy Lands, and Countless Holy Venerable Powerhouses..."

Lei Dao was extremely happy in his heart. After leaving Yuanzhou, he manifested the holy body and rushed directly towards the ancient Shenzhou.

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