Longevity Species

Chapter 435 Farewell to the Bearded Saint (Second Update)

The bearded saint frowned, not knowing what happened.

After a while, the room completely calmed down. The bearded sage hesitated for a while, and finally walked up, knocked on the door and said softly, "Ninth Young Master, I have something important to report."

"Is it the bearded saint? Please come in quickly."

The bearded saint pushed the door open and walked into the room. At a glance, he saw a middle-aged man with a thin figure and a handsome face in the room, sitting on a chair with a smile on his face.

However, this smile was a bit forced, and there was obviously a hint of worry in the man's eyes.

"Ninth Young Master."

The bearded sage said respectfully: "Master Ninth, last time I reported to Mr. Nine that there was a great sage who saved me during the battle for the Cangming Pagoda. And that sage, now It has already come, and I ask the ninth son to meet the requirements of this holy master and recruit him to his subordinates. Once there is Lei Shengzun, the power of the ninth master will definitely increase greatly!"

"It was Lei Shengzun who defeated the three saints of the second level of the holy body with one against three? He even helped you obtain a 20,000-year-old elixir, allowing you to advance to the second level of the holy body smoothly. Since If the bearded saint opens his mouth, then give this Lei Shengzun the second-class guest official position."

Ninth Young Master didn't seem very interested. Even if he knew the record of "Lei Shengzun", he didn't seem to take it too seriously. Moreover, Lei Dao was given the position of second-class guest minister entirely out of the face of the bearded saint.

However, the bearded saint doesn't seem satisfied.

In fact, the bearded saint is just a guest minister under the command of the Ninth Prince. However, there is something different, when the bearded sage was desperate, the Nine Young Masters showed great kindness to the bearded sage.

Without Jiu Gongzi, there would be no bearded saint today.

Therefore, for the bearded sage to recommend Lei Dao to Young Master Jiu, that is to do things for Young Master Jiu sincerely and for the good of Young Master Jiu. It's just that if it's just a second-class guest official, and the ninth son still has such a perfunctory attitude, I'm afraid it will be bad.

But he knew that a genius saint like Lei Dao must be arrogant, how could he bear the attitude of the ninth son?

Therefore, the bearded sage gritted his teeth and said, "Ninth Young Master, I think that Lei Shengzun should be treated as a first-class guest! Even if you don't give first-class guest treatment, Jiu Gongzi's attitude should be taken very seriously. The empress does not neglect at all."

In fact, the bearded sage had already crossed the line when he said these words, it was purely thankless. But he still said it, even if it was to repay the kindness of the ninth son, he still had to say it.


Ninth Young Master stared at the bearded saint with some surprise.

"Bearded saint, do you know what you are talking about? The first-class guest ministers, the first-class guest ministers of my Shangyanghou Mansion, are all saints with at least the third level of the Holy Body. Even if this Lei Shengzun is amazing , that's only the second level of the Eucharist. Besides, his record of defeating the three saints of the second level of the Eucharist is indeed brilliant, but those saints don't even have the holy law, so they are nothing at all. First-class guest, that's not what I promised .”

Ninth Young Master shook his head.

Even if his situation is not optimistic recently, he will not casually promise a first-class guest, even if it is recommended by a bearded saint.

The bearded saint also knows what it means to be a "first-class guest minister".

The Shang Yanghou Mansion even had a Marquis State, which was one of the princes with status in the entire Xihe Dynasty. Therefore, the guest ministers of Shangyanghou's mansion must at least be saints.

Even though the ninth son is not the next successor of Shang Yanghou, the first-class guest minister did not make the promise casually.

What's more, the Ninth Young Master has recruited quite a few guest officials, including many third-class guests and second-class guests, but none of the first-class guests. This is also the reason why the ninth son has been deflated repeatedly recently.

He longed for a real first-class guest minister, but that must be above the third level of the holy body, and he must even have a successful practice of the holy law and a strong combat power. Only in this way can he fight for the interests of the Shangyanghou Mansion for the ninth son.

As for a Eucharist?

Ninth Young Master will also attach great importance to it, but that was before.

Now Young Master Jiu is in a bad mood. The successor of Shang Yanghou is about to be selected among their brothers, but it is not him. Young Master Jiu feels that the situation is over, so he naturally loses interest in everything.

How about recruiting more guests?

Without the status of Shang Yang Hou's heir, everything is meaningless.

Therefore, this is the reason why Young Master Jiu is "not very interested" in Lei Shengzun.

The bearded sage probably understood the situation of Jiu Gongzi.

But the more this happened, the more he had to recommend Lei Dao.

I don't know where his confidence came from, but he is full of confidence in Lei Dao.

Moreover, this may be the only chance to help Jiu Gongzi. Even though the bearded saint has advanced to the second level of the Eucharist, the help to the Ninth Young Master is actually not great.

"Young Master Ninth, believe me, this Saint Lei is a miracle worker. His Annihilation Eucharist has been promoted to become the Ultimate Eucharist, and the second Eucharist has directly awakened the higher Holy Energy, and How shocking is it to condense a high-level holy body? Moreover, according to Tai Hao, Lei Shengzun has not practiced for a long time and is still very young. In the future, Lei Shengzun will achieve the third level of the holy body! If we can give Lei Shengzun I believe that Lei Shengzun must be very grateful for the treatment of the first-class guest, and will naturally do his best to assist the great cause of the ninth son!"

The bearded saint is still fighting.

But the ninth son sighed and said: "Great cause, where is there any great cause? I have already lost, this young master has already lost... Forget it, the bearded saint, please bring Lei Shengzun back, who can push the holy body back It is not easy to ascend to the ultimate sacred body. This young master will treat each other with courtesy, and will definitely not neglect Lei Shengzun."

Ninth Young Master shook his head, obviously disheartened.

Even if Lei Shengzun is a genius, it will take time for the third level of the Holy Body.

But Jiu Gongzi just doesn't have time now.

Once the successor of Shangyang Marquis is determined, he will have no more chances. At best, he can only be an idler waiting to die in the Hou country. He doesn't even have the resources. Want to practice to a higher level? That is simply a dream!

Although the ninth son has accomplished the holy body now, it is only the first level of the holy body. It is still in the stage of vying for the successor of the Shangyang candidate, and there are still a lot of resources.

If the heirs are confirmed, the losers like them will all have to be cut down a lot of resources.

At that time, the ninth son will have nothing, and may only be the first level of the holy body for the rest of his life. Maybe you can reach the second level of the Eucharist, but that is the limit.

Jiu Gongzi was not reconciled.

He exhausted his efforts to fight for the heir, but now, he will face failure after all.

However, this is the cruel competition between Shang Yanghou, or other noble heirs of the gods, and there is only one winner!

Everyone else is just a foil.

Seeing that Young Master Jiu seemed to be disheartened, the bearded sage knew that it would be useless to persuade him at this time, so he had no choice but to retreat.

"I don't know whether it is a good thing or a bad thing to bring Lei Shengzun to the Ninth Young Master?"

The bearded saint shook his head, he said what he had to say, and he did what he needed to do. The bearded saint can't control how the ninth son treats Lei Dao.

The bearded sage could only quickly leave Shangyanghou's mansion and go to meet Lei Dao.


Lei Dao has been standing in Xihe City, waiting quietly in place.

The people around him came and went, but they didn't seem to notice that Lei Dao was a majestic sage.

However, in Xihe City, holy venerables do not seem to be uncommon. Although the holy venerables do not walk everywhere, and half-holy ones are not as good as dogs, there are indeed a lot of holy venerables.

In just such a period of time, Lei Dao has already sensed the aura of more than a dozen saints.

As for half-saints, in fact, half-sages are relatively rare.

After all, there are still relatively few people who can awaken the holy power. Once the holy power is awakened, it means that the hope of sanctification is greatly increased.

What is really "overwhelming" is the Nine Layers of Dao Body.

That's really why the Ninth Level of Dao Body is not as good as a dog. Some of the sergeants patrolling in the city are actually at the Ninth Level of Dao Body, which really opened Lei Dao's eyes. I also admire it in my heart, it is indeed one of the most prestigious cities among the three great dynasties.

There are gods sitting in Xihe City, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a city of gods, even the city of gods is worthy of the name.

There are only three god cities in the entire ancient China. It is not surprising that there are so many saints, and they can be patrolled by Taoist nine-layer powerhouses.

If you go out of Xihe City and go to other places in the Xihe Dynasty, the Holy Venerable is not so common, and the Holy Venerable can still suppress one side and become the overlord of one side.

"Huh? Here we come!"

Just as Lei Dao was watching the crowds on the street, a familiar breath appeared in Lei Dao's induction.

The bearded saint!

That is the breath of the bearded sage!

"Hahaha, Lei Shengzun, I knew that you would definitely come to Ancient China! It's just that I didn't expect Lei Shengzun to arrive in Ancient China so soon."

A burst of hearty laughter reached Lei Dao's ears.

Lei Dao took a closer look, and it turned out to be a bearded saint.


Lei Dao sensed it for a moment, and then said with a smile: "Congratulations to the bearded saint, he finally got his wish and advanced to the second level of the holy body."

Lei Dao could tell at a glance that the bearded saint had advanced to the second level of the Holy Body, and the time should not be long, within two or three months.

"Hahaha, it's all thanks to the blessing of Lord Lei, and I was lucky enough to advance. However, compared with Lord Lei, this mere achievement is nothing at all. Lord Lei, please follow me. This time, we Going to Shangyanghou's Mansion, the Ninth Young Master has already made preparations to clean up the dust for Lei Shengzun."

"Shangyanghou Mansion? And the Ninth Young Master? Saint bearded man, don't you..."

Lei Dao's eyes flickered, staring at the bearded saint.

"Nothing can be hidden from Lei Shengzun. Yes, I am a guest under the command of the ninth son of Shangyanghoufu. This time, I also recommended Lei Shengzun in front of the ninth son, and the ninth son is also going to give Lei Shengzun the second-class guest official. It’s just that there are some things that I don’t want to hide from Lei Shengzun, and Lei Shengzun has to decide whether to go under the command of the Ninth Prince of Shangyanghou Mansion.”

Therefore, the bearded sage gritted his teeth and described to Lei Dao in detail the situation of Shang Yanghou's mansion, especially the ninth son.

As for Lei Dao's choice, the bearded saint didn't know.

What the bearded saint can do is not to hide anything from Lei Dao.

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