Longevity Species

Chapter 436 Ninth Young Master, and Me! (third change)

Lei Dao was listening quietly, and the two communicated as they walked.

The bearded sage explained it in detail, which gave Lei Dao a very detailed understanding of the Shangyanghou Mansion.

It turned out that the bearded sage was a guest minister under the command of Shangyang Yunchuan, the ninth son of Shangyanghoufu.

Shangyanghou Mansion owns a Hou Kingdom named Shangyanghou Kingdom.

Although the Shang Yanghou of this generation is a fourth-layer powerhouse of the holy body and has a long lifespan, they will eventually reach their end. Once the deadline is reached, even the Holy One will die.

The end of the Marquis of Shangyang is approaching, so the successor of the Marquis of Shangyang must be established as soon as possible.

The heirs of Hou Guo naturally have their own set of rules.

The heirs of Shangyanghou Kingdom can only be qualified to inherit from the outstanding children who have achieved the Holy Lord, and there will be fierce competition among them.

The so-called Nine Young Masters are not the sons of Shang Yanghou of this generation.

In fact, there are a total of nine candidate heirs in Shangyanghou, none of whom are direct descendants of this generation of Shangyanghou. After all, a saint with four layers of holy body has a very long lifespan.

However, it is impossible for all heirs to be sanctified. No matter how many resources there are, sanctification has to be done by oneself.

The nine "princes" are all saints in Shangyanghou's mansion, and they are qualified to compete for the title of "Shangyanghou" and inherit the kingdom of Shangyanghou.

The bearded sage is the Ke Qing under the command of the Ninth Master, and belongs to the subordinate of the Ninth Master Shang Yang Yunchuan.

But now, Shangyang Yunchuan is at a disadvantage in the competition among the nine young masters, or in other words, there is not much hope. If Lei Dao took refuge in Shangyang Yunchuan, it would actually be very bad for Lei Dao.

The bearded sage introduced the situation of the Marquis of Shangyang Mansion, and finally heaved a long sigh: "This is what I want to say. At the beginning, the ninth son was kind to me, so no matter what, I will support Jiu Young Master. But Lei Shengzun is different, so you can choose carefully, Lei Shengzun decides whether to join or not."

Lei Dao took a deep look at the bearded saint.

Lei Dao liked the magnanimity of the bearded saint.

It's just that Lei Dao will not really support Shangyang Yunchuan on impulse. The Ninth Young Master is now at a disadvantage, and even has no hope of inheriting the title of Marquis of Shang Yang at all.

If you can't have a title, you can't inherit the Marquis of Shangyang, and you can't even use much resources. What's the point of seeking refuge?

Lei Dao came to Ancient China to practice, not to be a good person, let alone do good deeds.

Therefore, Lei Dao is also weighing the pros and cons.

"Sage with a beard, you said, only a first-class guest minister is qualified to learn a holy method collected by Shang Yanghou?"

Lei Dao's heart moved, and he asked the bearded saint.

The bearded sage nodded solemnly and said: "That's right, only first-class guests can learn the holy law. It's a pity that I have already begged the ninth son to regard Lei Shengzun as a first-class guest, but the ninth son seems to be discouraged." I'm cold, I've lost my confidence, I don't want to fight anymore, so..."

The bearded saint's words were very euphemistic, but Lei Dao already understood.

The ninth son is disheartened, because he has no confidence in Lei Dao. Naturally, Lei Dao would not be regarded as a first-class guest.

As for the first-class guest ministers, at least all of them must be saints of the third level or higher of the Eucharist.

"Go and meet this Ninth Young Master."

Lei Dao didn't give a specific answer, and the bearded saint didn't ask.

The relationship between the guest and the host is actually not a relationship between the master and his subordinates, but more like a cooperative relationship.

Therefore, the host will choose the guest, and the guest will also choose the host. This is a two-way choice.

Lei Dao also had to meet the ninth son with his own eyes before he could make up his mind.


In Shangyanghou's Mansion, every "son" has a magnificent independent palace, which means that every young man is in charge of a palace alone, which can be said to be in control.

Of course, this situation will only occur when the heir to the title of Marquis of Shangyang has not been determined.

Once the title is determined, the other competitors will naturally be deprived of many rights and sent to the Shangyang Hou Kingdom to become one of the elders of the Hou Kingdom.

Most of them will be dispatched to various parts of the Marquis to sit in one side. In fact, they will be demoted, and it will be difficult to go further in the future. Only those saints who are acquainted with each other or have taken refuge early can guarantee their power.

In the Xihe Dynasty, power was very important.

Because power often represents resources, and only with power can one have the resources to practice, and then it is possible to go further and go further on the path of the Eucharist.

Otherwise, it will be very difficult to reach a higher level of practice, even as difficult as ascending to the sky.

At this moment, in the palace, Shangyang Yunchuan's eyes seemed to be on fire, and even the phantom of the holy body behind him emerged, which showed how angry Shangyang Yunchuan was.

"Shangyang Shanhai, what are you doing here? If it's just for showing off, you don't have to. Hmph, do you think that you can sit back and relax after being listed as the eldest son? Like you, you don't have the backbone and faith that a saint should have. What can be achieved?"

In the main hall, just in front of Shangyang Yunchuan, there is a middle-aged man with a slightly burly figure, and his face seems to be somewhat similar to Shangyang Yunchuan.

This is Shangyang Shanhai, the real brother of Shangyang Yunchuan, the real brother of a compatriot of the same mother.

Unfortunately, the two have different ideas.

And because of certain things, the two have been hostile since childhood.

Originally, both of them could be sanctified, but if they could cooperate sincerely, among the nine sons of Shang Yanghou, the two might not have no hope of competing for the title.

But the two are hostile.

Shang Yang Shanhai simply took refuge in the eldest son and has been helping the eldest son with his work.

Now that the eldest son has got his wish, he has basically been determined to be the heir of Shang Yanghou, and will inherit the entire Shang Yanghou country in the future, which can be regarded as the overall situation has been settled.

At this time, when Shang Yang Shanhai came, Shang Yang Yunchuan was naturally very angry.

But Shang Yang Shanhai didn't seem to care about Shang Yang Yunchuan's attitude, instead he said with a smile: "My dear brother, you are already a dignified sage, don't you understand? Why not take refuge in the eldest son? Young Master, when the Eldest Young Master takes charge of the Marquis of Shang and Yang, he will definitely not forget me, and he will also give me a 20,000 or even 30,000-year elixir."

"There are also various resources that will be given to me. Even the eldest son will have to rely on me to help him control and govern the entire Shangyang Marquis. At that time, I will also be in power. Why do you have to fight for the Marquis? Like us Humans will never be able to become the lord of a marquis, you should recognize yourself."

"Recognize yourself? Hahaha, it's ridiculous, it's ridiculous! Shangshang Shanhai, you and I are both born in the collateral lineage of Shangyanghou, and even our mother's status is very low, but so what? We have achieved success through our own efforts. Saint, we are naturally qualified to compete for the position of marquis! On the contrary, you have taken refuge in the eldest son early, and even attacked your own younger brother. People like you are also qualified to preach to me?"

Shang Yang Yunchuan retorted.

He never regretted fighting for the position of Shang Yanghou in his life.

What I regret most is that I failed to kill Shangyang Shanhai at the beginning, which resulted in a catastrophe. In this life, he will never forgive Shangyang Shanhai.

"My dear brother, I would not have harmed you. If I hadn't killed that bitch back then, would you have worked hard to practice and become a saint in the end? It's all because of me that you can get to where you are today."

"Shut up! Shangyang Shanhai, one day, I will kill you myself to avenge Juan'er!"

Shangyang Yunchuan's eyes seemed to be spitting fire.

This is the Ni Lin in his heart, no one can mention it!

At the beginning, when he was even just a Taoist body, there was originally a Taoist companion.

But it was Shangyang Shanhai who actually killed Shangyang Yunchuan's Taoist companion on the grounds of "impeding" Shangyang Yunchuan's cultivation. Shangyang Yunchuan almost went crazy and wanted to kill Shangyang Shanhai.

It's a pity that Shangyang Shanhai couldn't be killed.

Later, when Shang Yang Yunchuan became a saint, he also completely changed his strategy. Since one person can't kill Shangyang Shanhai, he will fight for the position of marquis.

Once he became Marquis of Shangyang, he would be able to use the power of the Lord of the Marquis of Shangyang to easily crush Shangyang, Mountain and Sea into fine powder.

It's a pity that he has worked hard for so long, and now his hope is shattered again.

Shang Yang Shanhai shook his head, with a look of pity, and slowly said: "Yunchuan, you really let me down. I thought you could see it through, but I didn't expect you to be able to see it through so far. Without me, you wouldn't Today, if I was able to help you back then, I will naturally not let you go astray now. The Eldest Young Master’s overall situation is now settled and he is about to become the heir of the Hou Kingdom. I can't even protect you."

"So, I will take you away. Bring you under the command of the Eldest Young Master, and confess to the Eldest Young Master. The Eldest Young Master is employing people, and he also trusts me. As long as I step forward, the Eldest Young Master will definitely let you go."

Shangyang Shanhai's attitude of being responsible for Shangyang Yunchuan drove Shangyang Yunchuan almost crazy.

"Hahaha, Shangyang Shanhai, who do you think you are? I am now one of the nine sons of the Shangyanghou Mansion, and I have a lot of masters under my command. Do you want to take me away? It depends on whether you have the ability!"

At this moment, Shangyang Yunchuan seemed to have infinite confidence, and the phantom of the holy body behind him was also faintly visible, exuding a powerful aura.

"Really? My dear brother, just relying on these third-class and second-class guest officials you have recruited over the years? Naive, really naive, with this lineup, you want to compete with the eldest son for the title of marquis? , today I will personally let you recognize the reality and know how naive your previous actions were."

After the words fell, Shangyang Shanhai waved his hand.

Immediately, an old man in gray robe walked out from behind him.

The old man raised his head and glanced at the five saints beside Shangyang Yunchuan.

Of the five saints, three of them are first-tier saints, and two are second-tier saints. The lineup can also be considered relatively strong.

However, a phantom suddenly appeared behind the old man in gray robe, and then, the phantom stepped into the void, shaking the void instantly.

A terrifying holy body, like a demon god, stepped out from the depths of the void.

That terrifying breath made even the second-level saint of the Eucharist feel palpitations.

"Three reinforcements!"

"This is the Holy Body Triple Saint!"

"Triple Eucharist, we... we are probably not opponents."

The five venerables behind Shangyang Yunchuan all had incomparably solemn expressions at the moment, and there was even a slight strangeness in their eyes.

Holy Eucharist triple, they are not rivals.

If you really want to work hard, maybe they will die!

Although they were guest officials, they had to obey Shang Yang Yunchuan's orders, but when they were clearly invincible, or even lost their lives, these guest officials would have their own choices.

They are guests, not slaves.

It would not be wise to die or die.

"Master Ninth, I'm sorry, we're just guests. There's nothing we can do about the three-layer powerhouse of the Eucharist. According to the rules, we will return the three times the reward that the young master paid us."

These guests all saluted Shang Yang Yunchuan slightly, with a hint of apology on their faces, and then left the palace one after another after paying three times the compensation.

In a blink of an eye, there was no one around Shangyang Yunchuan, not even a holy guest.

Seeing this scene, Shang Yang Shanhai's face became even more proud.

There was a smile on the corner of his mouth, and he said slowly: "My dear brother, have you seen it? This is the real reality! The choice of these guests is the most correct choice. They are just guests. Are you desperate? With absolute strength, your anger is useless at all. Look at your side, who else will stay by your side?"

Shangyang Yunchuan was furious, but he could only stare at Shangyang Shanhai coldly.

As Shang Yang Shanhai said, there is no one around him anymore.

No guest minister would fight hard with him under such circumstances.


However, at this moment, two holy bodies with hundreds of feet suddenly appeared, rushing into the palace from the outside.

"Ninth Young Master, and me!"

The bearded saint manifested two holy bodies of hundreds of feet, fearless at all, and went straight to the old man in gray robe next to Shangyang Shanhai to manifest the holy body in the hall.

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