Longevity Species

Chapter 441 Work hard, the holy law has been completed! (Second more)


As soon as Lei Dao stepped into the Shengfa Pavilion, he saw an old man standing in front of him.

"Do you have a guest token?"

Lei Dao directly took out the token and threw it to the old man.

The old man took a closer look, nodded and said: "Go in, you only have one hour to choose a holy law. There are restrictions on each holy law, and you can't force the restriction to be opened. You can only choose it and hand it over to you." The old man opened the restriction."

Lei Dao nodded, he knew all these rules.

So, with a wave of his hand, the old man let Lei Dao in.

After entering the Shengfa Pavilion, Lei Dao didn't see the bookshelves, but saw one small stone platform after another, almost dozens of small stone platforms.

On each small stone platform, there is a straight wooden box.

Inside the wooden box is a holy law.

There are more than thirty of these wooden boxes in total. In other words, there are more than 30 holy methods in the Shengfa Pavilion.

It seems that there are very few, but it is actually quite good. This is the accumulation of Shangyanghou Mansion for countless years, and this is how it is today.

For other forces, a few holy laws are considered pretty good, let alone dozens of them?

At least, Lei Dao can also choose.

Lei Dao began to choose among these holy methods.

There is a holy law in each wooden box, but there is a detailed introduction, as for the specific content, it cannot be seen, and it has been banned. Of course, this restriction can be easily broken, and any saint can break it.

However, once it is broken, the old people outside, and even the saints with three levels of the holy body in the secret will immediately notice it, and when the time comes, it will be self-defeating.

Lei Dao currently has two holy bodies. In fact, each holy body needs a holy method, so that the maximum power of the holy body can be guaranteed.

It's a pity that Lei Dao can only choose one for the time being.

Lei Daoyin resisted the throbbing in his heart, as long as he helped the Ninth Prince to take charge of the Marquis, wouldn't the holy law here be chosen at random?

Therefore, Lei Dao was not in a hurry, and slowly picked out a holy method that was most suitable for him.

Lei Dao currently has the Holy Body of Annihilation and the Holy Body of Blue Ice, mainly the power of annihilation and the power of ice. Among the more than thirty holy laws, none of them are related to the power of annihilation.

It seems that the holy body of the power of annihilation is relatively rare.

However, there are three holy methods of the power of ice.

In other words, there are actually quite a lot of sacred methods of the Five Elements attribute. Lei Dao's Ice Holy Body can barely be regarded as the Five Elements attribute, or close to the Holy Body of the Five Elements attribute.


"Thousands of miles frozen."

"Absolutely cold."

Lei Dao considered these three holy methods carefully, and checked some of the above descriptions in detail. In the end, Lei Dao chose the holy method of "absolute cold region".

According to the description of this holy method, once practiced this holy method, it is a holy body that is very suitable for the ice attribute. And under a full explosion, it can exert 80% of the power of the holy body.

This is a holy law with a very strong fit.

The other two holy methods can only exert about 70% of their power.

Moreover, under the eruption of the absolute cold region, a small ice field can even be formed, which is very effective for the obliteration of the holy body, and can be regarded as a combat-type holy method.

After Lei Dao chose the holy method, he went out and saw the old man again.

Give the holy law to the old man.

The old man glanced at it, nodded his head and said: "The sacred law must not be passed on to outsiders, even to the descendants of relatives."

Lei Dao naturally knew this rule.

In fact, this rule is flawed.

For example, if Lei Dao became the Nine Layers of the Holy Body and was much stronger than Shang Yanghou, then what if he taught the holy law? Shang Yanghou was also helpless.

If it is not as powerful as Shang Yanghou, then it can only accept such rules.

This is the tacit "rule" of both parties.

The old man directly lifted the restriction, and then rubbed a copy for Lei Dao.

Lei Dao left Shengfa Pavilion with Absolute Cold Territory.

Outside the Holy Law Pavilion, the bearded saint is still waiting.

After seeing Lei Dao come out, the bearded saint asked curiously: "Lei Shengzun, have you chosen the holy law?"

"I have chosen an absolute cold domain holy method, which seems to be quite good."

Lei Dao said casually, there is nothing to hide about this kind of thing.

"What, is the absolute cold region?"

"Huh? Why, is there something wrong with the Absolute Cold Region?"

Reid asked, frowning.

The bearded saint's reaction was a little too big.

The bearded sage shook his head with a wry smile and said, "There is nothing wrong with the absolute cold domain, and it can even be regarded as one of the most powerful holy methods in the Shangyanghou Mansion. But, because it is too strong, I want to practice it It is also very difficult and requires a very high degree of compatibility. There have also been saints who chose this holy method, but they could not even reach the entry level. Without a high degree of compatibility, it is impossible to practice this holy method at all. .”

The expression of the bearded saint was a bit complicated.

Originally, he still held a little hope, thinking that Lei Dao might really be able to practice a holy method in a day or two.

However, seeing that Lei Dao chose the absolute cold region, he lost confidence.

Although the Absolute Cold Domain is powerful, but the difficulty of practice is too high, and the required degree of fit is too high. Even if Lei Dao is a holy body of ice attribute, it cannot guarantee a high degree of fit.

"As long as the power is strong, then this holy method will not lose. Alright, bearded saint, Lei is going to retreat to practice the holy method, and it will take about a day or two."

Liao said nonchalantly.

is it hard?

Is it difficult to upload?

Maybe, but no matter how difficult the holy method is, with his efforts, he can practice it in a very short time.

As for fit, what is that?

Seeing Lei Dao didn't seem worried at all, and the bearded saint didn't say much. Some things, you have to experience it yourself to know how difficult it is.

Therefore, the bearded saint quickly arranged a secret room for Lei Dao, so that no one would disturb him.

The chamber is large enough to accommodate several holy hosts. After all, the Holy One's retreat is to manifest the holy body, it is impossible to always let the holy body manifest in the void, so that there will be no secrets at all.

Therefore, the secret rooms in Shangyanghou's mansion are very large, and Lei Dao can manifest the holy body to his heart's content.

Lei Dao directly manifested the blue ice holy body.

He stretched out his hand and pointed, and the Absolute Cold Region he had just obtained quickly appeared in front of Lei Dao. With a sweep of Lei Dao's divine sense, he basically remembered the Absolute Cold Region in his mind.

This is indeed a pretty good holy law. Although it cannot be said to be earth-shattering, it is indeed very strong.

Lei Dao didn't practice the Absolute Cold Region for the first time, but directly checked the power data.

What he focused on was the new column on the ability data.

Absolute Cold Zone: Not Getting Started

Sure enough, just like Lei Dao practiced martial arts back then, the Absolute Cold Domain belongs to the holy law, which is actually a move to mobilize the holy body, which is not much different from martial arts in essence.

It's just more profound. Without the holy body, it is impossible to practice the holy law.

The Holy Law and the Eucharist complement each other and are indispensable.

At present, the absolute cold domain has not yet been introduced, so Lei Dao naturally cannot use his lifespan to improve the holy law.

Lei Dao knew that in order to practice the holy law, there must be a degree of fit.

Only when the fit is possible can one practice the holy dharma.


There was a flash of light in Lei Dao's eyes, and the blue ice holy body he manifested began to gradually operate according to the method in the absolute cold region. This is the test "fit".

Only with a high degree of fit can the practice be smooth sailing.

Otherwise, it will be very difficult to practice the holy dharma.

If there is no fit at all, then it is impossible to practice the holy law at all.

As Lei Dao operated in the absolute cold region, Lei Dao's Blue Ice Holy Body trembled slightly. Immediately afterwards, there seemed to be a looming pattern slowly appearing in Lan Bing Sheng's body.

"The fit is only 10%?"

Lei Dao was a little surprised.

According to the instructions on the Absolute Cold Field, if there is a streak on the holy body, it actually means that the fit is only 10%. If it's two, it's 20%.

By analogy, if ten items can be reached, it means that the fit is fully 100%!

In the case of Yihang, if the degree of compatibility can reach 70% to 80%, then practicing the holy method will be very easy and get twice the result with half the effort. If there is a 100% fit, then there is even hope that the holy law will be practiced to perfection.

Once the holy law is complete, it will be able to exert 80% of the power of the holy body!

Of course, it is very difficult and almost impossible for the holy law to be consummated, and it is already very good to achieve great achievements.

The degree of fit of Lei Dao is only 10%.

This means that even if Lei Dao worked hard for decades or hundreds of years, he probably would not be able to achieve a small success.

"Is the degree of fit so low? But it doesn't matter, if you work hard, you can still succeed."

Lei Dao didn't care much, he cared more about getting started with the Holy Law.

So, when Lei Dao checked again, there were some changes in the column of holy law.

Absolute Cold: Getting Started (Upgradeable)

"Can it be improved?"

Lei Dao was not too surprised, which was within his expectation.

The key now is how much lifespan is needed to improve the holy law, which is the most critical.

"Consuming ten years of life can improve the absolute cold zone to Xiaocheng."

Lei Dao's eyes lit up.

It's just too cost-effective to consume ten years of life.

Lei Dao made up his mind almost without thinking.



As ten years of life were consumed, pictures and memories appeared in Lei Dao's mind. Among these memories, Lei Dao seemed to have been trying to practice the absolute cold zone.

His fit is only 10%, and it is very difficult to practice.

But ten years as one day, according to the efficiency of the ability is ten times under normal circumstances.

The ten-year lifespan consumed by Lei Dao is equivalent to hundreds of years of normal practice, or even more.

It is normal to reach a small success in hundreds of years.

However, Lei Dao doesn't just want to achieve a small success in the holy law, he also has higher goals.

"Consuming 20 years of life can be upgraded to Dacheng."


Almost without thinking, Lei Dao raised the absolute cold zone again.

"Consuming fifty years of life, it can be promoted to perfection."


Although it takes 50 years of lifespan to go from Dacheng to Consummation, Lei Dao did not hesitate and directly promoted.


The next moment, there were more pictures and memories in Lei Dao's mind.

Regarding the entire Absolute Cold Territory, Lei Dao seemed to have "suddenly realized" it all at once, understood it to an incomparably thorough level, and thoroughly grasped the holy law of the Absolute Cold Territory.

"Huh? It's only been a day. It seems that this holy method is not very difficult."

Lei Dao opened his eyes again, and he was slightly relieved when he realized that only a day had passed.

He is also under a lot of pressure.

After all, if it takes two days to practice the holy method, if it takes three days, he will feel embarrassed.

Fortunately, it only took one day to practice the holy method to perfection.

And the most important thing is that he only spent 80 years of life, which is simply too cost-effective.

ps; the third update is around six o'clock

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