Longevity Species

Chapter 442 Already Arriving! (third change)

Name: Lei Dao (25 years old)

Lifespan: 697 years and 11 months

The second layer of the Eucharist: consumes a total of 2,220 years and one month of life

Eucharist of Annihilation: Ultimate Eucharist (non-upgradeable)

Blue Ice Holy Body: Ultimate Holy Body (cannot be upgraded)

Divine Blood Clone: ​​Divine Blood Stage 2 (upgradeable)

Absolute Cold: Consummation

Lei Dao took a look at his Holy Law Absolute Cold Domain, and indeed he had reached a perfect state. Under one blow, he could burst out 80% of his power, even surpassing the Annihilation Eucharist.

It has become Lei Dao's number one killer.

I don't know how much the strength of Lei Dao has been improved.

If Lei Dao meets the Holy Body Triple Saint again, Lei Dao can even wipe out at least half of the opponent's Holy Body with one blow, that is simply a crushing advantage, it is simply crushing!

"It should be enough. Even if the sage under the command of the eldest son has also practiced the holy law, it is not bad to be able to achieve a small achievement. Even if he can achieve a great achievement, so what? Under the perfect absolute cold domain, he is still not an opponent."

Lei Dao is now full of confidence.

Consummation is also very simple. Although he had a divine blood avatar before, although the ultimate holy body is even stronger than the three-time strengthened holy body. But he didn't have the strength to kill the Holy Body Triple Saint.

Even if there is, it will take a long time, and go all out to slowly fade away.

Unlike now, with Lei Dao having a perfect state of absolute cold, a lot of Holy Physiques of Triple Saints can be wiped out with one blow, even if they are strong, they will be severely injured.

A few collisions can even completely obliterate a holy body.

This has the strength to kill the Holy Body Triple Saint!

That's a whole different deterrent.

With such a deterrent power, Lei Dao can be regarded as above the third level of the Eucharist.

So, Lei Dao went out directly.

Seeing Lei Dao's high-spirited appearance, the bearded saint couldn't help but widen his eyes: "Lei Shengzun, you... have you mastered it?"

"That's right, the Absolute Cold Zone has already been practiced. It actually took a whole day. It seems that the Absolute Cold Zone is really difficult."

The bearded saint no longer knew what to say.

He had been persuading Lei Dao before, saying that it was very difficult in the absolute cold region. Now Lei Dao has indeed "approved" his statement, but what is the reason?

It took Lei Dao a day to practice in the absolute cold zone.

Can the word "difficult" be used for a sacred method practiced in a day?

However, the bearded saint is very happy after all.

"Lei Shengzun has practiced in the absolute cold domain and has reached the point of a small success. Even in the face of the Holy Physique Triple Layer, he will have some advantages. Maybe he can really compete with the several Holy Physique Triple Saints under the command of the eldest son. Lei Shengzun , Let's hurry to see Young Master Jiu and tell Young Master Jiu the good news."

The bearded saint seemed very excited with a smile on his face.

But Lei Dao opened his mouth, but stopped talking. Seeing the unconcealable smile on the face of the bearded saint, Lei Dao finally said nothing.

Could it be that he said that his absolute cold domain is not just a small success, but a completeness?

It's not that Lei Dao wants to hide his clumsiness, Lei Dao really hasn't thought about it, and he won't hide his clumsiness either. It was because he was afraid of scaring the bearded saint.

The bearded saint thought that Lei Dao was only a small success in the absolute cold domain, and he was already so happy. If he was told directly that the absolute cold domain was complete, the bearded saint would not laugh, but would become frightened.

That's okay, let the bearded saint be happy first.

Soon, Lei Dao and the bearded saint met Jiu Gongzi together.

Ninth Young Master has been waiting all this time, frowning tightly. Obviously, the situation is not optimistic.

It wasn't until the bearded sage came hand in hand with Lei Dao and told Jiu Gongzi that Lei Dao had practiced the great news of the absolute cold region, that Jiu Gongzi showed a pleasant smile on his face.

"Lei Shengzun has really trained in the absolute cold domain?"


Lei Dao's tone was firm.

"One day, just one day, I really practiced..."

Jiu Gongzi even opened his eyes wide, even though he thought it was ridiculous, but it was the truth. It only took Lei Dao one day to practice the holy method.

That is holy law!

The sacred law that countless people have dreamed of, and even spent hundreds of years practicing.

But what about Raidou?

It only took one day to practice.

Although the bearded saint knows that the holy law is difficult to practice, he has never personally experienced it. Unlike Jiu Gongzi, he also has a holy method, and he even practiced the holy method.

But to this day, he has not been able to practice the holy method.

Lei Dao practiced the holy method in a day, making the ninth son feel that he is a fool.

However, the ninth son is also happy for Lei Dao. If Lei Dao has practiced the holy method, then his hope will be greater. So that's a good thing!

"Lei Shengzun, the situation is already very bad. I just got the news that in the next few days, the Marquis of Shangyang will announce the final decision. At that time, the eldest son will become the heir of the Marquis of Shangyang. The overall situation has been decided, so we have to act as soon as possible."

The words of the ninth son made the bearded saint's heart sink.

There are only a few days left, what can this do?

So what if Lei Dao has become a holy law?

There was little hope at first, and now it is even lower.

"Oh? A few days is quite a lot, but you can't really wait until the last day. The time is too fast, and there will inevitably be accidents. Forget it, defeat the Ke Qing under the eldest son's command earlier, and let the ninth son and the bearded saint Peace of mind."

Lei Dao took a deep breath, and then said in a deep voice, "Then let's go now."

"Let's go, where are you going?"

The bearded saint was still at a loss.

"Of course I went to find the eldest son."

"Looking for the eldest son?"

Not only the bearded saint, but even the ninth son was surprised.

"It's not necessary to create momentum first, and then solve them one by one, or to win over other young masters first, to join forces..."

Before the ninth son finished speaking, he was directly interrupted by Lei Dao.

"Don't be so troublesome. Now we are choosing the heir of Shang Yanghou. I believe that Shang Yanghou must be paying close attention to the development of the situation. He has not announced it for a long time, and he must be expecting some miracles. If so, then we will give Shang Yang Yanghou is a little bit of a miracle. There is no need to build momentum, and there is no need to collude to win over other people, and now we don't have time to play this trick."

"Let's do it right away, defeating the Keqing under the command of the eldest son, and prove that the power under the command of the ninth son is stronger than that of the eldest son! At that time, Shang Yanghou will naturally have his own considerations in his heart. How to choose depends on Shang Yanghou." .”

Lei Dao said directly.

It's just that, just going directly to the eldest son like this, why does it feel so abrupt and unreliable?

Seeing the two of them looking at each other, Lei Dao let out a long sigh and said, "Actually, you are still not strong enough. If you are strong enough, you don't even have to go to the eldest son, but go directly to Shang Yanghou. Shang Yanghou does not agree to list you. If you are the heir, then kill Shang Yanghou. Well, there are also Shang Yanghou's fourth-layer holy body powerhouses. If they don't agree, they will kill them directly. At that time, it will not be so troublesome."

Lei Dao's words made Master Ninth feel cold sweat on his back.

What is this way of thinking?

Is this also called lack of strength?

However, if you think about it carefully, it really makes sense. If Lei Dao is powerful and reaches the fourth or even fifth level of the Holy Physique, why would he care about the heir announced by Shang Yanghou?

Don't say it hasn't been announced, even if it is announced, so what?

Lei Dao can also make Shang Yanghou change back abruptly.

Strength is fundamental!

It's just that this kind of thing can't happen at all.

If he really had that kind of strength, how could he live in a small Marquis?

"Okay, it's not too late, let's go to the eldest son now. Regardless of success or failure, no matter what the result is, you must fight hard!"

Ninth Young Master also made up his mind completely.

So, the ninth son brought Lei Dao and the bearded saint, a total of three people, and went straight to the eldest son's residence.


"Shangyang Shanhai, you mean, there is a first-class guest under Shangyang Yunchuan's command? Moreover, it is not an ordinary first-class guest, even the first-class guest under your command can do nothing."

The eldest son sat on the big chair.

A pair of eyes are extremely sharp, and the whole body exudes a powerful aura and majesty.

Even those saints with three layers of holy body looked at the eldest son very solemnly.

This is the eldest son, the eldest son who is about to take charge of Shang Yanghou!

The Eldest Young Master himself is the triple Eucharist, and he has also practiced a holy method.

Therefore, the Eldest Young Master's own strength is very strong, not weaker than those Saints at the third level of the Eucharist. It's just that, as the eldest son, he has almost no chance to make a move.

The eldest son only needs to sit in one side, and then continue to expand his power.

In his eyes, Shangyanghou Kingdom is already in his pocket, and no one can take it away.

"That's right, Eldest Young Master, Shang Yang Yunchuan is very stubborn in his heart, and I'm afraid he won't give up easily. I'm afraid... it will bring some trouble to Eldest Young Master, therefore, Eldest Young Master, please make a decision early."

Shang Yang Shanhai gritted his teeth and said.

"Cause trouble? Who can cause trouble for me now? Shang Yang Shanhai, Xiao Jiu is your own younger brother, tsk tsk, are you so disregarding brotherhood?"

The eldest son looked at Shangyang Shanhai with great interest.

Shang Yang Shanhai gritted his teeth and said: "I am only loyal to the eldest son! Besides, although Shang Yang Yunchuan is my younger brother, my younger brother is very reckless and easy to get into trouble. He needs me as an older brother to remind him at any time. If not My point is, how can Shangyang Yunchuan become a saint? This time is also the same, Shangyang Yunchuan is inflated, ignorant of current affairs, and wants to destroy the good things of the eldest son, the eldest son should be punished."

"I just hope that the eldest son can hand over Shangyang Yunchuan to me in the end."

How does Shangyang Shanhai look like the heir to the Hou Kingdom at this moment?

Even those guest officials under the eldest son's command are inferior.

"Hahaha, okay, Shangyang Shanhai, you really deserve to be ruthless and ungrateful, you can even abandon your own brother. Anyway, I will give you this opportunity. Mr. Liu, Mr. Chen, go with Shangyang Shanhai Let's go to Xiaojiu's place."

The eldest son casually called the two saints.

"Eldest Young Master, there's no need, Ninth Young Master...seems to have arrived!"

Suddenly, one of the old men opened his eyes.

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