Longevity Species

Chapter 443: God's Eye Realm Suppresses the Twelve Saints! (first update)

"Is it coming?"

The eldest son was a little surprised, and then he seemed to sense something, and immediately looked outside the hall.


Shang Yang Shanhai couldn't help turning his head, staring fixedly at the outside of the hall.

Soon, three figures walked in from outside the hall, the leader of whom was the Ninth Prince Shang Yang Yunchuan!

"Shangyang Yunchuan, you're really here!"

Shangyang Shanhai opened his eyes wide, staring at Shangyang Yunchuan fixedly, as if he couldn't believe his eyes. Under such circumstances, Shangyang Yunchuan actually took the initiative to come to see the eldest son, which is very intriguing.

Could it be that Shangyang Yunchuan also wants to rely on the eldest son?

Just after thinking about it, Shang Yang Shanhai shook his head. He knew Shang Yang Shanhai very well, and the other party would never bow his head like the eldest son.

"Young master."

Shangyang Yunchuan didn't even look at Shangyang Shanhai, but looked at the eldest son who was seated above him.

The eldest son looked at Shangyang Yunchuan with great interest, and said lightly: "Shangyang Yunchuan, you definitely didn't come to join me this time. Let me guess, you want to make a last-ditch effort? It's just that you have a bargaining chip Is it? This young master has already won, no matter how hard you struggle, it will be of no avail."

The eldest son seems to have guessed Shang Yang Yunchuan's purpose.

Among the nine princes, Shangyang Yunchuan is the weakest and the least powerful, but he has the most perseverance, even now he has not given up.

On the contrary, other people have basically given up and resigned to their fate, and they can't compete with the eldest son at all.

But Shangyang Yunchuan obviously didn't want to give up just like that, and wanted to make a last-ditch effort.

"As expected of the eldest son, you can see my purpose at a glance. Yes, I want to fight one last time. Even if there is little hope now, I will not give up!"

Ninth Young Master did not hide his purpose.

He is here to fight for the last time, openly and honestly, to fight with dignity!

No one can stop him.

The eldest son narrowed his eyes slightly, and then said in a deep voice: "It's honest, but, at this time, who gave you the courage to challenge this son and make a final fight? Is it this strange Lei Shengzun? ?”

The eldest son's eyes turned to Lei Dao again.

Apparently, the Eldest Young Master already knew about the existence of Lei Dao from Shang Yang Shanhai.

Ninth Young Master Shang Yang Yunchuan wanted to say something, but Lei Dao stepped forward at this time, already a little impatient, and said directly: "There is no need to talk so much nonsense, Ninth Young Master wants to rule the Marquis and become a The heir of Shangyanghou Kingdom. Eldest son, you are blocking the way of the ninth son. As the guest minister under the command of the ninth son, Lei will naturally help the ninth son clear the obstacles."

"So, this young master has become an obstacle instead?"

The eldest son laughed back in anger.

"That's right, you are the obstacle! Even the guests under your command are all obstacles. Today, Lei is here to clear the obstacles."

Lei Dao's words are quite blunt.

Even the eldest son had a killing intent.

For Shangyang Yunchuan, who is also the heir of the Shangyanghou Kingdom, the Eldest Young Master would naturally not kill him. In other words, it cannot be killed at this time.

But for Ke Qing, the eldest son is not so patient.

In the eyes of the eldest son, if Lei Dao is just a guest, if he dares to offend him, he will die.

Therefore, the Eldest Young Master waved his hand with awe-inspiring killing intent: "Send this Lei Shengzun a ride!"

Killing intent, undisguised killing intent, filled the entire hall.

At the same time, the three saints stood up at the same time.

No, not even the three saints, Shangyang Shanhai waved his hand, and the gray-robed old man also left and stood behind Lei Dao.

The Four Great Saints!

Although the eldest son was angry and wanted to kill, he did not despise Lei Dao. On the contrary, he attaches great importance to Lei Dao, knowing that Lei Dao can compete with the three saints of the Holy Physique, so when he makes a move, it is the four holy bodies and triple saints.

This is to kill Lei Dao completely!

"Lei Shengzun..."

Ninth Young Master seemed a little nervous, with an ugly look on his face.

He is also one of the nine princes of Shang Yanghou, and Lei Dao is his first-class guest minister. But now, he can only watch Lei Dao, the first-class guest official, surrounded by the eldest son's four guest officials.

There was nothing he could do. This feeling was very bad.

However, no matter how bad Young Master Jiu felt, there was nothing he could do. Now, he can only choose to believe in Lei Dao.

Compared with Jiu Gongzi's helplessness, Lei Dao seemed relaxed and calm.

He stood with his hands behind his back, just standing quietly in the hall, letting the four great saints surround him, he didn't seem to have the slightest worry. This calmness alone is far beyond the comparison of the ordinary double saints of the Eucharist.

"It should have been like this a long time ago. It's nonsense to say so much. In the end, we still have to fight for strength!"

Lei Dao said coldly.

He knew that there was someone paying attention to everything here, even more than one glance.

Perhaps, that Shang Yanghou was secretly watching the situation here.

Therefore, Lei Dao not only wants to win, but also wins beautifully!

The lineup of the four holy bodies and the triple saints is indeed very strong, but do they really dare to go all out?

They dare not!

Lei Dao dared!


The Four Great Saints have made a move, and when they do it, they will go all out.

A total of twelve holy bodies seemed to come out of the depths of the void. The thousands of feet of holy bodies covered the sky and the sun, surrounding Lei Dao in the middle, as if they were like a tiny ant.

Twelve sacred bodies, and they have been strengthened three times, the power is indeed astonishing. I'm afraid that no saint with a double eucharist can maintain such composure.

But Lei Dao remained calm.

Even, his eyes are still examining these holy bodies, he is examining, thinking, who is the breakthrough point? Since it is necessary to deter, then it must be severely deterred.

How can it be called deterrence without obliterating a holy body?

Just, whose holy body should be obliterated?

Lei Dao swept his gaze, and finally fixed on the three holy bodies of the old man in gray robe. After all, Lei Dao had already fought against the gray-robed old man before, and he knew something about the strength of the gray-robed old man.

But the old man in gray robe didn't understand Lei Dao.

One day later, Lei Dao's strength has been turned upside down, and he can still catch him by surprise.

"You are the one!"

Lei Dao made up his mind.

The gray-robed old man didn't know why, but suddenly felt palpitations in his heart, as if something bad would happen in the dark, as if he would be in danger.

But, what danger would he be in?

Could it be Lei Shengzun in front of him?

But now Lei Dao is surrounded by twelve holy bodies, all of which have been strengthened three times, can Lei Dao still turn the world upside down?

Although Lei Dao is very strong, he has two ultimate holy bodies, and even a very special clone, which is not inferior to the two ultimate holy bodies. But Lei Dao's strength is actually similar to him.

In the face of the four saints, the triple saint, and the twelve saints, Lei Dao had no chance at all.

Lei Dao, you are dead!

Thinking of this, the gray-robed old man's nervous heart was completely relieved.

"It's now!"

There was a flash of light in Lei Dao's eyes.

There are four holy bodies and three layers of saints, and twelve three-strength holy bodies. If Lei Dao is completely dismissive, it is simply impossible. If he is besieged by these twelve holy bodies, Lei Dao will be in trouble.

Therefore, Lei Dao took it by surprise and wiped out a holy body first, deterring these saints with three layers of holy body.

The next moment, without any hesitation, Lei Dao displayed two holy bodies in an instant.

However, the key is not the two holy bodies, but the divine blood avatar!


As the third body, Lei Dao's divine blood avatar stepped forward, without any hesitation, the divine eyes on the divine blood avatar's forehead suddenly opened.

A scarlet light spread rapidly.

Different from the previous ones, the previous divine eyes only covered Lei Dao's body, but now, they formed a scarlet area. In this area, everyone will be affected by the eyes of God.

This is the realm of God's Eye!

The twelve sacred bodies are all covered by Lei Dao's divine eye field. However, in an instant, Lei Dao felt the pressure. The twelve holy bodies strengthened three times are really too strong, and the pressure on Lei Dao is also too great

Even, Lei Dao could feel that his divine eye field could only last for one breath.

After one breath, his divine eye field will be self-defeating, and it will even affect the divine blood avatar.

After all, in the field, it is not easy to suppress twelve holy bodies that have been strengthened three times at once, let alone suppressing a breathing time?

Lei Dao didn't hesitate, the moment he cast the Divine Eye domain, his holy body had already moved, not one holy body, but two whole holy bodies.

It's just that it's not the Annihilation Holy Physique that is fighting, but the Blue Ice Holy Physique.

Seeing the blue ice holy body and the annihilation holy body rushing towards the gray robe old man's holy body, even the eldest son and others outside seemed not aware of the danger.

I don't know what Lei Dao is going to do?

On the contrary, he is very interested in Lei Dao's divine blood avatar.

Being able to "suppress" twelve three-time strengthened holy bodies, even if it only takes one breath, is commendable, even terrifying.

Lei Dao was in front of the three holy bodies of the gray-robed old man almost immediately.

At this moment, the three holy bodies were all suppressed by the divine eye domain, and the three holy bodies remained motionless.

There was a sneer on the corner of Lei Dao's mouth.

Afterwards, the Blue Ice Saint Physique punched out fiercely.

"Absolutely cold!"

Lei Dao's holy law "Absolute Cold Region" is the real trump card. No one would know until the Holy One had not displayed the holy law. Even the old man in gray robe didn't realize it.

After all, the gray-robed old man fought against Lei Dao just the day before, and the two sides can be regarded as evenly matched. Lei Dao didn't use the holy law at all. What's more, Lei Dao was not even a first-class guest at that time. Where did the holy law come from?

Even if one obtains the holy law, it is simply impossible to practice the holy law in one day.

Therefore, the gray-robed old man didn't realize that Lei Dao possessed the holy law, neither did the eldest son, nor did Shang Yang Shanhai realize it.

But at this moment, Lei Dao suddenly erupted, and the absolute cold area turned into a ball of blue light, which enveloped a holy body of the gray-robed old man in an instant.

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