Longevity Species

Chapter 446 The Second Sacred Law (First Change)

"Not convinced?"

Shang Yanghou's eyes turned cold.

"call out".

With a wave of his hand, he didn't even display the holy body, only a ray of light flew out, and a fierce aura emerged spontaneously, and with one blow, it instantly cut the eldest son's holy body.


The holy body of the eldest son, Tangtang's three-time strengthened holy body, unexpectedly had an arm cut off without even the slightest resistance. And that arm also exploded in an instant, completely disintegrated.


Everyone was shocked.

The eldest son is a majestic triple saint.

Although Shang Yanghou is very strong, he is only at the third level of the holy body. Even if he is a little stronger, but in real battles, he is evenly matched. How can it be like this?

The eldest son seemed to have no strength to resist.

Even, when the ray of light approached just now, the eldest son felt the breath of death. It seemed that if he faced that ray of light again, he would die!

"Holy Treasure..."

The eldest son's voice was low, and he stared at Shang Yanghou.

He knew that it was the Holy Treasure, the national treasure of the Shang Yanghou Kingdom, except for the four-fold Saint of the Eucharist, almost no one could match it. The Shangyanghous of all dynasties carried this sacred treasure, which could suppress all the resistance of the Shangyanghou Kingdom.

"The saint is not dead yet! But those who disobey will be dealt with according to family law!"

Shang Yanghou is not only the head of the family, but also the head of the country.

But obviously, the family law is stricter, and the majesty of him, Shang Yanghou, cannot be challenged, even if the other party is the eldest son of the holy body.

Next time, Shang Yanghou will not be polite to the eldest son.

"Alright, Shangyang Yunchuan, follow me back to your palace, and I will give you a detailed introduction to the affairs of the Marquis of Shangyang."

So, Shang Yanghou took Shang Yang Yunchuan and left, leaving only Shang Yang Shan Hai, the eldest son and others in the hall.

The eldest son's face was ugly.

He was defeated, and at the last moment, he suffered a crushing defeat, and Shang Yang Yunchuan actually robbed him of his position as the heir of the Hou Kingdom.

This is just too deadly.

"No, I haven't been defeated yet, I haven't failed! How can a mere Shangyang Yunchuan have the ability to rule the Shangyanghou Kingdom? Even if I can't inherit the Shangyanghou Kingdom now, my son is already in the third level of the Eucharist. Wait until my son advances to the fourth level of the holy body. Hmph, if the old man is not dead, I want him to look good! The fourth level of the holy body can be compared with the ancestors of Shang Yanghou. At that time, I want to If you are the head of the house, you will be the head of the house, who can do anything?"

The eldest son's expression became distorted.

He is not reconciled, very unwilling.

It's clearly a certainty, it's almost a decision, who would have thought that it would be overturned at the last moment? Instead, Shangyang Yunchuan robbed him of his position as the heir of Shangyanghou.

How can the eldest son be reconciled?

But, no matter how ruthless he is, he said that he wants to advance to the fourth level of the Eucharist, but, is this so easy? It is not uncommon for clansmen who have failed in the competition of the Shangyang Marquis in the past dynasties to have three levels of holy body.

Even now, there are many triple saints in the Shang Yanghou Kingdom.

But who can advance to the fourth level of the Eucharist?

Although the four layers and the three layers seem to be separated by only one layer, and there is only one more holy body, they are very different. The Eucharist after strengthening four times will be unimaginably strong, enough to suppress countless Holy Physique Triple Saints.

Of course, the quadruple sages are also very difficult to achieve.

These words of the eldest son are just words of unwillingness.

Shang Yang Shanhai took a deep breath, and then said: "My lord, I still have something to do, so I'll go back first and take my leave."

So, Shang Yang Shanhai left in a hurry with his subordinate Ke Qing.

"Follow the wind! Damn it!"

Seeing Shangyang Shanhai almost fleeing away, the eldest son gritted his teeth. He knew that once Shangyang Shanhai left, he would never come back.

"Eldest son, we also take our leave. We don't want the rest of the offerings either."

Several guests under the eldest son's command forgot to glance at each other, and they all said their goodbyes.

What a joke, now even the heir of the Marquis of Shangyang has been determined, and it is the ninth son, Shangyang Yunchuan, not the eldest son. If they continue to stay like this, if Shangyang Yunchuan is unhappy seeing the eldest son one day, you will make them suffer.

To put it simply, the eldest son is finished, they don't want to stay on this broken ship of the eldest son, they should leave as soon as possible.


The eldest son's eyes seemed to breathe fire.

It's just that these few guests didn't pay any attention to the eldest son.

Advanced Eucharist Fourfold?

The eldest son's imagination is beautiful, but in fact, he lost his position as the heir of the Shangyanghou Kingdom, and he will not be able to become Shangyanghou in the future, and the resources obtained by inheriting the Shangyanghou Kingdom have been greatly reduced.

There are no conveniences yet.

Under such circumstances, it is simply a dream to advance to the fourth level of the Eucharist!

"Haha, go, go, all go, you will regret it!"

The eldest son growled angrily, and his expression became distorted, becoming ferocious and terrifying.


Ninth son Shang Yang Yunchuan was in a daze.

Is this the heir?

Everything is as if in a dream.

Therefore, even when he returned to the main hall with Shang Yanghou, he didn't seem to come back to his senses.

Shang Yanghou said with a smile that was not a smile: "Xiao Jiu, you really have to thank Lei Shengzun, you have found a great saint!"

Shang Yanghou seemed to have something to say.

Obviously, he already knew what Lei Dao did, or in other words, Lei Dao's "talent", especially his talent in the holy law. In Shangyanghou's mansion, no one could hide it from him.

"Shang Yanghou has won the prize. The Ninth Young Master helped Lei, and Lei should naturally help the Ninth Young Master. Besides, as a guest, this is what Lei should do."

Lei Dao said lightly, but he didn't take credit for it.

"Lei Shengzun is too modest. With Lei Shengzun's ability, it is his blessing that Yunchuan can meet Lei Shengzun. The old man thinks that Lei Shengzun only has one holy method, and the door of annihilating the holy body does not seem to be very suitable. Holy law. This old man has a holy law here, which is the holy law obtained by the ancestor of Hou Guo beheading a four-fold saint of the holy body. It is barely related to the power of annihilation. satisfy."

After all, Shang Yanghou stretched out his hand, and a ball of light flew towards Lei Dao.

Lei Dao grabbed it with his hand, and then swept away with the power of divine sense, and all the contents of the light were engraved in his mind.

"The sacred method of destroying Yuan?"

Lei Dao saw this holy law, and it does have something to do with the power of annihilation. To be precise, it should be a power of destruction similar to the power of annihilation.

But the attributes are similar, very similar, Lei Dao should be compatible with this holy law.

As long as there is a degree of fit, even if the degree of fit is only one percent, that is enough. Lei Dao will be able to get started smoothly, and the consumption life will increase.

Therefore, the holy method of destroying yuan may be able to be practiced with a little effort.

"Thank you Shang Yanghou!"

Lei Dao took a deep look at Shang Yanghou.

The other party gave him a holy law for no reason. This is not simple. It is a holy law, not a Chinese cabbage. Even if it is Shang Yanghou, it is impossible to give him a holy law casually.

The real reason is that he wants to win over Lei Dao!

Even announcing that the ninth son, Shangyang Yunchuan, would be the heir of Shangyanghou Kingdom, it was probably to win over Lei Dao. Now even Shangyang Yunchuan seems to be a little unclear about the value of Lei Dao.

But Shang Yanghou understands!

How appalling is it to practice a holy method to perfection in one day?

Even Shang Yanghou, let alone have seen it, have never even heard of it.

But Shang Yanghou immediately realized that such a gifted sage must be wooed, even at all costs.

Once you win over, Lei Dao's role is no less than that of a four-fold saint of the Eucharist! Even, it surpasses the four-fold saint of the Eucharist.

It is precisely because of this understanding that Shang Yanghou so decisively declared the ninth son, Shang Yang Yunchuan, as the heir of Shang Yanghou. Otherwise, it would be impossible for Shangyang Yunchuan to become the heir of the Hou Kingdom.

And this sacred method of destroying Yuan is actually the goodwill released by Shang Yanghou.

He believed that Lei Dao could understand his kindness!

And Lei Dao did understand.

He glanced at the Ninth Young Master Shang Yang Yunchuan, and continued to speak: "Lei is now the guest minister of the Ninth Young Master, and will be the guest minister of Shang Yanghou in the future!"

The meaning of Lei Dao's words is already very clear.

As long as the Ninth Prince inherits the Hou State, Lei Dao will stay in the Shangyang Hou State.

This statement also made Shang Yanghou very satisfied.

"In three days, we will set off for the Shangyanghou Kingdom. At that time, Yunchuan will truly inherit the Shangyanghou Kingdom and become a new generation of Shangyanghou after holding the grand ceremony!"

Shang Yanghou also made a promise to Lei Dao.

Lei Dao nodded in satisfaction and said, "Lei won't bother the Ninth Young Master and Shang Yanghou."

So, Lei Dao turned around and left. He had just obtained a holy law, so he naturally had to think about it.

After Lei Dao left, Shangyang Yunchuan seemed to have recovered a little bit.

He frowned, and asked in surprise, "Shang Yanghou, did you choose me as your successor because of Lei Shengzun?"

Obviously, Shangyang Yunchuan also saw some signs.

Shang Yanghou nodded, looked at the back of Lei Dao leaving, and said with a long sigh: "Yes, it is to keep Lei Shengzun. Xiaojiu, you may not even know that you can meet Lei Shengzun, and How lucky you are to have brought him under your command. Lei Shengzun is comparable to a fourth-level saint!"


Shangyang Yunchuan was extremely shocked.

Holy Eucharist, how is this possible?

In the entire Shangyanghou Kingdom, there was only one ancestor who was the fourth layer of the Eucharist, suppressing the entire Shangyanghou Kingdom.

Lei Dao is only the second level of the Eucharist, how can he compare to the fourth level of the Eucharist?

"It's not even just the fourth level of the Eucharist. I've never met a saint like Lei Shengzun, even far surpassing the fourth level of the Holy Body. In short, Xiao Jiu, no matter what, you have to win over Lei Shengzun. As long as he can stay at ease in my country, Marquis of Shangyang, that is your greatest achievement."

Shangyang Yunchuan nodded heavily, and a strange light flashed in his eyes.

ps: the second is later

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