Longevity Species

Chapter 447 God Disappears (Second Change)

Lei Dao returned to the secret room again.

It's just that he didn't immediately take out the holy method of destroying Yuan to practice, but squinted his eyes slightly, and he seemed to still recall the light of Shang Yanghou before in his mind.

That ray of light is very strong!

It was really strong, and even Lei Dao felt a strong threat. Even if he is facing each other, Lei Dao is really not sure whether he can resist.

"Sacred treasure?"

Raidou murmured softly.

Holy Treasure, this is not the first time he has heard of it, but it is the first time he has seen it. I haven't even seen what the holy treasure looks like, but I feel its power, which is really terrifying.

This shows that Holy Treasure is really extraordinary.

If you want to defeat the strong with the weak, especially for the Holy One, it is actually very difficult to defeat the strong with the weak, or to fight by leapfrogging.

Perhaps, only the ultimate holy body, the perfect holy law, and the powerful holy treasure can do it.

At present, Lei Dao already has the ultimate holy body and the perfect holy law, so he can leapfrog to fight. As for the Holy Treasure, it is something that can be met but not sought, and it is very difficult to come across.

However, Lei Dao didn't care too much.

The ultimate holy body and the holy law are both their own power.

As for the holy treasure, it belongs to external force. Although sometimes external force can play a big role, Lei Dao will not rely too much on external force.

After all, Lei Dao has always believed in his own power.

Only when the great power is attributed to oneself, that is the real power.

Lei Dao has never relied on external objects, relying on his own efforts, which is the most real power!

Well, abilities also belong to Lei Dao's own power, not external power.

At least Raido thinks so.

"The holy law of destroying the origin."

Lei Dao recalled the Holy Law of Mieyuan, which is a holy law with a destructive attribute, which is relatively similar to Lei Dao's Annihilation Holy Body. But whether there is a good fit, whether it can be practiced, Lei Dao is not clear.

However, he still tried to practice.

At least, you have to know if there is a fit?

This time, Lei Dao really took a lot of effort, and finally introduced the holy method of destroying Yuan.

The introduction of the Mieyuan Saint Method means that Lei Dao's Annihilation Saint Body and the Mieyuan Saint Method still have a degree of fit, but this time the degree of fit is even lower, about 5% or so.

It's really low.

According to this degree of compatibility, if you practice step by step, you may not be able to achieve a small success in a hundred years. Maybe after hundreds of years of practice, it can only be achieved in a small way.

As for Dacheng, don't even think about it for the rest of your life.

The Holy Law of Destruction: Getting Started (upgradeable)

Seeing that the holy law of Mieyuan has indeed been introduced, Lei Dao is completely relieved. As long as the holy law can be introduced, everything will no longer be a problem.

At present, Lei Dao is the second layer of the Eucharist, and there are only two Eucharist. Although they are all the ultimate holy body, the only one who has practiced the holy law to perfection is the blue ice holy body.

Therefore, there is still room for improvement in Lei Dao's strength, that is his Annihilation Eucharist!

It's just that there was no suitable holy law for annihilating the Eucharist before.

But now, he finally got the holy law suitable for annihilating the holy body, so Lei Dao no longer hesitated, and immediately expended his lifespan to directly upgrade the holy law of destroying the source to perfection.


In Lei Dao's memory, pictures and memories emerged, all of which were him practicing the holy method of destroying Yuan.

From entry to small success, then to great success, and finally to consummation!

This time, it still only took one day for Lei Dao to practice the holy method of destroying Yuan to perfection.

The perfect Mieyuan Sacred Method is also extraordinary, it can exert 80% of the power of the Annihilation Saint Body, which is similar to that of the Absolute Cold Domain.

Lei Dao glanced at the ability data again.

Name: Lei Dao (25 years old)

Lifespan: 617 years and 11 months

The second layer of the Eucharist: consumes a total of 2,300 and one month of life

Eucharist of Annihilation: Ultimate Eucharist (non-upgradeable)

Blue Ice Holy Body: Ultimate Holy Body (cannot be upgraded)

Divine Blood Clone: ​​Divine Blood Stage 2 (upgradeable)

Absolute Cold: Consummation

The holy law of destroying Yuan: Consummation

Sure enough, his holy method of destroying Yuan has been completed and cannot be further improved. The Absolute Cold Region is also perfect, and it cannot be improved.

Lei Dao now has two holy bodies, both of which are ultimate holy bodies, and all of them have practiced the perfect holy law, and their strength is simply unimaginable.

Even if he faced a Holy Body Triple Saint alone, Lei Dao would have a chance to wipe out his Holy Body in a short period of time and kill him completely!

Already, the current Lei Dao can be regarded as the real pinnacle of the holy saint among the triple saints, even invincible!

Only certain saints with powerful holy treasures may be able to fight against Lei Dao.

For example, the Shangyanghou of this generation, carrying the holy treasure of the kingdom of Shangyang, who is stronger or weaker, can only be known after a battle.

Lei Dao's two sacred bodies have both practiced the perfect holy law.

And the power of the divine blood avatar, the second stage of the divine blood, is not inferior to the ultimate holy body. Even if the holy body has the perfect holy law, the divine blood avatar also has the domain of divine eyes,

It is equivalent to a high-level holy body that has been strengthened three times, and it is even more miraculous and powerful.

Lei Dao's strength at the moment is not an exaggeration to compare with the peak Holy Physique Triple Saint, and it is even stronger.

"It's reached the bottleneck."

Lei Dao took a closer look and knew that he had reached the bottleneck of his strength. After all, he is only the second-level saint of the sacrament, and it is very rare to be able to reach this level.

There is no way to enter the Eucharist, and the holy law has also been practiced.

However, there is another possibility to improve strength, and that is the divine blood avatar.

It's just that it takes lifespan to upgrade the divine-blood avatar, and Lei Dao has to save at least 500 years of lifespan for emergencies.

From this point of view, there is only one way left for Lei Dao now.

That's advanced!

Advanced Eucharist triple!

Lei Dao had no choice but to advance to the third stage of the holy body.

Moreover, the only way to advance to the third level of the Eucharist is to become a real triple saint of the Eucharist. Maybe Lei Dao can try it at that time, whether he can really leapfrog and fight, comparable to the fourth level of the Eucharist.

The quadruple saint of the Eucharist can suppress a princely state!

Even in the huge Xihe Dynasty, it can be regarded as the overlord.

However, the 30,000-year panacea is not so easy to obtain.

Lei Dao really wanted to get it from the Shangyanghou Kingdom, but everything had to wait for Shangyang Yunchuan to completely become the Shangyanghou of this generation and take charge of the Shangyanghou Kingdom before asking Shangyang Yunchuan.

Before getting the 30,000-year elixir, as for advanced, let's wait.

Perhaps, no one would believe that now, Lei Dao is already considering advancing again.

After all, how long has it been since Lei Dao advanced to the second level of the Eucharist? At best, it's only a little over a year.

Three days later, Shangyang Yunchuan personally invited Lei Dao to return to Shangyanghou Kingdom to attend his succession ceremony. Of course Lei Dao would not refuse. Now that he is the guest minister of Shangyang Yunchuan, he naturally has to obey his orders.

What's more, he is also eagerly counting on Shangyang Yunchuan to inherit the position of Shangyanghou, and after taking charge of the Shangyanghou Kingdom, he will give him a 30,000-year elixir to help him advance.

Therefore, Lei Dao and Shangyang Yunchuan, led by Shangyanghou, returned to the country of Shangyanghou.

Lei Dao also asked.

Shang Yanghou is in Xihe City, so he has his own property.

The reason why Shang Yanghou returned to Xihe City this time was also for a reason. It seems that he was called back by the Xihe Dynasty because of some secret things.

Now the Xihe Dynasty seems to be less stable.

The god of the Shen Dynasty has not shown his face for a long time, and there are even some rumors that the god of the Xihe Dynasty has fallen. And the rumors intensified.

Originally, the lords of these princes in the divine dynasty would not believe it at all.

But who let the rumors spread for such a long time, the god of the Shenchao still hasn't shown up, and no one has even seen the god of the Shenchao.

For a moment, the entire Divine Dynasty was slightly shaken.

This time, the Shen Dynasty is to recall the lords of many princes, and it is to stabilize the hearts of the people.

But if the gods don't show up for a day, who will be really stable?

Of course, the Xihe Dynasty is very powerful, even if there are no gods, they still have the power to suppress the Quartet. It's just that Xihe's dynasty is destined to be restless.


Inside the Shenchao, Xikun, the Lord of the Shenchao sitting on the throne, has eyes as deep as the starry sky.

"Your Majesty, the six kings have already left Xihe City, and the lords of principalities, large and small, and lords have also left."

A tall and imposing saint said respectfully in front of Xikun.

He said that the six kings mentioned were the lords of the six kingdoms entrusted by the Xihe God, namely, the four kings in the southeast, the north, and the west, plus the two kings of Shenwei and Huguo.

"Have you all left? The six kings are ready to move, especially the Dongji King, this old guy, I'm afraid he has spied some news this time. When he returns to the Dongji Kingdom, he may not be safe again."

There was a hint of worry in Xi Kun's eyes.

As the majestic lord of the divine dynasty, he is even a great emperor in his own strength, standing at the top of the entire divine dynasty and even ancient China.

However, he couldn't suppress the entire Xihe Dynasty.

Only a god can suppress a god dynasty!

"Your Majesty, Patriarch, really..."

Xikun's confidant couldn't help asking.

"Unspeakable, unspeakable."

Xi Kun shook his head.

He knew that the instability of Xihe's dynasty was due to the fact that the ancestor did not show up, but Xikun didn't know what the situation of the ancestor was. He, the majestic lord of the god dynasty, just knows that he has been unable to contact the ancestor in the past one or two thousand years.

I can't contact the god of the Xihe Dynasty!

"Your Majesty, the King of Dongji is wanton and arrogant. He has annexed one principality and three marquises in a row. It has already caused a bad influence in the divine dynasty. If Your Majesty sends me a team of guards, I will definitely take down the King of Dongji !"

"It's not that simple. A Dongji King is nothing. But behind the Dongji King, there is a big trouble. Behind the Dongji King, there are nine emperors."

"Nine Great Emperor Sects!!!"

The man's face changed, and then he fell silent.

Nine Great Emperor Sects!

That is an ancient sect that has been passed down for countless years, even older than the history of the three great dynasties, that is to say, the three great dynasties have gods in charge, and this can stabilize the nine emperors.

Otherwise, Ancient China should be respected by the Nine Great Emperors!

If there is the figure of the Nine Great Emperor Sects, then the Dongji King is indeed not so restless.

"Wait, maybe, it's going to be windy..."

Xikun looked into the void outside the hall.

In fact, it is not only the Xihe Dynasty.

From the secret channel, Xikun seemed to know that the gods in the other two great gods had also disappeared.

During the three great dynasties, the gods disappeared.

The entire Ancient China might be in chaos...

ps: the third night

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