Longevity Species

Chapter 448 Inheriting the Holy Treasure! (third change)

"Lei Shengzun."

Lei Dao met the Ninth Young Master Shang Yang Yunchuan again, but this time, Shang Yang Yunchuan seemed a little different.

"Huh? Ninth Young Master, you..."

Lei Dao could tell at the first glance that Shangyang Yunchuan was a little different. Although he was still the first level of the Holy Body, there seemed to be a terrifying power lurking in his body, which even made Lei Dao feel palpitations.

And this feeling, deja vu, seems a little familiar.

"Holy Treasure, have you got the Holy Treasure?"

Lei Dao finally thought of something, his face changed slightly, and he looked at Young Master Jiu in surprise. Lei Dao is very familiar with this kind of power, as long as he has seen the power, especially the powerful breath of power, he will never forget it.

Obviously, this kind of breath is the breath that Lei Dao felt from Shang Yanghou.

That is the breath of the Holy Treasure!

Ninth son Shang Yang Yunchuan is also a little high-spirited now, it seems that after getting the holy treasure, he appears full of confidence and very calm. Therefore, Shangyang Yunchuan nodded and said: "That's right, the previous generation of Shangyanghou has passed on the holy treasure to me, and now, I already have the strength to kill the triple saint of the Holy Physique!"

No matter how calm Shangyang Yunchuan was, he couldn't hide his inner excitement at this moment.

Killing the Triple Saint of the Eucharist is completely different from defeating or rivaling the Triple Saint of the Eucharist. You know, Lei Dao relies on two ultimate holy bodies, plus the perfect holy law, and a divine blood avatar of the second stage of divine blood.

Only in this way can he kill the third-level Saint of the Holy Body with the strength of the second-level Holy Body, but it is not so easy and freehand.

And what about the ninth son, Shangyang Yunchuan?

Now it is only the first level of the Eucharist, and it can kill the third level of the Eucharist. This is no longer as simple as leapfrogging and fighting, it is simply an earth-shaking change.

Holy Treasure, this is the power of Holy Treasure!

Once you have the Holy Treasure, your strength will increase tenfold or a hundredfold.

Of course, this kind of powerful holy treasure is also very rare. Generally, the strong own the holy treasure. As for the weak, it is impossible to have the holy treasure.

Unless it is a sacred treasure of inheritance like the Shang Yanghou Kingdom, it is possible to pass it on from generation to generation.

What's more, Shangyang Yunchuan is also very young, and he has only practiced for hundreds of years, so he can become a saint, which is actually very good.

Now he has become a new generation of Shangyang Hou, in charge of the Shangyang Kingdom. It may not be a big problem to advance to the third level of the holy body, and it is not considered weak.

However, the Holy Treasure is indeed very miraculous, at least Lei Dao is very curious about the Holy Treasure.

"Ninth Young Master, can Lei Mou see the Holy Treasure?"

Lei Dao was a little curious.

It can instantly raise a Saint of the First Level of Holy Physique to the level of killing the Third Level of Holy Physique, and even poses a great threat to Lei Dao. Lei Dao was naturally very curious about this holy treasure.

Ninth Young Master pondered for a while and said: "Hou Guosheng Bao, I wouldn't show it to others easily, but since Lei Shengzun wants to see it, I have to be satisfied no matter what."

Then, Jiu Gongzi's heart moved, and suddenly, golden rays of light appeared from his body. Accompanied by the appearance of the golden light, a huge seal appeared on the head of the ninth son.

"Seal? Is this the Holy Treasure?"

As soon as the holy treasure appeared, Lei Dao felt a heavy pressure, which seemed to be suppressing Lei Dao. Far greater than the coercion of any Holy Body Triple Saint that Lei Dao has ever seen.

"That's right, this is the holy treasure of our Shangyanghou Kingdom! It has been passed down for tens of thousands of years. It was almost accompanied by the establishment of the Xihe God Dynasty, and was bestowed by the Xihe God of the original God Dynasty. Inherited to the treasure, passed down to this day."

Lei Dao felt the seal carefully.

Lei Dao has never seen Shengbao before, and this is the first time he has seen it today. Although I saw it on Shang Yanghou before, but I only saw Shang Yanghou displaying it.

With a single ray of light, one of the eldest son's arms was chopped off.

You know, the Eldest Young Master is the Triple Saint of the Eucharist!

It shows the power of the Holy Treasure.

In particular, this sacred treasure was bestowed by the God of Xihe back then, and it belongs to the inheritance treasure, and even to a certain extent, it also represents "orthodoxy" and is a kind of identity.

"Although the power on this seal is very powerful, it seems to be very heterogeneous. There are some mixed in it, like the power of faith. By the way, the power of all beings!"

Lei Dao seemed to think of something, and said hastily.

The power of all beings, no wonder Lei Dao felt familiar.

Back then, the Nine Huan Saints in Kunzhou gathered the Holy Body of all living beings. The stronger the faith of sentient beings, the stronger the holy body of sentient beings of the Nine Huan Saints will be.

No wonder Lei Dao always felt familiar.

Dare to love not only because I have seen it in Shang Yanghou, but also because this seal contains the power of all beings.

Ninth Prince Shang Yang Yunchuan nodded appreciatively and said, "That's right, it is the power of faith of all living beings. This is the inheritance treasure bestowed on us by the God of Xihe back then, and it can condense the power of faith of all living beings in Shang Yang. Within the Yanghou Kingdom, the power of this holy treasure is even stronger."

Lei Dao thought about it and said: "Does every prince have it?"

"No, not every vassal state has them, but the lords, duchies and kingdoms that the God of Xihe enfeoffed at the beginning have corresponding inheritance treasures. After making great achievements, those lords and duchies that were entrusted are all gone."

Lei Dao understood.

To put it simply, this is indeed a treasure, and it is an extraordinary treasure. It was refined by God himself, and it could even be regarded as tailor-made, very precious.

As for the later Marquis and Principalities, no matter how great the contribution was made, it would be nice to be able to entrust a country.

Want Holy Treasure?

Unless the second or third generation gods of the Xihe Dynasty were also refined, but now the gods after the Xihe Dynasty are far less powerful than the God of Xihe, and refining such holy treasures is not so powerful. Easy, therefore, there is no further refining.

In this way, it seems that such inheritance holy treasures are relatively limited, and gradually become very few.

The ninth son took the holy treasure back.

During the period, Lei Dao asked about Shang Yanghou, and the nine princes answered them one by one.

After about a month, everyone finally arrived at their destination.

"Ahead is the kingdom of Shang Yanghou!"

Ninth Young Master looked very excited.

Once he returns to Shangyanghou State and holds the succession ceremony, he will be a well-deserved Shangyanghou!

Can take charge of the entire Shangyanghou Kingdom.

Lei Dao looked from a distance, and the entire Shangyang Marquis Kingdom seemed boundless. Although it was only a Marquis Kingdom, its area was very large. After all, the ancient Shenzhou was already very large, more than ten times the size of other states.

As the Ninth Young Master Shang Yang Yunchuan approached, one could clearly feel that there seemed to be a huge power of faith in the Marquis of Shangyang, directly covering Shangyang Yunchuan.

Specifically, it was the holy treasure that shrouded Shangyang Yunchuan's body, and got into the holy treasure.

Shangyang Yunchuan closed his eyes, carefully feeling the power of the Holy Treasure.

As long as you hold the Holy Treasure, there is nothing that can be hidden from Shangyang Yunchuan in the entire Marquis.

"Huh? How bold!"

Suddenly, Shangyang Yunchuan's expression changed, as if he had sensed something.

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