Longevity Species

Chapter 450: Two 30,000-year-old panaceas! (Second more)

"Two 30,000-year-old panacea? Thank you, Mr. Jiu."

Lei Dao's eyes lit up, but he didn't refuse. After all, this is a 30,000-year-old elixir, which can be encountered but not sought after. Even in Shangyanghou Kingdom, it is probably a very precious treasure.

However, this is also what Lei Dao deserves. He became a first-class guest official under the command of the Ninth Prince, and even defeated many guest officials under the command of the First Prince with his own strength, isn't it for today?

"Haha, please wait for Lei Shengzun."

Ninth Young Master got up directly and left the hall.

Lei Dao waited quietly, he actually knew very well in his heart that Shangyang Yunchuan gave him two 30,000-year-old panacea, probably not just Shangyang Yunchuan's intention.

Perhaps, there is also the instruction of the previous Shang Yanghou, or even the mysterious fourth-fold ancestor of the holy body.

The purpose is self-evident, that is to completely win Lei Dao to the side of Shang Yanghou.

Lei Dao, the strength is not trivial, it is now comparable to the holy saint of the third level of the holy body, and he is still a strong man who can kill the third level of the holy body.

Now that the wind and rain are turbulent and the dark tide is surging, it is too important for Shang Yanghou to be able to have such a powerful saint as Lei Dao.

This is also the real reason why Shang Yanghou State spared no effort to win over Lei Dao.

Therefore, Lei Dao can understand it clearly and take it calmly.

Thirty thousand years of panacea, and there are still two plants.

The sincerity of Shang Yanghou is not insignificant.

Even in the future, Lei Dao should help Shang Yanghou Kingdom. What's more, Lei Dao didn't intend to leave Shangyanghou Kingdom, the current Xihe Dynasty was not safe anywhere.

Shangyang Yunchuan trusted Lei Dao again, and he was still a huge marquis. Here, Lei Dao can practice with peace of mind, advance smoothly, and gain many benefits stably.

The bearded sage said enviously, "Sacred Lei, with two 30,000-year-old elixirs, I'm afraid you will be able to advance to the third level of the holy body in a few years, or even a hundred years. At that time, With your strength, you may even be comparable to the fourth-level saint of the Eucharist!"

In the eyes of the bearded saint, or in the cognition.

It took a hundred years to advance to the third level of the holy body, which is already extremely fast, even unimaginable.

Perhaps Lei Dao can be faster, and it only takes decades to advance.

The bearded saint is determined not to underestimate Lei Dao, he has already used his greatest imagination, and he has already overestimated Lei Dao enough.

But, is this a compliment?

Lei Dao opened his mouth, his cheeks twitched, but in the end he didn't say anything.

He could see that the words of the bearded saint were really sincere, and they were compliments and expectations from the bottom of his heart. However, is this considered a compliment? How can there be such a boast?

It is simply the most vicious curse in the world to use a hundred years to advance to the third level of the Eucharist, and it is so for Lei Dao.

Even, in Lei Dao's eyes, decades are extremely long.

After all, Lei Dao is only twenty-five years old.

It has only been six years since he started practicing martial arts.

Lei Dao's heart was a little tired, and he didn't know how to explain it.

Since you don't know how to explain it, you don't need to explain it. Let the bearded saint maintain a good mood. If Lei Dao said that if it goes well, he will only need a few days, certainly not more than a month, to advance to the third level of the holy body. I can't stand it, the stimulation is too great.

Well, Lei Dao is still good for the bearded saint.

"Sage bearded, you have just entered the advanced stage, and the situation in the whole country of Shangyanghou is not very clear. We only rely on Shangyanghou's information channels, and we still have very little information, and there may be some omissions, We need first-hand and the most authentic information. Therefore, during this period of time, if the bearded saint is free, he will go around the country of Shangyanghou to collect some information."

Lei Dao said to the bearded saint.

He naturally has his considerations.

It's not that he doesn't believe in Shang Yanghou's information, but that there are some things that must be seen with one's own eyes and held in one's own hands. Even if he and the bearded saint are guests of Shang Yanghou, they are temporarily tied together.

But in the future, who can tell clearly?

No one knows what will happen in the future, so it is necessary to plan ahead and make more preparations.

"I understand, Lei Shengzun can rest assured, I will collect some information in Shangyanghou's country."

The bearded saint also understood what Lei Dao meant.

In fact, not only Lei Dao has some worries, but the bearded saint is also worried.

Originally thought that the Shangyanghou Kingdom was very safe, after all, the Shangyanghou Kingdom has a history of tens of thousands of years and has always been fine. Who would have thought that now let alone Shang Yanghou, even the entire Divine Dynasty would be undercurrents and very dangerous.

At this time, the information I saw with my own eyes was more reliable.

After half an hour, Shangyang Yunchuan returned to the main hall.

In his hands, there were two more exquisite boxes.

"Lei Shengzun, these are two 30,000-year-old panacea."

Shangyang Yunchuan personally handed over the two 30,000-year-old elixir to Lei Dao, and Lei Dao knew that it was indeed a 30,000-year-old elixir with just a slight sweep of his spiritual sense.

So he was not polite, and directly took the 30,000-year elixir.

Afterwards, both Lei Dao and the bearded saint left one after another.

Now that two 30,000-year-old elixir plants have been obtained, everything is ready and only owes Dongfeng.

There is no obstacle for Lei Dao to advance to the third level of the Eucharist. He couldn't wait any longer, and was about to start trying to attack the Eucharist Triple Layer.


Shangyanghou State, Shangyang City.

The eldest son came to a secluded courtyard alone.

The courtyard was empty, but when the eldest son stepped in lightly, it seemed as if he had passed through a layer of formation, stirring up ripples like water.

The Eldest Young Master's eyes suddenly brightened.

The yard just now, where is it still empty? There are clearly four or five black-clothed men, and these four or five are not simple, all of them are saints!

"Humph, you are so bold, you are all lurking in Shangyang City, the sages of the Jiugonghou Kingdom. Are you not afraid of being discovered by Shangyanghou?"

The eldest son snorted coldly.

"Discovered? Shangyanghou has a holy treasure, what else can we hide from Shangyanghou? Our whereabouts are naturally no secret, but don't worry, the eldest son, this small courtyard has been used by us with the power of the holy treasure of Jiugonghou Shielded, everything here, even Shang Yanghou can't find it."

The person who spoke was a middle-aged man in a black robe. He simply lifted off the black robe on his head, revealing a very handsome face with a slightly sinister aura.

"Tell me, what are you doing with me?"

The Eldest Young Master seemed not to be polite to these people. After all, the Eldest Young Master was also a high-ranking official in Shang Yanghou Kingdom, so he knew some news vaguely, but he was not sure yet.

However, he knew that people from the Nine Palaces had lurked in Shangyang City, so there must be a conspiracy, it was definitely not a good thing, and he didn't need to be polite.

If it weren't for the words left by the other party, the eldest son would not have come here.

"No, it's not us looking for you, but you looking for us. Because you need us now, otherwise, you wouldn't have come here just after seeing that sentence, Eldest Young Master, what do you think?"

The Eldest Young Master's expression changed at the words of the black-robed sage.

Although he didn't want to admit it, deep down, he really thought like this.

He needs these people!

Seeing that the eldest son's face turned ugly, the black-robed sage stopped talking about this topic, but changed the subject: "Eldest son, we know that you failed to compete for the heir. The current heir of Shangyanghou Kingdom It's the Ninth Young Master, Shang Yang Yunchuan! Once Shang Yang Yunchuan holds the succession ceremony three days later, then you will have no hope at all. Eldest Young Master, are you willing?"

"So what if you are willing? What if you are not willing?"

The eldest son stood with his hands behind his back, looking at these black-robed saints with cold eyes.

He has already seen that the strongest of these black-cloaked saints is only at the second level of the Eucharist. In other words, he has absolute strength now, and he can even wipe them all out!

Therefore, he would like to see, what can these people say?

"Hey, if the eldest son is willing, then we will turn around and leave immediately, and we will never pester the eldest son again. If you are not reconciled...then we have a way for the eldest son to inherit the position of Shangyanghou and take charge of the entire Shangyanghou kingdom !"

Following the words of the black-robed saints, the eldest son's eyes narrowed sharply, staring at these black-robed saints.

He is not reconciled!

How could he be willing?

"No, how can you do it? Huh, don't talk about you, even if the ancestor of the holy body of the Jiugonghou Kingdom comes, there is no way. The meaning of the ancestors. If you just want to provoke, or think that this son can help you disrupt Shangyanghou, then maybe this son will let you down."

After the eldest son got excited, he quickly calmed down.

Although he was very unwilling, he also knew that these people had no good intentions. Especially since they are still from the Marquis of Nine Palaces, they secretly contacted him, a "frustrated" candidate, for what purpose do they still not understand?

Even if the Eldest Young Master has ambitions, he will not do things that are obviously death-defying, or impossible to succeed at all.

Even, if these people don't persuade him today, and don't come up with a convincing reason, the Eldest Young Master doesn't mind doing it himself and killing all these saints!

Therefore, a trace of killing intent began to emanate from the Eldest Young Master, and these saints felt it very clearly.

"As expected of the eldest son, you are indeed ruthless! You are right, even if the fourth-fold patriarch of our Nine Palaces came, he would not be able to help you inherit the position of Shangyanghou, let alone help you rule Shangyanghou. .However, just because the ancestors of our Nine Palaces can't, doesn't mean that others can't."

"Who can help this young master ascend to the position of Marquis of Shang Yang? Could it be that he is still the Lord of the God Dynasty?"

The eldest son sneered.

He knows very well how difficult it is for other forces to intervene in a Marquis.

"Of course not the Lord of the Divine Dynasty, but it doesn't matter how inferior the Lord of the Divine Dynasty is. How about the Eastern Extreme King?"

"Huh? What are you talking about, King of the East Extreme?"

The eldest son was startled, his eyes were like knives, and he stared at the black-robed saint instantly.

ps: The third update is at night

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