Longevity Species

Chapter 451 Start practicing! (third change)

"That's right, it's the King of the East! Behind our Nine Palaces is the King of the East!"

The words of the black-robed sage gave the eldest son a great shock.

If there is a Nine Palace Marquis, the Eldest Young Master will not look at it at all, and even he knows that the Nine Palace Marquis has no ability to let him succeed the Shangyang Marquis.

But it's different if it's Dongji King.

The king of Dongji is one of the six kings of the entire Xihe Dynasty. Apart from the Lord of the Dynasty, he is the most honorable among the six kings. It can be said that he is under one person, above ten thousand people, and has great power!

If there is the support of Dongji King, then the Eldest Young Master might really become the Lord of Shangyanghou Kingdom!

No, it is not possible, but certain!

However, despite this, the eldest son is still very calm. After being excited for a while, he quickly calmed down and kept looking at these black-robed saints.

"You say that the King of the East Pole is behind the Marquis of the Nine Palaces. Do you have evidence or evidence?"

The eldest son still maintained his sanity.

Based on these people's casual talk, they are the people of Dongji King? It's not that easy.

At this time, the black-robed sage sneered and said, "My lord, people must be self-aware. Rely? Are you kidding me? What evidence can we get? What an honorable man the East Extreme King is, even our Nine Palaces are secretly Where is the proof? However, the situation in the entire Shen Dynasty has been a little unstable recently. I believe you have heard some rumors about the King of the East. Our Jiugong Houguo dared to appear in Shangyang City so blatantly. Can't we explain it? what?"

"If the eldest son insists on some certificate, then I'm sorry, we don't have one. Besides, besides the eldest son, there are several other sons. We believe that there will always be someone who will cooperate with us."

The black-robed saints didn't seem to be in a hurry. If they were really in a hurry, they were also the eldest son, and they still had a choice. After all, they are the ones who choose the eldest son, not the eldest son who chooses them.

The eldest son's face darkened.

Indeed, this is the truth.

He is just one of the candidates, and there are others like him who are candidates.

"What is your purpose? If I agree to cooperate with you, what will I have to pay? Or, what will I need to pay after the matter is completed?"

The eldest son is very sober.

It is impossible for the people of the Jiugong Hou Kingdom to come to him for no reason, and even help him become the master of the Hou Kingdom with enthusiasm. Is this possible? The prosperity of the world is all for profit.

It is impossible for the Nine Palaces to be without plots.

The eldest son just wants to know, what does he need to pay?

In other words, the conspiracy of the Marquis of the Nine Palaces.

He had to weigh whether he could afford such a price, or whether it was worth it.

"Eldest son, don't worry, we are not going to destroy Shangyanghou Kingdom, because if that happens, the matter will be too much trouble. Dongji King only wants the holy treasure of Shangyanghou Kingdom. As long as the eldest son agrees, everything will come true." After that, if you take the initiative to offer the holy treasure of the Shangyanghou Kingdom, then there will be no problem, you will still be the Lord of the Shangyanghou Kingdom, and will be in charge of the entire Shangyanghou Kingdom."

"Need a Holy Treasure?"

The eldest son's face changed suddenly.

Before that, Lei Dao had some suspicions that these people had impure purposes, whether they came to flatten the Shangyanghou Kingdom or even annex the Shangyanghou Kingdom. But after hearing that the purpose of these black-cloaked sages was actually the holy treasure, the Eldest Prince believed that behind these sages might really be the East Extreme King.

If it was the Marquis of Jiugong, it would definitely choose to annex the Marquis of Shangyang, not just ask for the Holy Treasure.

But Holy Treasure has too much to do with it.

The holy treasure of the Shangyanghou Kingdom, that is the national treasure of the Shangyanghou Kingdom. It has been for thousands of years. It was refined by the God of Xihe and given to the first Shangyanghou. It is used to suppress the luck of the Shangyanghou Kingdom, absorb the power of faith from all living beings, and manage the entire Hou Kingdom.

Losing the holy treasure may have a series of chain reactions.

Even the authority of the Lord of the Marquis will be greatly reduced.

However, compared with the position of the Lord of the Hou Kingdom, how important is a holy treasure? If there is no position as the Lord of the Marquis, then the Eldest Young Master would basically be hopeless in his life if he wanted to obtain a steady stream of resources to help him advance to the fourth level of the Eucharist.

Moreover, in the future, the Shangyanghou Kingdom could be regarded as taking refuge in the Dongji King. Only in the midst of the internal turmoil in the Divine Dynasty could it be preserved, otherwise, the Shangyanghou Kingdom might be destroyed one day.

After weighing for a long time, the Eldest Young Master suddenly raised his head and said, "My Young Master believed you once, but there is still a fourth-level ancestor of the Holy Body in Shangyanghou Kingdom, so what should you do?"

"What should I do? Didn't the eldest son already think of it? Naturally, those who obey will live and those who rebelled will die! The ancestors of the four-layer holy body will naturally be dealt with. If the ancestors of your Shangyang family are willing to take refuge and donate holy treasures , that would be the best, and we don’t need to mobilize the crowd anymore. But don’t worry, Eldest Young Master, you will still be the Lord of the Hou Kingdom when the time comes.”

"If the ancestor of your Shangyang family is unwilling to hand over the holy treasure, then naturally he can't be allowed to destroy the great event of Dongji King, do you understand?"

The eldest son's heart sank.

Of course he understood what the other party meant.

Once the ancestor of the Shangyang family refuses to follow and is unwilling to donate the holy treasure, it is very likely that he will be beheaded by the powerful saint under the command of Dongji King!

The eldest son is also very contradictory deep in his heart.

On the one hand, he worried that if the ancestor of Shangyang didn't die, it would be bad for him.

But on the other hand, he was also worried about the future of Shang Yanghou. Once the ancestor of Shangyang dies, there will be no four-fold saint of the Eucharist in the Shangyang Marquis in the future, and it will be difficult to suppress the turmoil in the entire Marquis.

However, on this point, the decision-making power does not rest with the Eldest Young Master.

It doesn't matter if he refuses or not. They all have the ability to kill the fourth-layer ancestor of the holy body, and it doesn't matter whether the eldest son refuses or not.

Finding the eldest son is just to maintain the stability of Shangyanghou Kingdom.

Obviously, the King of Dongji didn't want the Shangyanghou Kingdom to fall into chaos completely, and that would not be of much benefit to him in absorbing the power of faith from the people of the Shangyanghou Kingdom.

Therefore, it is the most correct choice to be able to support the eldest son to become the lord of the Marquis and indirectly control the Marquis of Shangyang.

Just like the Nine Palaces.

It's just that the ancestor of the Holy Body Quadruple Layer of Jiugonghou Kingdom compromised, and offered the Holy Treasure with both hands, and completely surrendered to the Dongji King.

"When will you do it?"

As soon as the eldest son gritted his teeth, he obviously made up his mind.

He thought about it many times, although it was all the other side's words. But if the opponent really has the strength to kill the quadruple ancestor, then it is probably true.

In that case, it is actually a good thing to take refuge in the East Extreme King.

It's the same when I want to come to the Nine Palaces. I have taken refuge in the King of Dongji, and there is no chaos now.

Moreover, this is the most beneficial for the eldest son, and only in this way can he hope to make a complete comeback and take charge of Shangyanghou.

"Three days later, at the succession ceremony of Shangyang Yunchuan, you just need to integrate your forces to launch a trouble. At that time, we will naturally appear, and the ancestors will also personally take action to suppress the situation for you and solve all troubles! We will Yes, only in your name."

The eldest son nodded.

It seemed that these people really didn't need him to do anything.

"By the way, you must be careful of a second-level saint of the holy body under Shangyang Yunchuan's command, called Lei Dao! This Lei Dao Lei saint is not simple, and it is not easy to rebel against the third-level saint of the holy body, even if there is a holy law. His opponent. Only the fourth-level saint of the holy body may be able to completely suppress Lei Dao."

The eldest son seemed to have remembered something, and reminded the other party with a solemn expression.

"Second level of the Eucharist, Lei Shengzun?"

There was a sneer on the corner of the mouth of the black-robed venerable: "The eldest son seems to have been scared out of his wits, even a mere saint with a second-level holy body is so afraid. But the eldest son can rest assured that we are fully prepared this time. Even the ancestors will come in person, and at that time, no matter how strong or weird this Lei Shengzun is, he will be suppressed by the ancestors!"

The eldest son did not explain to these black-robed saints. As long as the quadruple patriarch from Jiugonghou Kingdom comes in person, there will be no accidents, no matter how strong Lei Dao is?

The four layers of Eucharist can suppress all the triple saints of the Eucharist!

Whether it is Shangyanghou Kingdom or Jiugonghou Kingdom, the number of triple holy bodies is not small, but there is often only one holy body quadruple.

And only the fourfold saint of the Eucharist can suppress a princely state!

Therefore, as long as the Patriarch of Jiugong Hou Guo comes in person, the Eldest Young Master will feel relieved.

"Okay, then three days later, my son will naturally make trouble, and I will never let Shang Yang Yunchuan inherit the position of Shang Yanghou!"

The eldest son said decisively, with a firm tone.

"Okay, after three days, I hope the eldest son will not let us down, otherwise, you can't bear the anger of the ancestor!"

This is a threat!

But the Eldest Young Master didn't say anything, if something happened, or if he didn't make trouble, then the ancestors of the Nine Palaces would definitely not let him go.

No need to remind, the eldest son also knows that the consequences will be very serious.

After several people discussed it, the eldest son left the courtyard and began to secretly contact some old ministries to prepare for the succession ceremony three days later.


In the secret room, Lei Dao took out two exquisite wooden boxes, which contained two 30,000-year-old elixirs.

The strong medicinal power drifts out, even just taking a sip, even the Eucharist will feel excited.

However, these two 30,000-year-old elixir will only be used when condensing a high-level holy body.

Now Lei Daode first condenses an ordinary holy body, then continuously merges, and finally condenses a high-level holy body. This is a relatively long process.

Perhaps, it will take several days.

Lei Dao directly took out all the ten-thousand-year elixir on his body, and there were a total of 131 plants left. The quantity of the ten thousand year elixir is sufficient, not to mention the third level of the advanced holy body, even the fourth level of the advanced holy body is enough.

Lei Dao adjusted his mood, and he was still recalling what Shang Yanghou said before.

Perhaps, the Divine Dynasty will really cause some turmoil.

Right now, the kingdom of Shang Yanghou might not be at peace.

Strength, only strength can guarantee one's own safety.

Therefore, Lei Dao will not let go of any opportunity to improve his strength.

"let's start."

Lei Dao took a deep breath, concentrated, and began to immerse himself in practice.

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