Longevity Species

Chapter 455 The situation is reversed! (first update)

"Young master, you are too stupid."

Shangyang Yunchuan approached the eldest son step by step, and the seal that emerged above his head emitted thousands of rays of light, setting off Shangyang Yunchuan like a god.

"If you cooperate with them, you can only die faster! Originally, I never thought about killing you all, but unfortunately, your stupidity made you go out of this step. You thought that relying on them, you would be able to capture business The position of Marquis of Yang? That’s because you are ignorant and ignorant of what the position of Marquis of Shang is.”

As soon as Shangyang Yunchuan's words fell, his gaze swept across the surrounding crowd.

Immediately, one after another, as if they felt that their bodies were agitated, and they could no longer hide it, they manifested the Holy Body one after another.

These holy bodies of hundreds of feet are suspended in the void, one after another, covering the sky and the sun, as if surrounding the entire Shangyang City.

These holy statues include first, second, and even third-tier saints of the Eucharist.

Definitely not the sage of Shangyanghou, but the sage of Jiugonghou.

Seeing that there are so many saints, the eldest son seems to have confidence. He gritted his teeth tightly, and said in a deep voice: "Shangyang Yunchuan, if I don't take this step, I will be really stupid! Even if you are about to inherit Shangyanghou, so what? You should hand over the holy treasure, you He has no qualifications or ability to rule the entire Shangyanghou Kingdom at all!"

In fact, many people's faces have changed when they see the Eldest Young Master.

Many people around these black-clothed saints also know their true identities.

Holy Venerable of the Marquis of Nine Palaces!

These saints are all the saints of the Nine Palaces, and the eldest son is connected with the Nine Palaces. Many people can "make up" many pictures.

The eldest son became notorious in an instant.

But what use is this to the eldest son?

It doesn't do anything at all.

On the contrary, this can make the eldest son more determined. He must succeed this time and cannot fail. Otherwise, he, who is notorious, simply cannot afford the consequences of failure.

"Relying on these people, you can't accomplish great things! Eldest son, let me show you today, the divine power of the holy treasure of our Shangyanghou Kingdom!"

Shangyang Yunchuan let out a low growl.


The seal above his head suddenly expanded several times, covering the sky and the sun. There seemed to be shouts from above, shouting crazily.

It seems that there are infinite beliefs, gathered into a vast ocean, and the waves are rough.

As Shangyang Yunchuan urged the Holy Treasure with all his strength, suddenly, this "sea" of belief exploded in an instant.


The power of faith of all living beings, the power of faith of all living beings in the entire Shangyanghou Kingdom, all erupted at this moment, like a torrent, rushing towards the eldest son and the others.

In fact, this time there were nearly thirty saints from the Marquis of the Nine Palaces, and the lineup was so strong that it was unimaginable.

Especially the holy body that covers the sky and the sun is even more frightening.

In front of such a lineup, what is the use of Shangyang Yunchuan alone?

Of course, this is the eldest son's opinion.

However, now that Shangyang Yunchuan mobilized the Holy Treasure, when the mighty power of faith exploded like a sea, rushing towards many holy venerables.

The eldest son was terrified.

Those powers of faith slammed into his holy body.

Even though he has three holy bodies that have been strengthened three times, he still can't resist the scouring of the power of the Holy Treasure's faith. After all, the power of the faith of all living beings is really too huge.

Like a rolling torrent, it rushed directly.

"This...is this?"

The eldest son opened his eyes wide, as if he couldn't believe the scene in front of him.

His three-time strengthened holy body actually began to melt and dissipate under the scouring of this torrent, just like melting ice and snow, it melted directly.

"How can it be?"

The eldest son couldn't believe it, he knew the holy treasure of Shang Yanghou Kingdom, and he also knew that the holy treasure was very strong. But how strong the Holy Treasure is, or in other words, what is going on with the Holy Treasure, the eldest son actually doesn't know.

Only Shang Yanghou of the past dynasties knew the true function of the holy treasure.

In fact, not only the eldest son, but even the black-clothed saint from Jiugonghou Kingdom were extremely shocked at this moment. Shangyang Yunchuan's action was not just aimed at the eldest son.

On the contrary, Shangyang Yunchuan attacked nearly thirty saints from the Nine Palaces.

But at this moment, these holy venerables of the Jiugonghou Kingdom showed pain one by one, and they could clearly see that their holy bodies, which were hundreds of feet high, were melting and dissipating at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Anyone who sees this scene will be shocked.

Even Lei Dao now has a solemn expression, staring closely at these dozens of black-clothed saints.

Whether it is the first level or the second level of the Eucharist, or the third level of the Holy Body.

They didn't even have the slightest power to resist, and they were washed away by this terrifying torrent of the power of belief in all beings, and the Eucharist suffered certain traumas, even severe injuries.

Some saints had a first-level saint, and even in an instant, the saints suffered heavy losses and suffered heavy injuries, at least one-fifth of the saints were damaged!

Even if it is the saint with the third level of the holy body, after three times of strengthening, the holy body will lose almost one-tenth of it in an instant.

This is almost a serious injury.

A few more times, wouldn't they die?

With one's own strength, defeating thirty saints is a remarkable achievement. Not to mention beheading thirty saints with one's own strength, that is almost a legend.

But now, they have experienced it for themselves.

If it continues like this, it may only take ten breaths, and they will die.

At least, most of the saints will die!

"Holy Treasure, is this the Holy Treasure?"

"The Holy Treasure personally refined by the God of Xihe in the Shen Dynasty, the power is simply earth-shattering and inconceivable."

"Especially in Shangyang City, the power of the Holy Treasure will be infinitely magnified. If it's not the Holy Body, it won't be able to resist it at all."

Seeing this scene, Shang Yanghou also sighed and said: "It is impossible for your Jiugonghou to not even know the power of the Holy Treasure. He must know, but he still sent you here. Use whatever means you can." Well, otherwise, there is no chance."

Shang Yanghou could see clearly.

The power of the Holy Treasure is indeed powerful, even if there is no other means, then these thirty holy venerables may really die today.

However, Jiugonghou also has holy treasures, how could he really send so many saints to die?

Once they are all dead, it will definitely hurt Jiugonghou Guo, and Jiugonghou will not be so stupid.

Sure enough, the leader of a saint with a three-level holy body said: "It is worthy of being a holy treasure that can suppress a country. no?"


Following the Holy Body Triple Saint, he stretched out his hand fiercely. In the palm of his hand, there is a faint picture of the Nine Palaces. This lifelike Nine Palaces pattern exudes thousands of rays of light.

At the same time, it instantly appeared in the void.

A huge nine palace map appeared, which seemed to cover the whole world.

"Nine Palaces Map? No, it's just a projection. However, just the projection of the Nine Palaces Map, how can it compete with the holy treasure of our Shangyanghou Kingdom? Don't say it's just a projection, even if it's the real Nine Palaces Map, in Shangyanghou Kingdom, Especially in Shangyang City, it will also be greatly affected, and will be suppressed by the holy treasure of our Shangyanghou Kingdom."

Shang Yanghou frowned, he always felt something was wrong.

It is impossible for Jiugonghou not to know that once the holy treasure leaves the corresponding country, its power will drop sharply. Even if the real Nine Palaces Map came to Shangyang City, it was only suppressed.

What's more, it's just a projection, how can it compete with the holy treasure seal of the Shang Yanghou Kingdom?

"You'll know if you try it?"

There was a strange smile on the corner of the mouth of the black-clothed saint. Then, with a wave of his hand, the Jiugongtu expanded rapidly, and swept away fiercely towards the sacred seal behind Shangyang Yunchuan.

Shangyang Yunchuan didn't know why, but his heart skipped a beat.

Then he grabbed the seal with a big hand.


Shangyang Yunchuan manifested the holy body, grabbed the seal directly, as if holding the power of faith of millions of sentient beings, and slammed it fiercely at the Nine Palaces in the void.

This was a blow that Shangyang Yunchuan went all out for.

He believed that no saint below the fourth level of the Eucharist could withstand his blow.

Even if the other party is a nine palace map.


Yinxi collided with Jiugongtu fiercely, and Shang Yang Yunchuan's big hand fell into the Jiugongtu at once. He pulled out his arm when he thought about it, but he was slightly startled in his heart.

Jiugongtu seemed to have imprisoned his arm all of a sudden, and he couldn't pull out his arm at all.

At the same time, Yin Xi was actually suppressed, which is incredible.

This is in Shangyanghou Kingdom, or in Shangyang City.

The seal has almost inexhaustible power of faith for all living beings. Who can deal with the Holy Treasure of Seal, who is below the fourth level of the Holy Body?

This Nine Palaces Map is just a projection, can it have such power?

It's simply impossible!

"No, this is not the projection of the Nine Palaces Diagram, or rather, it is not pure. This... is this king seal, or a trace of the power of the Eastern Extreme King Seal!"

At this time, Shang Yanghou seemed to see something, and suddenly opened his eyes wide.

He saw that in the Nine Palaces Diagram, there was actually a group of silver-white rays of light that gradually gathered into a white seal. Although this white seal is illusory, the power inside it is very real.

That is the seal belonging to the East Extreme King!

It is also a holy treasure!

It is still the holy treasure of Kezhen Dongji Kingdom!

In the past, the god Xihe of the Shen Dynasty refined holy treasures, which were divided into Wang Yin, Gong Yin and Hou Yin.

It is said to be a seal, but in fact the holy treasures are in different shapes.

For example, the holy treasure of Jiugonghou is a picture.

Under normal circumstances, the public seal can suppress Hou Yin, and the king's seal can suppress Hou Yin.

Moreover, Wang Yin seems to be very special, and it also involves some secrets of the gods, which is far more mysterious and powerful than Gong Yin and Hou Yin.

Therefore, even if there is only a trace of the East Pole King Seal in the Nine Palaces Map, it is not something that the Holy Treasure of Shangyanghou Kingdom can compete with.


The next moment, the holy treasure seal in Shangyang Yunchuan's hand was sucked into the Nine Palaces Diagram, and was firmly suppressed by the transfigured East Extreme King Seal.

Shangyang Yunchuan lost the seal of the Holy Treasure, and he was just a Holy One with the first level of the Holy Body.

The situation is reversed instantly!

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