Longevity Species

Chapter 456 Destroy the Eucharist with one punch! (Second more)

Without the seal of the Holy Treasure, Shangyang Yunchuan no longer had the prestige of looking down on all living beings before, and he showed his original shape as if he had been knocked out of the mundane world.

It's just a holy body and a holy statue.

No matter how powerful a treasure is, it is only an external force.

At this moment, the Eldest Young Master looked up to the sky and laughed loudly: "Hahaha, Shangyang Yunchuan, do you think that you will be invincible after obtaining the holy treasure? Do you think that with the support of the Marquis of Shangyang, you can be in charge of Shangyang?" Hou Guo, to become the lord of the Hou country? Humph, if Shang Yang Hou was not old-fashioned, dizzy and incompetent, how could he have chosen you as the heir of Shang Yang Hou country? I am not better than you in terms of cultivation and power? By the way, you Didn't you rely on that Lord Lei to defeat the Ke Qing under my son's command? Where is the Lord Lei that you rely on?"

The eldest son seemed to be suppressed a little too hard, and now he exploded all of a sudden.

"Are you looking for Lei?"

Suddenly, a familiar figure came into the Eldest Young Master's ear.


The eldest son turned around abruptly, and at some point, a familiar figure appeared behind him.

"Lei Dao!"

The eldest son gritted his teeth.

Of course the eldest son remembered Lei Dao, and he was extremely afraid. At the beginning, the eldest son was originally the heir of the Hou Kingdom, so what was a mere Shangyang Yunchuan?

Shangyang Yunchuan had no part in it at all.

But because of Lei Dao's appearance, everything changed.

Lei Dao supported Shang Yang Yunchuan, turned the world around abruptly, and defeated Ke Qing under the command of the eldest son. He was very strong, and this helped Shang Yang Yunchuan become the heir of Shang Yanghou.

Lei Dao at that time was very strong.

Even the eldest son felt jealous.

He hates Lei Dao.

If there was no Lei Dao, then the Eldest Young Master would be able to inherit the Shangyanghou Kingdom now, why would he need to take the risk and cooperate with the people of the Jiugonghou Kingdom, but bear the infamy instead?

Given a choice, who wants to bear the infamy?

All this is because of Lei Dao!

Therefore, the Eldest Young Master hated Lei Dao for a long time, but he didn't intend to underestimate or despise Lei Dao. On the contrary, he attached great importance to Lei Dao.

"Eldest son, this step you took is wrong. No matter how much you fight with Jiu Gongzi, it is still a matter within the Shangyang family, and it is a matter within Shangyanghou. But now, you and Jiugonghou People cooperate, that is to lead the wolf into the house, but this has touched the bottom line, it is not good to do so!"

Lei Dao shook his head, his eyes only stayed on the eldest son for a moment, and then turned to the ninth son, Shangyang Yunchuan.

Lei Dao even said loudly: "Ninth Young Master, Lei has already reminded you that external force is external force after all. Only one's own strength is the most reliable! How is it now? Even the Holy Treasure has something to lose Danger."

It has always been Lei Dao's philosophy to attribute great power to oneself.

No matter how strong the external force is, it is always an external force, and there will be times when it cannot be relied upon. But it is different for itself, no matter what the situation is, no one can deprive it of its own power.

That's the real guarantee!

However, the Ninth Young Master Shangyang Yunchuan may understand, but he doesn't have so much time to cultivate his own mighty power. The Holy Treasure can make him almost invincible below the fourth level of the Eucharist, so he is naturally willing to use the Holy Treasure.

It's a pity that the Holy Treasure is now suppressed by a sliver of power from the East Extreme King Seal, and he can no longer use it.

How to face these nearly thirty saints?

Unless, the ancestor of the fourfold Eucharist appears.

It's just that the ancestor hasn't shown up for so long, he must be in trouble. The people of Jiugong Hou Kingdom must have been fully prepared, it is impossible to even forget the ancestor of the fourth layer of the Eucharist.

Once the ancestors can't come, they are really in danger.

"You are Lei Dao? Since you are only a guest of Shangyang Yunchuan, you are not actually a member of the Shangyang Hou Kingdom. Who is it not to sacrifice your life for someone? Why not follow my Jiugong Hou Kingdom? It will definitely benefit you."

The black-robed saint spoke slowly.

In fact, he also investigated Lei Dao.

At the beginning, the eldest son mentioned Lei Dao so cautiously, which naturally aroused the interest of these black-robed saints.

This investigation really revealed something.

Lei Dao, a casual cultivator, actually condensed the ultimate holy body, not even one, but two ultimate holy bodies! It is also because of this that he was able to match the triple saint of the Eucharist, and even defeat the triple saint of the Holy Physique. With his own strength, the Eldest Prince was completely defeated.

This is real talent!

The Jiugonghou Kingdom didn't really want to annex the Shangyanghou Kingdom, it just wanted to get the Holy Treasure Seal and dedicate it to the Dongji King. By the way, it is enough to control Shangyanghou Kingdom.

Lei Dao is just a guest, if he can win him over, he should do his best.

Even Lei Dao's eyes lit up.

If it can be resolved peacefully, he doesn't want to kill him.

"Can your Nine Palaces give me a 40,000-year elixir?"

"Uh...even I haven't been able to get the 40,000-year elixir. Maybe, I don't know how much credit I have to make to be able to get the gift of the 40,000-year elixir."

"Can that give me the top holy law?"

"The holy law also has to get a lot of credit."

Lei Dao shook his head, already understood in his heart.

Being stingy, the people of the Marquis of Jiugong are too stingy, and the structure is too small.

Lei Dao was by Shangyang Yunchuan's side, and he was given the holy law and the elixir at will. The 30,000-year elixir was given to two plants. If there were 40,000-year elixir, as long as Lei Dao showed his strength, there would be no big problem.

Under such circumstances, how could Lei Dao switch to the Nine Palaces? I'm afraid it's not "Shi Lezhi".

Lei Dao was stupid to switch to Jiugonghou.

Therefore, Lei Dao looked upright, and said with righteous words: "Lei is the guest minister of the ninth son Shangyang Yunchuan, and he is deeply treated by the Shangyang family. Now that the Shangyang family is alive and dead, how can Lei be transferred to the family?" you?"

Lei Dao's words stunned the people of Jiugong Hou Kingdom.

Just now Lei Dao looked very interested, why did he suddenly become righteous again?

Could it be that he thinks that Jiugong Houguo's treatment is not good?

For a moment, the face of the black-robed saint became ugly.

In his opinion, he was equivalent to saving Lei Dao and sparing Lei Dao's life. In the end, Lei Dao still wanted to negotiate terms with him?

"Since you want to be buried with Shangyang Yunchuan, then this saint will fulfill you! Anyone who resists will be killed without mercy!"

Immediately, following the order of the black-robed saint, nearly thirty saints manifested countless holy bodies. The terrifying aura emanating from the thousands of feet of holy body swept over like mountains and seas.

At this moment, even Shang Yanghou showed despair.

Shang Yanghou, who has lost the holy treasure, even if it is the third-level saint of the peak holy body, but so what?

Among the thirty saints, although the number of holy saints is not many, they are no less than eight. This is a very terrifying lineup.

They can't resist!

Especially the Eldest Young Master, who has already pushed forward.

He wanted to kill Shangyang Yunchuan with his own hands to vent his hatred.

"Shangyang Yunchuan, die!"

The eldest son made a move, directly towards Shangyang Yunchuan. Three triple-strengthened holy bodies, with a height of hundreds of feet, jumped out of the void and rushed straight towards Shangyang Yunchuan.

The huge and terrifying holy body seemed to tear Shangyang Yunchuan's holy body into pieces.

Once the eldest son is really allowed to approach, with Shangyang Yunchuan's current strength, it is only the first level of the holy body, and he may not even be able to last a breath.

"Hmph, looking for death!"

There was a gleam in Lei Dao's eyes.

He needs to be intimidated, otherwise, nearly thirty holy venerables will be invincible.

As for the target of deterrence, didn't someone jump out?

It is the eldest son!

Moreover, the Eldest Young Master is also a triple powerhouse of the Eucharist, so he is a very good choice.

The next moment, Lei Dao no longer hesitated.


With a low growl, the Saint of Annihilation suddenly appeared behind Lei Dao.

As soon as the Annihilation Eucharist appeared, it exuded a terrifying aura. Because it is the ultimate holy body that has been strengthened three times, all the saints feel a kind of suppression.

Their holy bodies seemed to be tightly suppressed.

In front of Lei Dao's annihilated holy body, they all crouched and trembled faintly.

"Mie Yuan!"

Lei Dao's eyes were cold. Since it was deterrence, since it was Li Wei, he had to use the strongest means, the most shocking way.

Therefore, right away, Lei Dao let the Annihilation Saint Body perform the Yuan Mie Sheng Dharma, and it was the perfect Yuan Yuan Sheng Dharma.


The sky seemed to tremble slightly.

Immediately afterwards, Lei Dao's Annihilation Body erupted with unimaginable terrifying power. This blow was equivalent to Lei Dao mobilizing 80% of the Annihilation Body's power.

What kind of horror is this?

With one blow, 80% of the power explodes.

Moreover, it is also 80% of the power of the triple ultimate Eucharist. This blow has already surpassed the limit of the Holy Body Triple Layer, and its strength is unbelievable.

Even Shangyang Yunchuan was shocked.

Lei Dao's punch, even if he used the Holy Treasure Seal, he didn't know if he could block it.

"Is this your own power?"

Shangyang Yunchuan murmured in a low voice.

He seemed to be a little shaken, and the seal of the Holy Treasure might have made him really lost.

"No, this is the power of the ultimate holy body that has been strengthened three times! Saint Lei...has advanced!"

The voice of Shang Yanghou came from the ear.

The lifeless Shang Yanghou, at this moment, had flashing eyes, fixedly staring at Lei Dao's Annihilation Saint Body in the void, as if he couldn't believe his eyes,

Strengthened three times!

That means, the triple Eucharist!

In other words, Lei Dao has advanced again?

It wasn't long before he advanced to the second level of the Eucharist, and now he has advanced to the third level of the Eucharist?

Advanced Lei Dao seems to be as simple as eating and drinking. Even if he saw it with his own eyes, Shangyang Yunchuan couldn't believe it.


Lei Dao's punch directly hit one of the saints of the eldest son.

There was no earth-shattering crackling sound, let alone terrifying visions, and it even seemed very calm.

Because, with Lei Dao's fist, all the annihilation power was concentrated on the fist, and it exploded instantly after it hit the holy body of the eldest son.

Then, it is annihilation!

Quietly, the thrice-strengthened holy body, the huge holy body of thousands of feet, turned into dust in an instant like weathered sand and stone.

One punch, the holy body is destroyed!

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