Longevity Species

Chapter 459 Fighting against the quadruple ancestor! (Second more)

"Old Ancestor, the Old Ancestor is here!"

"The ancestor has finally arrived, we are saved!"

"Just a little bit, almost couldn't bear it..."

There are still seven saints left.

There are nearly thirty saints, but only seven are left, and these seven saints are all triple saints of the Eucharist. But even the Holy Body Triple Saint is very miserable now.

There are many people who have been severely injured.

As for those who have one or even two holy bodies wiped out, there are not a few, and there are no ones that can be intact.


Following the angry voice of Jiugong Houguo, almost in the blink of an eye, a holy body of thousands of feet that covered the sky and the sun to the extreme had already come across the void.


Shangyang Yunchuan changed color slightly.

With just one blow, the defensive cover arranged by his holy treasure has been torn apart. You know, this is the defensive cover arranged by his holy treasure.

Even before, there were thirty saints who could not break the defensive cover with crazy attacks and left, but now, just a slight tear of the holy body was completely torn apart.

Shangyang Yunchuan also hastily withdrew all the power of the holy treasure, looking at the holy body in the void with great vigilance.


There seemed to be a terrifying pressure emanating from this sacred body, like a huge ancient sacred mountain, lying across the void, and pressing on everyone in Shangyang City.

Even Shangyang Yunchuan and the previous Shangyanghou couldn't bear it faintly, as if they could be overwhelmed by their momentum alone.


This is the ancestor of the holy body quadruple!

The fourfold Eucharist can control a country!

It is not until today that Shangyang Yunchuan understands the true meaning of "Keep a country under control".

It turned out that the Fourfold Eucharist was far more terrifying and tyrannical than he imagined!

"Fourfold Eucharist!"

Lei Dao's expression also became dignified.

He didn't continue to do anything, and three holy bodies manifested, plus a divine blood clone, lying in the void, staring at the holy body in the void with piercing eyes.

That is the holy body strengthened four times!

Lei Dao had heard many times about the fourfold Saint of the Eucharist. But after all, it is just a rumor, and there is no chance to get a glimpse of it. After all, the four-fold saint of the holy body, but the town of a country, rarely appears at ordinary times, and is the supreme and strongest saint in a kingdom.

Today, Lei Dao finally saw the Holy Body Fourfold Saint.

Lei Dao didn't dare to underestimate the holy body of the fourth level of the holy body. He was even very vigilant against the fourth level of the holy body. In fact, they are all preparing for the quadruple Eucharist.

Don't look at him as if he can instantly kill the third-level saint of the holy body, it seems that only the fourth-level holy body can do it. In the eyes of other holy venerables, Lei Dao is even comparable to the four-fold holy venerable saint.

But exactly how, only Lei Dao himself knows.

He still had some apprehension and apprehension in his heart.

However, Lei Dao felt a little strange, or rather confused, when he saw the fourth-layer patriarch of the holy body in front of him, the fourth-layer patriarch of Jiugong Houguo.

The ancestor of Jiugong Houguo has manifested four times strengthened holy body, and his powerful aura has suppressed almost everyone in Shangyang City.

It's just that in Lei Dao's induction. The ancestor of the Nine Palaces Marquis is certainly very strong, but there seems to be a big gap with his imagination.

"It seems... It doesn't seem to be as strong as I imagined. Could it be that I haven't exploded with all my strength? Or, this ancestor underestimated me, so he didn't take me seriously at all, and didn't even have a tenth of the momentum. Come out?"

Lei Dao felt more and more that this might be the reason, otherwise, the patriarch of the Holy Physique quadruple could control a country, but it is impossible not to suppress Lei Dao. At least Lei Dao didn't feel too much threat.

This in itself is not normal.

Lei Dao kept his posture very low.

It is also because the prestige of the fourth-layer ancestor of the holy body is too great, and Lei Dao can't ignore it.

"Old Ancestor!"

One of the saints with the third level of the holy body had a holy body wiped out, and when he saw his ancestor appearing, his face immediately became sad and angry.

"Old Ancestor, there are thirty Holy Venerables, and now, we are the only ones left."

The Patriarch of Jiugong Houguo's face was livid.

He didn't need to use his divine sense to check at all, he could see the rest of the Holy One at a glance.

Seven, only seven!

There are a total of thirty saints, almost the elite of the Nine Palaces, they are the backbone, supporting the entire Nine Palaces. But now? It's all over.

"The old man's plan is absolutely foolproof, what's more, there is even a trace of the power of the East Extreme King Seal, even the holy treasure of Shangyanghou Kingdom can suppress it, how did you become like this?"

The ancestor almost gritted his teeth and asked with a livid face.

"Old Ancestor, it's Lei Dao! Lei Dao, the first-class guest minister under Shang Yang Yunchuan, although he is the third level of the holy body, he is too powerful and can kill the same level of saints in seconds. Even a trace of power from the East Extreme King Seal, It was all broken by him, otherwise, we would have controlled the situation in Shangyang City long ago, how could we have suffered such heavy losses?"


The eyes of the Patriarch Jiugong Hou Guo were fixed on Lei Dao in an instant.

His plan fell short, and it turned out that it was all because of Lei Dao in front of him. Moreover, the third level of the holy body can kill the same level powerhouse in seconds. Clearly, Lei Dao is very unusual.

"You are Lei Dao?"

Jiugong Patriarch asked in a deep voice.

"Old Patriarch of the Nine Palaces, you villains are the ones to sue first. Your Jiugong Hou Country has bad intentions towards the Shangyang Hou Country, and now you have all attacked Shangyang City, but you have to blame Lei for beheading some of the Jiugong Hou Kingdom's saints? Where in the world is there such a reason?"

Lei Dao had a cautious face, and was quite afraid of the Jiugong Patriarch.

He was also worried that he would be accidentally killed by the Patriarch Jiugong.

After all, he had never fought with the fourth-level saints of the Eucharist, so he didn't know how terrifying these fourth-level ancestors were.

"True? The old man is the truth, and the King of Dongji is the truth! Hmph, if the old ghost of Shangyang clings to the holy treasure, then the end of your kingdom of Shangyang is already doomed. I originally wanted to recruit some of your saints, but now It seems...you are all going to die!"

The Patriarch Jiugong is furious now, and has lost more than 20 Saints at once, including the Holy Body Triple Saints. Naturally, he was extremely angry.

Now, he just wants to kill Lei Dao to vent his hatred.


Immediately, the Patriarch Jiugong made a move.

There is only one holy body, although it is only a holy body, but it is a terrifying holy body that has been strengthened four times. Patriarch Jiugong stretched out his palm, as if covering the sky all at once.

The huge palm that covered the sky and the sun was grabbed towards Lei Dao, as if Mount Tai was pressing down on the top, making it impossible for Lei Dao to avoid it.


Shangyang Yunchuan took the lead.

It is impossible for him to watch the Jiugong Patriarch make a move.

Therefore, Shangyang Yunchuan mobilized the power of faith of all sentient beings on the holy treasure, formed a ball of terrifying light, and threw it directly at Patriarch Jiugong.


Patriarch Jiugong flicked his fingers.


Shangyang Yunchuan's holy treasure was directly bounced away, and even the attack with the holy treasure was invisible.

"If the Shangyang old ghost controls the Holy Treasure, maybe this old man will still be afraid of it. But you are a mere saint of the Holy Body, even if you have the Holy Treasure, how can you deal with this old man? It is still far away! What's more, now Shangyang I'm afraid that the old ghost will be in danger, so where can I come to rescue you?"

Jiugong Patriarch sneered disdainfully.

It is not as simple as saying that the four layers of the Eucharist can control a country. They can ignore almost any power below the Eucharist Quadruple. Even if it is a holy treasure, it is nothing in their eyes.

Of course, it refers to Hou Yin. If it is a public seal, it must be not simple.

Not to mention the king's seal, with that kind of power, even the quadruple Saint Physique would be easily suppressed and killed.


Shangyang Yunchuan's sacred body was a little unstable. He took back the holy treasure and found that the holy treasure was dim and had obviously been severely injured. Facing such a terrifying powerhouse like Jiugong Patriarch, even the Holy Treasure is useless.

"As expected of the fourth level of the Eucharist, it is indeed very strong. It is the strongest saint that Lei has ever encountered. Since this is the case, Lei should use the strongest means to fight!"

Raidou took a deep breath.

Even the holy treasure of Shangyang Yunchuan is vulnerable, which shows how powerful the ancestor of Jiugong is.

It seems that the rumors are true, the quadruple Saint Physique powerhouse is truly terrifyingly strong!

In the void, the huge palm had already fallen down quickly, Lei Dao raised his head, looking at the palm in the void. Immediately, his three saints plus a divine blood clone let out a low growl.

"God's Eye Domain!"

The next moment, the scarlet light enveloped the divine-blood avatar, and formed a scarlet field, which began to spread rapidly, covering the three holy bodies in it.


The speed at which the three saints sent out increased dramatically.

In the field of divine eyes, it can not only increase the speed of the divine blood avatar, as long as it is within the coverage of his divine eye field, it is up to him to decide whether to speed up or slow down.


Finally, the big hand in the void, the sacred body strengthened four times by Patriarch Jiugong, was instantly enveloped by the divine eye domain. Lei Dao's divine eye domain trembled slightly.

Although, the holy body of the Patriarch Jiugong brought a heavy burden to the field of divine eyes.

Of course, Lei Dao didn't try to slow down the speed of Jiugong Patriarch Saint Body with the domain of divine eyes, otherwise, his domain of divine eyes might collapse in an instant.

The reason why Lei Dao covered the field of divine eyes was because in the field of divine eyes, he could accelerate the three holy bodies, so that his holy bodies could take more initiative.


Sure enough, Lei Dao's holy body rushed to the side of Jiugong Patriarch's holy body almost instantly.

Afterwards, the Annihilation Saint Physique, Blue Ice Saint Physique, Storm Explosion Saint Physique, and even the divine-blood avatars, one of the three Physique Masters, completely exerted their strongest power at all costs.

"Absolutely cold!"

"Sacred Law of Destruction!"



The mighty power erupted in an instant, and Lei Dao's three saints plus a clone had never performed a joint attack like this before!

The power even surpassed Lei Dao's imagination.

However, he was still very cautious.

After all, that is the Fourfold Saint of the Eucharist!

That is an almost invincible existence.

Even if Lei Dao's three holy bodies and divine blood clones hit with all their strength, so what?

I'm afraid they won't be able to hurt the fur of the holy body of the ancestor of Jiugong, maybe the backhand will be suppressed by the ancestor of Jiugong. Therefore, Lei Dao did not dare to relax in the slightest, but concentrated on staring at the holy body of the Jiugong Patriarch.

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