Longevity Species

Chapter 460 Destroyed! (third change)

In the void, Lei Dao's three thousand-foot-high holy bodies, plus a thousand-hundred-foot holy blood avatar, all stared at the holy body in the center covetously.

That is the sacred body of the Patriarch Jiugong.

Under the attack of Lei Dao's three holy bodies and the divine blood avatar, the holy body of the Patriarch Jiugong had long been submerged in Lei Dao's terrifying attack.

When the smoke and dust cleared, Lei Dao's three saints all opened their eyes wide.

He saw a huge figure looming in the middle.

"Sure enough, the quadruple Eucharist is not that easy to deal with..."

Lei Dao has tried his best, and he is going all out, but the holy body of the ancestor of Jiugong is only a holy body, but it is still intact. This feeling is really frustrating.

The fourfold Eucharist, are they really invincible?

"No, no, this Eucharist..."

After a while, the smoke and dust cleared away completely. At this time, the holy body of Patriarch Jiugong had clearly appeared in front of everyone.

Where is this still a Eucharist?

Although there are still thousands of feet, the holy body is already riddled with holes. The surface of the holy body is densely covered with cracks, just like fragile glass, which seems to shatter at the touch of a touch.

What's more, this holy body is continuously disintegrating and turning into powder.


Finally, the holy body completely collapsed. The thousand-foot-high holy body could no longer support it, collapsed in an instant, and turned into dust.

Seeing this scene, Lei Dao was dumbfounded.

Shangyang Yunchuan was also dumbfounded.

Even the previous Marquis of Shangyang, and even everyone in Shangyang City were dumbfounded.

Isn't this the invincible Holy Physique Quadruple Nine Palace Patriarch?

Why is the holy body strengthened four times so fragile?

It actually collapsed.

"Is that really the Patriarch of Jiugong? Why is the Eucharist so fragile?"

Shangyang Yunchuan couldn't believe his eyes.

The ancestor of Jiugong is very famous, even he has heard of it, he is an invincible powerhouse comparable to his own ancestor. The Patriarch Jiugong had just arrived, and even Shangyang Yunchuan was in despair.

His holy treasure seal is of no use at all in front of Jiugong Patriarch.

But now, a sacred body of Patriarch Jiugong collapsed unexpectedly.

"It's not that the holy body of Patriarch Jiugong is weak, but... Lei Shengzun is too strong!"

The previous Shang Yanghou took a deep breath and spoke slowly.

As a former Marquis of Shangyang, he deeply knew the horror of the ancestor of Jiugong. Even in the kingdom of Shang Yanghou, the Patriarch of Jiugong is fearless. Even if the ancestor of the family makes a move, it may not be able to win the ancestor of Jiugong.

But now, the Holy Body of Patriarch Jiugong has collapsed.

It was wiped out by Lei Dao.

Think about Lei Dao just now, the three great saints plus a clone, and the overwhelming attack, how terrifying is that? Just looking at it makes my heart palpitate.

That kind of power can easily kill any Holy Physique Triple Saint in seconds. Now it's all erupting, erupting together, how terrifying is the power formed?

Perhaps, even the Patriarch Jiugong didn't react, and could only passively "resist" Lei Dao's attack, and the result became what he is now.

A sacred body of Patriarch Jiugong was completely shattered by Lei Shengzun, and even completely wiped out.

The Patriarch of Jiugong mobilized the crowd and came with terrifying power, but in the end he lost a holy body in an instant. What kind of irony is this?

"Lei Dao!!!"

Jiugong Patriarch was furious in his heart.

It never occurred to him that he would lose a Eucharist.

Even with his four times strengthened holy body, even if he stood there and let Shangyang Yunchuan and others attack, he would not be able to do anything to his holy body.

This is the power of the fourfold saint of the Eucharist.

But now, with a careless move, he actually hit the Tao, and a holy body was obliterated by Lei Dao, which almost drove the Patriarch of Jiugong crazy. Even if he is at the fourth level of the Holy Physique, once a single of the Holy Physique is wiped out, it will still hurt his muscles and bones, and his strength will be greatly damaged.


Immediately, following the roar of the Jiugong Patriarch, three terrifying holy bodies with the same size of hundreds of feet appeared in the void, each of them was like a demon god walking out of the depths of the void, roaring crazily. The terrifying momentum swept towards Lei Dao like a torrent.

"Lei Dao, dare to obliterate the sacred body of the ancestor, no one can save you today!"

The three saints spoke at the same time, and it seemed that even the void was distorted.

Raidou blinked.

He suddenly felt that this sentence sounded familiar.

It seems... It seems that deep in my memory, many people have said this sentence, but, what about those people who said this sentence? In the end, it seemed to be cool.

Moreover, the most important thing is to let Lei Dao understand through this battle. The quadruple Eucharist is actually nothing more than that, he has the ability to fight.

Therefore, Lei Dao was also excited, and said loudly: "It's really boring, Patriarch Jiugong, can you change another sentence? Lei has heard this sentence many times, and the people who said this sentence are cold. Patriarch Jiugong, maybe you will be the next cool person."

"Bastard! A mere Eucharist triple dares to speak nonsense."

"Really? Lei has a mere three layers of Eucharist, but he can wipe out one of your Eucharist in one blow. Tsk tsk, Lei was cautious before, thinking that the fourth layer of Eucharist is not so powerful. But now it seems that the fourth layer of Eucharist The weight seems to be nothing more than that. Patriarch Jiugong, is the Fourth Layer of the Holy Physique too weak, or are you too weak? If you are too weak, you will really lose face of the Fourth Layer of the Holy Physique!"

Lei Dao's words made Patriarch Jiugong's face turn green with anger.

His majestic ancestor of the Holy Body quadruple, the Jiugonghou Kingdom is a unique and supreme existence, even more respected than Jiugonghou's status. When did you receive such verbal attacks from Lei Dao?

However, the ancestor of Jiugong had nothing to say and could not refute.

One of his sacred bodies was indeed defeated by Lei Dao's blow, and even completely wiped out.

Lei Dao is also full of confidence now. In the battle just now, he probably has figured out the confidence of the fourth level of the Holy Body. It is indeed very strong, far beyond the comparison of the third level of the Holy Body.

But his three ultimate holy bodies can handle it!


The Patriarch Jiugong was extremely angry, so he immediately attacked.

With a low growl, the three holy bodies of hundreds of feet rushed directly towards Lei Dao. And every holy body has displayed the holy law.

Holy methods, at least they are all minor successes!

There is even a sacred body that casts the Great Accomplishment Law!

Strong, indeed strong!

Compared with the first Eucharist, it is indeed much stronger. For the first holy body, the Patriarch Jiugong was indeed careless. He originally thought that even if he stood there under the fourth layer of the holy body, no one could do anything to get him.

But who knew there was such an anomaly as Lei Dao. With the triple strength of the holy body, he was able to defeat his holy body with one blow, and even wiped out his holy body.

It's incredible!

Although Patriarch Jiugong seemed very angry, in fact, Patriarch Jiugong was very cautious. Having already fallen on Lei Dao once, of course he will not underestimate the enemy again.

Although angry, deep down in his heart, he regarded Lei Dao as an existence of the same level and treated him equally.

Therefore, this time, the three holy bodies were also dispatched together, and even directly displayed the holy law.

Using the holy body that has been strengthened four times to cast the holy law, the power is indeed extraordinary.

Even Lei Dao felt a terrifying power coming towards him, which was indeed much more threatening than the first holy body.

But how could Lei Dao be afraid?

"Well done!"

Lei Dao was also excited. It had been a long time since he had faced an evenly matched opponent, whether he had faced the second level of the Holy Body or the third level of the Holy Body.

It seems to be the same regardless of whether Lei Dao is the second stage of the Eucharist or the third stage of the Eucharist. The opponents he faced were directly crushed by Lei Dao, and no one could resist Lei Dao.

And now, the Nine Palace Patriarch in front of him finally put some pressure on Lei Dao.

"Absolutely cold!"

Lei Dao directly mobilized the Blue Ice Saint Body to meet him.

There was also the Annihilation Eucharist, who also used the Holy Law to meet it, and the two sides collided with each other, and Lei Dao's Eucharist shook slightly. Obviously, it didn't destroy the opponent's holy body like before.

Even Lei Dao's two holy bodies were under tremendous pressure.

But that's all.

Lei Dao has the upper hand!

This is simply unbelievable, the battle between the third level of the holy body and the fourth level of the holy body, this time the ancestor of Jiugong did not take it lightly, and was even very cautious.

But it still has the upper hand!

The three-layer thunder of the holy body, the two holy bodies are tightly suppressing the Jiugong Patriarch.

However, the last Holy Physique of the Storm did not practice the Holy Law, so it could only use the power of the ultimate Holy Physique to fight against the third Holy Physique of the Patriarch Jiugong. It seems that it is relatively passive, but Lei Dao still has a divine blood clone.


The divine-blood avatar displayed the domain of divine eyes.

The scarlet light spread rapidly, enveloping the Storm Sacrament and the third Sacrament of Jiugong Patriarch in the blink of an eye. Lei Dao didn't cover all the sacred bodies of the Patriarch Jiugong at once, Lei Dao wanted to use the power of the God's Eye domain.

He wants to imprison the holy body of the Patriarch Jiugong!

The field of divine eyes exploded completely, and Lei Dao still had some confidence, or some confidence, just to imprison a holy body.


Following the Thunder God's blood avatar, he drank in a low voice.

Immediately, the area of ​​the scarlet god's eyes shrank rapidly. The smaller the area, the stronger the power that Lei Dao can use.


With Lei Dao's low growl, the scarlet domain quickly began to imprison the third holy body of Patriarch Jiugong. Although it was only a holy body, it was still a huge burden for Lei Dao's divine blood avatar.

After all, this time is to be imprisoned!

The confinement in the field of divine eyes is equivalent to slowing down.

When the speed slows down to a certain level, it is motionless, no different from being imprisoned.

The power of the divine eye field crazily acted on the third holy body of Patriarch Jiugong. Immediately, the expression of the third holy body of Patriarch Jiugong changed, as if he had realized something, and began to struggle violently.

At this time, the Holy Body of the Storm also sensed the opportunity, and immediately rushed forward, desperately attacking the Holy Body of Patriarch Jiugong.

At this moment, the third holy body of Patriarch Jiugong has been completely imprisoned, like a living target, motionless, allowing the attack of the storm holy body.

Therefore, this holy body quickly disintegrated and obliterated at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In just a moment, more than 90% of it has been obliterated.


The Patriarch Jiugong let out a roar, but he couldn't stop the Saint of Storms.


When the last palm of the Holy Body of Storm hit the third holy body of Patriarch Jiugong. Immediately, more than 90% of the holy body had been wiped out, completely annihilated, and turned into ashes.

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